Download April 26 2015 - St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
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2 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Mass Intentions & Scripture Readings Mon., April 27 Easter Weekday 8:30AM Acts 11:1-18; Jn 10:1-10 Allison Alters Beverly Ryan Dorothy Bencomo Tues., April 28 St Peter Chanel, Priest and Marty, St Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest Acts 11:19-26; Jn 10:22-30 NO MASS Wed., April 29 St Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church 1 Jn 1:5—2:2; Mt 11:25-30 6:00PM Kevin Har Donna Archer Erlinda Estrares Thurs., April 30 St Pius V., Pope 8:30AM Acts 13:13-25; Jn 13:16-20 Kevin Harnisch Ralph E.J. Rampellini Magdalena T. Ordinario Calendar of Events April 26—May 3, 2015 Sunday, April 26 11:00am 11:30am 6:00pm 6:30pm R.E.A.Ch.-Meeting RM Children’s Catechesis-FLC Young Church How well do you know Catholic History?-PH 10:00am 4:15pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Monday Morning Prayer Group-Rm 113 Children’s Choir –Rm 112 KOC Meeting-Annex Marion Novena Prayer Group– Res. Chapel Spanish Adult Bible Study-Conference Rm 9:00am 6:30pm 6:30pm St Francis of Assisi Pre-School-FLC Jovenes Para Cristo-Rms 214 Holy Trinity Catholic School Banquet-MPR 9:00am 9:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Women’s Crafters– Meeting Rm Grupo de Mujers –Rm 113 Breakout (Middle School)-FLC Children’s Catechesis-FLC (Sp) RCIA for Adults—PH 9:00am 6:15pm 6:30pm St Francis of Assisi Pre-School-FLC St Francis Flowers Group-Meeting Room Jovenes Para Cristo-Rm 214 9:15am 9:30am 12:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm Padre Pio Prayer Group– Reservation Chapel St Francis Mom’s Group-Youth Center Book Club-Youth Center Jovenes Para Cristo Retreat-FLC Familias Catolicas-Annex 8:00am 11:30am 2:00pm Jovenes Para Cristo Retreat-FLC Sisterhood of St Francis-PH Wedding Anderson/Stoeppel 8:00am 11:00am Jovenes Para Cristo Retreat-FLC R.E.A.Ch.-Meeting RM Monday, April 27 Tuesday, April 28 Wednesday, April 29 Fri., May 1 St Joseph the Worker 8:30AM Acts 13:26-33; Jn 14:1-6 Pat & Ralph Rampellini Christina Rampellini Tonia Salinas Sat., May 2 St Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 8:30AM 5:00PM 1 Jn 5:1-5; Mt 10:22-25 John Bencomo Artemio T. Ordinario For the People Sun., May 3 Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 9:26-31; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 8:00AM Shirley Frey 10:00AM Alicia Lamas 1:00PM Elifonza Botillo B. 4:30PM Moses Sanchez Grapevine, TX Thursday, April 30 Friday, May 1 Saturday, May 2 Sunday, May 3 Altar Linen Ministry: Kathy Becker-April 26 Karen Stephenson-May 3 Fourth Sunday of Easter April 26 2015 3 World Day of Prayer for Vocations is April 26. Our Church encourages all the faithful to pray for young people to respond affirmatively to God's call to service in priesthood and religious life. This prayer will be recited at the end of all Masses this weekend, April 25/26, but all are encouraged to pray yearround for more vocations, especially for vocations to religious orders in this Year of Consecrated Life. Prayer for Vocations God our Father, We thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as priests, deacons, and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help others to respond generously and Courageously to your call. May our community of faith support vocations of sacrificial love In our youth and young adults. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in t he unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Welcome New Members of the Church! Please keep in your prayers the 17 people who became members of St. Francis of Assisi at the Easter Vigil. These neophytes (new members of the Church), their families, and their sponsors have journeyed together the entire year as they prepared to receive the Sacraments of Initiation. They could not have done this without the prayers and support of their parish family. Thank you all for your support and please keep the neophytes in your prayers as their journey of faith is just beginning. Vocation View On this Good Shepherd Sunday we celebrate World Day of Prayer for vocations. Pray for an increase in vocations to priesthood, diaconate, and religious life. May God raise up good shepherds in our midst. (1 John 3:1-2) St. Francis Moms Please join other St. Francis Moms for our monthly meeting in the Parish Hall Wed., May 20th at 9:30a.m. Childcare provided. For more information about this group, please contact Melissa Collins at St. Francis Mom’s Book Study Group: next meeting is Fri., May 8th from 9:30-11:30am 4 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Save the date May Crowning O U T R E A C H M I N I S T R Y Date: May 16, 2015 Time: 9:00 A.M. Outreach Thrift Store and Pantry is in need of the following items: Fr. Patricio Rodriguez a Schoenstatt priest from Austin will celebrate Mass and will be our speaker. Edible items: Tuna, chicken, mac and cheese, cereal, pasta noodles, peanut butter, jelly, pancake mix, syrup, crackers, coffee, sugar, flour, cooking oil. Paper goods: Dish detergent, laundry detergent, toothpaste, deodorant, shaving razors, shaving cream, shampoo/conditioner, bath soap and Toilet Paper Grocery or Wal-Mart Gift cards for perishables. Please place all items in the Outreach Box in the Narthex or the Northwest Foyer. Please check expiration dates on food as expired food items cannot be distributed. Thank You. The Thrift Store is open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM Parishioners are welcome!!! ___________________________ The store carries new and gently used men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, toys and household items at an affordable price. Proceeds from SFO Thrift Store are used to provide emergency financial assistance to those in need. Items carried in the Thrift Store are those which are generously donated by our parish community. Please do not leave donations outside of the Outreach Building Grapevine, TX Adult Keeping Children Safe Training Class Saturday, May 16th , 2015 10:00am-12:00pm—Parish Hall You must RSVP to register for the class, NO walk-ins will be accepted. For more information or to register contact Donna at 817-481-2685 ext 237 or St. Francis of Assisi Grief Ministry - The St. Francis Grief Ministry provides prayer and comfort to those faced with the end of life of a loved one. We offer confidential support to those in grief. Please call the Church office to register at 817-481-2685. St. Francis of Assisi Preschool will continue registration for the 2015/2016 school year starting in September. You can still enroll your child for our remaining openings by contacting Karen Deal by phone (817) 481-2685 ext 230 or by email at Contact the school to schedule a tour. For more information go to the St. Francis Website at and look under **Parish Schools**. Thank you for supporting your parish preschool . Votive Candle Intention Sacred Heart of Jesus & Our Lady of Grace For the people of our community Votive Candle for Personal Intention to Our Lady of Grace or Sacred Heart A six day intentions votive candle which will burn from Saturday until Thursday may be requested on a “First come first serve” with a donation at the receptionist desk. For more information contact Rosie at 817-481-2685. Please pray for . . . Our brothers and sisters who are ill, especially… Sarah Jean Allen, Cathy Carroll, Robin Chavez, Glenn Cragin, Sophie Connor, Sophie Diamond, Andy Dominguez, Mozelle Duckett, Richard Filippi, Afton Ford, Marion Gerome, Dick Guckel, Diane Hardin, Betty Hale, Greg Kovach, Zelta Jackson, Mark Joseph, Sandy Laverock, Mary Liz Loar, Melanie Morales, Steve Prescott, Demetrio Perez, Jaydan Thompson, Daniel Pruit, Roscoe Fallin Mabery, Estefana Salinas, Connie Smith, Zara Stull, Jim Stricklen, Desi Styer and family, Betty Tate, Charlie Tremayne, H. Wyatt, Cathy West, Margaret Weddel, & those serving in the armed forces. Please remember in prayer those who are deceased. May they find light & peace in the loving arms of our Lord and Savior: Don Bigbie, Doris Bourassa, Larry Dankel, Allan Fesus, George Greener and Irma Harris Fourth Sunday of Easter April 26 2015 5 SFA Young Church End of Year Banquet All youth (7th through 12th grade) and their parents and families are invited to join us for our Young Church End of Year Banquet, in the Family Life Center, from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm on Sunday, May 3, after the 4:30 pm Senior Mass. We will be going over the highlights of the year, giving out senior awards, eating some awesome food, be giving away some prizes, talking about our plans for the summer, and ending with praise and worship! There will even be a few other surprises in store. This is a formal banquet, so please dress accordingly (dresses, slacks & ties, etc). Please RSVP with the number expected to attend to Edmund at by April 26. We hope to see all of you there! Attention Graduating Seniors in High School. There are several opportunities for you to apply for scholarship money for college. Applications may be obtained from the front office or near the Youth Minister’s offices. St. Francis Vacation Bible School – Everest: Conquering challenges with God’s mighty power. July 20-24 9am-noon— Cost $35/student Registration is now OPEN! Register now to ensure your spot. Volunteers’ children are guaranteed placement in the program. To register or to sign up as a volunteer, go to and click on the Vacation Bible School banner on the left. ARISE Adults Rooted in Scripture and Eucharist Young Adults Ministry Come join us for our weekly Scripture Study on Thursday nights at St. Francis! For more information, see our calendar at The following scholarships are available: The Pastors’ Youth Scholarship The Father B Outreach Scholarship Knights of Columbus Council 7099 Youth Scholarship Scholarship applications are due back to the Youth Office by April 26th. Awards will be given at the Senior Mass and Dinner in May. SFA Young Church—High School and Middle School Youth Ministry, Stay in the loop about youth ministry at St. Francis of Assisi! Checkout Breakout (7th-8th grade) and Young Church (9th-12th grade) at for event schedule, pictures, videos, and teen written articles! 6 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Grapevine, TX Oración por las vocaciones Jesús, tú que eres el Buen Pastor, envía a tu Iglesia sacerdotes según tu corazón, que nos alimenten con tu Cuerpo y con tu Sangre Diáconos que anuncien tu Evangelio, y sirvan en la caridad a sus hermanos. Misa para estudiantes que estarán guardando este año, domingo, 3 de mayo a las 4:30p.m. Habrá una recepción en el Family Life Center después de misa. Por favor confirme su participación antes de 30 de abril. Llame a la oficina al 817-481-2685. ATENCION SENIORS QUE GRADUAN DE HIGH SCHOOL Hay oportunidades para que tengas una beca (scholarship) para ir al College. Las Aplicaciones las puedes obtener en la Oficina. Deben ser regresadas antes del 26 de abril. The Pastors’ Youth Scholarship The Father B Outreach Scholarship Knights of Columbus Council 7099 Youth Scholarship El Sacramento de Reconciliación Se realiza los sábados de 3:30 a 4:30p.m. Les invitamos para que nos acompañen cada domingo a la 12:30pm en la iglesia para participar en el ROSARIO. ENTORNO SEGURO Con todas las actividades escolares y de la Iglesia dando inicio de nuevo, ahora es un buen tiempo para recordarles a todos los padres y guardianes: ¡AYUDE A PROTEGER A SUS NIÑOS MIENTRAS SU FAMILIA ADORA CON LA COMUNIDAD DE SAN FRANCISCO DE ASIS! Las áreas publicas del edificio de San Francisco (como el Nartex y los baños de la Iglesia, el Salón Parroquial, y el gimnasio-uso) son solo eso – están abiertos al publico. ¡Sus niños no deben de ser permitidos de salir del santuario de la iglesia o la capilla solos! ¡Acompáñelos! Religiosos y Religiosas de vida activa y contemplativa, que sean signos y testigos de tu Reino. Laicos que, como fermento en el mundo, Proclamen y construyan tu Reino. Fortalece a los que has llamado, ayúdalos a crecer en amor y santidad, para que respondan plenamente a su vocación. María, Madre y Reina de las vocaciones Ruega por nosotros Amén Momentos Matrimoniales Consiente a tu cónyuge. Trae a la mente algún favor reciente que te haya hecho tu amado. Piensa en alguna indulgencia que le puedas obsequiar. Pautas Para Padres El buen pastor da su vida por las ovejas”. (Juan 10:11) Un buen padre es como un buen pastor. Les dedicamos a los hijos tiempo, dinero y cuidado. Básicamente, damos la vida por su bien. Recuerda que para ti, papa o mama, también esta el Buen Pastor que te ama como un padre a sus hijos. Susan Vogt Platicas de Bautismo Martes, 5 de mayo a las 7pm. Se ofrecerán pláticas para los padres y padrinos. Necesita traer una copia del acta de nacimiento del niño a la plática. Los padrinos seleccionados por los padres tienen que ser católicos practicantes, es decir, que han sido bautizados, confirmados, reciben comunión, son casados por la iglesia, y asisten a Misa cada Domingo, no hay excepciones. Para registrarse por favor llame a la oficina con Rosie al 817-481-2685. Los Bautizos en Español solo se llevarán acabo el cuarto sábado del mes a las 10am en la Iglesia. Ya no tendremos bautizos durante la Misa en Español de la 1:00pm Fourth Sunday of Easter KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 7099 and ASSEMBLY 3476 Grand Knight: Eric McKuzes, 817-908-2227 Faithful Navigator: Ruben Cisneros, 214-202-8352 Knight of the Month – Mark Shadowens Family of the Month – Mike Vickers Family 4/27 7:00 PM Council 7099 Planning Meeting 5/11 6:30 PM Council 7099 Rosary, Dinner & Monthly General Meeting 5/14 7:00 PM Assembly 3476 Rosary & Monthly Meeting For more information on upcoming events visit: CouncilSite/?CNO=7099 or Family rosary—the month of May is dedicated to our Most Blessed Mother Mary. During this month of May, when we honor Mary and turn to her in a special way for guidance and protection, let us especially remember the power of the Rosary. Honor her by joining us before Mass on the Blessed Mother’s side of the Church for the Family Rosary. We will ask Mary for her special intercession and blessings for St. Francis Marriages and Families in her month. Knights of Columbus Sponsored Family Rosary Please join us on the Blessed Mother’s side of the Church: Saturday at 4:30 PM; Sunday at 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM SIGN UP FOR MAINSTREET DAYS MAY 15,16,17 For membership information contact “” April 26 2015 7