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ST. PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH OCTOBER 30, 2016 THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Pastor—Rev. Joyle Martinez Deacon— Antonio Ramirez Priest in Residence—Rev. Felipe Paraguya Business Manager —Shirley Brown 8720 Florin Road—Sacramento, CA 95828 Mailing Address: P .O. Box 292280, Sacramento CA 95829 Office hours 8:00am-4:00pm Mon.-Fri. Phone 916-381-5200 Fax 916-381-0332 website Mass Schedules and other Services Sundays 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. en español Children’s and Youth Choirs sing first Sunday of the month. 4 p.m. [vigil] & 8 a.m. First Saturday [Mon—Fri]― 8 a.m. in the Chapel First Friday 7—8 p.m. 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Wednesdays following 8 a.m. Mass Mon. -Fri. 7:40a.m. Saturdays 2:45—3:45 pm Saturday Weekdays Holy Hour Holy Days of Obligation Perpetual Help Novena Morning Prayer Confessions [bilingual] WELCOME! You are encouraged to participate in our many functions, events, and activities. We offer opportunities for parishioners to use the time, talent, and treasure that God has given them in praise and glory of His name through our liturgical, care–giving, philanthropic, faith-formation and social ministries. Councils Pastoral Council Paul Pham 916.381.5200 Finance Council Jerry Fong 916.689-9418 Liturgical Ministries Faith Formation Ministries and Groups Catholic Faith Formation D.R.E. Catholic Faith Formation Spanish Coordinators RCIA for Adults Aracely Narvaez 916.381.5200 Sacristan Bob Benton 916.381.5200 916.383.6719 Youth Altar Servers Ministry Alex Plam 916.381.5200 Ja’net Blea 916.284.2008 Maria Consuelo Gutierrez Adult Altar Servers Ministry Angie Lovett 916.381.5200 Martha’s Daughters RCIA for Children Emiliia Caoagas 916.849.5617 Art & Environment Ministry RCIA for Teens Imelda Nanca 916.402-1904 Eucharistic Ministry Catholics Returning Home Dale & Kit Yamamoto 916. 895.1441 Hospitality Ministry Ja’net Blea 916.284.2008 Dale & Kit Yamamoto 916. 895.1441 Ministry of the Word Shirley Brown 916.612.7023 Couples for Christ Billy/Virgie Monteagudo 916.682.6397 Ministry Sick and Homebound Young Adults Ministry Kay NaRanong Music Ministry Erica NaRanong 916.667.8088 Baptism Preparation 916.425.4661 Legion of Mary Norma Bolante 916.688.8769 Vocation Committee Frances Gomes 916.421.0300 Families in Christ Jesus Imelda Nanca 916.402-1904 916.381.5200 Caregiving Ministries and Groups Bereavement Ministry Social Ministries and Groups Christmas Fair Call the office 916.381.5200 Fall Festival Call the office 916.381.5200 Cultural Dinner Guily & Naty Fontillas 916.362.7541 Parish Breakfasts Knights of Columbus 916.381.5200 Religious Goods Store Irene Ingham 916.689.2865 Yard Sale Call the office 916.381.5200 Wedding Coordinator Le Pham Health Ministry Clara Heimericks 916.689.3932 Loaves and Fishes Ministry Social Justice Ministry Pro Life 4 Life Diane Welsh 916.682.7810 Charlene Valine 916.682-0557 Philanthropic Ministries and Groups Catholic Daughters of the Americas Nellie Basquez Knights of Columbus David Santos MISSION STATEMENT We, God's people of St. Paul Catholic Parish In Sacramento, California, a multicultural, inclusive and welcoming community, inspired by the love of Jesus Christ are called: to bring all people of God together in worship, to declare our belief in God's love, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate and grow in our relationship with God. 916. 381.1365 916.936.3810 PAGE 2 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK MON: 10/31 DAWN GUEVARA † Requested by Glenn & Tess Carrascas TUES: 11/01 FRUITO BRIONES † CONCHITO SIA Requested by Luz Taylor WED: 11/02 HANK HANKEL † Requested by Flo Hankel JOHN, JOSEPH & STEPHEN CARAVELLO † Requested by Flo Hankel JULIAN & GENING † Requested by Sinlao family CLARO & MANUEL BRIONES † HENRY BERBON † Requested by Luz Taylor FRI: 11/04 ROMUALDO & RODRIGO TAVORA † Requested by Lourdes & family ARTURO ORIEL † Requested by Zeny & family TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — LORD, you love all things that exist (Wisdom 11:22 — 12:2). Psalm — I will praise your name forever, my king and my God (Psalm 145). Second Reading — May the name of Christ be glorified in you and you in him (2 Thessalonians 1:11 — 2:2). Gospel — Zacchaeus, a tax collector, considered to be a sinner, is converted to the Lord (Luke 19:1-10). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:12-14 Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Wednesday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: 2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14; Ps 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15; 2 Thes 2:16 — 3:5; Lk 20:27-38 [27, 34-38] October 30, 2016 Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time The Lord lifts up all who are falling, and raises up all who are bowed down. -Psalm 145:14 GOD IS WITH US The book of Wisdom tells us that the spirit of God is in all things. What a wonderful thought, and what a wonderful image to keep in front of us as we travel down life’s road. For if the path is revealed in the treading, it’s good to know that God is with us—and all around us—every step of the way. But Paul knows that this divine presence is not timid. Instead, God calls out to us, and Paul prays that we, along with the Thessalonians, might be made worthy of that call. And who knows more about God’s call than Zacchaeus, the tax collector? Jesus called him out of a tree, for goodness’ sake. Or perhaps more correctly, as we reflect upon the end of today’s Gospel reading, for heaven’s sake. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The recent “October count” tracking the statistics of participation at Sunday Mass calls to mind the situations of churches where it is difficult or impossible for Catholics to worship freely. This is especially striking in English Catholic history, as freedom of worship was systematically dismantled at the time of the Reformation. It seems that most English people retained deeply Catholic sympathies throughout the period of religious upheaval. Catholics who refused to participate in the public worship of the Church of England were called “recusants,” and beginning with the reign of Elizabeth I, they were subject to strict penalties. Recusant literally means “a person refusing to obey a command.” Most of those laws were in force until the early 1800s, and Catholics were not entirely emancipated from the duty of Anglican worship until 1829. Recusants paid heavy fines for not attending the state church. Holding on to Catholic faith was therefore a luxury of the very rich, who maintained private chapels, and sent their daughters and sons to English convents and monastery schools on the continent. Remarkably, the first among all British peers, the Dukes of Norfolk, the hereditary Earls Marshal of England, have never given up their Catholic faith. Many of these wealthy recusant families founded the colony of Maryland, and later many members of the old Catholic families continued on to the Kentucky frontier in search of greater religious freedom. ALL SAINTS & ALL SOULS DAY Nov 1st—All Saints Day Mass 8:00am & 7:00pm in English Nov 2nd– All Souls Day Mass 8:00am –English 6:30pm Spanish PAGE 3 PARISH STEWARDSHIP SEPTEMBER 2016 PROFIT & LOSS SERVERS NEEDED The Diocese of Sacramento is in need of capable servers at various diocesan liturgies throughout the year. The Diocese is trying to form a team of servers who would be willing to serve at special diocesan Masses with Bishop Soto or Bishop Cotta. If you would like to be part of this team call (916)-7330221, or The immediate needs are: Mass of Thanksgiving for Bishop Gallegos Sat Nov. 19th @1:15pm at the Cathedral 11th & K Bishop Alphonse Gallegos, who died in a tragic accident in 1991, was recently declared “Venerable” by Pope Francis. This Mass will celebrate that important event. RAFFLE The Spanish community is holding a raffle to benefit the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Building Fund to repay our diocesan loan. Ticket prices are $3.00 each Prizes: First prize 55 inch TV Second prize: Xbox Third prize: Nutri-ninja 32 oz blender Raffle will be drawn on December 18th. Tickets are on sale after Mass or in the rectory office. INCOME Offertory Other Income Religious Articles & Books Religious Education Total Income EXPENSES Salaries & Benefits Buildings & Grounds Religious Articles & Books Property Tax & Insurance Parish Programs Religious Education $ $ $ $ $ Actual 22,694 21,717 1,479 6,641 52,531 Budget $ 25,702 $ 24,120 $ 943 $ 4,750 $ 55,515. Difference $ ( 3,008) $ ( 2,404) $ 536 $ 1,891 $ (2,984) $ $ $ $ $ $ 12,746 $ 20,580 7,722 $ 9,102 342 $ 138 $ 2,689 4.489 $ 7,258 9,817 $ 2.000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Diocesan Assessment Total Ordinary Expenses $ Net Operating Income $ $ 4,601 35.116 $ 46,368 17,413 $ 9.147 $ ( 4,601) $ ( 11,252) $ 8,266 OTHER INCOME Interest $ $ Capitol Campaign & Blding Fund $ Diocesan & sp. Coll. Total Other Income $ OTHER EXPENSES .54 $ 441 $ ( 7,834) ( 1,380) 204 ( 2,689) ( 2,769)_ 7.817 (441) 32,549 $ 13,800 2,703 $ 35,253 $ 14,241 $ 18,749 $ 2,703 $ 21.012 $ 1,691 $ (1,691) 2,703 $ $ 13,342 - $ 2,703 $ 15,033 $ 2,703 $ (13,342) Net Other Income $ 32,550 $ ( 792) $ 33341. NET INCOME $ 49,965 $ 8,355 $ 41,608 Interest $ Diocesan & Special Collections Capital Fund Drive Youth Group Total Other Expenses $ $ $ $ $ ( 12,330) SECOND COLLECTIONS COLLECTION October 29 & 30 World Mission Day 4:00pm 7:30am 49:00am 11:00am 1:00pm TOTAL September 18 $1134.00 $939.00 $1001.00 $1115.00 $952.28 $5141.28 25 $1002.00 $1356.00 $ 838.00 $797.79 $4770.79 $ 777.00 October 2 $1022.00 $1054.00 $1861.00 $1022.00 $770.84 $5729.84 9 $ 1208.00 $1026.00 $1418.00 $1086.00 $871.03 $5609.03 16 $ 990.00 $1219.00 $1195.00 $886.06 $5826.06 $1536.00 World Mission Sunday, organized by the Propagation of the Faith is a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church’s missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. Every year the needs of the Catholic Church in the Mission grows, as new dioceses are formed, new seminaries are opened, and as areas devastated by war or natural disaster are rebuilt. That is why involvement and commitment of Catholics is so urgently needed. About 1,150 mission dioceses receive regular assistance from funds collected. Nov 5/6 St. Paul Building Fund & Capital Campaign This collection will help provide funds to repay the funds borrowed from the Diocese to build the Religious Education Center. PAGE 4 HEALTH MINISTRY SICK PARISHIONERS & FRIENDS Pray for sick family members, friends and parishioners. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the United States. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, except for skin cancers. About 1 in 8 (12%) of women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. The earlier it is detected the better the chances that treatment will work. Most doctors feel mammograms save thousands of lives each year. The Health Ministry encourages all women of the parish to talk to their doctors about getting a mammogram. Priscilla Wong Victoria Vasilescu John Jastraub Shirley Robinson Lorraine Schaefer Jessica Lintag John Rideaux Sandy Burgoon Iris Sims Teresa Ziegler Terry Sanchez Luc Kimia Mauricio Vargas Jack Steele Frank Farrell Rodulfo Reyes Rita Chicca Wendy Patnode Monica Cordero Rodrigo Reyes Virginia Collier Bill & Jean Hesse Ellen Yee Elio Chicca Gregory Judd Sam Butler Michael Delgado Jackie Martin Martha Montanez Ricardo Campos Johnathan Robinson James Solari Elizabeth Solari Maria Lopez Raymond Gutierrez Nilda Medina ,Doreathea Viltz Virginia Thomas Dorothy Butler Bernadette Carrasca Ashley Brackin Noah de los Reyes Carla Hart Brian Steele Juan San Miguel Peggy Meier-Beyers Gertie Davis Elnora Williams Norberta Bamford KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CATHOLIC DAUHGTERS Donuts and Coffee The Knights will be hosting donuts on the Sun days in October in the parish hall. Come and enjoy donuts, coffee, hot chocolate and tea for just a donation. PUMPKIN CARVING CONTEST Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree Assembly is sponsoring a Youth Carved & Decorated Pumpkin Contest on October 30th in the parish hall from 8:00-12:30pm. Youth categories are: Group #1, 5-9 years old (K-4th) Group #2, 10-13 yeas old, (5-8th) Entry fee is $5.00 per pumpkin, and prizes will be awarded for both carved and decorated categories in each of the two age groups. Note: No lit flames permitted Contact Frank at 896-8007. Knights Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive There are bins in the vestibule of the Church to collect non perishable food items for families in need during the Thanksgiving season. The Knights of Columbus will be giving out 250 food baskets again this year and we hope these baskets will contain enough food for a family to enjoy a full Thanksgiving dinner and more. Please go through your cupboards and pantries and donate any items that you can, and please remember the less fortunate when you do your grocery shopping. Join the Knights of Columbus If you would like to find out more about becoming a Knight please ask any Knight, they should all be wearing their name badges, or call Roger Tafoya at (916) 9363810. CDA #172 will be meeting once again on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in Room 1 at 7 p.m. Ladies, everyone has a unique talent or ability to share - from the gift of gab to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is easy! You can do as much or as little in the group as you choose - you chose the projects you are most interested in. We decide together on every aspect of every project. We are a likeable bunch of ladies!! We seek to find Christ in the programs we embrace. Regent Nellie Basquez at 916 381-1365 can give you more information if needed. PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY Please pray for the following members of our families serving in the Armed Forces Gary B. Foster ll Jay Candaso Norbert MendiolaJr. Jeffrey Yazel Daniel Roy Ryan Robert Brich II Gregorio Rodriguez Roel C.. Dones Ricardo Cervantes Stephen Rich Janae Santos Brian Vergith Martin Sinlao Sergio Pineda Ariel Rollins Don Carlo Geroche John Marc James Ruben N. Libed Nilo Uy Villaluna Jr. Don Jamoles Ryan Gandy Cody Machado Mark A. Ramos Jr. Cameron Lindsay Armando Asahan VOCATION CROSS If you would like to welcome the Vocation Cross into your home for a week please call the office so we can arrange to add you to the list of parishioners taking the Cross home each week. PAGE 5 YOUTH MISSIONARY NEWS (SPYM) Want to join SPYM? For more information contact: Cyrille Kaiklian 916.753.2302 email Angie Lovett 916.803.6463 email .916.381.5200 Or visit: BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Recent Bereavement Please keep the families and friends in your prayers for St. Paul Parishioners whose funerals, or Memorial Masses were celebrated during the past few weeks, Romeo Jarin.,Avelino Garcia & Purita Tonel, Trinidad Marzan, Eulalia Locquaiao, Demetrio Casuga, Bill Schlim Rose Blea, Fernando Magaño, Alicia Baltazar, Eustaquio Marron, Proserfino Dicholso. Mary White, Bonifacio CunananMay they rest in peace and let perpetual light shine upon them. For more information please call the rectory 381-5200. HEALTH MINISTRY Free Flu Shots Available Rite Aid Pharmacy will be administering flu shots in the Parish Hall on November 6th from 10:00am to 2:00pm The immunizations will be free to uninsured, underinsured and/or low income adults and families. On Sunday, October 30th, (this weekend) Rite Aid Pharmacy will have a table in front of the Church for pre-registration for the immunization. It is important to pre register to ensure that sufficient vaccine is available. CATHOLICS CARE. CATHOLICS VOTE .Catholic Bishops remind Catholics about the call to participate in political life. “In the Catholic tradition,” they write, “responsible citizenship is a virtue and participation in political life is a moral obligation.” Please visit: service ministry/faithfulcitizenship.html MINISTERS NEEDED If you would like to join our group of dedicated ministers we would be happy to welcome you. We are in need of Lectors, (Ministers of the Word) for Mass. and Ministers to the Ill and Homebound and Eucharistic Ministers. SOCIAL JUSTICE Socks and Tarps As the winter approaches the need for socks and tarps becomes the next need that will be addressed. Warm dry socks on a wet rainy day, when you are living on the street, must seem like a luxury. If you would like to donate socks “Tube Socks” will work for both men and women. The need for tarps to lay on the ground, or to be used by the homeless to protect from the rain will become a dire necessity in the near future. Please put your donated items in the containers in the entrances of the Church, these are provided by the Social Justice Ministry. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE The Bereavement Ministry invites you to participate in the annual “Mass of Remembrance” to be held on Monday, November 7th at 6:30om, as we remember and pay homage and respect to those of our parish community who have left this earthly life during the past year. We ask the entire faith community of St. Paul parish to join together on this important day of prayer and remembrance. CATHOLIC CEMETERY St. Mary Cemetery & Funeral Center, 6509 Fruitridge Rd will commemorate All Souls Day, November 2nd with: 10:15am Mass, celebrated by Bishop Soto 2:00pm Dia de los Muertos Aztec Dancers (1:00pm procession from All Hallows ParishO 3:00pm Bi-Lingual Mass, celebrated by Fr. Guillermo Hernandez 7:00pm Vietnamese Mass, celebrated by Fr. Jim Khoi & Fr. Peter Vien November 5: 10:00am Yeon Ryung Uh Nall Misa—St-Jeong Hae Elizabeth parish. For more information contact Melissa Kenerly at (916) 452-4831. NEW PARISHIONERS We would like to welcome some of our newly registered members to our parish family. Diana Abarca Rustico & Perlita Agcaoli Jr. Julio & Rosy Albarran Juan & Elvira Anguiano Jose & Maria Arriaga Miguel & Patricia Ayala Rafael & Ana Barba Walter & Alpha Baylon Larry & Rubina Calixto Julio & Veronica Camacho Daisy Canete Anthony & Adriana Castro If you are new to our parish we welcome you and ask you register with us so we can keep in touch. PAGE 6 Trigesimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 30 de octubre, 2016 DIOS ESTÁ CON NOSOTROS TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El libro de la Sabiduría nos dice que el Espíritu de Dios está en todas las cosas. ¡Qué maravilloso pensamiento! ¡Qué maravillosa imagen para tenerla frente a nosotros mientras vamos por el camino de la vida! Si el camino se revela al andar, es bueno saber que Dios está con nosotros –y alrededor de nosotros– a cada paso. Pero Pablo sabe que esta divina presencia no es tímida. En vez de eso, Dios nos llama, y Pablo ruega que nosotros, junto con los tesalonicenses, nos hagamos dignos de ese llamado. ¿Y quién sabe más acerca del llamado de Dios que Zaqueo, el recaudador de impuestos? Todos sabemos que Jesús lo llamó que bajara nada menos que de un árbol, por su bien. Tal vez más correctamente, al reflexionar en el final de la lectura del Evangelio de hoy, podríamos decir que para bien del cielo. El 31 de octubre muchos se visten de monstruos y al día siguiente, los cristianos celebramos a todos los santos. Es interesante el contraste entre los dos días. Un día recordamos brujas y zombis y al siguiente conmemoramos vírgenes y mártires, religiosos y laicos comprometidos todos con una cosa en común: su amor a Dios, un amor que se hace carne en obras de caridad y justicia. La mayoría de los santos se hicieron santos gracias a los monstruos que los rodeaban. Los primeros mártires cristianos murieron a mano de los monstruos romanos, muchos religiosos medievales se refugiaban en Dios para protegerse de los monstruos internos que los tentaban con sexo, dinero y poder. Y en América muchos como Manuel Chin Sooj se hicieron testigos de la justicia en manos de los monstruos de gobiernos injustos. Los monstruos, en fin no pueden vencer a los santos por eso en Guatemala el martirio de Manuel Chin Sooj, animó a los obispos guatemaltecos a unirse con la carta “El clamor de la tierra” a los esfuerzos de pobres en búsqueda de tierra y dignidad humana. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Señor, tú amas todo cuanto existe (Sabiduría 11:22 — 12:2). Salmo — Bendeciré al Señor eternamente (Salmo 145 [144]). Segunda lectura — Oramos siempre por ustedes para que el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo se glorifique en ustedes y ustedes en él (2 Tesalonicenses 1:11 — 2:2). Evangelio — Zaqueo, cobrador de impuestos, considerado socialmente como pecador, se convierte al Señor (Lucas 19:1-10). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Fil 2:1-4; Sal 131 (130):1bcde-3; Lc 14:12-14 Ap 7:2-4, 9-14; Sal 24 (23):1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Miércoles: Sab 3:1-9; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Rom 5:5-11 o 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, o lecturas de entre la Misas para los difuntos Jueves: Fil 3:3-8a; Sal 105 (104):2-7; Lc 15:1-10 Viernes: Fil 3:17 — 4:1; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Lc 16:1-8 Sábado: Fil 4:10-19; Sal 112 (111):1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lc 16:9-15 Domingo: 2 Mac 7:1-2, 9-14; Sal 17 (16):1, 5-6, 8, 15; 2 Tes 2:16 — 3:5; Lc 20:27-38 [27, 34-38] NUEVO EMPEZAR El día que temas que será el fin de todas las cosas es tu nacimiento a la eternidad. —Séneca ORAR POR LOS DIFUNTOS Rogar por los vivos y los difuntos como conclusión de las obras de misericordia espirituales están rogar a Dios por los vivos y los muertos en clave de síntesis, puesto que la oración es don de Dios en la relación con el hombre: “La Oración, sepámoslo o no, es el encuentro de la sed de Dios y de la sed del hombre. Dios tiene sed de que el hombre tenga sed de Él. En definitiva, “La oración cristiana es una relación de Alianza entre Dios y el hombre en Cristo y, por tanto, sostiene todas las obras de Misericordia. En la tradición cristiana, en el famoso díptico de la Regla de San Benito, se encuentra un hilo conductor para comprender el sentido de la oración y relación con la vida. Este díptico ha marcado toda la espiritualidad, no solamente la monástica, cuando dice: “Ora y Trabaja”. Siguiendo este espíritu, San Ignacio de Loyola explicó el binomio: Oren como si todo dependiese de Dios y trabajen como si todo dependiese de ustedes”. Esta obra de Misericordia pone de relieve, además, la “Comunión de los Santos” en la Iglesia, la cual aparece destacada ya en el Catecismo romano, así: Todo cuanto posee la Iglesia es poseído comúnmente por los que la integran: Todos los bautizados están constituidos para el bien de los demás. En definitiva, se trata de la comunión de los miembros de la Iglesia, tanto de los que peregrinan aun en la tierra, como los de los bienaventurados del cielo, calificados ambos como “santos”, gracias a su bautismo. El Concilio Vaticano II describe esta “comunión de los santos”. Todos en efecto, todos los de Cristo que tienen su Espíritu, forman una misma Iglesia y están unidos entre sí en Él. Consejo Pontificio para nueva evangelización PAGE 7 Sacristanes Miguel Mendez Antonio Morales 916-715-5413 916-230.9591 Formación en la Fe Católica : Coordinadoras: María C. Gutiérrez 916.383.6719 Aracely Narváez 916.681.2924 Ministerio de Comunión: Mary Weather 916.718.6387 Ministerio de la Palabra: María C. Gutiérrez 916.395.7219 Ministerios Servidores del Altar: Jóvenes Kelly E. Mendez 916.715.7492 Rosa M. Delgadillo 916.689.5204 Ministros de Hospitalidad: José Luis Sánchez 916.457.4713 Miguel Méndez 916.715.5413 Antonio Morales 916.230.9591 Francisco Rodríguez 916.717.0492 Magdiel Solís 510.938-6135 Ministerio de Música de Niños: Covadonga Barrón 916.670.9619 Ministerio de Música de Adultos: Ramiro Mendoza 916.670.5727 Vocaciones: Guadalupe Salinas 916.955.2150 Virgen de Guadalupe Ramona Cervantes 916.549.8114 Bautismos Diacono Ramírez 916.381.5200 Quiere unirse a nuestros diferentes ministerios, por que “Nuestro bautismo nos llama a compartir la misión de Cristo”. Si esta interesado favor de llamar a cualquier persona de los teléfonos de arriba de esta pagina. MATRIMONIOS Y QUINCEAÑERAS Para mas información sobre estos eventos por favor comuníquese con el Diacono Antonio Ramírez al 381-5200. PLATICAS PRE BAUTISMALES Las platicas para padres y padrinos se ofrecen el último sábado de cada mes, de 3:45 p.m. en el salón # 8. Se requiere llegar a tiempo. NOTA: Para evitar distracciones, por favor no traiga niños. Es necesario que pase a la oficina parroquial a registrar el niño/niña que desean bautizar, antes de atender a las platicas pre-bautismales. Horario de oficina: 8: a.m. – 4: p.m. Las personas que venga a clase Deberá presentar el recibo de la Oficina. IMPORTANTE: Si su hijo/hija es mayor de 6 años, por favor obtenga información con el Diacono Antonio Ramírez BAUTISMOS COMITE HISPANO El Comité Hispano, también llamado “Gente Puente” esta haciendo una Rifa, de un costo de $3 por boleto y el libro tiene 20 boletos. Los premios son: 1sro premio una TV de 55 pulgadas, 2ndo premio un Ex-box une y 3ro premio una ninja licuadora. Juega el 18 de Diciembre, los fondos son para ayuda de la fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe, y el edificio. MINISTERIO DE SALUD Vacunas contra la gripe disponible en el Condado de Sacramento y gratis. El Programa de Asistencia de Salud Pública Inmunización alberga una serie de clínicas de la gripe gratis en el área de Sacramento cada año para los no asegurados, con poca cobertura y adultos de ingresos bajos y / o familias. Por favor recoja una lista de las clínicas gratuitas en las entradas de la Iglesia. El calendario 2016 también está disponible en el sitio web Sacto Condado de Salud y Servicios Humanos MINISTERIO DE JUSTICA Calcetines y Carpas: A medida que el invierno se aproxima la necesidad de calcetines y carpas se convierte en una necesidad primordial para estas personas que no tienen un techo. calcetines secos calientes en un día lluvioso deben parecer un lujo y más si tiene una carpa que los cubran. Si usted desea donar calcetines de tubo "" funcionará tanto para hombres como para mujeres, y carpas. Por favor, ponga sus artículos donados en los contenedores que se encuentran a las entradas de la Iglesia, estos son proporcionados por el Ministerio de Justicia Social. DIA DE ACCION DE GRACIAS Los Caballeros de Colon estarán repartiendo 250 canastas de alimentos para aquellas familias en necesidad. Las familias favorecidas con un buen trabajo pueden ayudar a cumplir este sueño trayendo botes de comida como vegetales, pavos, jamones, arroz, frijoles, pasta y salsas, etc.. Los contenedores estarán a la entrada de la Iglesia para dejar sus donaciones. La celebración del Sacramento del Bautismo, es el primer sábado de cada mes a las 9:45 a.m., Requisitos: Haber atendido los padres y padrinos a las platicas pre-bautismales, Traer comprobante si atendieron en otra parroquia. Padrinos y Madrinas: Si son pareja, que estén casados en la Iglesia Católica, y haber recibido los Sacramentos de Iniciación Cristiana. Se ofrecerán las Misas durante el mes de Noviembre por todas las almas de los familias y amigos difuntos, favor dejar sus sobres en la canasta de la colecta y luego serán puestas en el altar por todo el mes MISAS ESPECIALES Recuerden Hoy es la colecta del Día de la Misión Mundial Nov 1st— Día de todos Santos . Misa 8:00am & 7:00pm in English Nov 2nd– Día de todas Almas . Misas 8:00am –English 6:30pm Español. Nov 7th Minoración a los fieles difuntos de San Pablo Misa Bilingüe a las 7:00 p.m. SPBRES PARA ALMAS Este es un día reservado para los católicos, en todo el mundo a comprometerse de nuevo a la actividad misionera de la Iglesia a través de la oración y el sacrificio. . Noviembre 5 & 6 Colecta para San Pablo, los Fondos Capital del edificio para pagar a la Diócesis. Personas que pagan sus promesas favor de usar el sobre rosado