Download Speakers Bureau Topics – UPDATED 1/11/13

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Speakers Bureau Topics – UPDATED 1/11/13
The Credo and the People of God
Faith Alive: When I Say the Creed Through My Life
o How is a creed different from Scripture, Prayer, and Church documents?
o Review of the Nicene Creed
o Introduce the Credo of the People of God (Pope Paul VI)
Faculty: Fr. Kevin Duggan, Fr. Brad Hagelin, Dr. Kathy Ernst
Bibliography: CCC, Splendor of Faith: Meditations on the Credo of the People of God
Eucharist – Summit of Our Faith
Celebration of our Faith: Eucharist as Source and Summit
o What is a sacrament?
o Describe the Mass as meal and sacrifice
o Explain the meaning of “real presence”
o Explain Eucharist as completion of the Sacraments of Initiation
o Postures/gestures for reception of the sacrament
Faculty: Fr. Raymond Cleaveland, Fr. Kevin Duggan, Brian Guillot, Fr. Frank Schuster
Bibliography: Sacrosanctum Concilium, What Happens at Mass (Driscoll)
Faith and Reason
How does Faith support the “Big Bang” Theory
o Understand how Grace builds upon Nature
o Describe How the Church continues to speak in the Post Modern world on Faith and
o Recognize the relationship between the Creation Stories and the Big Bang Theory
Faculty: John Anderson, Claudia Pétursson
Bibliography: Gaudium et Spes, Faith and Reason, Pope John Paul II, 1998, Magis Center, Fr.
Spitzer (
Office of Catholic Faith Formation •
Speakers Bureau Topics – UPDATED 1/11/13
Faith as a Public Act
Witnesses of Faith: Gift of the Laity in the World Today
o Vatican II – Laity called to holiness and ministry
o Examples of modern/current “witnesses to faith”
o Catholic Social Teaching lived in the marketplace
Faculty: Fr. Raymond Cleaveland, J.L. Drouhard, Vince Herberholt, Jim Thomas
Bibliography: Vatican II Documents, Disciples Called to Witness, Called and Gifted for the Third
Faith Sharing in the Home
Discovering the Holiness in our Families
o Explore ideas to support families with making their home the “Domestic Church”
o Discuss methods to engage parents in parish faith formation activities
o Learn how media can be used to catechize families
Faculty: Diane Boggs, Helen Oesterle, Deacon Eric Paige, Sr. Liz Tiernan, Camille Pauley
Bibliography: Gaudium et Spes; Familiaris Consortio; JPII “Letter to Families”; Pope Benedict XVI
Spiritual Thought series book on Family
Gaudium et Spes
Joy and Hope for Today – How does the Church Speak to the Modern World?
o Overview of Gaudium et Spes
o Development of Catholic Social Teaching
o What the Church offers to individuals and society
Faculty: Dr. Peter Beaulieu, Jim Thomas, Fr. Stephen Rowan, Dr. Kathy Ernst (tentative)
Bibliography: Vatican II Documents
Office of Catholic Faith Formation •
Speakers Bureau Topics – UPDATED 1/11/13
Christ Transforming Culture Today
o Differentiate aspects of society that support, challenge and oppose Catholic teachings
o Explore creative use of media to find Gospel values
o Discuss methods to engage the culture with the Word of God
Faculty: Fr. Jim Northrop, Sr. Joyce Cox BVM, Dr. Kathy Ernst, Fr. Matthew O’Leary (tentative),
Fr. Gary Zender
Bibliography: Gaudium et Spes; Ad Gentes Divinitus; Disciples Called to Witness; Porta Fidei;
National Directory for Catechesis; Ecclesiam Suam
Mary, Sign of Hope, Comfort and Discipleship
• Explain the history and devotions to Mary
• Reflect on the titles of Mary and its meanings
• Discuss the distinctive teachings on Mary
Faculty: Jan Alkire, Mark Shea, Sr. Joyce Cox BVM
Bibliography: Dignity and Vocation of Women, Apostolic Letter, John Paul II, 1988, CCC, Lumen
Gentium, Archbishop Brunett’s 2007 collaboration – Studying Mary, Reflections on the Virgin
Mary in Anglican & Roman Catholic Devotion
New Evangelization
Rediscovering the Joy of Believing: The New Evangelization
o Define the New Evangelization
o Explore methods to connect a life of faith with the journey of life
o Discuss opportunities to share the light of Christ in the world around us
Faculty: Sr. Joyce Cox BVM, Fr. Bryan Dolejsi, Fr. Jim Northrop, Fr. Gary Zender, Fr. Matthew
O’Leary (tentative)
Bibliography: Porta Fidei; Disciples Called to Witness; Gaudium et Spes; Lumen Gentium;
Apostolicam Actuositatem
Office of Catholic Faith Formation •
Speakers Bureau Topics – UPDATED 1/11/13
Encountering Christ in the Sacraments
Overview of Vatican Document Sacrosanctum Concilium (SC) and the Second Pillar of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
o Explore the meaning of “full, conscious and active participation” in the Liturgy both
within and outside of Mass
o Discuss the relationship between encountering Christ in the Church’s sacraments and
deepening this relationship in our daily lives
o Differentiate Sacraments from sacramentals
Faculty: Fr. Scott Connolly, Fr. Bryan Dolejsi, Fr. Kevin Duggan, Fr. Steve Sallis
Bibliography: CCC; Sacrosanctum Concilium (SC)
Is Heaven Possible? - Our Capacity for God and God’s Plan for Us
o Explore God’s desire for our lives
o Reflect on the Church’s understanding of Purgatory, Heaven and Hell
o Discuss the Church’s role in Salvation
Faculty: Claudia Pétursson, Fr. Paul Pluth
Bibliography: Dei Verbum, Catechism of the Catholic Church
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults (USCCA)
Learning and Teaching the Faith – the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
o Overview of CCC and development of local catechisms
o USCCA as a personal resource for study
o USCCA as a tool for adult faith formation and evangelization
Faculty: Pat Ibach, Marti Lundberg, Claudia Pétursson
Bibliography: USCCA, Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us, CCC
Office of Catholic Faith Formation •
Presentadores y Presentaciones
El Credo y el Pueblo de Dios
FE Viva: Cuando Profeso el Credo en mi Vida
o ¿Cómo difiere un credo de la Escritura, la Oración, y de los documentos de Iglesia?
o Repaso del Credo de Nicea
o Introducción al Credo del Pueblo de Dios(Pablo VI)
Docente: Fr. Patrick McDermott;
Bibliografía: CIC, Veritatis Splendor: Meditaciones sobre el Credo del Pueblo de Dios
La Eucaristía – Culmen de Nuestra Fe
Celebrando Nuestra Fe: La Eucaristía como Fuente y Culmen
o ¿Qué es un sacramento?
o Describir la Misa como banquete y sacrificio
o Explicar el significado de “presencia real”
o Explicar la Eucaristía como consumación de los Sacramentos de Iniciación
o Posturas/gestos para la recepción del sacramento
Docentes: Fr. Cal R. Christiansen; Fr. Patrick McDermott; Sr. Neida Pérez, MRF
Bibliografía: Sacrosanctum Concilium, Lo que sucede en la Misa (Driscoll)
Fe y Razón
Manera en que la fe sostiene la teoría de la “Explosión del Cosmos”
o Entender la manera como la Gracia antecede la Naturaleza
o Describir Como la Iglesia continua expresándose sobre Fe y Ciencia en la Post
o Reconocer la relación entre los Relatos Creacionales y la Teoría de la Explosión del
Docente: Fr. Cal R. Christiansen
Bibliografía: Gaudium et Spes, Fe y Razón, Juan Pablo II, 1998.
Office of Catholic Faith Formation •
Presentadores y Presentaciones
La Fe como Acto Público
Testigos de Fe: el Don del Laicado en el Mundo de Hoy
o Vaticano II – el Laicado llamado a la santidad y al ministerio
o Ejemplos de “testigos de la fe” modernos/actuales
o La vivencia de la Enseñanza Social Católica en la arena pública
Docente: José J. Ramírez-Lomeli
Bibliografía: Documentos de Vaticano II, Llamados a Dar Testimonio, Llamados y Dotados para el
Tercer Milenio
Compartiendo la Fe en Casa
Descubriendo la Santidad en nuestra Familias
o Explorar vías que hagan posible a las familias hacer de su casa una “Iglesia Doméstica”
o Discutir maneras de integrar a los padres de familia en actividades de formación en la fe
o Enterarse de cómo los medios de comunicación pueden servir para catequizar la familia
Docente: José J. Ramírez-Lomeli
Bibliografía: Gaudium et Spes; Familiaris Consortio; JPII “Carta a la Familia”;
Gaudium et Spes
Alegría y Esperanza Hoy – ¿De qué manera la Iglesia Habla al Mundo Moderno?
o Visión de Conjunto de Gaudium et Spes
o Desarrollo de la Enseñanza Social Católica
o ¿Qué ofrece la Iglesia al individuo y a la sociedad?
Docentes: Fr. Cal R. Christiansen
Bibliografía: Documentos de Vaticano II
Office of Catholic Faith Formation •
Presentadores y Presentaciones
Cristo Transformando la cultura Hoy
o Diferenciar aspectos de la sociedad que apoyan, retan, y se oponen a las enseñanzas
o Explorar uso creativo de los medios de comunicación para descubrir valor del Evangelio
o Discutir métodos para que la cultura engrane con la Palabra de Dios
Docente: José J. Ramírez-Lomeli
Bibliografía: Gaudium et Spes; Ad Gentes Divinitus; Los Discípulos Llamados al Testimonio; Porta
Fidei; Directorio Nacional para la Catequesis; Ecclesiam Suam
María, Signo de Esperanza, Consuelo y Discipulado
o Explicar la historia de las devociones a María
o Reflexionar sobre los títulos de María y sus significados
o Discutir las enseñanzas características sobre María
Docentes: Fr. Cal R. Christiansen, Sr. Anabell Carmona, MRF
Bibliografía: Dignidad y Vocación de la Mujer, Carta Apostólica, Juan Pablo II, 1988, CIC, Lumen
Gentium, Archbishop Brunett’s 2007 collaboration – Studying Mary, Reflections on the Virgin
Mary in Anglican & Roman Catholic Devotion
Nueva Evangelización
Redescubriendo la Alegría de Creer: La Nueva Evangelización
o Definir la Nueva Evangelización
o Explorar métodos que conecten la vida de fe con la jornada de fe
o Discutir oportunidades para compartir la Luz de Cristo en el mundo a nuestro alrededor
Docente: Fr. Cal R. Christiansen
Bibliografía: Porta Fidei; Los Discípulos Llamados al Testimonio; Lumen Gentium; Apostolicam
Office of Catholic Faith Formation •
Presentadores y Presentaciones
Encontrando a Cristo en los Sacramentos
Visión de Conjunto de Sacrosanctum Concilium (SC) y del Segundo Pilar del Catecismo de la
Iglesia Católica (CIC)
o Explorar el contenido de “plena, consciente, y activa participación en la Liturgia dentro y
fuera de la Misa
o Discutir la relación entre el encuentro con Cristo en los Sacramentos de la Iglesia y la
profundización de esa relación en nuestra vida diaria
o Diferenciar los Sacramentos de los sacramentales
Docentes: Fr. Scott Connolly; Fr. Cal R. Christiansen; Fr. Patrick McDermott
Bibliografía: CIC; Sacrosanctum Concilium (SC)
¿El Cielo es Posible? - Nuestra capacidad de dios y el Plan de Dios para nosotros
o Explorar la Voluntad de Dios en nuestras vidas
o Reflexionar sobre el entendimiento de la Iglesia referente al Purgatorio, el Cielo, y el
o Discutir el papel de la Iglesia en la salvación
Docentes: Fr. Cal R. Christiansen; Fr. Patrick McDermott
Bibliografía: Dei Verbum, Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica
Catecismo Católico de los Estados Unidos para los Adultos (USCCA)
Aprendiendo y Enseñando la Fe – Catecismo Católico de los Estados Unidos para los Adultos
o Visión de conjunto del y desarrollo de catecismos locales
o USCCA como recurso personal de estudio
o USCCA como herramienta de formación en la fe del adulto y la evangelización
Docente: Sr. Anabell Carmona, MRF
Bibliografía: USCCA, Sentíamos Arder Nuestro Corazón, CIC
Office of Catholic Faith Formation •
Speakers Bureau Contact Information – UPDATED 12/11/12
Jan Alkire
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 206-524-3360;
 From the North Seattle Deanery
John Anderson
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 360-377-5948;
 From the Olympic Deanery
Dr. Peter Beaulieu
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 206-362-1528;
 From the North Seattle Deanery
Diane Boggs
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 360-896-1942;
 From the Southern Deanery
Sister Anabell Carmona, MRF
 Formation and Training Associate (en Español), Office of Catholic Faith Formation
 Faith Formation Programs in Spanish Faculty
 206-382-3155;
 From the South Seattle Deanery
Father Cal Christiansen
 Pastor, St. Rose de Viterbo Parish, Longview
 Faith Formation Programs in Spanish Faculty
 360-425-4660;
 From the Southern Deanery
Father Raymond Cleaveland
 Pastor, Christ the King Parish, Seattle
 206-362-1545;
 From the North Seattle Deanery
Office of Catholic Faith Formation •
Speakers Bureau Contact Information – UPDATED 12/11/12
Father Scott Connolly
 Pastor, Church of the Assumption, Bellingham
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 Faith Formation Programs in Spanish Faculty
 360-733-1380;
 From the Northern Deanery
Sister Joyce Cox, BVM
 Office of Religious Communities, Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 206-382-4829;
 From the South Seattle Deanery
Father Bryan Dolejsi
 Director of Vocations
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 206-382-4880;
 From the South King Deanery
J.L. Drouhard
 Director, Missions Office
 206-382-4869;
 From the Pierce Deanery
Father Kevin Duggan
 Pastor, Mary, Queen of Peace Parish, Sammamish
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 425-391-1178 x115;
 From the Eastside Deanery
Dr. Kathy Ernst
 Pastoral Associate, Church of the Assumption Parish, Bellingham
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 360-733-1380 x23;
 From the Northern Deanery
Brian Guillot
 Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation, St. John Bosco Parish, Lakewood
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 253-582-1028;
 From the Pierce Deanery
Office of Catholic Faith Formation •
Speakers Bureau Contact Information – UPDATED 12/11/12
Father Brad Hagelin
 Parochial Vicar, St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Tacoma
 253-564-5185;
 From the Pierce Deanery
Vince Herberholt
 JustFaith National Board
 Christifideles Program graduate
 206-524-7856;
 From the South Seattle Deanery
Pat Ibach
 Pastoral Assistant for Adult Faith Formation, St. Brendan Parish, Bothell
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 425-483-9400;
 From the Eastside Deanery
Marti Lundberg
 Pastoral Assistant for Administration, Christ the King Parish, Seattle
 Christifideles Program graduate
 206-859-5105;
 From the North Seattle Deanery
Father J. Patrick McDermott
 Pastor, Sacred Heart, Lacey
 360-491-0890;
 From the South Sound Deanery
Father Jim Northrop
 Pastor, St. Brendan Parish, Bothell
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 425-483-9400 x2647;
 From the Eastside Deanery
Helen Oesterle
 Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Seattle
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 206-935-0358 x108;
 From the South Seattle Deanery
Office of Catholic Faith Formation •
Speakers Bureau Contact Information – UPDATED 12/11/12
Deacon Eric Paige
 Director, Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 253-230-7659;
 From the Pierce Deanery
Camille Pauley
 Healing the Culture
 425-481-6563;
 From the North Seattle Deanery
Sister Neida Pérez, MRF
 Formation and Training Associate (en Español), Office of Catholic Faith Formation
 Faith Formation Programs in Spanish Faculty
 206-382-3155;
 From the South Seattle Deanery
Claudia Pétursson
 Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation, Holy Family Parish, Kirkland
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 425-822-0295 x122;
 From the Eastside Deanery
Father Paul Pluth
 Adjunct Judicial Vicar and Director of the Tribunal Office
 206-382-4598;
 From the North Seattle Deanery
José J. Ramírez-Lomeli
 Director of Pastoral Faith Formation Programs for Cultural & Ethnic Faith Communities,
Office of Catholic Faith Formation
 Faith Formation Programs in Spanish Faculty
 206-654-4644;
 From the South King Deanery
Father Steve Sallis
 Pastor, Sacred Heart Parish, Bellevue
 Interim Director, Liturgy Office
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 425-454-9536;
 From the Eastside Deanery
Office of Catholic Faith Formation •
Speakers Bureau Contact Information – UPDATED 12/11/12
Father Frank Schuster
 Pastor, Blessed Mother Teresa Parish, Woodinville
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 425-806-8096;
 From the Eastside Deanery
Mark Shea
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 425-672-3522;
 From the Snohomish Deanery
Jim Thomas
 Director of Adult Faith Formation for CST and Family Life, Office of Catholic Faith Formation
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 206-382-4268;
 From the North Seattle Deanery
Sister Liz Tiernan
 Catechist Certification Program Faculty
 206-323-5595;
 From the South King Deanery
Father Gary Zender
 Pastor, St. Anthony Parish, Renton
 425-277-6193;
 From the South King Deanery
Office of Catholic Faith Formation •