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Taller Internacional sobre Métodos y Herramientas, Datos y Observaciones del Programa de Nairobi sobre Impactos, Vulnerabilidad y Adaptación al Cambio Climático Número de Contrato: INE/ADE-007/2008 Forza Travel S. A. de C. V. Reporte Final 10 de marzo de 2008 1 El martes 4 de marzo a las 10:00 Hrs. tuvo lugar en las instalaciones de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores la ceremonia formal de inauguración de la Reunión de Expertos sobre Métodos y Herramientas, Datos y Observaciones, que es parte de las actividades previstas en el Programa de Nairobi sobre Impactos, Vulnerabilidad y Adaptación de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático (CMNUCC). El objetivo de este evento fue el de Intercambiar conocimientos, experiencias y opiniones acerca de los métodos y herramientas, datos y observación existentes y los necesarios para afrontar nuestra vulnerabilidad y los impactos del cambio climático mediante medidas de adaptación efectivas y sustentables. Asimismo, reunir a los expertos y representantes de las Partes y organismos internacionales que han avanzado en el conocimiento de estos temas, para explorar avances futuros y posibles mecanismos de colaboración. Esta reunión congregó a alrededor de cien expertos internacionales y a representantes de las Partes ante la CMNUCC, para discutir las metodologías y los datos existentes y necesarios para la adecuada adaptación al cambio climático global. Se trata de una actividad formal en el calendario de la CMNUCC, de la que es anfitrión el Gobierno de México, a través del Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INE). En el presidium estuvieron la Sra Helen Plume, Presidenta del Órgano Subsidiario de Asesoramiento Científico y Tecnológico (SBSTA) de la CMNUCC y Presidenta de esta Reunión de Expertos; el Sr. Amir Delju, Coordinador Científico en Jefe del Programa Mundial del Clima de la Organización Meteorológica Mundial; el Sr. Roberto Acosta, Coordinador del Programa de Adaptación, Tecnología y Ciencia de la CMNUCC, el Lic. Guillermo Hernández Salmerón, Director General Adjunto para Temas Globales de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, y el Dr. Adrián Fernández Bremauntz, Presidente del INE, en representación de la SEMARNAT. Al dirigir el mensaje inaugural, el Dr. Adrián Fernández Bremauntz dio la bienvenida a los participantes, y mencionó que los temas abordados en esta reunión están adquiriendo cada vez mayor relevancia en México, ante la inminencia de muchos de los impactos del cambio climático. Nuestro país, dijo, ha sufrido recientemente los embates de algunos fenómenos hidrometeorológicos extremos, y algunos sectores han padecido las consecuencias de algunas condiciones climáticas inusuales, que han hecho cada vez más evidente la necesidad de mejorar nuestros sistemas de observación, análisis y predicción del clima, así como de incluir escenarios de cambio climático en el proceso de planeación de prácticamente todos los sectores de la administración pública. De acuerdo al Dr. Fernández, aunque nos falta todavía mucho por hacer para ir más a fondo en la observación y el análisis de los impactos del cambio climático, 2 aún con las incertidumbres existentes debemos emprender acciones decididas. Ante la evidencia existente y para hacer frente a los retos que el cambio climático supone para el futuro, comentó, México considera imprescindible fortalecer las capacidades nacionales y regionales en materia de vulnerabilidad y adaptación al cambio climático, además desde luego de emprender acciones concretas para la mitigación de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Nos urge sobretodo atender los puntos sobre los que puede incidir la política pública, enfatizando además los aspectos que hasta ahora no han funcionado adecuadamente, por ejemplo en lo que tiene que ver con la capacidad de pronóstico más precisa, que vaya vinculada con un sistema oportuno de información en el que los mensajes y pronósticos se preparen y emitan de forma que sean realmente útiles para la población en general de modo que ésta pueda protegerse, y para las autoridades locales y federales para aplicar planes de prevención de desastres y no solo de atención o reacción a los mismos. Durante el evento se realizaron sesiones plenarias y mesas de trabajo con un total de 4 días de duración, en los que se abordaron las experiencias y limitaciones para enfrentar el cambio climático, en particular en referencia a los métodos y herramientas, datos y observación necesarios y los actualmente disponibles para evaluar los impactos y vulnerabilidad, así como para desarrollar medidas de adaptación ante el cambio climático. En lo que hace a la logística, se acondicionaron 8 salones que fueron facilitados por la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, se proporcionó apoyo audiovisual permanentemente durante la duración del evento, se contrató traducción simultánea para la ceremonia de apertura, se ofreció servicio de café permanentemente, y la comida todos los días a los participantes en el evento, y se les ofreció igualmente una recepción. La reunión de expertos concluyó el viernes 7 de marzo. Se espera que sus resultados sirvan de insumo para las negociaciones internacionales que tienen lugar en el marco de la Convención de Cambio Climático, tanto para definir estrategias de cooperación útiles para mejorar la capacidad de las Partes para evaluar su vulnerabilidad ante el cambio climático, como para adaptarse a él. Se anexa el programa del evento, y la lista de participantes. 3 UNFCCC expert meeting on methods and tools and on data and observations under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change Mexico City, Mexico, 4-7 March 2008 Provisional agenda Chair: Ms. Helen Plume, Chair of the SBSTA Day 1: Tuesday, 4 March 08:30–10:00 Registration 10:00–10:40 10:40–11:00 Welcome and opening statements - Ms. Helen PLUME, Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) - Mr. Roberto ACOSTA, Coordinator for Adaptation, Technology and Science, UNFCCC secretariat - Mr. Amir DELJU, Senior Scientific Coordinator, Climate Prediction and Adaptation Branch, World Meteorological Organization - Mr. Guillermo Hernández SALMERÓN, Director General Adjunto para Temas Globales, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores - Mr. Adrián Fernández BREMAUNTZ, Presidente, Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INE), Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Coffee break Session 1: Introduction, scope and orientation 11:00–12:00 Presentations - Adaptation - current and future, within the broader context of the UNFCCC Mr. Roberto ACOSTA, UNFCCC secretariat - Introduction to the Nairobi work programme and objectives and expected outcomes of the meeting Ms. Olga PILIFOSOVA, UNFCCC secretariat Ms. Rocio LICHTE, UNFCCC secretariat - Background information Ms. María GUTIERREZ, UNFCCC secretariat - Introduction of the agenda and structure of the meeting by the Chair Q&A session Session 2: Methods and tools for impact, vulnerability and adaptation assessment and improvement of adaptation planning, measures and actions 12:00–13:00 A. Application and applicability of methods and tools Presentations - Framing presentation: Overview of different frameworks, methods and tools and their use Mr. Joel SMITH, Stratus Consulting - Experiences in application of different methods and tools and their adequate use Mr. Balisi J. GOPOLANG, Botswana Mr. Bubu P. JALLOW, Gambia Mr. Ahmad J. SHAABAN, Malaysia Ms. Habiba GITAY, World Bank Q&A session and exchange of views 13:00–14:00 14:00–15:40 Lunch Plenary discussion on application of methods and tools, including bottom-up, rapid assessment and top-down approaches, sectoral tools, and cost-benefit analysis; as well as tools for planning of adaptation measures and actions and their integration with sustainable development. Applicability of different methods for identifying key risks and preparing for adaptation. Challenges, barriers and gaps encountered. 15:40–16:00 Coffee break 16:00–16:40 B. Development of methods and tools Presentations - Framing presentation: The need for further development and improvement of existing and emerging methods and tools Mr. Daniel MURDIYARSO, START secretariat - Experiences, gaps and solutions in the development and improvement of methods and tools Mr. Iñigo J. LOSADA, Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental “IH Cantabria” Mr. Yvan BIOT, United Kingdom Q&A session 16:40–18:00 Plenary discussion on promoting development and further improvement of methods and tools cost-benefit analysis; as well as tools for planning of adaptation measures and actions and their integration with sustainable development. Day 2: Wednesday, 5 March Session 3: Methods and Tools for impact and vulnerability assessments and improvement of adaptation planning, measures and actions (continued) 09:30–10:20 C. Dissemination of methods and sharing experiences Presentations - Framing presentation: Existing practices in dissemination of methods and tools and sharing experiences Xianfu LU, UNDP - Existing dissemination practices, sharing experiences and promotion of good practices on methods and tools used by the climate change community, as well as by different sectoral communities and the disaster risk reduction community Mr. José Ramón PICATOSTE RUGGERONI, RIOCC Ms. Donyelle NUMA, Cook Islands Q&A session 10:20–11:00 11:00–11:20 Plenary discussion on dissemination of methods and tools, sharing experiences in dissemination and training Coffee break 11:20–12:50 12:50–13:00 Plenary discussion (continued) D. Gaps, opportunities, recommendations Establishing three breakout groups 13:00–14:00 Lunch 14:00–15:40 Discussion in breakout groups Group 1. Assisting in the use and application of methods and tools Group 2. Advancing dissemination and sharing experiences Group 3. Promoting development and improvement 15:40–16:00 Coffee break 16:00–17:30 Discussion in breakout groups (continued) 17:30–18:00 Plenary briefing on the work of the breakout groups Day 3: Thursday, 6 March Session 4: Data and observations relevant to impacts and vulnerability assessments 09:30–11:00 A. Promoting implementation and improvements of observations, including the monitoring of climate variability Presentations - Overview presentation: Current activities and main achievements on systematic observations for climate change: Mr. William WESTERMEYER, GCOS secretariat - Work that contributes to improved understanding of current and historical climate variability and its impacts Mr. Amir DELJU, WMO Secretariat Mr. Joseph INTSIFUL, Met Office Hadley Centre, United Kingdom Q&A session and plenary discussion on how current activities contribute to improvements in observations and improved understanding of current and historical climate variability and its impacts 11:00–11:20 Coffee break 11:20–12:00 12:00–13:00 Plenary discussion (continued) B. Collection, management and use of observational data Presentations - Overview presentation: Ongoing activities and key issues for improvement Mr. Luis CARRASCO, Chile/ Ms. Constanta BORONEANT, Romania (TBC) - National perspective Mr. Mamadou A. DIALLO, Mali Q&A session and plenary discussion on how to improve collection, management and use of observational data 13:00–14:00 Lunch 14:00–15:40 C. Exchange and access to observational data and information Presentations - Overview presentation: Ongoing activities and key issues for improvements Ms. Francis ZWIERS, Environment Canada - National level and national hydro-met services perspective Mr. Qamar-Uz-Zaman CHAUDHRY, Pakistan Q&A session and plenary discussion on how to improve exchange and access to observational data, including information on observed climate change impacts through traditional knowledge 15:40–16:00 Coffee break 16:00–17:50 D. Gaps and deficiencies in data and observations, opportunities and recommendations Presentations - Data, capacity and user needs for impacts and vulnerability assessment in support of adaptation, especially at regional and national level Mr. Carlos FULLER, Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre Ms. Manola BRUNET, Univeristy Rovira I Virgili, Spain Ms. Lyudmila SKRIPNIKOVA, Uzbekistan Mr. Roger RIVERO, Cuba Q&A session and plenary discussion on the identification of gaps and deficiencies in data and observations, needs of stake-holder and capacity building needs 17:50–18:00 Establishing 3 breakout groups Day 4: Friday, 7 March Session 5: Data and observations relevant to impacts and vulnerability assessments (continued) 09:30–11:00 Discussion in breakout groups Group 1. Promoting implementation and improvements in data and observations Group 2. Improving capacity for collection, management and use of observational data Group 3. Exchange and access to observational data and information, including stakeholder needs 11:00–11:20 Coffee break 11:20–13:00 Discussion in the breakout groups (continued) 13:00–14:00 Lunch Session 6: Conclusions and recommendations 14:00–15:40 Presentation of results and recommendations on methods and tools Presentation of results and recommendations on data and observations General discussion on methods and tools and on data and observations, including cross-cutting issues 15:40–16:00 Coffee break 16:00–17:00 Panel of organizations on possible actions to address recommendations 17:00–17:20 Overall conclusions, by the Chair of the SBSTA 17:20–17:40 Closing and feedback on possible next steps under the Nairobi work programme ----- UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE - Secretariat CONVENTION - CADRE SUR LES CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES - Secretariat UNFCCC workshop on methods and tools and on data and observations, under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change Mexico City, Mexico 4 to 7 March 2007 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS PARTIES Austria Botswana Mr. Klaus RADUNSKY Head of Unit Umweltbundesamt GmbH Spittelauer Lände 5 Vienna Austria Tel.: +43 1 3130 4553 4 Fax: +43 1 3130 4595 9 E-mail: Mr. Balisi Justtice GOPOLANG Principal Meteorologist Climate Change Secretariat Department of Meteorological Services P.O. Box 10100 Gaborone Botswana Tel.: +267 395 6281 Fax: +267 395 6282 E-mail: Argentina Mr. Lucas DI PIETRO PAOLO Coordinator of the Climate Change Adaptation Department Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable San Martín 451 - 1° Piso Buenos Aires Argentina Tel.: +54 11 4348 8665 Fax: +54 11 4348 8607 E-mail: Cook Islands Ms. Donyelle NUMA Operations and Planning Office of the Prime Minister Private Bag Avarua Rarotonga Cook Islands Tel.: +682 25 494 Fax: +682 20 856 E-mail: Argentina China Mr. Vicente Barros Viamonte 430 street Buenos Aires Argentina Fax: +54 011 4510 1100 E-mail: Bangladesh Mr. Mozaharul ALAM Research Fellow Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) House No. 10, Road No. 16 A Gulshan 1 Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh Tel.: +880 2 8852217, 8851986 Fax: +880 2-8851417 Email: Benin Mr. Abel AFOUDA Faculté des Sciences et Techniques B.P. 526 Université d’Abomey-Calavi Cotonou Benin Tel.: +229 21 36 11 35 Fax: +229 90 94 20 33 E-mail: Bolivia Ms. Li YUE Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 12 Zhongguangcun South Street Beijing, 100081 China Tel.: +86 10 6211 9681 Fax: +86 10 6211 9681 E-mail: Colombia Mr. José Ruiz Meteorologist Ideam, Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales Carrera 10 No. 20 - 30 Bogotá Colombia Tel.: +352 7160 1620 Fax: +352 7160 1627 E-mail: Cuba Mr. Roger RIVERO Senior Researcher Institute for Meteorology Carretera de Nuevitas KM 7 1 / 2 Camaguey Cuba Tel.: +53 32 28 1979 Fax: +25 11551 70 66 E-mail: España Mr. Iñigo J. Losada Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental "IH Cantabria" Grupo de Ingeniería Oceanográfica y de Costas E.T.S.I. de Caminos, Canales y Puertos Universidad de Cantabria Avda. de los Castros s/n 39005 Santander Spain Tel.: +34 942 201810 Fax: +34 942 201860 E-mail: El Salvador Ms. Cecilia CARRANZA Punto Focal de la Convención de Cambio Climático Dirección General de Patrimonio Natural Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Carretera a Santa Tecla Km. 5 1/2 Calle y Colonia Las Mercedes, Edificio MARN San Salvador El Salvador Tel.: +503 2267 9433 Fax: +503 2267 9326 email : France Mr. Marc GILLET Director Observatoire national sur les effets du réchauffement climatique (ONERC) 20 Avenue de Segur Paris France Tel.: +33 1 4275 5504 Fax: +33 1 4275 5505 E-mail: Gambia Mr. Bubu Pateh JALLOW Chairman of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) Department of State for Forestry and the Environment 7, Marina Parade Banjul Gambia Tel.: +220 422 30 Fax: +220 422 3987 E-mail: E-mail: ROGER@CMW.INSMET.CU Mr. Ivar ARANA National Adaptation to Climate Change Mechanism Manager 1328, Mercado St. Mariscal Ballivian La Pa Bolivia Tel.: +591 2 220 0206 Fax: +591 2 220 4037 E-mail: Grenada Ethiopia Mr. Dula SHANKO Deputy Director National Meteorological Agency P. O. Box 1090 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel.: +25 911 20 80 24 Mr. Leon CHARLES VBA Coordinator Second National Communication Gramillion's Way, Lance Aux Epines, St. St. George's Grenada Tel: +473 442 4681 Fax: +473 407 3054 E-mail: Indonesia Dr. Johnson Nkem Project Coordinator Tropical Forests and Climate Change Adaptation (TroFCCA) Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) P.O. Box 6596 JKPWB Jakarta 10065 Indonesia Tel.: +62 251 622 622 Fax: +62 251 622 100 E-mail: J.NKEM@CGIAR.ORG 100-8975 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5521 8330 Fax: +81 3 3580 1382 E-mail: Jamaica Mr. Clifford MAHLUNG Head, Data Processing Section Climate Branch National Meteorological Services 65 3/4 Half Way Tree Road Kingston 10 Jamaica Tel.: +876 9297 268 Fax: +876 9608 989 E-mail: Indonesia Mr. Dadang HILMAN Head, Division of Adaptation Ministry of Environment Jalan Panjaitan Jakarta Indonesia Tel.: +62 21 8517 164 Fax: +62 21 8590 2521 E-mail: Indonesia Mr. Dadang HILMAN Head, Division of Adaptation Ministry of Environment Jalan Panjaitan Jakarta Indonesia Tel.: +62 21 8517 164 Fax: +62 21 8590 2521 E-mail: Namibia Ms. Uazamo KAURA National Climate Change Project Coordinator Directorate of Environmental Affairs Ministry of Environment and Tourism Private Bag 13306 Windhoek Namibia Tel.: +264 61 2842 701 Fax: +264 61 2403 39 E-mail: Nepal Mr. Batu Krishna UPRETY Under-Secretary (Technical) Government of Nepal Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology Secretariat Complex Singhurdar Malaysia Mr. Muhammad Shukri ABDUL RAMAN Research Officer National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia Lot 5773, Jalan Putra Permai, Seri Kembangan 43300 Selangor Malaysia Tel.: +603 894 83033 Fax: +603 894 88009 E-mail: Mexico Kazakhstan Ms. Svetlana DOLGIKH Head of Meteorology Department National Meteorology Service Environment Protection Ministry Seifulin pr., 597 480072 Almaty Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 3272 54 2527 Fax: +7 3272 67 5157 E-mail: Kenya Mr. Christopher Oludhe Dept of Meteorology University of Nairobi Nairobi Kenya E-mail: Japan Mr. Kunihiko SHIMADA Chief Advisor/Principal International Negotiator Office of International Strategy on Climate Change Climate Change Policy Division Global Environment Bureau Ministry of Environment 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Fax: +603 8948 8009 E-mail: Malaysia Mr. Ahmad Jamalluddin SHAABAN Director, Water Resource Research Center National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia Lot 5773, Jalan Putra Permai Seri Kembangan 43300 Selangor Malaysia Tel.: +603 8948 3066 Kathmandu Nepal Tel.: +977 1 424 7391 ext. 102 (office) Fax: +977 1 422 5474 E-mail: New Zealand Ms. Helen PLUME Climate Change International Programme Ministry for the Environment Environment House 23 Kate Sheppard Place Thorndon, Wellington New Zealand Tel.: +64 4 439 7627 E-mail: Netherlands Mr. Wim MONNA Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment P.O. Box 29405 The Hague Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Ms. Ana Cecilia CONDE ALVAREZ Técnico Académico Titular A Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Circuito Exterior s/n, Ciudad Universitaria 04510 México D.F Tel.: +5255 5622 4046 Fax: +525 5616 0789 E-mail: Morocco Mr. Rachid FIRADI Chef du service del a coopération multilaterale Direction du partenariat, de la communication et de la coopération Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire, de l'eau et de l'environnement 4, Place Aboubakr Essediq,Avenue Fal Ould Oumeir Agdal Rabat Morocco Tel.: +212 37 6816 35 Fax: +212 37 7762 46 E-mail: Netherlands E-mail: Panama Mr. Enrique VARGAS Technical-Administrative Assistant Unit of Diversification and Climate Change National Environmental Authority Panama Panama Tel.: +507 500 08 00 Fax: +507 500 08 00 E-mail: Pakistan Mr. Shoaib Raza SYED Head Environment Global Change Impact Studies Centre Saudi Pak Tower 61Jinnah Avenue Islamabad Pakistan Tel.: 92 51 9219785 Fax: +92 51 9219787 E-mail: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Mr. Yvan BIOT Senior Policy Advisor - Climate Change Policy and Research Division Department for International Development 1 Palace Street London United Kingdom Tel.: +44 20 7023 1138 Fax: +44 20 7023 0719 E-mail: República Dominicana Mrs. Alba CADETE Cartógrafa – Investigadora SIG Fax: +7 812 297 86 61 E-mail: Secretaría de Estado de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, SEMARENA Calle Presidente González, Esq. Tiradentes, Edif. La Cumbre, Piso 8 Santo Domingo República Dominicana Fax: +809 472 7087 E-mail: Sweden Russian Federation Mr. Sergey CHICHERIN Deputy Director/Voeikov MGO/Roshydromet 194021, Karbyshev str., 7 St. Petersburg Russian Federation Tel.: +7 812 297 43 90 Trinidad and Tobago Mr. Kishan KUMARSINGH Environmental Programme Officer Environment Management Authority 8 Elizabeth Street, St. Clair Port of Spain Sri Lanka Lalith Chandrapala Deputy Director Department of Meteorology Bauddhaloka Mawatha Colombo Sri Lanka Trinidad and Tobago Tel.: +1 868 628 8042 Fax: +1 868 628 9122 E-mail: Tuvalu Mr. Mataio TEKINENE Director of Environment Officer Ministry of Environment Private Mail Bag Mrs. Karin MOSSBERG SONNEK Deputy Research Director FOI, SE-164 90 Stockholm Sweden Tel.: +46 8 5550 3794 Fax: +46 8 5550 3866 E-mail: Vaiaku Funafuti Atol Tuvalu Tel.: +688 2 0171/2-0827 Fax: +688 2 0826 E-mail: Uzbekistan United Kingdom Mr Adrian Butt Head of Climate Impacts and Adaptation Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Floor 3 Ergon House 17 Smith Square London SW1P 3JR United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0)20 7238 3359 E-mail: adrian.butt@DEFRA.GSI.GOV.UK Ms. Lyudmila Skripnikova Chief of hydrometerology Tashkent Uzbekistan (E-mail: United States of America Mr. Joel B. Smith Stratus Consulting Inc. P.O. Box 4059 Boulder Colorado United States of America Fax: +1 303 381 8200 e-mail: REPRESENTATIVES OF UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT AND BODIES United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Ms. Annie Bonnin-Roncerel Senior Programme Coordinator Climate Change Programme United Nations Institute for Training and Research Palais des Nations Chemin des Anémones 11-13, 1219 Châtelaine Geneva Switzerland Tel.: 41 22 917 8582 Fax: +41 22 917 8047 E-mail: annie.roncerel@unitar.or UNISDR Mr. Julio Garcia VARGAS United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Regional Office Avenida Arnoldo Cano Arosemena en el Campus de la Ciudad del Saber Corregimiento de Ancón Panama City Panamá Tel.: +507 317 1120 Fax: +507 317 0600 E-mail: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Ms. Anne BRANTHOMME Forestry Department Support to National Forest Monitoring and Assessment Program Viale delle Terme di Caracalla - Rome Italy Tel.: +39 065 705 3055 Fax: +39 065 705 5137 E-mail: IOC/UNESCO United Nations Institute for Training and Research/Stockholm Environmental Institute Ms. Maria Fernanda ZERMOGLIO Research Fellow O’ Higgins 630 Decima Region Futaleufu Chile Tel.: +56 02 878 313 69 E-mail: Mr. Albert FISCHER Technical Secretary Ocean Observation and Services Section Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 1, rue Miollis Paris France Tel.: +33 1 4568 4040 Fax: +33 1 4568 5813 E-mail: United Nations Development Programme Ms. Marcia DE CASTRO UNDP Resident Representative 3A Chancery Lane Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago Tel.: +868 623 7056 248 Fax: 868 623 1658 E-mail: World Health Organization Mr. Gerry EIJKEMANS World Health Organization Environmental Health and sustainable development PAHO/WHO Mexico HRACIO No. 1855-305 Col. Los Morales Polanco Mexico City Mexico Tel.: +5355 598 00 861 Fax: +5255 539 55 681 E-mail: " United Nations Environment Programme/GRID-Arendal Mr. John CRUMP Polar Issues Co-ordinator UNEP GRID-Arendal North American Office 1710 - 360 Albert Street Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7X7 Canada Tel.: +1 613 996 3291 Fax: +1 613 943 8607 E-mail: REPRESENTATIVES OF SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND RELATED ORGANIZATIONS E-mail: Global Climate Observing System Secretariat (GCOS) Mr. William E. Westermeyer Global Climate Observing System Secretariat c/o World Meteorological Organization 7 bis, Avenue de la Paix P.O. Box 2300 1211 Geneve 2 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 230 8083 Fax: +41 22 730 8052 Red Iberoamericana de Oficinas de Cambio Climático (RIOCC) Mr. José Ramón Picatoste Ruggeroni Head Climate Change Adaptation Unit Apanish Climate Change Office Ministry of Environment Madrid Spain Tel.: +34 91 436 14 96 Fax: +34 91 436 15 01 E-mail: Red Iberoamericana de Oficinas de Cambio Climático (RIOCC) Mr. Juan Pedro Searle Solar Red Iberoamericana de Oficinas de Cambio Climático Protección de Recursos Naturales Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente Teatinos 258 Santiago Chile E-mail: WMO Mr. Amir DELJU Senior Scientific Coordinator, Climate Coordination Activities World Meteorological Organization 7 bis, Avenue de la Paix Case Postale 2300 1211 Geneva 2 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 730 8380 Fax: +41 22 730 8181 E-mail: INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (CLIMS) Mr. Jeff KARGEL Global Land Ice Measurements from Space University of Arizona Department of Hydrology & Water Resources 1133 E. North Campus Tuscon Arizona United States of America Fax: +1 520 621 1422 E-mail: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Ms. Anne HAMMILL Climate Change and Energy 161 Portage Ave. East, 6th Floor Winnipeg Canada Fax: +1 204 958 7710 E-mail: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Earth Negotiations Bulletin 300 East 56th Street, Apt 11A New York United States of America Tel.: +1 212 810 7701 Fax: +1 646 219 0955 E-mail: E-mail: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Ms. Leila MEAD Writer IISD Reporting Services Earth Negotiations Bulletin 300 East 56th Street, Apt 11A New York United States of America Tel.: +1 212 810 7701 Fax: +1 646 219 0955 E-mail: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Ms. Melanie ASHTON Team Leader/Writer IISD Reporting Services Earth Negotiations Bulletin 300 East 56th Street, Apt 11A New York United States of America Tel.: +1 212 810 7701 Fax: +1 646 219 0955 International START secretariat Mr. Daniel Murdiyarso International START secretariat Senior Scientist Center for International Forestry Research Jalan CIFOR, Situ Gede Bogor Barat Indonesia Fax: +62 251 62 2100 E-mail: Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel (OSS) Mr. Al - Hamndou DORSOUMA Ms. Oluwatobi AKANLE Writer Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel Boulevard du leader Yasser ARAFAT BP 31, 1080 Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 206 633 Fax: +216 71 206 636 E-mail: RESOURCE ORGANIZATIONS EARTH NEGOTIATIONS BULLETIN UNFCCC SECRETARIAT Mr. Roberto ACOSTA Ms. Olga PILIFOSOVA Coordinator Adaptation, Technology and Science Programme UNFCCC secretariat Haus Carstanjen Martin-Luther-King Str. 8 53153 Bonn Germany Tel: +49 228 815 1419 Fax: +49 228 815 1999 E-mail: Programme Officer UNFCCC secretariat Adaptation Sub-programme Haus Carstanjen Martin-Luther-King Str. 8 53153 Bonn Germany Tel: +49 228 815 1428 Fax: +49 228 815 1999 E-mail: Ms. Rocio LICHTE Programme Officer Science Programme UNFCCC secretariat Haus Carstanjen Martin-Luther-King Str. 8 53153 Bonn Germany Tel: +49 228 815 1619 Fax: +49 228 815 1999 E-mail: -----