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St. Bernard Catholic Faith Community 2516 WEST AVENUE 33 – (323) 255-6142 – LOS ANGELES, CA 90065 E-mail: Rev. Perry Leiker, Parish Administrator Rev. Msgr. Patrick McNulty, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Msgr. Gerald McSorley, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Paul Henson, O. Carm. CHURCH OFFICE/OFICINA DE LA IGLESIA ST. BERNARD SCHOOL 2500 West Avenue 33 – (323) 255-6142 3254 Verdugo Road – (323) 256-4989 Fax – (323) 255-2351 PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Margaret Samaniego PARISH MANAGER: Mario López SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN COMMITTEE: Jun Ballada (213)236-4829, Remy Baluyut (323)478-0001 Web Sites: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE – Remy Baluyut, Director OFICINA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA 2515 West Avenue 33 – (323) 256-6242 MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS Sunday in English Vigil Mass: Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am and 9:30 am Domingo en Español 11:00 am y 12:30 pm Weekdays – 8:00 am CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturdays: 3:30 pm — 4:30 pm Thursdays: 6:30 pm — 7:00 pm WEDDINGS/BODAS Please call the church office at least six months in advance. Favor de llamar la oficina de la iglesia a lo menos seis meses en adelante. BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS Saturday & Sundays Call church office for information Sábados y Domingos Llame a la oficina de la iglesia para más información. ROSARY – WEDNESDAY – 6:30 PM ENGLISH MARTES – 6:00 PM ESPAÑOL MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA WITH MASS – WEDNESDAY – 7:00 PM Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 29, 2012 JESUS TAUGHT “WITH AUTHORITY” GOD’S WORD IS ALWAYS BEING SPOKEN That Jesus didn’t teach like the scribes was very significant. After all, it was the scribes who taught the scriptures. They were the ones who knew the religious doctrine and taught it to the people. And though frequently criticized in the Gospels, they weren’t bad people by definition. Many of them were probably generous, decent, truthful people. Centuries earlier, God had promised through Jeremiah that “the days are coming . . . when . . . I will place my law within them, and write it upon their hearts” (Jeremiah 31:31, 33). Of course, “the days to come” are always here and now. The reign of God is always “at hand.” So God’s word is always being spoken. Usually, though, we miss God’s word, as available as it always is. It’s as if a movie, filled with wonder and excitement, were always playing away for our enjoyment; meanwhile, we manage to busy ourselves with other things—and eventually wander off—not willing to give our full attention. What Jesus did was stir up a message that had been placed deep within his listeners before they were born, etched in their hearts by God. “Wake up!” he urged, and some people didn’t wander off. They listened, “spellbound.” And what of us? Must we wait for a charismatic teacher to come and wake us up? Well, we may wait a long time. Let’s not give in to the old “homilies are stale” and “church is boring” excuses. God’s word is always being spoken. If only we can learn to pay attention, we will be spellbound. But Jesus was a teacher of a different sort altogether. It was as though he didn’t need to refer to the scriptures or to the teaching of anyone else at all. He had the authority himself. Imagine the unusual impression he must have made on his listeners! It has been suggested that Jesus was reputed to teach “with authority” because the crowds instantly recognized the truth of what he said. Why? Because he spoke the truth that was already in their hearts. Today’s Readings: Deuteronomy 18:15–20; Psalm 95:1–2, 6–9; 1 Corinthians 7:32–35; Mark 1:21–28 Copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Page Two St. Bernard Church January 29, 2012 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 29, 2012 Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the LORD who made us. — Psalm 95:6 Fr. Perry’s Message: ~ 4th Ordinary Sunday ~ A scheduling error on my part resulted in no priest being present for the 9:30am Mass on Sunday, January 15th. No excuse is being offered because there is no reason for this to happen except as an error. Having a priest available for Sunday Liturgy is of utmost importance. However, especially since I am here alone, it is important to realize that an emergency, last minute sickness, or a priest ‘not showing up’ could result in this happening again. It raises a few important questions for us. Although some have been prepared to celebrate a ‘Communion Service in the Absence of a Priest’ there may be some reluctance or lack of confidence to do so. Some additional training and preparation is needed. Further we should all notice that there is an increasing lack of priests in our Archdiocese and this may happen more often than any of us would like. Hopefully we will all give the benefit of the doubt and presume that no malice was intended. Hopefully we will appreciate when it does occur that to be blessed to hear the Word and receive communion is the most important thing and will hopefully always be available. Finally, this should make us all more aware of the need to encourage vocations and to invite especially our young people to consider a vocation to priesthood, religious life, or deaconate. Fr. Perry Leiker RETROUVAILLE A Lifeline for Marriage - Retrouvaille (pronounced retro -vi with a long i) helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. It is designed to provide the tools to help get your marriage back on track. It will give you the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine your lives together in a new and positive way. This program has helped 10's of 1000's of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential information about or to register for the next program, beginning with a weekend on February 17-19, 2012 call (661)257-7980 or email: or visit the web site at BUNDLE SUNDAY The St. Vincent de Paul Society will have their truck here this coming Saturday and Sunday, February 4th and 5th to receive donations of any useable items including clothing, household goods, small appliances or furniture pieces, books, toys, tools, kitchenware anything and everything in working, useable condition. Please help us to help people who are in need. For large items please call (323)224-6280. NEW (REVISED) TRANSLATION FOR THE MASS: (Introduction to the 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal, section 2, The Different Elements of the Mass) #54 The Collect – After the Initial Rites including the Greeting, Penitential Rite and Gloria, the Opening Prayer, properly called the Collec, follows. The General Instruction explains its purpose as follows: - “The Priest calls upon the people to pray and everybody, together with the Priest, observes a brief silence so that they may become aware of being in God’s presence and may call to mind their intentions. Then the Priest pronounces the prayer usually called the “Collect” and through which the character of the celebration finds expression”. (United States Conference of Bishop site: romanmissal/ Go to ’sample texts’ then to ’General Instruction of the Roman Missal GIRM) TOGETHER IN MISSION This weekend we formally close our Together in Mission 2011 Campaign. Thank you for your participation and support during this past year. We look forward in the weeks ahead to the beginning of our 2012 Campaign. This is an opportunity to support our local missions within our own archdiocese. Hopefully we will all be able to make a pledge and join Together in Mission, to give our support to our brothers and sisters in need! LAST WEEK’S COLLECTION — Together in Mission 2011 $2,045 This collection will be of great help to lessen the expenditure from our general funds for our Together in Mission 2011 pledge. Thank you for your generosity! HABITAT FOR HUMANITY This Saturday Habitat for Humanity of Greater L.A. will conduct a free Homeownership Resource Fair at Ca. State University, Dominguez Hills. There will be two sessions: 9am to 12pm or 1pm to 4pm This event (including parking) is free to the public. Register now at or for further information you may call 424-246-3651. Please join us each day in praying for the priest of the day. Favor de orar por nuestros sacerdotes. Monday: Rev. Simon O’Donnell, O.S.B. Tuesday: Rev. Victor Santoyo, O.M.I. Wednesday: Rev. Noicolas Sanchez, C.P.C.R. Thursday: Rev. Thommas Schweitzer Friday: Rev. Sylvan Schiavo, C.S.J. Saturday: Rev. Ronald Schmidt Sunday: Rev. Richard Zanotti, C.S. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bernard Church Thursday of this week we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the temple. Candles will be blessed and available for purchase at the 8:00a.m. Mass. Friday is the Feast of St. Blaise. The blessing of throats will be offered at the 8:00am and 7:30pm Masses. FEAST DAYS/DIAS FESTIVOS Tuesday/Martes — St. John Bosco/San Juan Bosco Thursday/Jueves — The Presentation of the Lord La Presentación del Señor Friday/Viernes — St. Blaise; St. Ansgar/San Blas; San Óscar READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY First Reading — Job spoke, saying: I have been assigned months of misery, and troubled nights have been allotted to me (Job 7:1-4, 6-7). Psalm — Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted (Psalm 147). Second Reading — I have become all things to all, to save at least some (1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23). Gospel — Jesus cured many who were sick with various diseases (Mark 1:29-39). Liturgical Color: Green 1/30 8:00am — Ernie Estanislao 1/31 8:00am — Pedro Meris & Ascencion Mendoza — RIP 2/01 8:00am — St. Bernard Parishioners 7:00pm — No Intention 2/02 8:00am — Candelaria Muncada — Happy Birthday! 2/03 8:00am — Rainerio Coronel — RIP 7:30pm — Camilo y Maria Magallón — RIP 2/04 8:00am — Pablito Jarata-Happy Birthday! 5:00pm — Joselita Meris — RIP 2/05 8:00am — Soledad Yapana —RIP 9:30am — Gerardo Mejia 11:00am — Maria San Juan — Feliz Cumpleaños! 12:30pm — Mario y Gonzalo Alarcon — RIP Carlota Dirzo — RIP FREE HEALTH FAIR/FERIA DE LA SALUD GRATIS Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto High School located at 2900 W. Pico Blvd. is sponsoring a HEALTH FAIR this Saturday, February 4 from 10:00am—1:00pm.There will be professionals on hand conducting health screenings, cooking and physical demonstrations along with speakers offering tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. More info. (323)737-0012. La Escuela Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto estará ofreciendo una FERIA DE LA SALUD este sábado 4 de Febrero de las 10am—1pm. Habrá profesionales ofreciendo consejos para llevar vidas más saludables. (323)737-0012. FIRST FRIDAY/VIERNES PRIMERO February 3 ~ 3 de Febrero Masses/Misas 8:00am English ~ 7:30pm Español Adoration after evening Mass until midnight. Adoración al Santísimo después de la Misa de la tarde hasta la medianoche. Page Three Un error de horario de mi partre dio por resultado el que no haya habido un sacerdote para oficiar la Misa de las 9:30am el domingo 15 de Enero. No ofrezco una disculpa porque sencillamente no hubo motivo para que esto pasara excepto que fue un error. El tener un sacerdote disponible para la Liturgia Dominical es de suma importancia. Sin embargo, especialmente por el hecho de estar solo aquí es importante comprender que una emergencia, enfermedad repentina, o que un sacerdote no se presente puede resultar en que esto vuelva a ocurrir. Esto trae consigo interrogantes para nosotros. Si bien algunas personas han sido preparadas para celebrar un ‘Servicio de Comunión en ausencia del Sacerdote’ puede que haya renuencia o falta de confianza para hacerlo. Se necesita entrenamiento y preparación adicional. Más aún debemos notar el incremento de la ausencia de sacerdotes en nuestra Arquidiósecis y esto pudiera pasar más seguido de lo que quiciéramos. Ojalá se otorgue el beneficio de la duda y den por sentado de que no hubo mala intención. Esperamos que si esto vuelve a ocurrir podamos apreciar que el estar bendecidos al escuchar la Palabra y recibir la comunión es lo más importante y primero Dios siempre esté disponible. Finalmente, todo esto nos debería hacer más conscientes de la necesidad de exhortar a las vocaciones e invitar especialmente a nuestros jóvenes, a considerar las vocaciónes al sacerdocio, vida religiosa, o diaconado. Padre Perry Leiker UNIDOS EN MISIÓN Este fin de semana cerramos formalmente nuestra Campaña Unidos en Misión 2011. Gracias por su participación y su apoyo durante el pasado año. En las semanas próximas daremos principio a nuestra Campaña 2012. Esta es una oportunidad para apoyar nuestras misiones locales dentro de nuestra propia Arquidiócesis. Esperamos que todos podamos hacer un compromiso y unirnos a Unidos en Misión y dar nuestro apoyo a nuestros hermanos y hermanas necesitados. COLECTA UNIDOS EN MISION 2011 (SEMANA PASADA) $2,045 Esta colecta será de gran ayuda para evitar hacer uso de nuestros fondos generales para cubrir nuestro compromiso de Unidos en Mision 2011. Gracias por su generosidad! NOTICIAS DE LA ESCUELA El Comité del Fashion Show les invita a su viaje de ida y vuelta al Casino Harrah’s Rincon el sábado 25. El costo es de $25 por persona. Salida de San Bernardo a las 9:30am y retorno a las 5:00pm. Reservaciones e información por favor llame a Patty Arellano (323)2254949. Se les informa que nuestra escuela está aceptando registraciones de nuevos estudiantes. Les recordamos que existe ayuda financiera para las familias que califiquen. Más información al 323-256-4989, correo electrónico o visite nuestra página en la red GROUP WEDDING/BODA EN GRUPO The Legion of Mary Group together with El Grupo Guadalupano is inviting couples who are not married in the Church yet and/or those who are married civilly to participate in the “GROUP WEDDING 2012” on Saturday August 4, 2012 at 1:00pm here at St. Bernard’s Church. El Grupo de La Legión de María en unión con el Grupo Guadalupano invita a todas las parejas casadas al civil que deseen casarse por la Iglesia a que participen en “Bodas en Grupo 2012” el sábado 4 de Agosto, 2012 a la 1:00p.m. en la Iglesia de San Bernardo. Additional information/Más información: Dagoberto Ramos al 323-640-3874, Salvador Solís al 323-2583611 o Maybelle Santos al 323-830-3331. Este jueves es la Fiesta de la Presentación de Jesús en el Templo. Las velas se bendecirán durante la Misa de las 8:00am y estarán disponibles para su compra. Este viernes es la Fiesta de San Blás. La bendición de las gargantas será durante las Misas de las 8:00a.m. y las 7:30p.m. SAN VICENTE DE PAUL El camión de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul estará en el estacionamiento de la iglesia los días 4 y 5 de Febrero para recibir sus donaciones de cualquier artículo en buen estado. Para artículos grandes favor de llamar al 323-224-6280. VENGA A CONOCER SU FE CATÓLICA Escuela de la Fe impartirá su nuevo curso de formación Cristiana SACRAMENTOS Este curso dará principio este martes 31 de Enero de las 7:00—9:00pm. Ven a aprender más sobre tu fe Católica! NUEVA TRADUCCIÓN PARA LA MISA (REVISADA) (Introducción a la Tercera Edición del Misal Romano Sección 2, Los diferentes elementos de la Misa) {#54 La Colecta (oraciones de los fieles) — Después de los Ritos iniciales incluyendo el Saludo, Acto Penitencial y Gloria, y la Oración Inicial, le sigue la propiamente llamada Colecta. La Instrucción General explica su propósito como sigue: — ”El Sacerdote invita al los fieles a la oración y todos se unen a el, se observa un breve silencio para que se conscientizen de la presencia de Dios y puedan pedir por sus intenciones en silencio. Luego el Sacerdote pronuncia la oración usual, la “Colecta” por medio de la cual el carácter de la celebración encuentra expresión. United States Conference of Bishop site: romanmissal/ Buscar ‘sample texts’ luego, ‘General Instruction of the Roman Missal GIRM’ LECTURAS PARA EL PRÓXIMO DOMINGO Primera lectura — Job declara que la vida en la tierra es monótona, miserable y triste (Job 7:1-4, 6-7). Salmo — Alaben al Señor, que sana los corazones quebrantados (Salmo 147 [146]). Segunda lectura — Pablo dice que no tienen otra alternativa sino la de predicar el Evangelio (1 Corintios 9:16-19, 22-23). Evangelio — Después de sanar a muchos enfermos y de expulsar a los demonios, Jesús predica la Buena Nueva (Marcos 1:29-39). Color Litúrgico: Verde NEWS FROM ST. BERNARD’S SCHOOL TURNARPOUND BUS TRIP — The St. Bernard Fashion Show Committee invites you to their turnaround bus trip to Harrah’s Rincon Casino on Saturday, February 25. The cost is $25 per person. Leaving St. Bernard at 9:30am and departs from casino at 5:00pm. Reservations or information please contact Patty Arellano at (323)225-4949. REGISTRATION for grades 1—8 is ongoing, and tuition assistance is available for qualified families. To visit our school, please call 323-256-4989 or e-mail You may also visit our website at BALLOT INITIATIVE IN NOVEMBER/PROPUESTA DE LEY EN NOVIEMBRE A new parental rights ballot initiative is coming: The Parental Notification Initiative requires doctors to notify a parent before performing an abortion on a girl under the age of 18 years old. The Catholic Conference of Bishops encourages all Catholics to support this pro-life effort. We need one million valid signatures of registered California voters to put this on the November ballot. Help by: 1) Signing the petition after Mass; 2) Collecting signatures; 3) Getting the word out. Una nueva propuesta de ley esta por llegar. La iniciativa de Notificación a los Padres require que los doctores notifiquen a los padres antes de practicarles un aborto a una menor de 18 años. La Conferencia Católica de Obispos exhorta a todos los Católicos a que apoyen este esfuerzo a favor de la vida. Necesitamos un millón de firmas válidas de personas registradas para poner esta propuesta en la boleta electoral de Noviembre. Usted puede ayudar 1) firmando la petición después de Misa 2) Recogiendo firmas 3) Informar a la gente. For information please call/Para Información llamar Dagoberto Ramos (323)640-3874 o a: COMPANION HOSPICE FREE VOLUNTEER TRAINING Be a member of the caring hospice team in your community! Assist the team by providing comfort, compassion and caring in a non-judgmental and supportive way. Affirm life and treat dying as a special and unique part of the life process. Saturdays February 4th—25th from 9:00am to 1:00pm 320 No. Halstead St. Ste. 100, Pasadena More info. 626-247-2270 or ENTRENAMIENTO PARA VOLUNTARIOS GRATIS Sea miembro voluntario del cuidado de enfermos en su comunidad promoviendo la calidad de vida! Sábados: 4 al 25 de Febrero de las 9:00am a la 1:00pm 320 N. Halstead St. Ste. 100, Pasadena, CA Información 626-247-2270 o Los talleres serán conducidos en Inglés. BULLETIN ADVERTISERS/PATROCINADORES During January and February, we ask everyone to check out the advertisers and if you enter their establishments, could you go out of your way to tell the owners or managers that you saw their ad in our Sunday bulletin. A small effort on the part of each of us can make an important contribution towards keeping and improving our bulletin! Durante los meses de Enero y Febrero les pedimos que revisen a nuestros patrocinadores en la parte de nuestro boletín y si visitan sus establecimientos, les pueden decir a los dueños o maenejadores que leyeron su anuncio en nuestro boletín Dominical. Un esfuerzo de nuestra parte puede ser una importante contribución para mejorar nuestro boletín!