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Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community
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A couple years ago the pastoral councils of the four Whiting parishes agreed that each parish would assume responsibility for its
own internal and external marketing, which included things like a
website, logo and related advertising. This was in response to
each parish wanting to retain its own unique identity while still
being part of the Whiting “cluster.”
It was also determined back then that “St. John the Baptist
School” should remain, “St. John the Baptist School,” and not
become, “The Whiting Catholic School” or be re-named to reflect
this new inclusivity. The same was true for each parish.
Shortly thereafter, St. John the Baptist asked for volunteers to
serve on a “marketing committee” and begin a much needed process of “re-branding” the parish and school, internally and externally. The committee was comprised of several dedicated parishioners. Focus groups occurred. Strategic discussions took place.
And as a result, a new logo was developed by a professional designer who assimilated all of our focus data from parishioners and
thus, from there, a new logo and parish website were being created.
Moreover, within the last year there has been a calculated effort
to dissolve the particular identities of the cluster parishes and minister as one “Whiting Catholic Community.” This is important to
note in terms of what follows.
May 17, 2015
(Continued from the previous column)
Finally, the next question: What about a desperately needed website for the school? The new principal and his staff will be assuming that project. This kind of undertaking requires “industrial
strength” that our meager committee just couldn’t handle and our
school deserves the very best. So stay tuned!
+ Click in Peace,
Fr. Kevin
Monday, May 18, St. John I, Pope & Martyr
Acts 19:1-8; Jn 16:29-33
7:00 am
†Duke Uhrin & Grandson, Jason (SJB)
Tuesday, May 19, Easter Weekday
Acts 20:17-27; Jn 17:1-11a
7:00 am
†Mary Brenkus (SJB)
Wednesday, May 20, St. Bernardine of Siena, Priest
Acts 20:28-38; Jn 17:11b-19
7:00 am
†Rev. Benedict Rajcany (Anniversary) (SJB)
Admittedly the new website looks very “St. John” at points because when this complicated process began the intention was to
produce a particular “parish website” and we were too far into the
process financially and organizationally to genetically alter the
process. However, we have since made concerted efforts to
“inclusify” the language of the website to reflect the new cohesion
of the four parishes even though vestiges of the past remain.
Thursday, May 21, St. Christopher Magallanes, Priest
Sacred Heart, Immaculate Conception and St. Adalbert are still
more than welcome to create their own webpages and we can
connect them to the main page of the new website.
Saturday, May 23. Easter Weekday
We invite you to visit the new website: Navigate!
Click! Enjoy! You will notice a new interactive master calendar
that will soon be activated, a section for news feeds, regularly
changing photos, interactive social media that we hope to use in
the near future and other features that help to communicate our
overall mission and ministries.
Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26
7:00 am
†John & Mary Mihalov (SJB)
Friday, May 22, St. Rita of Cascia, Religious
Acts 125:13b-21; Jn 21:15-19
7:00 am
8:30 am
†Ann Kaminsky (SJB)
†Deceased Members of Funchik Family (SJB)
Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Jn 21:20-25
7:00 am
4:30 pm
†Richard Pesenko (SJB)
†Sophie (Sue) Pazdur (SA)
Acts 2:1-11/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13; Jn 15:26-27, 16:12-15
8:00 am
Whiting/Robertsdale Catholic Community (SJB)
10:30 am
†Jeanne Haddad (SH-Spanish)
10:30 am
†Charles Hoover (SJB)
25th Wedding Anniversary for Erwin & Evelyn Roldan
Furthermore, we are identifying members of the parish staff who
will be responsible for the calendar, bulletin articles, news feeds,
updated photos, etc., and those contacts will be soon be publicized.
We are fortunate to have rectory resident, Bro. Juan Acuna,
C.PP.S., as our webmaster. Please direct any significant questions, corrections or concerns about the website to him at
Rev. William O’Donnell, C.PP.S., Pastor
Rev. Kevin Scalf, C.PP.S., Associate
Rev. Jerome Stack, C.PP.S.
Deacon Joseph Manchak
As my time here quickly and sadly draws to a close I want to personally thank Patty Etter, Tom Markovich, and more recently, Bro.
Juan Acuna, C.PP.S., for committing to this behemoth effort which
has saved the parish a lot of money in the end.
ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT .......... Margaret Saliga (219) 659-4138
I want to especially acknowledge and thank Mark Dominiak for
decades of stewardship to St. John Parish and School by sharing
his professional marketing expertise with us. He singularly created
and maintained the original website, invested countless hours,
countless monies, and endured countless headaches to help us
have a very relevant online and off-line presence over the years.
He has been equally generous with his time, talent and treasure
in work that has occurred during the past couple years to bring us
where we are today with the new look. Please join me in thanking
Mark when you see him. We are forever grateful!
FAITH FORMATION/RCIA……………..Call the Rectory (219) 659-0023
BAPTISMAL PREPARATION ............ Call the Rectory (219) 659-0023
BULLETIN………………………………………….Carol Bender (219) 659-0023
HISPANIC MINISTRY .............................. Nora Perez (219) 659-0023
MARRIAGE PREPARATION ..................................... (219) 659-0023
ST. JOHN SCHOOL..... David Wilson, Acting Principal (219) 659-3042
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL…………………………………………...(219)-659-1073
YOUTH MINISTRY ............................ Jamie Sandona (219) 659-0023
Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community
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May 10, 2015
Immaculate Conception……………………………………...………$745.00
Sacred Heart………………………………………………………….......$1,212.00
St. Adalbert……………………………………………..………….……...$940.00
St. John the Baptist
High School………………………………………………………………...….…$19.00
Grade School……………………………………………………………….…..$34.50
Seventh Sunday of Easter
High school student envelopes are ready for pick
up at the rectory of St. John the Baptist Church.
Office hours are Monday-Friday 9:00-4:00. Please
pick them up at your convenience.
Some of us have gone through twelve years of religious education
and have never heard the lordship of Jesus Christ proclaimed.
We don’t even know what it means when we say, “Jesus is Lord.”
Yet the lordship of Jesus Christ was the first creed of the Church.
It is mythically symbolized by Jesus “standing on the clouds of
heaven.” The Ascension might be called the feast of the lordship
of Christ.
We don’t experience God’s power, God’s lordship, unless we allow God to be first. It’s called the radical first-ness of God. God
is by definition not your God unless that God has primacy of
place. No one else may be first in your life. Your husband, your
wife, your children, your job have no right to be first. Fortunately,
God is willing to wait!
Where does your heart usually go when it is free? Wherever it
goes, that is your momentary God. How you use your time and
your money are probably the most honest revelations of your real
gods. The God who is in fact God waits like a patient but jealous
lover. God’s lordship is not dominating but enticing and seductive, and ever so patient.
Taken from, The Great Themes of Scripture: New Testament by Richard
Rohr, O.F.M. & Joseph Martos
Take a Walk - Make a Difference
Sojourner Truth House, a ministry of the “Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ” Sisters, is looking for individuals and teams to register
for their 2015 WALK FOR STH which is being held on Saturday,
June 13th. Dollars raised from the Walk will support the mission
of Sojourner Truth House to provide hope and help for homeless
and at-risk women and children and underserved residents of
Gary and Northwest Indiana. The Walk is 1.6 miles and will happen rain or shine with check in beginning at 8:00am and the Walk
starting at 9:00am from the front of Sojourner Truth House located
at the corner of 13th Ave and Madison in Gary, IN. Visit the website, for more information and to register.
Please remember in your prayers all the homebound, all
those who are in hospitals, adult foster care homes, those
who are ill and those with ongoing health issues. Please
remember those we have been asked to pray for:
Virginia Banas, Mary Bayus, Bernice Bercik, Richard Bobos, Mary
Boyle, Melissa Bradley, Isabel Briones, Ray Buell, Jerry Burke,
Thomas Castillo, Betty Chidalek, Magdalena Chirinos, Dorothy
Chovan, Doris Cinotto, Abigail Coates, Rebecca Coates, Nancy
Coleman, Marie Dado, Jason Delgado, Gloria Demeter, Joan
Druskis, John Durkovich, Irene Dvorscak, Alice Escamilla,
Jeanine Faulkner, Art Fortener, Joseph Fortunak, Jr., Charles
Gawlik, Andrea Gaynor, Julie Geffert, Joseph Gerba, George
Grenchik, Florence Gresko, Michael and Aidan Harkenrider, Tom
Hashu, Nicole Hipp, Laura Holman, Len Hoyda, Marianne
Hruskocy, Peggy Hyde, Tom Janiga, Bernice Johnson, Edy
Johnson, Mark Jurek, Ann Marie Kaminsky, Gloria A. Kaminsky,
Rosemary Kaminsky, Gerry Kasarda, Cathy Kobe, Randal Koch,
Janet Kompier, Barbara Jean Korba, Margaret Korba, Ann
Kovach, Steve Kovacik, Ann Kovar, Ann Kraly, Nathan Kras,
Laura Kresich, Abigail Krieger, Tom Kusbel, Sarah Lampa, Lenore
Lazur, Leslie LeClaire, Aaron Mercer, Edward Machniewicz,
Catherine Marnan, Jane Mika, Janet Moran, Judy Muryzn, Bryce
Nowakowski, Jennifer O’Donnell, Collette Ormes, Charles
Pantoga, Sarah Penrose, Joan Peters, Shirley Pierce, Nancy
Pieters-Mayfield, Judith Pitlik, Joyce Pardinek, Caitlan Pawlowski,
Tom Puplava, Kathleen Radloff, Frank Ratkay, Al Renda, Aloma
Robinson, Mary Rost, Ed Roszkowski, Marian Rovito, Joyce
Rybicki, Andrea Salazar, Millie Saliga, Dave Sikes, Grace Simko,
Catherine Smutniak, Nick Speziale, Jack Strisko, Nancy Teles,
James Toth, Richard Tumidalsky, Katelyn Valencia, Adina
Vargas, Marge Vrlik, Marianne Zemen.
Please continue to pray for all the service men
and women who are currently serving in the
especially: Matt Barbetta, Sean
Bowman, Cristina Campos, Christina Campra, Sean
Coleman, Larry Gazafy, Matthew Geffert, John
Gervais, Gerardo Gonzalez, Gordon Goodwin, James Grunhard
Jr., Alex Gonzalo Hernandez, Elliot Hlavaty, Matthew Hlavaty,
Justin Jansky, Thomas M. Kaminsky, Keith Kennedy, Jeff
Klobucar, Jason Koscielski, Jeffery Koval, Mark Koval, Joe Lush,
Zachary C. Machuca, Walter Malenki, Benjamin Mann, Randall
McAllister, Mike McCay, Hugh A. McNinch, Philip Mlynarski,
Derek Monks, David Novotney, Zack O’Drobinak, Nicholas
Okamura, Justus Oliver, Mark Opachan, Nicholas Orbik, Michael
Ortiz, Kenneth Petkunas, Thomas Puplava Jr., Robert Rodriguez,
Eric Schaufele, Elliott Schultz, Natalie Serna, John Starzyk Jr,
Alex Supergan, Jason Sutton, Stephen Taylor, Jeffrey Thormeyer,
Christopher Trojnar, Samuel Valdyke, Ryan Walker, Ray Walsh.
whose members minister in this parish, celebrate the
200th anniversary of their founding in 2015. The first
missionary of the Precious Blood minister in the United
States , Fr. Francis de Sales Brunner, was not always
sure about his own vocation. Fr. Brunner, who was born
in Switzerland in 1795, belonged first to the Benedictines and then to the Trappists before he ultimately decided that
he was meant to be a Missionary of the Precious Blood. Life
sometimes brings us to a fork in the road. If you have an important decision in front of you, we pray that God sends you the
wisdom and confidence to make the right choice.
Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community
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We have finally been billed for our
Fannie May fundraiser and have
sent payment. The reason for this
delay is because of a fire on Thanksgiving Day, that damaged the
warehouse and distribution facility in Maple Heights, Ohio. If you
are still awaiting a backordered item you need to contact Fannie
May immediately! The number is 1-800-444-3629, it is helpful to
have our account number which is 53406. You will also need the
name the order was under and what was backordered. Fannie
May will offer you a gift card if the item is unavailable, if you do
not want the gift card they will now be able to give you a refund for
that item. Please contact Fannie May at once, as we are not sure
how long this offer will be available.
A special Memorial Day Mass, honoring all veterans, will be offered at St. John/St. Joseph
Cemetery on Monday, May 25th at 10:00 am.
The celebrant will be our new Bishop, the Most
Reverend Donald J. Hying.
One of the primary objectives of St. John’s Alumni Association is
to support and help St. John School. In terms of assistance, FOREVER BLUE AND GOLD, wishes to WELCOME and congratulate
MR. SCOTT TABERNACKI the new principal of St. John School.
We wish him good luck and look forward to working with him to
make St. John an outstanding Catholic school!
In terms of supporting St. John, alumni are invited to a FOREVER
BLUE AND GOLD board meeting on Monday, May 18 at 7:00
p.m. at school. Some of the topics include a financial report, an
update on school support projects, graduation plans and Pierogi
Fest parking plans. Questions about the meeting or suggestions
may be directed to our email:
On Sunday May 24th the Catholic Church celebrates
the feast of Pentecost, a time of blessing for the universal Church, as we recall the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit upon Mary, the apostles, and the disciples of Jesus just 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection.
In the Acts of the Apostles St. Luke explains that on
the first Pentecost, God ignited Jesus’ followers with power,
strength and courage from on high. No longer were they timid but
boldly began to proclaim “Resurrection glory” and the gift of eternal life, revealed in the love and forgiveness of Jesus. During the
coming days of Ordinary Time we are encouraged to follow the
disciples lead! May our words and actions testify to God’s abundant blessings, mercy, and love.
Everyone is encouraged to wear RED in celebration of Pentecost,
the “Birthday of the Church”. Come to the weekend liturgy joyfully
singing out God’s praises for granting us the gift of his Holy Spirit
and the gift of salvation and eternal life.
Happy Pentecost….Happy Birthday, Church!
“I have come to light a fire on the earth.
How I wish the blaze was already ignited!”
(The words of Jesus as recorded in Luke 12:49.)
May 17, 2015
Nut, poppy seed and apricot rolls are available for sale just in
time for Mother’s Day, Graduation Day and just about any other
occasion. Call Carol Vargo at 2190659-3041 for further information.
The St. John Rosary’s spring bake sale, bazaar
and raffle is this Sunday. Everyone is invited to the
Mural Room from 7:30 am to 12:30 pm. There will
be a nice array of baked goods, a variety of bazaar
items and a raffle with cash prizes of $100, $50 and
two $25 prizes. Coffee and donuts are available for purchase as
well. Bring you family and friends. Please support our St. John
Rosary Society!
There will be a special Rosary Society board meeting for officers
and group promoters on Wednesday, May 20 at 10:00 am in the
Founders Room.
Kudos to St. John the Baptist fourth-grader Kyle Cruz who recently won a division championship in the CYO spelling bee at St.
Mary Catholic Community School.
We are so proud of you Kyle! Hooray!
PHYRE Ministry is once again headed to NCYC with the Diocese
of Gary Office for Youth & Young Adults! NCYC will be held November 19-21, 2015, and once again it will be held right down
the road in INDIANAPOLIS!
What is NCYC? The National Catholic Youth Conference is an
exciting, biennial three-day experience of prayer, community, and
empowerment for Catholic teenagers and their adult chaperones.
Teens and their group leaders enjoy speakers, workshops, live
music, rousing large sessions, a huge closing liturgy, exploring
faith in a supportive environment. Perhaps best of all teens are
part of an enormous community of peers who love Jesus and their
Catholic faith and aren't afraid to show it! Teens and youth leaders can together harness the experience and bring it back to their
parishes! Information packs with deadlines for registration will be
handed on at the May 3rd PHYRE Meeting. Please contact Jamie
Sandona personally at 219-659-0023, 219-616-5341, or at if you need further information. Visit to see promotional videos as well as to
read more about this amazing experience.
Will be held July 17-19 at Valparaiso University, CYX is an acronym for Catholic Youth Experience which is a conference for all
incoming High School Freshmen through outgoing High School
Seniors. CYX is held every year in July and is sponsored by the
Diocese of Gary Office of Youth Information packets will be available at the May 3rd PHYRE Ministry gathering at 6pm. For more
information please contact Jamie Sandona at 219-659-0023, 219616-5341, or
1110 119th Street—Whiting
Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community
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As I move closer to the day of my retirement as a lay minister for
the Catholic parishes in our community, I am powerfully reminded
how blessed I have been and still am!
From that day in September of 1955 when I entered into the hallowed (yet very new) halls of St. John the Baptist Catholic School
for the very first time as a kindergarten student, every important
milestone of my life has been intertwined with the Saint John the
Baptist community. I received six sacraments of the Catholic
Church in Saint John Church. I met my dear husband, Tom, in
Saint John School 46 years ago. Our courtship and wedding ceremony were witnessed by the students and families of the Saint
John community! All 5 of our children received the Sacraments of
Initiation in Saint John Church and graduated from Saint John
School. Six of our grandchildren entered into the Catholic faith
through the waters of baptism in Saint John Church. This Catholic community has lifted members of my family and me up in prayer during times of illness, danger and distress.
In 1985 I was asked to serve as the preschool teacher for Saint
John School. During that time, Father Ed Homco encouraged me
to participate in the Christ Renews His Parish process. Because
of that life changing experience I came to realize that God was
calling me in a new direction. Father John Kalicky recommended
me for enrollment in the first class of the Diocese of Gary's Lay
Ecclesial Ministry Formation program. After completing the program and being commissioned by Bishop Melczek, I was invited
by Father John to move into full time lay ministry in Saint John
parish and school. The rest, as they say, is history.
During the past 15 years I have been blessed to serve the people
of God in the four parishes of our catholic community in various
ways including Infant Baptism Ministry, Rite of Christian Initiation
of Adults, children's sacramental preparation and parent formation, the Faith Formation/Religious Education program and
through so many more opportunities. I am humbled and will be
forever grateful to God for allowing me to experience the light of
Christ through the eyes and hearts of so many wonderful people.
I do not know where God is leading me now, but I will do my best
to be aware of the movement of the Holy Spirit in my life.
I thank each and every one of you for blessing me with prayers,
support, encouragement and love over the years. It has been said
that the only things that endure are our relationships with God
and with each other. As I end my years of formal ministry here I
will always hold in my heart wonderful memories of the people I
have come to know and serve and I will remember you in prayer.
May God always hold you in the palm of his hand.
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 17
7:30-12:30 pm Rosary Society Bake Sale & Bazaar
(Mural Room)
Mother’s Day Breakfast (Whiting K of C)
10:30 am
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (SJB)
10:30 am
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (SH)
6-8:30 pm
High School Ministry ((Benedict Hall)
Monday, May 18
10:30 am
Bible Study (SH)
7:00 pm
St. John Alumni Meeting (Pastoral Center)
7:00 pm
Spanish Bible Study (SH sacristy)
Tuesday, May 19
6:30 pm
Symbolon Church’s Social Teaching (SH)
Wednesday, May 20
1:00 pm
Rosary Society Bd. Mtg. (Founders Room)
6:30 pm
Ministry Fair Meeting (Founders Room)
7-8:00 pm
Catholicism Series (Spanish-SH sacristy)
Thursday, May 21
9:00 am
RCIA—Last Session (SJB)
6:00 pm
St. Vincent de Paul Mtg.
6:30 pm
Adult Choir Rehearsal (SJB)
Friday, May 22
Saturday, May 23
12:00 pm
Spanish Choir Rehearsal (SH)
Sunday, May 24—Pentecost Sunday
10:30 am
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (SJB)
10:30 am
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (SH)
Bishop Noll Institute will be offering an Alumni Musical Revue on
Friday, May 29th at 7:00 pm in the BNI auditorium. All performers
are graduates who were musically involved at BNI during the past
55 years. All are invited to attend and enjoy a musical evening
complete with a social afterwards.
Camp Lawrence in Valparaiso is looking for counselors, lifeguards
and a student nurse to work this summer for the camp season.
Please contact the Catholic Youth Organization for more information. Phone: 219-736-8931 or E-mail:
Diane Puplava
A HUGE thank you to all who attended our “Mary Day” ceremony on Thursday, May 7th in the church. The children
were solemn and prayerful on this special day and were
grateful you were there with prayers!!! A special thank you
to Mr. Marty Dybel for the donation of our flowers!!!
Join us for a “leaping good time” as our 8th grade Class of
2015 presents: A Year with Frog and Toad—Kids (a musical adventure) on Friday, May 22nd at 1”:30 pm and 7:00
pm in the Marian Memorial Auditorium. For the evening
performance, we ask that you enter through the 119th
Street theatre entrance. Doors will open at 6:30 pm. A free
will offering will be taken at the door. If you plan to attend
the afternoon performance, we ask that you sign in with the
school office. This production is sponsored by our Alumni
Association, Forever Blue and Gold.
The Hammond Historical Society will have their annual dinner at St. John the Baptist Church on Tuesday, May 19th. The event will take place in the
Founders’ Room. Social hour begins at 6:00 pm, with
dinner to follow shortly thereafter. After dinner will be
a tour of the church and its history. Ticket prices are
$15.00 for Hammond Historical Society members, $20.00 for nonmembers. For more information call the Hammond Library’s local
history room at 219-931-5100 x 306.
You can make reservations by going to:,
click ‘add to cart’ for ticket options. Any questions call Richard at
All are welcome to come out on this May evening to learn the history of this vibrant Catholic parish in the Whiting-Robertsdale
Comunidad Catolica De Whiting-Robertsdale
Page 6
17 de Mayo, 2015
¡Anuncios Para El Boletín!
Si usted desea clasificar un anuncio en el boletín (en
a Ó también puede llamar al
teléfono 659-0023 o al TEL. 219 – 484-6917. Estos
anuncios deben de entregarse los Lunes NO más tarde de
las 9:00 am. Por favor especifique las fechas en que le
gustaría que su anuncio sea publicado.
En lo que mi retiro como un ministro laico se aproxima, me
siento infinitamente bendecida de haber podido servir en la
Iglesias Católicas de nuestra comunidad!
Desde el día de 1955 cuando entré a esos pasillos sagrados de la Escuela Católica de San Juan Bautista como una
estudiante de kindergarten, cada meta lograda en la comunidad de San Juan Bautista a formado parte de mi vida.
Seis sacramentos de Iglesia Católica los recibí en la Iglesia
de San Juan B., Conocí a mi querido esposo Tom, hace 46
años en la escuela de San Juan, Nuestra boda religiosa se
celebró en la Iglesia de San Juan siendo testigos muchos
de los estudiantes y familias de la comunidad! Todos
nuestros 5 hijo (as) recibieron sus sacramentos de iniciación y se graduaron en la Iglesia de San Juan B. Seis de
nuestros nieto (as) entraron en la fe Católica a través de
las aguas del bautismo en la Iglesia de San Juan B. Esta
comunidad Católica ha estado con miembros de mi familia
y con migo en oración, durante tiempos de enfermedad,
peligro y angustia.
En el año de 1985 se presento la oportunidad de servir como maestra de pre-escolar en la escuela de San Juan B.
Durante ese tiempo, el Padre Ed Homco me motivó a participar en el curso de Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia. En esa
experiencia de cambio de vida, reconocí que Dios me estaba llamando hacia una nueva dirección. El Padre John Kalicky me recomendó que entrara al programa de formación
para ministros laicos de la Diocesis de Gary. Una vez que
terminé el programa y siendo comisionada por el Obispo
Melczek, fuí invitada por el Padre John a trabajar tiempo
completo en la Iglesia y en la escuela. El resto, como dicen
por allí, es historia.
Durante 15 años he sido bendecida sirviendo a la gente de
Dios en las cuatro parroquias de nuestra comunidad de
diferentes maneras incluyendo el ministerio de Bautizos,
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos, preparación sacramental para niño (as) y formación para padres de familia, en el Programa de Formación en la Fe/Educación Religiosa y además de muchas más oportunidades. Humildemente estaré agradecida con Dios por permitirme experimentar la luz de Cristo a través de los ojos y corazones de
mucha gente maravillosa. No se hacia donde Dios me dirigirá ahora, pero estaré preparada y atenta de la mejor manera para el movimiento de Espíritu santo en mi vida.
Que Dios siempre los tenga en la palma de su mano,
Diane Puplava,
La Recitación del Santo Rosario en español todos los sábados a las 9 am y estudio bíblico todos los Lunes a las 7 pm
en la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón.
CYX - Julio 17, 18, y 19
CYX es una conferencia de jóvenes que se realiza en la
Universidad de Valparaíso. Esta conferencia es para todos
los jóvenes que van a iniciar o están en la preparatoria
(High School). Esta conferencia se llevará a cabo el 17, 18,
y 19 de Julio y esta patrocinada por el ministerio de Jóvenes de la Diócesis de Gary. Para mas información por favor
comuníquese con la Sra. Jamie Sandona al TEL. 219-6590023 o 219-616-5341y también en:
Día Conmemorativo
El Lunes 25 de Mayo, se celebrará el Día Conmemorativo
honrando a todos los veteranos con una Misa en el cementerio St. John/St. Joseph a las 10:00 am. La Misa será celebrada por nuestro Obispo Donald J. Hying.
Misa Conmemorativa
El Sábado, 30 de Mayo, habrá una Misa a las 10:00 am. en
la Iglesia de St. Stephen ubicada en la calle 5920 Waite en
Merrilville, IN. Esta Misa será en honor a todos los infantes
perdidos por abortos, malformaciones, u otras causas mortales. Usted puede llevar una foto de su niño (a) que será
expuesta en el altar. También durante la Misa se leerán los
nombres de todos los niño (as) fallecidos. Si usted no puede asistir a la Misa, pero le gustaría que el nombre de su
niño (a) se nombrado, o tiene alguna pregunta por favor
comuníquese con Jill al TEL. 219-730-9199 o con Sue al
TEL. 219-838-5755.
Comunión/Visita al Hospital
Si usted conoce alguna persona enferma ó que tiene un
impedimento para asistir a Misa y le gustaría que se le lleve
la Santa Comunión a su casa o usted tiene algún familiar
en el hospital y le gustaría que el Padre vaya a visitarlo, por
favor llame a las oficinas de las parroquias de nuestra comunidad de Whiting-Robertsdale al 219-659-0023, 219-659
-0733, en español comuníquese con Nora Perez al TEL.
Donación de Comida
Gracias a todas las personas quienes generosamente participan en las donaciones de comida. Estas donaciones recibidas son entregadas al gabinete de comida de la comunidad de Whiting para ayudar a familias necesitadas. . Próxima fecha será el Domingo 24 de Mayo, 2015.
Infinitamente GRACIAS a todos los jóvenes y adultos que
de alguna manera participaron en la celebración del día de
las Madres.
Como pertenecer a la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón
Si usted no está registrado en nuestra Parroquia y le gustaría ser
miembro de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón, puede llamar al TEL.
219-659-0023 o 219–484-6917. Si usted está registrado pero NO
está recibiendo los sobres, por favor comuníquese con Nora Pérez al teléfono ya mencionado. Si en su familia viven jóvenes que
ya cumplieron sus 18 años de edad, es esencial que ellos llenen
una forma como miembro de la Iglesia por separado. Confesiones
son escuchadas en español de 9:45 a 10:15 am. Todos los
Domingos antes de la Misa de 10:30 am.