Download Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco Roman Catholic Parish

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Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco
Roman Catholic Parish
250 - 21st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
216 - 27th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Parish Office at 250—21st Street
Phone: 718-768-3751
Fax: 718-768-4689
Mon. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-6:30pm
Tues. - Thurs. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-7:30pm
Friday 9:00am-3:00pm
Sat. 9am-12pm
Rev. Kenneth J. Grande, Pastor
Saturday Vigil Mass:
5:30 p.m.
St. John the Evangelist
Sunday Masses:
8:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
St. John the Evangelist
St. John the Evangelist
St. Rocco
Mon.-Fri. Masses:
8:30 a.m.
St. John the Evangelist
Friday Mass:
7:30 p.m.
St. John the Evangelist
No matter who you are,
or where you are on
life’s journey,
you are welcome here.
No importa quién eres,
o donde está usted en
el viaje de la vida,
usted es bienvenido aquí.
Mass Intentions
August 6
Joseph Paolucci
Requested by Family
August 7
FitzGerald & Sokoloski Families
Requested by Joseph Sokoloski
Ana Muñiz
De parte de Hijo John
Nely Paz
De parte de Familia
Felipa Carril
De parte de Estela Olivry
José Antonio Rivera
De Parte de Esposa Carmen
Cecilio Ramos
De parte de hija
August 8
All Members of Our Parish Family
August 9
The Children of Our Parish Family
Wednesday August 10
The Sick of Our Parish Family
August 11
Filomena Carpenito
Requested by James Yazzo
August 12
Increase in Vocations to the Priesthood
Todos Los Miembros de la Parroquia
August 13
All Members of Our Parish Family
Please pray for the homebound, the elderly, those
who are alone, the sick and especially for the sick
of our parish: Liza & Lisette Ferreiro, Amanda Lara,
Teresa Zapata, Ramon Gonzalez, Victoria Dubitsky,
Alfredo Rivas, Dana Rutyna, Milagros Alarcon, Flora
Robles & Virginia Carril
Altar Candles are offered this week in Memory of Rosemarie Milo, requested by Diane, Mike, Emily & Michael
La Celebración De La Virgen De Cisne
El Comité Virgen del Cisne invita a todos ustedes a la
celebración de Cisne. El Programa: Novena: Agosto 11
-19, 2016; Hora: 7:00pm; Lugar: la Iglesia de la parroquia, San Rocco. El Sábado, 20 de Agosto, a las
12:00pm, Una Procesión desde calle de 34th y avenida
4th hasta la Iglesia de la parroquia, San Juan Evangelista y Una Celebración de la Santa Misa a las 1:30pm en
la Iglesia, San Juan Evangelista. Una Recepción despues la Misa en el auditorio de la parroquia (calle de
27th). Todos estan invitados.
Saturdays 4:30pm - 5:00pm
Sábado a las 4:30pm - 5:00pm
Please call the parish office
for more information.
Por favor, llame la oficina de la Parroquia
por más información
Weddings: Scheduling of the ceremony is to be done
at least 6 months in advance (and prior to all other arrangements being made). Please call the parish office
to arrange an appointment.
Please log on to for complete information about marriage preparation in the Diocese.
Bodas: Favor fijar la fecha de la ceremonia en la Iglesia por lo menos 6 meses antes de la boda ( y antes
de los otros arreglos). Llame a la rectoria para una
cita. Favor de usar el Internet en
para información completa para la preparación de
matrimonio en la diócesis.
Change In Summer Mass Schedule
During the month of August, the Parish Mass schedule will be: Saturday evening, at 5:30pm, and Sunday
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in Spanish at our parish church, Saint John the Evangelist. The 11:45am Mass, at our parish church, Saint
Rocco, will start again on Sunday, September 11th.
Memorial Candles: If you would like a candle to
burn in front of a statue in memory of a loved one
from August through December a donation of $50
can be made at the rectory office along with the
name of your beloved. The candle will burn day and
night for your loved one or for a special intention.
Velas Memoriales: Si Ud. quiere mantener una vela
prendida en frente de una imagen en memoria de un
ser querido durante los seís meses de Augusto hasta
Diciembre, lo puede hacer en la rectoria con una
donación de $50.00. Se colocará el nombre de la
persona memorializada en la vela, la cuál quedará
prendida día y noche de acuerdo con su intención
Take Care Of Yourself
Dr. Vincent Adamo, a member of our parish family,
would like to help us live and remain healthy. He is a
very caring and friendly holistic doctor and puts his
faith into action by helping anyone who is suffering or
in pain. He is helping many people in our diocese to
live a better life. His office is located at 446 Bay Ridge
Parkway in Brooklyn and is phone number is 718-9215483. You can find more info at or Call him today to
schedule your appointment.
Religious Education Classes Registration: Registration for our parish Religious Education Faith Formation Classes
is now taking place in the parish office. Registration fee is $40.00 for the first child and $30.00 for each additional child of
the same family. Please bring a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate and a copy of the Birth Certificate.
Registración para las clases de Educación Religiosa: La inscripción para nuestras clases de Educación Religiosa, para la Formación de Fe, está teniendo lugar ahora en la oficina de nuestra parroquia. El costo de inscripción para un
niño es de $ 40.00, y $30.00 por cada niño adicional de la misma familia. Por favor traiga una copia del Certificado de
Bautismo del niño y una copia del acta de nacimiento.
If you know of someone who has not received First Communion or Confirmation, or maybe even some neighbors who talk
about our parish and have never been baptized, why don’t you come to the rectory office during office hours and fill out the
information for us this week. We will contact them in September or October to see if they are interested in coming closer to
Christ in the sacraments of the church.
Quizás tú conoces a alguien que necesita recibir sus sacramentos. Quizás tienes un vecino que habla de la iglesia y quisiera bautizarse. Quizás tú serás el misionero de Cristo. De la información en horas de oficina en la rectoría y cuando empezamos las clases durante Septiembre y Octubre, les mandaremos un recuerdo para que conozcan también Cristo en los
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
"You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come." The only thing we really know
about when Jesus will come again is that we won't be expecting it. As Jesus instructs us today, the best plan of action is thus
to be prepared at all times. We need to be ready and waiting to meet Jesus so that when he does return, it won't catch us off
guard. A little thought experiment might be helpful here. Let's imagine that the doorbell rings this evening after dinner. We
open the door and find Jesus standing there. He asks to come in. Are we ready for this honored guest? What will he find
when he steps in unannounced? Is everyone at peace around the house? Is everyone speaking with love and acting with generosity? Is there anything in our home that, in his presence, we might be ashamed of--books, shows, movies, or music that
aren't appropriate? Pictures, Facebook posts, or a record of Internet history that we hope he won't discover? Now, imagine
that he came unannounced into our HEARTS this evening. What would he find there? Are our hearts ready to welcome Jesus? In truth, we need not wait for the second coming to have Jesus in our hearts. He wants to live there already today! So
regardless of the timing of the second coming of Christ, we would do well to follow the traditional spiritual practice of a
daily examination of conscience to see where we are doing well and where we need to make changes. Taking such a deliberate spiritual inventory is an excellent way to help us be ready for Jesus like those servants "who await their master's return
from a wedding, ready to open immediately when he comes and knocks."
19º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
¿Dónde tenemos nuestro tesoro? El texto del Evangelio de hoy nos muestra diversos centros de atención. Veremos en lo que
Jesús enfatiza en diferentes ocasiones y es la imagen del tesoro para hablar del Reino. El tesoro es deseado, es algo así como
sacarnos la lotería cada semana que la rifan, o que nos llegue una herencia no esperada. En la vida nos encontramos rodeados
de tesoros que nos quieren vender muchas cosas con la promesa de ser felices. Sin embargo, Jesús nos dice que poseer el
Reino de Dios implica otra cosa a la que debemos poner atención. Esta va en la medida de donde ponemos los bienes que
tenemos, del cómo compartimos nuestro tiempo, talento y tesoro con los demás. Se trata de no acumular, sino de buscar y
dar, dar siempre, para obtener el tesoro que no se acaba. La seguridad de pertenecer al grupo de Jesús no está en querer todo,
sino en confiar en Dios. Eso es lo difícil porque se tiene la tendencia de aferrarse a las cosas materiales, el dinero, la ropa, el
carro, la casa y tantas otras cosas que se podrían mencionar. ¿Cómo hacer para que a partir de hoy aumente la confianza en
Dios? ¿Dónde está a lo que me aferro? ¿Qué me aleja de Dios? Para responder a estas preguntas Jesús nos explica tres
parábolas: el patrón que regresa de su boda y encuentra a los siervos atentos y vigilantes, y prepara la mesa para ellos; el
ladrón que entra a la casa, roba y se lleva todo; y la del administrado fiel que cuando llega el patrón lo encuentra trabajando.
Cumplir, confiar, comprometerse y trabajar. ¡Ahí está el tesoro!
Generations of Faith Campaign/Campaña de Generaciones de Fe
Thank you so much for your financial commitment to the Generations of Faith Campaign. Your financial promise over the next 5 years
is truly appreciated. Help us continue the work we need to do for Christ and His people by donating each month toward fulfilling your
commitment. Donating each month will be a tremendous help to what we must accomplish in our parish and our Diocese, especially for
educating our young people about the faith and our retired and sick priests. Thank you for your support, Rev. Kenneth J. Grande
Un enorme gracias por su compromiso financiero con la Campaña de Generaciones de Fe. Su promesa financiera por los próximos 5
años son realmente apreciados. Nos ayude a continuar el trabajo necesitado hacer por Cristo y Su pueblo mediante la donación mensualmente hacia el cumplimiento de su compromiso. Donar mensualmente será de inmensa ayuda a lo que tenemos que lograr en nuestra
parroquia y nuestra Diócesis, especialmente para educar a los jóvenes acerca de la fe y de nuestros sacerdotes jubilados y enfermos. Gracias por su apoyo, Rev. Kenneth J. Grande
Sharing the Gospel
Talk to God in prayer every day. Tell him when you are afraid. Tell him when you are happy. Tell
him that you love him. Obey his commandments. Be a light to others. Show them by your shining
example how to be a Christian. Feed the hungry. Give drink to the thirsty. Give clothes to the
needy. Forgive yourself and others. When Jesus, the Son of Man comes to get you, you will be
ready. One day Jesus will come back from heaven. He could come back any day now - nobody
knows when. So, you and I need to be ready. Put God first in your life. Love God with your whole
heart. Live every day in a way that will make Jesus smile. Be ready to go to heaven!
Dear Jesus, help me to stay close to You.
Something to Draw
Draw a picture of Jesus coming back in the clouds.
Mission for the Week
Every day read, play, and listen to things that make Jesus happy.
No 11:45am Mass from Sunday, July3rd to September 4th
Our Parish “End of Summer Festival – Get Together”
Sunday, September 18, 2016, at 12noon
Parish Yard on 27th Street near Saint Rocco Church
Hot Food, Refreshments, Entertainment for Children and Adults
Plan to spend a relaxing afternoon with us on at our parish “Get-Together”.
It is open to everyone in our parish and your family and friends.
Please plan to be with us.
So that all of us can spend an enjoyable afternoon together, we will only have
one parish Mass on Sunday, September 18th at 10:30am in our parish church, Saint
John the Evangelist. There will be no 8:45am, 10:00am or 11:45am Mass on Sunday,
September 18th.
Parish Raffle - Cash Prizes
1st - $1,500.00
2nd - $1,000.00
3rd - $ 500.00
Donation: $20.00 for 1 ticket
$50.00 for 3 tickets
Drawing: Sunday
September 18, 2016
in the parish yard on 27th St.
Winner need not be present.
Welcome - Bienvenido
Would you like to become a member of our parish? Fill out the form below and drop it in the
collection basket.
Visit us online at
¿Le gustaría ser un miembro de nuestra parroquia? Llene el siguiente formulario y colóquelo
en la canasta de la colecta. Visítenos en
2016 Annual Catholic Appeal Share The Joy Of The Gospel
Whatever the amount of your gift, it will be
accepted with gratitude and deeply appreciated. Thank you
La Campaña Católica Anual del 2016 Compartir la Alegría del Evangelio
Cualquiera que sea la cantidad de su donación, será
aceptada con gratitud y profundamente apreciado.
Zip-Code/Código Postal
Phone Number/Teléfono