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Saint Katharine Drexel Catholic Church Iglesia de Santa Katarina Drexel Chester, Pennsylvania Pastor/Párroco Reverend Scott D. Brockson Deacons/Diáconos Mr. Michael J. Finn Mr. John J. Pileggi Director of Religious Education/Directora de la Catequesis Ms. Julia White Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Vigil Mass in English on Saturday at 4 P. M. Misa Vespertina en Español el Sábado a las 6 P.M. Sunday : 8:30 A.M. & 10:30 A.M. (with Gospel Choir) Weekday 8:00 A.M. Monday to Saturday Confessions/Confesiones Saturday/Sábado: 3:15 to 3:45 P.M. First Friday/ Primeros Viernes: 7:15 to 7:45 A.M. Parish Rectory/Casa Parroquial - 1920 Providence Avenue Chester, Pa. 19013 (610) 872-3731; Fax (610) 872-0545 Visit our website at Facebook: St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Community Convent/Convento (Sisters of St. Joseph) 1902 Providence Avenue Chester, Pa 19013 (610) 876-4916 Food Cupboard/Banco de Alimentos - 2nd and Norris Streets Open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12 to 2 p.m. Abierto los martes y los jueves de las 12 a las 2 p.m. 484-490-5079 (voice) 484-490-5081 (fax) Drexel Neumann Academy/Colegio - 1901 Potter Street, Chester Pa. 19013 610-872-7358 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 4, 2014 GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER! (2 Cor. 9:7) MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK 4-27-2014 Collection $2,492 Last Year’s Collection $2,531 Third Sunday of Easter, May 4, 2014 4:00PM Vigil Carmen Pinto 6:00PM Vigil Pro Populo (For the People) 8:30AM Peg & Jack Lewis 10:30AM Kathleen M. Klotz Monday, May 5 8:00AM Intentions of Mary Kopp Tuesday, May 6 8:00AM Jean Marie Flynn Wednesday, May 7 8:00AM The Holy Souls in Purgatory Thursday, May 8 8:00AM Special Intentions Friday, May 9 8:00AM Mary Campbell Saturday, May 10 St. Damien de Veuster 8:00AM Kathleen M. Klotz Fourth Sunday of Easter, May 11, 2014 4:00PM Vigil Mothers Living & Deceased 6:00PM Vigil Pro Populo (For the People) 8:30AM Mothers Living & Deceased 10:30AM Mothers Living & Deceased Please Pray for the Sick of the Parish, especially: Ruth Ann Mullen, Bernie Brill, Michayla Amalfitano, Grace Marcozzi, Sheila Breslin, Olivia Weatherly, Mildred Robinson, Jeannette Platt, Pat McGarvey, Joseph Barbee, Sophia Agatone, Madeline Devenney, Leslie & Doris Easterday, Patty Hackett, Alice Walton, The King Family, Anthony Bonanno, Louise Gibson, Emily Ochrymowicz, Patricia Brown, Sandra Bonner, , Paula DiMaioReczek, Peg Rosenberg, Mary Ann Vail-Etzler, Michael Bias, Simone Bias, Kathy Murphy,Carmen London, Jane Smiley, Yoselin Rivera, Sam Dunkin, Dorothy Allen, Steven Duncan, Julie Forcielli, Lea Bias, Patricia Jones, Brielle Barbara, Nancy Dunkin, Catherine Kimes, John A. Smith, Linda Garcia, Christine, Avery Kelleher, Gordon Sookrae. Names on the Sick List will be on for Five Weeks. If you wish to leave them on longer, call the rectory. No names will be added to the Sick List unless we have approval to do so. Energy & Fuel Costs Collection $421 Thank you for supporting your church! PARISH LENDING LIBRARY Catholic books, CDs and DVDs are available at the back of the church for your borrowing pleasure. Please leave your name on the card when you borrow and return the item when you are done so that it can be available for others. We would appreciate donations of Catholic books, CDs and DVDs for the library. Please drop them off at the rectory so they can be processed. ARE YOU REGISTERED? If so, thank you! If not, please consider filling out a registration form which may be found at the entrance to the church, or you may send us an Email at or stop by the rectory between 9am & 4pm on a weekday. THANK YOU! We had an enjoyable picnic last Sunday due to the beautiful weather which God provided, and the many volunteers who helped to set up and clean up, grill and bring the food. Thanks especially to Julia White, Audrey Ríos, and Sandy Ramos for organizing the event, Sam Ríos and Chris Brawley for grilling, and Germán Ramos for lending his services as disc jockey. Thanks also to everyone who was able to attend. LAY MINISTER’S SCHEDULE MAY 10 & 11, 2014 4:00PM VIGIL Extraordinary Ministers: Liz Williams, Flossie Bryant, Irene Tucker - Alternate Lectors: Sue Ramberg Ushers: Dwight Williams, Tom Tucker, James Ianni, Ed Larkin 8:30AM Extraordinary Ministers:Sandra Edwards, Peg McFate, Helen Wilbanks - Alternate Lectors: Jim Morgan, Judy King Ushers: Mike Galczynski, Walter Manchin Greeters: Carmen London 10:30AM Extraordinary Ministers: Vickie Berry, Rick Dennis, Dan Kennedy - Alternate Lectors: Gus Lugay, Evola Johnson Ushers: Rick Dennis, Dan Kennedy, Vyto Barkamskas, Marlin Hunter Greeters: Sue Kennedy, Janice Roberts ST. KATHARINE DREXEL SENIORS Meet this Tuesday, May 6 at 11:00AM in the school gym. Brown Bag Lunch! MONTH OF MARY During the month of May we will sing the Regina Coeli at the end of each Mass, or another Marian hymn. May our blessed Mother intercede for us as we show her our love and appreciation. BREAD AND WINE If you wish to participate in this ancient tradition of providing the bread and wine for our liturgies you may make arrangements by coming to the Rectory. An offering of $20.00 is requested. SANCTUARY CANDLES These candles burn to remind us of the sacramental presence of Jesus Christ. One or both sanctuary candles can burn in memory of a loved one. If you wish to do so, please make arrangements by coming to the rectory. An offering of $10.00 per candle is requested. This week a candle burns for the Intentions of Mary Kopp, requested by Mary Pallam. JOKE THAT A PRIEST CAN TELL One day a little boy was playing outside with a broom, pretending it was a horse. When he was called for dinner, he left it in the yard. Later that night, his mother was looking for it, and asked the little boy where it might be. “I left it outside,” he said. “Well, son, please go and bring it in.” He told her that he was too afraid of the dark. His mother smiled and said, “The Lord is out there too, don’t be afraid.” So the boy went to the door, opened it, and called out, “Lord, if you’re out there, please hand me the broom!” SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION TO BE CELEBRATED NEXT WEEKEND Next Sunday at the 10:30 a.m. Mass Bishop Joseph Martino, retired bishop of Scranton and native of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation for our young people. In addition, five children will receive First Communion at this Mass as well, and two children will receive First Communion at each of the Vigil Masses. We congratulate them and their parents and sponsors, and pledge our prayers! CURSILLO DE DAMAS Por más de 50 años el Cursillo de Cristiandad ha servido a la comunidad católica de Filadelfia. La invitamos a tener un encuentro “personal” con usted misma, con sus hermanas, y más importante, con Jesucristo. Tiene que estar soltera o casada por la Iglesia, y mayor de 18 añor. Para más información favor de llamar a Joaquín Herrera a 215-512-5858. ¡De Colores! ¡GRACIAS! El picnic el domingo pasado fue muy divertido a causa del buen tiempo proveído por el Señor y los muchos voluntarios que ayudaron. Gracias a aquellos que prepararon la comida, y especialmente a Julia White, Audrey Ríos y Sandy Ramos que le organizaron. También, a Germán por sus servicios de disk jockey. MOTHERS DAY CIRCULO DE ORACION Our mothers, living and deceased, will be honored at all the Masses next weekend. Envelopes are available at the entrances of the church if you would like to make a donation in honor of your mother and other women in your life who have given you a mother’s love. Los martes a las 7 p.m. en la iglesia. ¡Te esperamos! VOCATION OFFICE SUMMER PROGRAMS Brother of Borromeo Vocation Congress a summer day of fun, food and formation for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Boys of the Archdiocese. This event provides an opportunity for boys to have a day of healthy fun, play, games, and do several fun activities at St. Charles Seminary on Wednesday, June 18. See Cost $25. RECONOZCAN A JESÚS San Pedro nos habla dos veces hoy. En la primera lectura, escuchamos una parte de su sermón el día de Pentecostés; en la segunda, parte de su primera carta. Antes, un pescador asustado y sin mucha educación que a menudo decía lo que no debía, ahora dice lo que él sabe es la verdad. Todo lo que Jesús había icho ahora tiene sentido. Su muerte y resurrección eran parte del plan de Dios y nuestra fe y esperanza se pueden centrar en Dios. El Evangelio de hoy nos relata la historia de la caminata de Jesús hacia Emaús con dos de los discípulos. Asustados, tristes y confusos, ninguno de los dos reconoció a Jesús, quien les dice lo mismo que escuchamos de Pedro en la lectura anterior: todo eso sucedió como parte del plan de Dios. Al final, los discípulos reconocieron a Jesús por la misma acción que nosotros debemos reconocerlo— al partir el Pan. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. PRAYER FOR THE DEDICATION OF DIGITAL SIGN Lord God, we are grateful for the gift of our new church sign. We pray that it may be a source of information and inspiration for those who view it. May it stand as a testimony to the generosity of Ellen Brennan, whose generous donation made it possible. We commend her soul into your eternal care. May the message of your love and mercy towards all people shine forth from it, and bring hope and encouragement to passersby. May this sign remind us that your people are called to be as a city on a hill, a lamp shining in the darkness, who by their words and way of life proclaim your Son as Lord and Savior. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. PRAYER FOR BLESSING OF NEW DOORS We praise you, Lord God, Father all-holy. You call your people together to form one Church, one flock of God, and give us shepherds after your own heart. We praise you for the life and witness of Popes Saint John XXIII and Saint John Paul II, two men whom you appointed to be servants of the servants of God, successors of St. Peter. May they intercede for us before your throne. We are grateful for the gift of our beautiful church doors. May the symbols of your holy Gospels etched on their glass remind us that we enter your church in order to hear your Word, and we leave your church in order to share your Word with others. May the image of Pope Saint John XXIII, who in his lifetime was called the "good pope," remind us that we are to be kind and loving like him. May the image of Pope Saint John Paul II, the apostle of mercy, inspire us to be merciful and forgiving towards those who offend us. Grant that all who enter this house of prayer will persevere, like the first community of Christians, in the teaching of the apostles, in the breaking of the bread, in the communal l ife of your people, and in unceasing prayer. We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord... HOMILIA DEL PAPA FRANCISO 27 DE DOMINGO San Juan XXIII y san Juan Pablo II tuvieron el valor de mirar las heridas de Jesús, de tocar sus manos llagadas y su costado traspasado. No se avergonzaron de la carne de Cristo, no se escandalizaron de él, de su cruz; no se avergonzaron de la carne del hermano (cf. Is 58,7), porque en cada persona que sufría veían a Jesús. Fueron dos hombres valerosos, llenos de la parresia del Espíritu Santo, y dieron testimonio ante la Iglesia y el mundo de la bondad de Dios, de su misericordia. Fueron sacerdotes y obispos y papas del siglo XX. Conocieron sus tragedias, pero no se abrumaron. En ellos, Dios fue más fuerte; fue más fuerte la fe en Jesucristo Redentor del hombre y Señor de la historia; en ellos fue más fuerte la misericordia de Dios que se manifiesta en estas cinco llagas; más fuerte, la cercanía materna de María. En estos dos hombres contemplativos de las llagas de Cristo y testigos de su misericordia había «una esperanza viva», junto a un «gozo inefable y radiante» (1 P 1,3.8). La esperanza y el gozo que Cristo resucitado da a sus discípulos, y de los que nada ni nadie les podrá privar. La esperanza y el gozo pascual, purificados en el crisol de la humillación, del vaciamiento, de la cercanía a los pecadores hasta el extremo, hasta la náusea a causa de la amargura de aquel cáliz. Ésta es la esperanza y el gozo que los dos papas santos recibieron como un don del Señor resucitado, y que a su vez dieron abundantemente al Pueblo de Dios, recibiendo de él un reconocimiento eterno... Y ésta es la imagen de la Iglesia que el Concilio Vaticano II tuvo ante sí. Juan XXIII y Juan Pablo II colaboraron con el Espíritu Santo para restaurar y actualizar la Iglesia según su fisionomía originaria, la fisionomía que le dieron los santos a lo largo de los siglos. No olvidemos que son precisamente los santos quienes llevan adelante y hacen crecer la Iglesia... Que estos dos nuevos santos pastores del Pueblo de Dios intercedan por la Iglesia...