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BASES PARA EL ESTABLECIMIENTO DE UN PROGRAMA DE VIGILANCIA DE ENFERMEDADES EMERGENTES Y/O PRESENTES EN MEXICO… MVZ, PHD LAURA BATISTA BATISTA & ASOCIADOS SONORA, MÉXICO LAC BROME, QC, CANADÁ AGENDA • Introducción • Propuesta • La globalización • Análisis y acciones • Diagnóstico • La bioseguridad • Transporte • Impacto económico • Conclusiones AUTORIDADES PRODUCTORES (propiedad) VETERINARIOS (acciones, liderazgo, planes) COORDINACIÓN Y ORGANIZACIÓN CLAVE!!!!! EQUIPOS DE APOYO (LABORATORIOS DE DIAGNÓSTICO, empresas farmacéuticas, de alimentos, genéticas, transporte, etc.) PORQUE ESTA PROPUESTA? Spike in Jan/Feb? Source: Swine Health Monitoring Report, University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine. May 16, 2014. Source: Dr Steve Tousignant (, National PRRSv Incidence Project, UMN MUNDO GLOBALIZADO Arruda et al. 2014 LA GLOBALIZACIÓN TIENE SUS BEMOLES… • Importaciones masivas de cerdos, canales y material de todo el mundo. • Posibilidad de importar enfermedades exóticas o emergentes. • Algunas están bien caracterizadas, pero otras no… El ébola deja en evidencia al sistema de salud mundial el mundo NO está preparado para las epidemias. Trish M. Pearl hace una aguda crítica y emite una urgente alerta para que el mundo se prepare frente a las crisis infecciosas, las cuales serán cada vez más frecuentes. ENFERMEDADES EMERGENTES • Problema más complicado… • Enfermedades mal descritas con patología variable. Algunas con poca signología. • • • Requieren analizar los datos de producción. Requiere decidir si es o no un problema de producción en la granja. Classical swine fever found in Russian wild boar By Georgi GytonGeorgi Gyton , 15-Apr-20142014-04-15T00:00:00Z Related tags: Classical swine fever, Hog cholera, Russia, Wild boar, World Organisation for Animal Health An outbreak of classical swine fever (CSF) has been discovered in multiple locations in Russia. Three outbreaks have been recorded – the first since October 2013 – in wild boar, in the Amurskaya Oblast region of the country. A total of one death and the destruction of 16 wild boar have been reported so far. The outbreak started on 21 February 2014, but the report wasn’t received by the World Organisation for Animal Health until yesterday (14 April). Measures taken to control the spread include screening, movement control inside the country and the control of wildlife reservoirs. CSF, also known as hog cholera, is a contagious viral disease of domestic and wild swine. This content is copyright protected However, if you would like to share the information in this article, you may use the headline, summary and link below: Classical swine fever found in Russian wild boar By Georgi GytonGeorgi Gyton, 15-Apr-2014 An outbreak of classical swine fever (CSF) has been discovered in multiple locations in Russia. Copyright - Unless otherwise stated all contents of this web site are © 2015 - William Reed Business Media Ltd - All Rights Reserved - For permission to reproduce any contents of this web site, please email Robert Proctor - Full details for the use of materials on this site can be found in the Terms & Conditions Related news: Breaking news: Danes move quickly on suspected swine fever case Switzerland calls ban on certain live pig imports Classical swine fever discovery in Ukraine Vaccine claim in fight against African swine fever EU member states pass new swine fever controls African swine fever to impact 2014 pig prices Harding, J. 2014 Harding, J. 2014 Harding, J. 2014 Harding, J. 2014 NUESTRA HISTORIA NO ES BUENA… • Hemos importado muchas enfermedades de otros países… • No las hemos identificarlas rápidamente. • Por lo tanto no hemos sido capaces de contenerlas y evitar su diseminación. DE DONDE VIENEN? • Mutaciones, variaciones y-o recombinaciones de virus y bacterias apatógenas y de patogenicidad baja • Espacios en la naturaleza • Presión de sistemas de producción • Densidad animal Swine - Health Management and Biosecurity Information for Ontario pork producers on swine health management and biosecurity. Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) Biosecurity •National Strategy to Prevent the Spread of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea to Canada, Canadian Swine Health Board •National Swine Farm-Level Biosecurity Standard, Canadian Swine Health Board •Biosecurity Fundamentals For Visitors To Livestock Facilities •10 Step Guide to Implementing an Effective Biosecurity Plan (PDF Version) •Biosecurity Checklist •Biosecurity - Infectious Agents •Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheets •Biosecurity Fundamentals for Extension Personnel •Disinfection in On-Farm Biosecurity Procedures •On-Farm Biosecurity: Traffic Control and Sanitation •Farming Inspections and Biosecurity Protocols, Ministry of Labour video •Rodent Control in Livestock and Poultry Facilities (Order No. 13-057) PED News: CANADA. PED, TGE and Delta Coronavirus Remain a Threat in Western Canada COUNTRY & DATE: Canada. 2015-Sep-01 TYPE: Unofficial ISSUE: Follow-up: outbreaks reported in Canada SUMMARY: Environmental testing has shown PED, TGE and Delta Coronavirus remain a threat in western Canada. Because of the success of the environmental surveillance programs initiated to monitor high traffic sites for signs of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea, those programs are being extended in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba for another fiscal year. Dr. Julia Keenliside, a Veterinary Epidemiologist with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, told those taking part in Alberta Pork's monthly PED Telephone Town Hall Meeting last week, the success in dealing with PED is a testament not only to our producers' hard work but the hard work of everyone in the industry to work together to keep this disease out. FULL TEXT: elta+Coronavirus+Remain+a+Threat+in+Western+Canada Photos courtesy of: AJ Smit (#1 and #2) and Aubrey Cordray (#3) eca-valley-virus-and-vesicularlesions-in-a-pig-with-idiopathicvesicular-disease-21577579.1000123.pdf NUEVAS AMENAZAS: VIRUS DEL VALLE DEL SENECA • Senecavirus A (Seneca Valley Virus) in Swine, August 5, 2015 — Recently, there have been 4 cases of vesicular disease observed in unrelated diagnostic case submissions (3 cases from exhibition swine in Iowa, 1 case from a commercial finishing operation in South Dakota) at the ISU-VDL since July 28, 2015. Foreign animal disease investigations were initiated and samples all tested negative to FMDV, but positive to Senecavirus A. Other vesicular diseases have been ruled out as well. AASV originally reported on the presence of Seneca Valley Virus in October 2012. That article describing the clinical presentation associated with earlier introductions can be accessed on the AASV website. In addition, Drs. Chris Rademacher, Darin Madson, Rodger Main, KJ Yoon, Daniel Linhares, and AJ Smit at Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab have compiled a fact sheet entitled Senecavirus A (Seneca Valley Virus) in Swine describing the virus and clinical presentation of the recent cases. This document can be viewed on the AASV website by clicking here. Seneca Valley Virus Notice - identified in pigs in the US but from Canada and at a Canadian assembly yard. CFIA has provided some information to the swine industry on the detection of Seneca Valley Virus (SVV) in Canada at an Ontario assembly yard the week of October 19, 2015. Two different pig shipments from Canada were found to have vesicles and lameness at the same US abattoir. One load was from Ontario, via an ON assembly yard; one was sows from MB, though MB assembly yard. USDA did an FAD investigation and notified CFIA. Samples from the abattoir were sent to both CFIA and US labs and were negative for all FAD’s, but positive for SVV. CFIA did sampling at premises of origin in both ON and MB and all were negative. No samples were taken from MB assembly, as risk assessment deemed it to be not necessary, and the yard is assumed negative. Samples from ON assembly tested positive for SVV. CFIA trying to get additional information from US on how long animals were held before slaughter, contact with other pigs there, etc. At this point the source of the infection cannot be definitively proven. In Canada, animals showing vesicular lesions, will be considered FAD suspects. The CFIA will respond to any suspect FAD’s, including SVV. Suspects must be reported to CFIA, who will do inspection, risk assessment, and possible quarantine and testing. At an abattoir that could require plant stoppage, etc. as the FAD investigation occurs. CFIA can test for SV, SVD and FMD to rule out those FAD's. It has SVV tests, but they are not yet validated. They are endeavoring to validate the test with known positive samples being brought in from US for this. SVV is being seen more frequently in US and Brazil. Not sure if same virus as circulating previously or new strain. Strains from US previously have rarely appeared in Canada. CFIA will respond to SVV lesions as a suspect FAD for now; if more cases do appear in Canada, they will work on refining that protocol. We are expecting CFIA to initiate a call with swine veterinarians in the near future. Chris Byra Manager - Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network Greenbelt Swine Veterinary Services 8451 Harvard Place Chilliwack, BC V2P 7Z5 (604)316-6974 (cell) O, A MENOS QUE … 28 Johnson, A. 2015 COMUNICACIÓN Y REDES • EN LA COMUNIDAD VETERINARIA ESTAS REDES DEBERÍAN SER TAN COMUNES COMO EL FACEBOOK, TWITTER O LINKEDIN, SIN EMBARGO NO LO SON. • ESTAS REDES MANEJAN INFORMACIÓN DE SALUD Y PRODUCCIÓN QUE AYUDEN A TODOS LOS VETERINARIAS A RESOLVER PROBLEMAS DE SALUD ALREDEDOR DEL MUNDO. • ALGUNAS YA EXISTEN: • HTTP://WWW.SWINEHEALTH.CA/CSHIN.PHP • HTTP://BIOPORTAL.UCDAVIS.EDU/ ENTENDER LA DINÁMICA DE LA INFECCION PED Case Update Québec: As of October 19, 2015, 11 of the 16 sites infected with PED are now negative. The table below tabulates the sites in Québec that have been infected along with their current status. The PED virus from 5 farms were sequenced and two strains were identified. Four farms had the original highly virulent PEDv strain and one had the Indel strain (Ohio), which is somewhat less virulent. Chris Byra Manager of the Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network Estabilidad negativo PRRS Semen adecuada Aclimatación disminución Circulación viral efectiva Bioseguridad controlada Movilizaciones constante Monitoreo DX compartida Base de datos regional Programa de control Inestabilidad positivo inadecuada aumento mala desorganizada inconstante desconocida local PLAN DE CONTINGENCIA DIAGNÓSTCIO Y MONITOREO CONTINUO QUIEN SOY …? Gottschalk, M. , 2004 Aclimataciónd Pie de cría Maternidad OBJETIVO Destete Engorda • Nuevo brote • Enfermedad endémico • Monitoreo continuo • Caso raro/esporádico • Control • Erradicación • Monitoreo de enfermedades emergentes • Dependiendo del objetivo, serán las pruebas a solicitar y las muestras que debo enviar HABILIDAD DE LAS HERRAMIENTAS DIAGNÓSTICAS DE DETECTAR EL VPRRS DURANTE LA INFECCIÓN 39 Cano, JP 2013 Quick, easy, cheap to collect► ▼ PCR detection of SIV, PCV2, PRRSV, TTV ▼ PRRSV ELISA antibody response. Prickett et al., 2008. Detection of PRRSV infection in porcine oral fluid samples. J Vet Diagn Invest 20:156-163. Prickett et al., 2008. Oral-fluid samples for surveillance of commercial growing pigs for PRRSV and PCV2 infections. JSHAP 16(2):86-91. Hoffman P, Prickett J, et al., 2008. Implementation and validation of swine oral fluid collection in a commercial system. 38th Annual Meeting of the AASV. San Diego, California, pp. 301-302. ESTABLECER UN MUESTREO INICIAL, CONTINUO Y DE CONTINGENCIA Tipo de Granja Status de PRRSv Negative (IV) Edad Muestra Adultos # mínimo de muestras Prueba 10 ELISA / PCR (pools) (Secuenciar si es positivo) 30 PCR / Secuencia Suero Pie de Cría▲ Stable (II), Neg/Vac (Inv), Pos/Vac (Ipv) Por destetar Positive (Ip) Negative (IV) 4 semanas postdestete Destete ■ Neg/Vac (Inv), Pos/Vac (Ipv), Pos (Ip) Negative (IV) 4 semanas postllegada Engorda ● Neg/Vac (Inv), Pos/Vac (Ipv), Pos (Ip) Suero 10 Fluídos orales (OF) 1 soga / 1000 cerdos Suero 10 OF 1 soga / 1000 cerdos Suero 10 OF 1 soga / 1000 cerdos Suero 10 OF 1 soga / 1000 cerdos ELISA PCR (pools) / Secuencia ELISA PCR (pools) / Secuencia Clasificación de Granjas (Vers 6 – Nov 2011) (Adaptado de Holtkamp and Polson “Terminology for classifying herds for PRRSv status” JSHAP 2011;19(1):44-56) Site Classification Guideline for PED Virus Bob Morrison (P.I. Swine Health Monitoring Project), Matt Ackerman, Joe Connor Sow Farms I – Infected and shedding virus II – Stable – weaned pigs are negative for PED - Herd is free of clinical signs of PED - At least 4 consecutive samples of piglet feces collected as often as weekly from farrowing are PCR negative. o Each sample must represent 30 litters between 7 days of age and weaning (95/10). o Collect 1 Swiffer sample per litter. Bias the litters towards younger parity sows and/or have any diarrhea. Swab diarrhea when evident. o You may pool up to 5 swabs (litters) together for PCR testing. III – Provisionally negative - Herd is free of clinical signs of PED and at least 60 gilts have been introduced and have remained free of clinical signs of PED for at least 60 days. - These sentinel gilts should have no known history of prior PED infection. - Serum test is negative on at least 30 gilts present in sow herd for at least 60 days - Ongoing monthly testing of gilt litters is encouraged IV – Negative - Herd has no clinical history of PED virus Or - Herd was provisionally negative, has had no clinical evidence of PED virus for at least 6 months and gilts entering herd have no history of PED infection and have remained free of clinical signs. ROMPER PARADIGMAS, PORQUE NO?!!! NO TENGAN MIEDO!!! LOS FLUIDOS ORALES Zimmerman, J. 2002 ESTUDIAR, ENTENDER Y PRACTICAR LA EPIDEMIOLOGÍA RESULTADOS DE UNA INVESTIGACIÓN DE CASO Y PRÁCTICA BASADA EN EVIDENCIA Batista, L. y Mondaca E. 2014 LA BIOSEGURIDAD ` Broes A y Boutin R 2003 LA REALIDAD!! TRANSPORTE 1. No. de movimientos al día 2. Lavado de camiones 3. Presencia de excremento 4. Manejo de cerdos 5. Diseño del camión 6. Tipo de material del camión 7. CHOFERES MUESTREO CONOCER LOS MOVIMIENTOS DE CERDOS Y TRANSPORTE DE UN ÁREA Enciso, C. 2014 LIMITANTES EN EL TRANSPORTE • Capacidad de lavado • Costo y precio del lavado • Mano de obra ESTACIONES DE TRANSFERENCIA ANALIZAR Y ENTENDER EL IMPACTO PRODUCTIVO, COSTO Y RETORNO A LA INVERSIÓN (ROI) DE CUALQUIER ESTRATEGIA FACTORES QUE AFECTAN LA EFICIENCIA PRODUCTIVA ECONÓMICA Y CALIDAD DEL CERDO Font, P. 2010 PÉRDIDAS DE PRODUCTIVIDAD EN EL ÁREA REPRODUCTIVA Reduction in pigs weaned / mated female / year (calculated) (from BH-A) Survey of Veterinarians 0.0 BH-A BH-B Production Records BH-D BH-C -1.0 -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 -5.0 -6.0 -7.0 -8.0 Source: Survey of veterinarians; 26 veterinarians representing 2,339,800 females Holtkamp D. et al. 2013 PÉRDIDAS DE PRODUCTIVIDAD EN LA LÍNEA DE PRODUCCIÓN 6% Survey of Veterinarians Production Records GP-A1 GP-B 2 GP-C 3 Survey of Veterinarians 0 GP-A1 GP-C 2 1 0.04 -50 0.02 -60 0.00 1% -70 -0.02 0% -80 -0.04 -90 -0.06 Mortality (% of pigs born alive) GP-C 0.06 -40 2% 1 0.08 -30 3% Production Records GP-B 0.10 -20 4% 0.14 GP-A 1 0.12 -10 5% Survey of Veterinarians Production Records GP-B 2 Average Daily Gain (g/day) Feed Conversion (g feed/g gain) Major source of loss associated with PRRS virus in growing pigs is mortality Source: Survey of veterinarians; 26 veterinarians representing 41,496,625 pigs marketed 1,2,3,4 Different superscripts indicate statistical significance; Values from production records only Holtkamp D. et al. 2013 COSTO DE LAS ENFERMEDADES Diagnostic cost/ pig weaned Pharmaceutical cost/pig weaned $0.14 $0.26 $0.23 $0.22 $0.59 $1.15 $1.13 $0.91 BH-A BH-B $1.35 Immunization cost/pig weaned $1.91 $1.79 $1.74 BH-D $2.08 $3.32 $3.15 $2.87 TOTAL $0.00 $1.00 $2.00 $3.00 BH-C $4.00 $US/pig weaned Source: Survey of veterinarians; 26 veterinarians representing 2,339,800 females Holtkamp D. et al. 2013 UN NUEVO JUGADOR: COEFICIENTE DE VARIACIÓN DEL PESO AL MERCADO Edad promedio, d (Patience el al. 2008) 19 68 140 Meta de coeficiente de variación, % 22 13 8 80 kg. 90kg. 110k +/- 10 kg. 120 kg. 130kg. FACTORES DE RIESGO PARA LA VARIACIÓN DE PESO Variación de peso Peso al nacimiento Y destete Enfermedades de la Hembra y del Lechón Manejo Tamaño de parto Nutrición PRRS No. de parto Tipo de comedero SDPS Genética Espacio/cerdo Respiratorias Medio ambiente Digestivas Sexo ESCUCHAR COMENTARIOS COMO… • Los fracasos vienen de… • Falta de cumplimento de las estrategias probadas y establecidas… • Solo un cambio en los paradigmas lograrán una mejora a largo plazo de los programas individuales o regionales de control y mejoramiento de salud… • Estos cambios dependen de nuestra habilidad de transferir y aceptar el conocimiento, la tecnología y la motivación … NOS OBLIGA A PENSAR EN UNO DE NUESTROS ACTIVOS MÁS VALIOSOS Entrenamiento de personal 1.Trabajo consistente y estándar. 2.Un equipo que confianza en sí mismo. 3.Un equipo que es confiable. 4.Un sistema de producción es más eficiente. 5.Un sistema sostenible. 6.Menor presencia de enfermedades y errores. 7.Mayor motivación del personal y por lo tanto un trabajo más eficiente. 8.El personal está consciente de las responsabilidades al trabajar con otras personas y lo que los hace más flexibles. 9.Menor rotación de personal. 10. Finalmente, se aumenta la eficiencia no solo en la producción y salud, sino también permite la supervivencia económica de la empresa. CONCLUSIONES… “Claramente no existe fin a las amenazas que potencialmente pueden impactar a la industria porcina global; repetidamente la historia nos ha demostrado que las enfermedades, de notificación obligatoria, o no, y emergentes ocurren regularmente.” Traducido de Harding, J. IPVS 2014. CONCLUSIONES, cont • PLAN DE CONTINGENCIA Y ACCIÓN INMEDIATA • DIAGNÓSTICO, DETECCIÓN TEMPANA Y MONITOREO • ADHERENCIA Y RESPETO A LOS PROTOCOLOS • BIOSEGURIDAD • CADA REGIÓN/PAÍS ES UN MUNDO • EDUCACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN TE ATREVES A SOÑAR? • "LOCURA ES HACER LAS COSAS DE LA MISMA MANERA UNA Y OTRA VEZ, Y ESPERAR RESULTADOS DIFERENTES” ALBERT EINSTEIN Drucker, P