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HUNTON & WILLIAMS TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP OFFERS INVESTORS NEW PROTECTION AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION OPTIONS The Trans-Pacific Partnership (“TPP”) is a free-trade agreement among Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam and the United States (the “TPP Members”). While, as reported, an agreement on the TPP was reached on October 5, 2015, each of the TPP Members must still enact the TPP. On November 5, 2015, the full text of the TPP trade agreement was released to the public for the first time. Investor Protection An important component of the TPP for investors is the chapter on investments in TPP Member countries. Consistent with many other bilateral and multilateral investment agreements, the TPP’s investment chapter offers protections for investors from TPP Members who invest in other TPP Members. These protections include: (1) according treatment no less favorable than that accorded to a TPP Member’s own investors; (2) according treatment no less favorable than that which a TPP Member accords to other foreign investors; (3) granting a minimum standard of treatment in accordance with customary international legal principles; and (4) prohibitions against expropriation, except in limited circumstances, in which case investors must be compensated. The provisions apply to both existing and future investments. Dispute Resolution Mechanism In what has become an issue of considerable controversy, the TPP includes dispute resolution provisions that call for international arbitration. Accordingly, if a TPP Member breaches any of the protections provided in the TPP—for example by expropriating an investment—the investor may submit a claim to arbitration. In presenting the arbitration, the investor can avail itself of several alternative forums and rules, depending on its nationality. For example, if the investor is a national of a country that is a party to the Washington Convention, which may govern the settlement of international investment disputes, and the expropriating TPP Member is also a party to the Washington Convention, the claim may be brought before the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (“ICSID”) under the ICSID Rules of Procedure. If either the investor’s country or the TPP Member is a party to the Washington Convention, the claim can be brought under the ICSID Additional Facility Rules. Alternatively, the investor may bring an ad hoc arbitration pursuant to the arbitration rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (“UNCITRAL”). The investor and the TPP Member can mutually agree to any other arbitral institution arbitration rules. The TPP’s dispute resolution clause has several other notable features. First, the TPP expressly allows TPP Members permission to bring counterclaims against investors. This is significant, as it is unclear whether, in the absence of such a provision, a state may bring a counterclaim. Second, the TPP has a broad transparency clause, under which all pleadings, awards and decisions of a tribunal must be publicly disclosed, as well as minutes and transcripts of hearings, except for the portions designated confidential. Third, unlike most other investment treaties, the TPP calls for the creation of a code of conduct for arbitrators. This provision addresses a serious concern and SEPTEMBER/SEPTIEMBRE 2015 topic of debate within the arbitration © 2015 Hunton & Williams LLP 2 community, thereby dealing with criticism of arbitrators’ not being subject to a binding international code of conduct. Considerations As disputes with TPP Members unfold, choosing the appropriate arbitration forum and rules are key strategic considerations for investors, as each has its own advantages. For example, the ICSID Convention calls for member states to recognize and enforce an award as if it were a final judgment of a member state’s own courts. Awards rendered pursuant to the UNCITRAL Rules and the Additional Facility Rules may be recognized and enforced under the New York Convention, which creates additional steps in the recognition and enforcement process. The TPP is part of a broader landscape of multilateral and bilateral trade agreements that protect international investors by providing for international arbitration before a neutral arbitral tribunal. Hunton & Williams LLP’s international arbitration practice is prepared to assist those who must navigate that landscape. Should you need any advice concerning the protections that will soon be available to international investors under the TPP, and that are currently available under other trade agreements, please contact a member of the Hunton & Williams international arbitration team. Contacts Gustavo J. Membiela John Jay Range Thomas C. Goodhue OHL HA LOGRADO LA MAXIMA CALIFICACION EN EL CDP CLIMATE CHANGE 2015 El Grupo OHL ha obtenido la máxima puntuación, 100A, en el CDP Climate Change 2015, gracias a la cual forma parte del Climate A List (antes, Climate Performance Leadership IndexCPLI), lista integrada por el 5 % de las empresas con mayor puntuación y desempeño del mundo. Este resultado posiciona a OHL como una empresa de referencia entre las compañías integrantes del IBEX 35, por su compromiso en favor de la transparencia y gestión del cambio climático. En materia de transparencia, OHL se ha posicionado durante las cuatro ediciones en el Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (2011, 2012, 2014 y 2015) lo que refleja, entre otros aspectos, la prioridad que la compañía concede a la integración del cambio climático en su estrategia empresarial. Además, el Grupo también participa en los programas CDP Supply Chain (cadena de suministro) desde 2011; CDP Water (relativo a la gestión del agua) desde 2012; y ha participado, por primera vez en el año 2015, en el cuestionario CDP Forests referente a la deforestación. SEPTEMBER/SEPTIEMBRE 2015 OHL participa, desde 2009, de forma voluntaria y pública en la iniciativa CDP, situándose en un nivel destacado dentro del ranking de participantes. El Grupo forma parte del programa Climate Change a través de la muestra CDP Iberia 125 Climate Change, que analiza las estrategias de cambio climático de las 125 mayores empresas cotizadas en bolsa de España y Portugal, valorando tanto el desempeño (Performance), que considera las actuaciones realizadas en cambio climático en una escala creciente desde E hasta A, como la transparencia en divulgación (Disclosure), que analiza el nivel de detalle y comprensión del reporte en una escala de 0 a 100. Reconocimiento Luis García-Linares, director General Corporativo del Grupo OHL, ha sido el encargado de recoger la distinción otorgada a la compañía por su inclusión en A List, en un encuentro que ha servido para presentar el Informe 2015 Cambio Climático CDP, Edición Iberia 125, y que ha tenido lugar el 4 de noviembre en Madrid en el Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. En el marco de este encuentro se ha celebrado la mesa redonda La ruta hacia la COP21: Principales acciones en España. Expectativas sobre los resultados en las negociaciones y la financiación de la economía verde española, en la que ha participado Manuel Villén, director de Innovación y Sostenibilidad del Grupo OHL. Durante su intervención, Manuel Villén ha destacado el Compromiso del Grupo OHL en materia de Energía y Cambio Climático, establecido en 2007 y que se materializa, entre otros, a través de un Plan de Reducción de Emisiones que fija como objetivo para 2015 la reducción de los alcances 1 y 2 en un 5% con respecto a 2010 y un Plan de Compensación de Emisiones que se desarrolla desde 2011. Asimismo, ha incidido en la importancia de la innovación para dar respuesta al modelo de crecimiento verde mediante la oferta de nuevas soluciones y tecnologías sostenibles. CDP es la organización de referencia internacional, sin ánimo de lucro, de la que son firmantes 822 inversores con 95 billones de dólares en activos. Proporciona la base de información ambiental corporativa más grande del mundo en materia de cambio climático y de protección de los recursos naturales: agua y foresta. SPAIN EMBASSY PUBLICACION TTIP: BENEFICIOS PARA PYMES El pasado día 26 de octubre de 2015 se presentó la publicación "TTIP: una gran oportunidad para las pymes españolas" que ha sido realizada conjuntamente por la Secretaría de Estado de Comercio y la Comisión Europea. Esta publicación está SEPTEMBER/SEPTIEMBRE 2015 disponible en versión digital en la web de la Representación de la Comisión Europea en España: Se trata de una página web dinámica, abierta a nuevas aportaciones de pymes en la pestaña “Envíanos tu historia”. Al mismo tiempo, se ha realizado un video con el testimonio de 4 empresas que estará disponible en la web, y que de momento se puede ver en el siguiente enlace: EEUU TABACO IMPERIAL TOBACCO FORMA TABACALERA USA PARA AMPLIAR NEGOCIO DE CIGARROS EN EEUU Miami (EE.UU.), 27 oct (EFE).- Con casi 400 años de historia, TABACALERA, líder mundial en ventas de cigarros Premium hechos a mano, ha constituido TABACALERA U.S.A., , con el objetivo de supervisar, los activos de cigarros premium de IMPERIAL TOBACCO en los Estados Unidos, informó hoy la empresa. Esta nueva Compañía la componen ALTADIS U.S.A., una de las empresas líderes en cigarros Premium en Estados Unidos y que distribuye marcas emblemáticas como Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, H Uppman o Vegafina; y 800 JR Cigars, que comercializa cigarros online y cuenta con una cadena de tiendas propias. TABACALERA es una de las compañías tabaqueras más antigua del mundo, y desde 1636 recoge el origen, tradición y saber hacer de los mejores cigarros hechos a mano del mundo, por los mayores expertos torcedores, forjando su espíritu de excelencia en cada cigarro. Desde su origen y, a través de distintas fusiones y adquisiciones, se ha consolidado como el mayor experto y líder mundial en cigarros premium, que ahora redobla y fortalece su apuesta por el mercado norteamericano. La nueva compañía estará liderada por Javier Estades, actual responsable de Altadis USA, con sede en Fort Lauderdale (Florida) que reportará a Fernando Domínguez, CEO Mundial de TABACALERA S.L.U., ubicado en las oficinas centrales en Madrid. “TABACALERA U.S.A. engloba un conjunto de compañías separadas e independientes, pero vertebradas en torno a una idea de excelencia y saber hacer, que nos permitirá expandir nuestra presencia en los Estados Unidos y SEPTEMBER/SEPTIEMBRE 2015 capitalizar los cambios y oportunidades que nos traiga el futuro”, afirmó Fernando Domínguez. Según Javier Estades, “después de cuatro años consecutivos de crecimiento y consolidación de nuestro negocio en los Estados Unidos, TABACALERA U.S.A., nos permite reconocer y honrar nuestra historia en el mundo del cigarro premium, y es la mejor respuesta que podemos ofrecer a nuestros clientes y consumidores en los Estados Unidos para garantizar en el presente y en el futuro, un producto y servicio premium, adecuado a sus expectativas”. TABACALERA U.S.A. nace con el aval del Grupo Imperial Tobacco, uno de los mayores grupos mundiales en el mercado del tabaco. Tanto Altadis U.S.A y JR Cigars seguirán siendo independientes y mantendrán sus estructuras actuales, reportando a Javier Estades, nuevo CEO de TABACALERA U.S.A.EFE abm/cmm TOTALBANK REPORTS RECORD $4 MILLION NET INCOME FOR THIRD QUARTER MIAMI—October 28, 2015—TotalBank today reported third quarter net income of $4.05 million, an 81 percent increase over the third quarter of 2014. The Bank’s yearto-date income is $11.7 million, an increase of $4.2 million over the prior year. “We are extremely pleased with our third-quarter results as well as the results for the year as a whole, and we expect to continue our strong momentum in the final quarter of the year,” stated President and CEO, Luis de la Aguilera. “TotalBank continues to deliver consistent, steady results quarter after quarter while focusing on deposit generation and diversified loan growth,” he continued. The Bank generated $109 million of new loans in the community during the quarter, resulting in a $31 million increase in the loan portfolio for the quarter. Total deposits increased to $101 million, a five percent increase year over year, with non-interestbearing deposits increasing $33 million. “Our positive results serve to validate our customer-centric business model and our continued desire to expand organically in Miami-Dade County and inorganically in South Florida,” said Jose Marina, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. The Bank’s capital ratios continue to be strong. Its quarter-end Tier 1 capital ratio was 15.92 percent, and its Tier 1 leverage ratio was 11.20 percent, ratios that are well above the FDIC’s standards for a well-capitalized bank. SEPTEMBER/SEPTIEMBRE 2015 In August, TotalBank announced the launch of its Private Client Group, offering domestic, full-service banking focused on the professionals market and high-networth individuals. Jay Pelham, Director of the Private Client Group, is leading this new division that also encompasses the Bank’s wealth management services. TotalBank also maintained its 5-star rating from BauerFinancial, Inc., a source for unbiased and independent bank and credit union star ratings for 14 consecutive quarters. A 5-star rating indicates that TotalBank is one of the strongest banks in the nation, and that it excels in areas of capital quality, asset quality, profitability and more. In the fourth quarter, TotalBank will open its relocated Palmetto Bay Banking Center at 16475 South Dixie Highway. About TotalBank TotalBank is a leading integrated retail-commercial bank in South Florida with more than $2.7 billion in assets and 19 convenient locations throughout Miami-Dade County. Headquartered in Miami, TotalBank has served the South Florida community for 40 years, offering a broad range of domestic and international financial services to corporations, small businesses and individual consumers. The bank offers superior customer service focused on meeting the financial needs of customers while earning their confidence and loyalty. A member of Grupo Banco Popular Español, with $190 billion in assets and 2,000 branches, TotalBank is strengthened by its parent, one of the largest banking groups in Spain. For additional information visit our website at Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. MAPFRE INSURANCE NOW OFFERS TRAVEL INSURANCE MAPFRE Insurance is excited to announce that we now offer affordable, quality travel insurance plans. MAPFRE's travel insurance policies are available to customers up to the age of 100 and provide coverage on trips that cost up to $25,000 with medical coverage up to $250,000 and up to 180 days of stay. Key Highlights of the MAPFRE Travel Insurance Product Pre-Existing Condition Waiver- We'll include a pre-existing condition waiver for all policies purchased within 14 days of the initial trip deposit! Primary Medical Coverage on International Travel-We offer primary medical coverage internationally - to help reduce out of pocket expenses. Family Plan Perks -Includes two children per traveling adult in the policy. SEPTEMBER/SEPTIEMBRE 2015 Assistance Services- We offer amazing assistance services to our travelers that includes coordination of all medical services. Whether you’re taking the family on a vacation during winter or spring break or planning trips abroad, our coverage options offer higher limits and packages designed to fit your needs. For more information please call our local agents at 305-715-3444. Please visit our travel insurance page to learn more. MAPFRE Insurance® is a brand and service mark of MAPFRE U.S.A. Corp. and its affiliates, American Commerce Insurance CompanySM (Columbus, OH), The Commerce Insurance CompanySM (Webster, MA); The travel insurance plan includes travel insurance and travel assistance services. Travel insurance provided by American Commerce Insurance Company in all states except Massachusetts. Travel insurance in Massachusetts is provided by The Commerce Insurance Company. Travel assistance services provided by MAPFRE Insurance affiliate, Insure & Go Insurance Services USA, Corp., a licensed managing general agent in all fifty states . HUNTON 7 WILLIAMS LISTED IN 2016 CHAMBERS LATIN AMERICA MIAMI — October 13, 2015 —Hunton & Williams LLP and partner Fernando Alonso have been included in Chambers Latin America 2016 rankings and commentary in the categories Banking & Finance and Corporate/M&A. The firm is recognized for its counseling of clients in corporate and project financings across Latin America, and for its acumen on PPP throughout the Americas. In addition, Hunton & Williams was a finalist for International Counsel in Latin America in the Corporate & Finance Florida-based category at the Chambers Latin America Awards 2015. Partner and Chairman of the firm’s Latin American practice group, Fernando Alonso was listed as a notable practitioner for Banking and Finance, and was given a Band1 ranking for his corporate and M&A work in Latin America. Miami-based Alonso has practiced in the corporate and securities, banking and international fields for more than 25 years. About Hunton & Williams LLP Since our establishment more than a century ago, Hunton & Williams has grown to 800 lawyers serving clients from 19 offices worldwide. We have a strong industry focus on consumer products and retail, energy, financial services and real estate. Our global experience extends to myriad legal disciplines, including bankruptcy, commercial litigation, corporate transactions and securities law, intellectual property, international and government relations, regulatory law, privacy and SEPTEMBER/SEPTIEMBRE 2015 cybersecurity, and products liability. For additional information visit our website at Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. HUNTON & WILLIAMS’ SIX LISTED AMONG 2015 SOUTH FLORIDA’S TOP RATED LAWYERS MIAMI — October 13, 2015 — Hunton & Williams LLP announces six of its Miami-based lawyers are listed in the 2015 edition of South Florida’s Top Rated Lawyers, a resource of South Florida’s lawyers who have earned an “AV Preeminent” rating from Martindale-Hubbell. Fernando C. Alonso, head of Hunton & Williams’ Latin America practice group, has practiced in the corporate and securities, banking and international fields for more than 25 years. Terence G. Connor has more than three decades of trial and litigation experience. He focuses on complex labor and employment claims. Samuel A. Danon serves as the firm’s head of litigation. In addition to his domestic practice, he counsels multinational corporations in connection with matters related to operations in the Americas and the Caribbean. Barry R. Davidson concentrates on civil litigation throughout the state of Florida, with an emphasis on complex and class action business litigation, intellectual property, antitrust and products litigation. He has tried cases in 28 Florida counties. Juan C. Enjamio is managing partner of the firm’s Miami office and head of the firm’s Miami labor and employment team. His practice focuses on the defense of companies facing complex employment disputes. Thomas R. Julin represents media and information companies in libel and privacy cases and the prosecution of civil rights and access claims. The Miami office of Hunton & Williams was established in 1999 and serves as the base for the firm’s Latin America practice group. From this geographically ideal location, Hunton & Williams represents domestic and international clients in a broad range of issues and advises clients on corporate, litigation, labor and employment matters. About Hunton & Williams LLP Since our establishment more than a century ago, Hunton & Williams has grown to 800 lawyers serving clients from 19 offices worldwide. With an industry focus on energy, financial services, consumer products and retail, and real estate, our global SEPTEMBER/SEPTIEMBRE 2015 experience extends to myriad legal disciplines, including bankruptcy, business litigation, corporate transactions and securities, intellectual property, environmental and regulatory law, international and government relations, privacy and cybersecurity, and products liability. For additional information visit us at, and follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. VIAJES EL CORTE INGLES EXCLUSIVE OFFER FOR MEMBERS OF THE SPANISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN MIAMI Book your Holiday Dinner Parties through Viajes El Corte Inglés and you will receive at Restaurant Estiatorio Milos - Miami Beach: a free cocktail reception, including a selection of signature canapés and one glass of sparkling wine per person. A minimum of 20 guests is required. Come experience in Estiatorio Milos: World class cuisine, hospitality and ambiance Fully dedicated wait staff team for your event Totally private room with natural lighting (one wall is all windows) No time limit No rental fee or hidden fees Bespoke menus, designed to your tastes, by our Chef Customized printed menus Expert assistance in helping create an unforgettable event 67” flat screen TV to be used for presentations, videos, etc. Free Wi-Fi Room can be personalized in décor Contact Elena Nogueira - Groups Manager Phone: 305.858.0801 (ext 1300) Direct: 305.858.8830 Fax: 305.858.8850 Email: Viajes El Corte Inglés, Inc. (ECI Travel 175 SW 7th St - Suite 1200 Miami, FL, 33130 SEPTEMBER/SEPTIEMBRE 2015