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CCCEP External Coverage Online global media coverage for the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy between 1 October 2008 and 16 August 2012 The following table gives the number of online news articles from around the world (in any language) mentioning the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy or its members, as recorded by Meltwater News (not including articles published in newspapers and other media outlets owned by News Corporation and its divisions, i.e. not including ‘The Times’, ‘The Sunday Times’, ‘Wall Street Journal’, etc.). Period Number of mentions 1 October 2008 to 30 September 2009 8,108 1 October 2009 to 30 September 2010 8,197 1 October 2010 to 30 September 2011 3,570 1 October 2011 to 16 August 2012 3,678 Total number of articles 1 October 2008 to 16 August 2012 23,553 It should be noted that worldwide media coverage of climate change as a whole peaked in late 2009 and early 2010, driven by reporting before and immediately after the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen, and has been much lower in the period following. A selection of online articles and podcasts of broadcast items, which have been highlighted since late 2010 on the CCCEP website, are listed here: 2012 July 2012 Stephanomics (includes interview with CCCEP member, Cameron Hepburn) 31 July, BBC Radio 4 Focus: UK government seeks to engage all in the green food challenge 13 July, Waste Management World Balancing need for food with protecting environment 12 July, Yorkshire Post June 2012 Cambio climático, hambre y desigualdad 29 June, Study highlights food risk hotspots 28 June, Global Food Security Green businesses set to lead creation of Rio's+20 "Future We Want” 25 June, Business Green Wind power a 'cheap' source 21 June, Lincolnshire Echo Crecer y proteger 21 June, El Pais 1 CCCEP External Coverage Criticó el Presidente promesas de candidatos de bajar hidrocarburos 18 June, Organización Editorial Mexicana G20: ¡los mercados respiran! 18 June, Excelsior Dupla insolvência ameaça a economia mundial 17 June, Deutsche Welle Mundo necesita de liderazgo responsable: FCH 16 June, Por Agencia el Universal Shoots, greens and leaves 16 June, Economist MPs to investigate the economics of wind power 14 June, The Guardian Our carbon tax leads by example: Nicholas Stern 14 June, The Australian Hay Festival 2012: Electricity from wind turbines will soon be as cheap as gas 11 June, The Telegraph LSE tries to calm storm over wind farm policy 11 June, Business Green Britain blows hot and cold on wind farms 8 June, The Telegraph Study highlights food risk hotspots 1 June, Planet Earth Online May 2012 China injects vigour into carbon debate 17 May, Financial Times (free registration is required) April 2012 Has the carbon footprint of our consumption finally peaked? 18 April, The Guardian G20 urged to boost green policies to stimulate economic growth 16 April, Business Green British polar research in crisis 8 April, The Independent Q&A: An EU carbon tax, more effective than the ETS? 4 April, Climate Spectator Islas Galápagos: ¿Un laboratorio en el combate al cambio climático? 2 April, BBC Mundo March 2012 Especialista propõe impor tarifas para bens produzidos 'de forma suja' 30 March, EFE Brasil Nicholas Stern propone imponer aranceles a los bienes producidos "de forma sucia" 30 March, MSN Latino Ecuador 2 CCCEP External Coverage Los desastres naturales despiertan a América Latina al cambio climático 30 March, El Universo Nicholas Stern pide el fin a los subsidios a los combustibles por el cambio climático 30 March, Hoy Nicholas Stern pide el fin de los subsidios a los combustibles por el cambio climático 29 March, Yahoo Argentina Nicholas Stern dice que el cambio climático da la oportunidad de crear una nueva economía 27 March, Terra Noticias Cambio climático amenaza a las especies únicas de Galápagos 27 March, El Nuevo Diario Use local pension funds to get young people into work 12 March, The Guardian February 2012 Lord Stern: Government must reassure business it is "not going flaky" on climate change 27 February, Business Green Exclusive: Green Investment Bank should borrow from the start, says Lord Stern 24 February, Business Green INTERVIEW - GDP inadequate as climate cost gauge - Stern 22 February, Reuters (Africa) Attacks paid for by big business are 'driving science into a dark era' 19 February, The Guardian Jobs for us, cleaner world for kids 15 February, The Vancouver Sun Carbon bubble: Bank of England's opportunity to tackle market failure 6 February, The Guardian January 2012 Threats and promises in global warming, says study 26 January, Financial Times (free registration is required) Low carbon Leeds City Region would 'save money and create jobs' 10 January, The Guardian Investment can cut emissions, UK cities told 10 January, Financial Times (free registration is required) Exclusive: Hopes of jobs boom for region in drive to go green 10 January, Yorkshire Post 2011 December 2011 Green measures will not lead to 'astronomical' energy bills: analysis 15 December, The Guardian Hedegaard's risky strategy pays off 15 December, EuropeanVoice Climate change: The great regrouping 14 December, Financial Times 3 CCCEP External Coverage Dubbelt dyrt att begränsa klimatförändringarna 14 December, Sverige Radio La nueva deuda energética 13 December, Diario De Sevilla Climate change delay 'is dangerous' 12 December, Today programme (BBC Radio 4) Durban se conforma con un pacto que no cierra el reparto de emisiones 12 December, El Pais Global climate treaty deal struck in Durban 11 December, The Times (subscription is required) Climate deal doesn't make things better 11 December, Time Queda todo por hacer en materia climática, pero la línea diplomática se mueve 11 December, Yahoo (Peru) Durban deal will not avert catastrophic climate change, say scientists 11 December, The Guardian Global climate treaty deal struck in Durban 11 December, The Times (subscription is required) EU bank in row over increase in fossil fuel funds 10 December, Taipei Times Crises climática e do euro fazem repensar crescimento, diz especialista 9 December, Correio Braziliense Pour Nicholas Stern, crise de l'euro et défi du climat doivent être abordés ensemble 9 December, RTL COP-17: Stature of SA ministers increases at climate talks 9 December, Business Day Kyoto was built to fail. It is time the world abandoned it 8 December, The Guardian European Investment Bank criticised for 'hypocrisy' of fossil fuel lending 8 December, The Guardian A new energy revolution 8 December, Daily News Lord Stern: rich nations should stop subsidising fossil fuel industry 7 December, The Guardian EU seeks hard commitments for Kyoto phase two 7 December, Financial Times (free registration is required) Vicepresidente boliviano participará este miércoles en la COP17 7 December, RNV Calderón pide a Ban Ki-moon mediar con EEUU para desbloquear el Fondo Verde 7 December, Yahoo (Chile) Stern's rebuke 6 December, Wall Street Journal 4 CCCEP External Coverage Africa: Progress is being made say UN climate change leaders 5 December, Carbon dioxide emissions show record jump 5 December, The Guardian Action on climate is blocked by 'unworkable' need for consensus 2 December, The Times (Environment) November 2011 Saving the planet 28 November, ET Now Global Business Reports (news programme: video, features Bob Ward at 01:16) Le sommet de Durban est une occasion de ranimer la flamme européenne 28 November, Le Monde Ever-worsening weather events lead to inescapable verdict on climate change 28 November, Irish Times Climate change fears 'have been exaggerated' say scientists who claim apocalyptic predictions are unlikely 25 November, The Daily Mail 'Emissions gap' overshadows warming target: UNEP 23 November, France 24 UN chief slams rich nations' plans to delay climate change treaty 23 November, The Guardian Climategate 2? More UEA hacked emails 23 November, The Telegraph Climategate erupts again ahead of key summit 23 November, The Independent Chris Huhne blasts Lord Lawson's climate sceptic thinktank 22 November, The Guardian University hit by new climate leak ahead of talks 22 November, CBS News Emails revive 'Climategate' before UN summit 22 November, Financial Times (free registration is required) Professor Andy Gouldson on carbon capture and storage projects 20 November, The Politics Show - Yorkshire and Lincolnshire (TV, BBC One: 43.12 - 43.26) Rich nations 'give up' on new climate treaty until 2020 20 November, The Guardian Severe heatwaves and flooding 'more likely' 19 November, The Times (subscription is required) Climate change 'key driver of extreme weather': UN 18 November, Jakarta Globe Extreme weather will strike as climate change takes hold, IPCC warns 18 November, The Guardian World acts on emissions without global climate pact 18 November, Financial Times (free registration is required) 5 CCCEP External Coverage Extreme weather - episode 1 17 November, (video) October 2011 Global warming 'confirmed' by independent study 21 October, BBC LSE research student recalls making friends with trees and elephants in Gabon 6 October, Africa at LSE (blog) Mixed reaction to EU legislators' call for global renewables targets 4 October, Environmental Finance August 2011 Hey, Rick Perry finally gets something right 17 August, July 2011 Britisches Institut veröffentlicht globale Klimadaten 30 July, Spiegel Online Why most Forbes readers know more about global warming than most climate scientists 28 July, William Pentland blog in Forbes OK, climate sceptics: here's the raw data you wanted 28 July, New Scientist Extreme weather: the new normal 27 July, aljazeera Global warming will compel nations to spend more on environment 22 July, The Economic Times (of India) BBC gives too much weight to fringe views on issues like climate change 20 July, The Guardian Can a candid climate modeler convince contrarians? 19 July, Scientific American Stern, in center of climate pessimism, hopeful about U.S. 15 July, Reuters Cinco ideas que transformarán nuestras vidas 11 July, EU votes against reducing carbon emissions by 30% 5 July, The Guardian Man-made climate change evidence 'hidden' by sulphur emissions 4 July, The Telegraph June 2011 Fears grow over Commission's ability to support emissions trading 30 June, Environmental Finance How clean energy can drive economic growth 30 June, Chris Huhne MP in The Telegraph Battle lines 24 June, Financial Times 6 CCCEP External Coverage Reducir emisiones no es una carga: N. Stern 24 June, Al Gore's rallying call: 'Climate crisis is a struggle for the soul of America' 23 June, The Guardian (Damian Carrington's Environment Blog) Cambio climático ya genera impacto en la economía colombiana 23 June, Teleantioquia noticias Conflict of interest claimed for IPCC energy report 17 June, New Scientist La ciencia como pasión 16 June, El Pais Recent warming trend is significant after all 14 June, New Scientist Climate change lessons "should not be compulsory" 13 June, Reuters Stern: «El cambio climático no controlado puede detener y revertir el desarrollo» 13 June, ABC Internacional 'Somos la generación que puede destruir la relación entre los humanos y el planeta' 13 June, El Pais Climate change should be excluded from curriculum, says adviser 12 June, The Guardian Poor must have the burden of global warming lifted 5 June, Observer (Editorial) May 2011 'Window for cutting CO2 closing': interview with Lord Nicholas Stern 31 May, Radio 4 (Today programme) Interview with Lord Nicholas Stern on 'Newshour' 30 May, BBC World Service (Newshour: 00:26:36 - 0:35:21) Worst ever carbon emissions leave climate on the brink 29 May, The Guardian Ailing UN climate talks jolted by record surge in greenhouse gases 29 May, The Guardian Freedom of information laws are used to harass scientists, says Nobel laureate 25 May, The Guardian Why the UK's hidden cash mountain needs to go green 20 May, The Guardian (Damian Carrington's environment blog) Interview with Bob Ward on 'As It Happens' radio programme 17 May, CBC Canada ('As It Happens' radio programme: 00.00 - 06.21) Australia prepares to swallow Monckton yet again 6 May, The Drum (The Drum Opinion) Climate change wilts farming yields 6 May, Wired (online only) Crop yields fall as temperatures rise 5 May, New Scientist 7 CCCEP External Coverage April 2011 China carbon emissions could peak by 2025-2030: U.S. study 29 April, Reuters Carbon cuts by developed countries cancelled out by imported goods 25 April, The Guardian March 2011 "We are running out of time" 28 March, chinadialogue Need to cut down carbon emissions stressed 27 March, expressbuzz Time running out to address climate change 26 March, Deccan Herald Climate change champion 24 March, Society Now February 2011 Top climate expert calls for 'new industrial revolution' 10 February, The Parliament Lord Stern: West must end hesitation over climate change 9 February, Energy: On the cusp of an 'industrial revolution' 4 February, BBC Radio 4, Today programme Mass tree deaths prompt fears of Amazon 'climate tipping point' 3 February, The Guardian January 2011 UK set for high end climate costs, as floods spread 31 January, BBC News Interview with Nicholas Stern at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland 28 January, France24 (video) | French version Interview with Nicholas Stern at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland 27 January, CNBC (video) Nicholas Stern, father of climate economics, formed ties with China 27 January, Sina (Chinese) Renewable energy sector needs US$6 trillion investment from China, EU and UK through to 2035, says IEA 21 January, Business Intelligence Middle East Global Warming Policy Foundation donor funding levels revealed 20 January, The Guardian New climate data shows warming world: WMO 20 January, Reuters 2010 ties 2005 for warmest year on record: US 19 January, The Independent Science faces crisis if cuts not reversed 18 January, Research Fortnight 8 CCCEP External Coverage BBVA premia a N. Stern por plantear el impacto económico del cambio climático 14 January, La Rioja (Spanish) Flood warnings: hottest year confirms global warming say experts 13 January, The Telegraph 2010 ties 2005 for warmest year on record: US 13 January, The Sydney Morning Herald Cancún summit 'positive' but unresolved issues remain 12 January, The Malta Independent G20: Sarkozy déjeune avec 19 économistes internationaux 7 January, Le Figaro 2010 After a wasted year, climate change must once again be our priority 26 December, The Guardian Review of Evan D.G. Fraser and Andrew Rimas's book, 'Empires of Food: feast, famine and the rise and fall of civilisations' 25 November, Times Higher Education Businesses bring the climate-change fight to COP16 24 November, Environmental Leader Is Yorkshire braced for a white Christmas? Latest odds 24 November, Yorkshire Evening Post 9