Download St. Michael Altar Society received a donation in memory of Verna

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September 13, 2015
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Vigésimo Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Next Sunday’s Readings
Lecturas para el próximo domingo
First Reading:
Wisdom 2:12, 17-20
Second Reading: James 3:16-4:3
Mark 9:30-37
Mass Intentions
Intenciones para las Misas
Saturday-Sábado, 4:00pm
Deceased members of
Schaefgen Family+
Saturday-Sábado, 6:30pm
Alejandro & German
Gasca Moreno+
Sunday-Domingo, 8:00am
Sunday-Domingo, 11:00am
Sunday-Domingo, 1:00pm
People of St. Michael
Intentions of GL & ML
Intentions of Christopher
Sanchez & Violeta Peñuelas
Monday-Lunes, 8:15am
Jim & Anne Cortese +
Monday-Lunes, 5:30pm
Grace Catherine Goodwin+
Tuesday-Martes, 8:15am
John Brannon +
Tuesday-Martes, 5:30pm
Reparation for homicides in Memphis
Wednesday-Miércoles, 8:15am Intentions of Judge Family
Wednesday-Miércoles, 12:00pm Mary Dorothy Scola +
Wednesday-Miércoles, 5:30pm Maria de Jesus Ocampo+
Thursday-Jueves, 8:15am
August & Cesira Catalani +
Thursday-Jueves, 5:30pm
John Brannon +
Friday-Viernes, 8:15am
Reparation, healing &
end to abortion
Friday-Viernes, 5:30pm
Saturday-Sábado, 8:15am
Saturday-Sábado, 4:00pm
Saturday-Sábado, 7:00pm
Tommy Costello +
Souls in Purgatory
Frank Denham +
Intentions of Lara Family
Sunday, September 6, 2015:
English Masses............................................$ 3,133.11
Misas en Español..…………..…………..…..….....$ 2,761.58
Total…..……….…………………….…………………..$ 5,894.69
Facilities Improvement Fund/
Fondos para mejora de Inmuebles……….$ 716.00
Catholic Univeristy of America…….……………$ 325.00
St. Michael Altar Society received a donation in
memory of Verna Higgins from Bill & Betty
13 de Septiembre, 2015
Please pray for the sick/por favor oremos por los
enfermos: Maria Dayana Acosta, Rose Ann Annaratone,
Arturo Arellano, Chiquinquira Benitez, Kay Brannon,
Claire Coleman, Rafael Coronado, Clarence Crawford,
Rose Marie Cross, Michael Elam, Susan Elam, Erika
Espinoza, Guadalupe Nava Elizalde, Maria de la Luz
Reyes Espinoza, Clara Flores, Nell Fundo, Mohan Gehi,
Mildred Gilmore, Dell Golladay, Adriana Gonzalez,
Imelda Gonzalez, Judd Grisanti, Allison Guzman, Ursula
Hannaford, Dot & Leo Hartweck, Maria del Rosario
Hernandez, Conner Heros, Verna Higgins, Clifford Hill,
David Hill, Teresa Howell, Anastasio Lopez, Ann Lunt,
Joann Mangan, Ruth Marcella, Zachary Marcella, John
Michael Martinez, Marissabel Mazon, Barbara McGrath,
Bobby McKinney, Myrna Mendez, Gene Michalski,
Enrique Montiel, Judy Nabors, Magally & Marshal
Ohman, Sandra Parker, Melanie L. Reyes, Leobardo
Robledo, Aura Esperanza Rodas, Barbara & Fred
Rutschman, Mary Ruiz, Mary Sammons, Bill Sampson,
Rosemarie Scola, Patricia Sitter, Doris Sonneborn, Linda
Theriot, Troxclair Family, Mary Lou Thompson, Polo
Venzor, Zulema Vergaray, Lynn Walker & Joyce R. West
Los bautizos en San Miguel son los sábados. Si usted
está interesado en bautizar, venga a la oficina a
registrarse como miembro de la parroquia. Se requiere
tres meses de anticipación para apartar la fecha del
bautismo. Debe ser miembro activo para cualquier
trámite en la parroquia.
Gracias a todos nuestros feligreses que han hecho su
donación a la Campaña Anual del Obispo para el 2015.
Estamos en el 54% de nuestra meta de $35,000. Si usted
aún no ha hecho un regalo o promesa, por favor haga
su promesa y traiga su sobre a la oficina de la iglesia.
Tarjetas adicionales están situadas en la parte posterior
de la iglesia. Gracias.
Check our Facebook Page: 4832
Little Flower Ravioli-Spaghetti Dinner Sunday,
September 13, 11:00am-2:00pm. Spaghetti plate
$6, ravioli plate $8, combination plate $8.
Visite nuestra página de Facebook:
Sunday Social for People with Special Needs Sunday,
September 13, 2-4pm at St. Francis of Assisi Church,
8151 Chimney Rock Blvd. For information call Pastoral
Ministries, 373-1237 or St. Francis Church, 756-1213.
Our Food Pantry needs canned fruit
for the families we serve. Nuestro
Dispensario necesita fruta enlatada para
las familias que servimos.
Symbolon: Understanding the Catholic
Faith DVD series by Dr. Edward Sri Sundays
at 9:00am in the Narthex and Tuesdays at
6:30pm in the Parish Office Conference Room.
The next SMILE breakfast is Tuesday,
September 15, 9:00am at Shoney’s on
Covington Pike.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help prayers continue
every Tuesday evening at 6:00pm.
St. Michael Altar Society will meet Friday,
September 18, 12:00pm at the Parish Center for a
potluck lunch. Ladies of the parish are invited to
join this ministry and help beautify our church.
Mass for the success of 40 Days for Life Tuesday,
September 22, 5:30pm.
The National Pilgrim
Virgin Statue of Our
Lady of Fatima will be
at our church Friday,
September 25, 8:00am8:00pm. Please spend
an hour with her that
day to pray for peace in
our families, our nation
and our world.
Clases de Planificación Natural
Método aprobado y bendecido por la Iglesia
Católica. Empezando el lunes, 14 de septiembre
de 6-9pm. Tendra lugar en la Iglesia San Pablo
1425 E. Shelby Dr. El curso consta de 3
sesiones. Para más información llame al Padre
Cortese al 762-4616.
Trivia Night Saturday, September 19, 6:30pm at Our
Lady of Sorrows, 3700 Thomas. Br. Ignatius will
emcee. Cost $90/table or $15/player. Proceeds benefit
OLS Youth Group. Call Fr. Timby at 353-1530.
40 Days for Life is a 12-hour prayer vigil outside Planned
Parenthood at 2430 Poplar that begins September 23 at
6:00am. We join other Christians, praying to end
abortion. Please consider praying for the staff, those
considering abortion and their unborn babies. To
learn more and sign up, visit www.40daysforlife.
com/Memphis or call Libby Parks at 355-8546.
Friends of the Poor Walk/Run Saturday,
September 26 at CBHS stadium. Registration is
at 9am and walk/run is at 10am.Cost is $25 for
individuals and $50 for families. Proceeds benefit
St. Vincent de Paul’s Ozanam Center Dining Hall.
Catholic Divorce Care begins Monday, October 5,
6:00pm at St. Louis Clunan Center. Cost of $20/person
includes all materials. To register call the Office of
Pastoral Life Ministries, 373-1224 or email Download registration
forms at Atimo_s/ news/
Fatima, Santiago de Compostela & Lourdes Pilgrimage April
5-15, 2016, led by Fr. Dexter Noblefranca. Cost from
Memphis with 2 meals every day is $3,790 plus $148 taxes.
See itinerary at
$400 deposit holds your place. Contact Jeannie Presley
at 335-4563 for more information.