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St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church 12001 E. 214th Street Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716 Parish Office: 562/924-7591 Spanish CCD: 562/860-3637 English CCD/Confirmation: 562/865-6498 Website: Staffed by the Oblates of the Virgin Mary Fr. Larry Darnell, OMV, Pastor Fr. Edward Broom, OMV, Associate Pastor Fr. Craig MacMahon, OMV, Associate Pastor Fr. Bill Neubecker, OMV, Associate Pastor Fr. Vincenzo Antolini, OMV, Priest in Residence Only Vocations for Oblates of the Virgin Mary Contact Fr. Jeremy Paulin, OMV 617-869-2429 MASS SCHEDULE – HORARIO DE MISAS OFFICE HOURS - HORAS DE LAS OFICINAS Parish Office/Oficina de la Parroquia: 10:00-6:00 pm Spanish CCD/Catecismo en Español: 3:30-7:30 pm English CCD/Catecismo en Inglés: 2:00-6:30 pm SATURDAY – SABADO English: 8:00 am, 6:00 pm SUNDAY – DOMINGO BAPTISMS English: 8:00 am, 12:00 noon, 6:00 pm Dates and times are announced at the baptismal class. Parents Español: 6:30 am, 10:00 am, 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 8:00 pm of children to be baptized must attend two classes of preparation. Godparents need only attend the first class. Godparents WEEKDAYS – DIAS ENTRE SEMANA must be practicing Catholics who have received Confirmation. English: 6:00 am, 8:00 am, 12:00 noon, 6:30 pm The classes take place on the 3rd and 4th Wednesday of each Español: 6:30 pm (en la Iglesia Antigua) month at 7:30 pm in English in the Old Church. If you do not live in this parish, you must obtain a letter of permission from HOLY DAYS – DIAS DE OBLIGACION your own parish to baptize your child at St. Peter Chanel. If at Same as weekdays – Lo mismo que entre semana all possible, please do not bring children to the classes. BAUTIZOS CONFESSIONS – CONFESIONES Fechas y horas son anunciadas en la clase de bautizo. Padres Monday through Friday: during most Masses de los niños que serán bautizados deben venir a dos clases. Lunes a Viernes: durante las Misas Los padrinos tienen que venir solamente a la primera clase y Saturday – Sabado: 5:00 pm-8:30 pm es necesario que sean buenos Católicos que practican su Fe, y Or by appointment - O por cita que hayan sido Confirmados. Las clases son el primer y EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Perpetual Adoration Daily from 6:30 am to 9:30 pm (Except during the Masses) All Night: Fridays and Saturdays segundo Miércoles del mes a las 7:30 pm en Español, en la Iglesia Antigua. Si no viven en esta parroquia tienen que obtener una carta de permiso de su propia iglesia para bautizar sus hijos aquí. Si es posible, por favor no traigan sus niños a las clases. JOVENES PARA CRISTO Español: Sábados a las 6:30 pm en la Iglesia Antigua MARRIAGES Contact the parish office Monday through Friday, at least six months prior to the date. We encourage all couples who are living together to come and explore the possibility of getting married in the Church. MATRIMONIOS Llamen a la oficina Lunes a Viernes, por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha. Les recomendamos a todas las parejas que están viviendo juntos, que vengan y pregunten acerca de los pasos a seguir para casarse por la Iglesia. ADULT INSTRUCTION – INSTRUCCION ADULTA English: Fr. Craig MacMahon Español: Lorena Vazquez COMMUNION TO THE SICK - A LOS ENFERMOS English/Español: A priest/Un sacerdote Call the Parish Office / Llamen a la Oficina de la Parroquia January 20, 2013 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Catholic means ‘universal’ Written by Archbishop Jose H. Gomez January 11, 2013 These first days of this New Year give me hope that 2013 will be the time when our leaders finally come together to enact a just reform of our immigration policies. This is the end of “National Migration Week” (Jan. 6-12). And this year, my brother bishops and I in the United States are stressing the urgent need for comprehensive reforms that would end deportation policies that break up families and that would offer illegal immigrants a path to make restitution and become citizens. It is long past time for our nation to address this issue. So I urge you to become involved in the debates in these coming weeks. As the largest and most racially and ethnically diverse local Church in the country, our Church here in Los Angeles has an important role to play in this national conversation. Because our Church in Los Angeles is an “icon.” It is a sign of God’s plan for his Kingdom and his Church — which is to be one family of God that joins families of many colors, races, nationalities and languages. But our local Church is also a sign of the promise of America — which is meant to be one nation under God and a light of freedom, hope and welcome for peoples of all nations. That is why one of my five pastoral priorities for the years ahead is to promote our sense of unity as one family of God. I really believe that in God’s Providence, we are meant to be an example to our nation, and also a model of the Church’s universal nature and mission. The word “catholic,” as we know, means “universal” or literally, “embracing the whole universe.” As we have heard throughout this Christmas season, Jesus came as a “Son of David.” That is, he came as a child of the Jewish people. But at the same time, he came as the “Son of Man,” as a child of all humanity. His coming this way is a sign of his Church and his Kingdom. And it is a sign for our own identity as Catholics. We are all children of some people or another. We are Filipinos or Salvadorans or Mexicans or Irish. But no matter where we come from, in Jesus Christ we are made children of God and brothers and sisters as one family in his Catholic Church. Jesus gave to his Church the mission to proclaim this good news to everyone and to make this beautiful vision of God a reality in our world — beginning in every human heart. That’s still the mission of our Church and that’s still a call to conversion for each one of us. That’s the challenge of the new evangelization in a world that has become “globalized.” But before anything else, this Gospel is a challenge to our conscience. We are called to break down every barrier, whether it comes from our pride or racism or fear, that keeps us from loving one another as brothers and sisters. In a practical way, for us that means we can’t stay “stuck” in our own communities. We can’t look at ourselves as “Filipino Catholics” or “Hispanic Catholics” or Catholics from this or that neighborhood community. Our ethnic and cultural identities are important to who we are and who God wants us to be. But our identity in faith calls us to be much more than what we are by blood. We need to remember always that line from the start of St. John’s Gospel: “To all who … believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God – who were born, not of blood … but of God.” To be Catholic means understanding ourselves as sons and daughters — not only of our earthly parents, but of God. Our Catholic faith requires us to reach out beyond our boundaries. Beyond our own backgrounds and our own customary ways of doing things. That’s what makes our Catholic Church so beautiful. We all have so much to share with our brothers and sisters and so much we can learn from them. We need to make this process of sharing and learning a priority and a habit in our parishes and in our Archdiocesan ministries. Simple gestures can go a long way. Let’s look for ways to pray and worship with Catholics of different backgrounds and neighborhoods. Let’s learn about one another’s saints and customs. So let’s pray for one another and for our country this week. Let’s ask for the grace to get to know people better and to love them as brothers and sisters. And let us ask our Mother Mary to help us to realize that the love we are called to as Catholics is a love that has no borders. Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius in Daily Life “Lord, teach us how to pray…” Starting Saturday, February 2nd there will be a 10 week course on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The Exercises will help you to grow deeper in prayer, learn how to examine your conscience with greater depth, and how to apply the Ignatian art of Discernment of Spirits. Pre-registration is required by January 25th. It is essential to come to the first class. Sign up now for one of the following class times: Saturday, February 2nd at 11:00 am Sunday, February 3rd at 1:30 pm Sunday, February 3rd at 4:00 pm Wednesday, February 6th at 7:30 pm Thursday, February 7th at 9:15 am If you’ve taken the course before, consider taking it again to renew your prayer life and go deeper. For more information please contact Jim and Mary Martorana at 562-924-7591. DAY OF REFLECTION FOR LITURGICAL SERVERS There will be a day of reflection on the Year of Faith for those serving in the liturgical ministries on Saturday, Feb. 2nd at 9:00 AM in the St. Faustina CCD Building. The following volunteers should attend: a) Regular Sunday and daily Mass Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors b) Two representatives from all Sunday Mass Choirs - choir leader and main accompanist c) Two representatives from all Sunday Mass Ushers - Lead usher and backup lead usher To assist us in ordering resources for this event, please RSVP by giving your name to the parish office or to Danny Estantino email by January 30, 2013. 20 de Enero del 2013 Segundo Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario Católico significa “universal” Escrito por Monseñor Jose H. Gomez Enero 11, 2013 Estos primeros días del nuevo año me llenan de esperanza de que 2013 sea el momento cuando nuestros líderes finalmente se unan para aprobar una reforma justa de nuestras políticas de inmigración. Este es el fin de la “Semana Nacional de Migración” (Enero 612). Y este año, mis hermanos obispos y yo, en los Estados Unidos, estamos enfatizando la urgente necesidad de reformas integrales que pondrían fin a las políticas de deportación que separan a las familias y que ofrecería a los inmigrantes indocumentados un camino para hacer restitución y convertirse en ciudadanos. Ya ha pasado mucho tiempo para que nuestra nación enfrente este asunto. Por eso les invito a todos a que se involucren en los debates de estas próximas semanas. Como la iglesia local más grande y de mayor diversidad étnica y racial en el país, nuestra Iglesia de Los Ángeles tiene un importante lugar que ocupar en este debate nacional. Esto porque la Iglesia en Los Ángeles es un “ícono”, un signo del plan de Dios para su Reino y su Iglesia –lo cual consiste en ser una sola familia de Dios que une a familias de muchos colores, razas, nacionalidades e idiomas. Pero nuestra Iglesia local también es un signo de la promesa de los Estados Unidos: que está destinado a ser una nación bajo Dios y una luz de libertad, esperanza y bienvenida para gentes de todas las naciones. Por eso, una de mis cinco prioridades pastorales para los próximos años es promover nuestro sentido de unidad como una familia de Dios. Yo creo firmemente que, en la providencia de Dios, estamos llamados a ser un ejemplo para nuestra nación, y también un modelo de la naturaleza y misión universal de la Iglesia. La palabra “católico” como sabemos, significa “universal” o literalmente “que abraza a todo el universo”. Como hemos escuchado durante este tiempo de Navidad, Jesús vino como “Hijo de David”. Es decir, vino como un hijo del pueblo judío. Pero al mismo tiempo, vino como “Hijo del Hombre”, como un niño de toda la humanidad. Su venida de esta manera es un signo de su Iglesia y su Reino. Y es un signo para nuestra identidad como católicos. Todos somos hijos de un pueblo u otro. Somos filipinos o salvadoreños, mexicanos o irlandeses. Pero no importa de dónde venimos, pues en Jesucristo somos hechos hijos de Dios y hermanos y hermanas como una sola familia en la Iglesia Católica. Jesús dio a su Iglesia la misión de proclamar esta buena noticia a todo el mundo y de hacer de esta hermosa visión de Dios, una realidad en nuestro mundo, comenzando en cada corazón humano. Esa sigue siendo la misión de nuestra Iglesia y sigue siendo un llamado a la conversión para cada uno de nosotros. Este es el desafío de la nueva evangelización en un mundo que se ha vuelto “globalizado”. Pero antes que nada, este Evangelio es un desafío a nuestra conciencia. Estamos llamados a romper todas las barreras, ya sea que provengan de nuestro orgullo, racismo, o miedo, que nos impiden amarnos unos a otros como hermanos y hermanas. De manera práctica, eso quiere decir que no podemos estar “atrapados” en nuestras propias comunidades. No podemos mirarnos a nosotros mismos como “católicos filipinos” o como “católicos hispanos” o católicos de este o de aquel vecindario o comunidad. Nuestras identidades étnicas y culturales son importantes para quienes somos y quien quiere Dios que seamos. Pero nuestra identidad en la fe nos llama a ser mucho más de lo que somos por la sangre. Tenemos que recordar siempre aquella línea del principio del Evangelio de San Juan: “A todos los que creen en su nombre, les dio el poder de llegar a ser hijos de Dios. Ellos no nacieron de la sangre… sino que fueron engendrados por Dios”. Ser católico significa entendernos a nosotros mismos como hijos e hijas –no solamente de nuestros padres terrenales, sino de Dios. Nuestra fe católica requiere que vayamos más allá de nuestros límites, más allá de nuestros antecedentes y nuestras maneras habituales de hacer las cosas. Esto es lo que hace a nuestra Iglesia Católica tan hermosa. Todos tenemos mucho que compartir con nuestros hermanos y hermanas, y mucho que podemos aprender de ellos. Tenemos que hacer de este proceso de compartir y aprender una prioridad y un hábito en nuestras parroquias y nuestros ministerios la Arquidiocesanos. Un gesto sencillo puede llegar lejos. Podemos buscar maneras de orar y celebrar con nuestros hermanos católicos de diferentes orígenes y vecindarios. Podemos aprender de los santos y costumbres de los demás. Oremos los unos por los otros, así como por nuestro país esta semana. Pidamos la gracia de conocer mejor a los demás y de amarlos como hermanos y hermanas. Y pidamos a nuestra Madre María que nos ayude a comprender que el amor al cual somos llamados como católicos es un amor que no tiene fronteras. Para Todos los Ministerios El Padre Larry esta pidiendo que todos los Ministerios de Liturgia; Coros, Ministros de Eucaristía, Ujieres y Lectores, participen en un día de Reflexión. Fecha: Sábado, 2 de Febrero, 2013 Horario: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Para mas información favor de comunicarse con Ofelia Alvarez al 562-865-6498. Misa y la Unción de los Enfermos en la Catedral el 9 de febrero ¿Conoce usted a alguien que se enfrenta a una cirugía, o una persona mayor o niño que está enfermo? Se recomienda llevarlos a la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles para recibir el Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos el sábado, 9 de febrero de 2013, a las 10:00 a.m. A través de la unción, la gracia del Espíritu Santo consuela y fortalece el alma de la persona enferma. La Misa y la unción de los enfermos son organizadas conjuntamente por la Catedral y la Asociación Occidental de la Orden de Malta en celebración del Día Mundial de los Enfermos de 2013. El Arzobispo José H. Gomez presidirá la Misa y la unción, que se celebrará en el día de la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Para información favor de comuníquese con Joseph Sanders,, o Jim Sarnim Lenten Spiritual Retreat Our Lenten Spiritual Retreat will take place on Saturday, February 16, 2013. Pre-registration is mandatory whether you wish to partake of the meals or not. To register you may pick up a form in the church or in the parish office. Registration deadline is February 8. NOTE: A Fee of $25.00 will be charged for late and same day registration. PRO-LIFE HOLY HOUR As of January 30, 2013 our Pro-Life Holy Hour will be moved to Wednesdays. All are invited to participate in the Pro-Life Holy Hour from 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. to help pray for an end to abortion. Mass & Anointing of the Sick at Cathedral February 9th Do you know someone who is facing surgery, or an elderly person or child who is sick? You are encouraged to bring them to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick on Saturday, February 9, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Through anointing, the grace of the Holy Spirit comforts and strengthens the soul of the sick person. The Mass and Anointing of the Sick are co-hosted by the Cathedral and the Western Association of the Order of Malta in observance of the 2013 World Day of the Sick. Archbishop Jose Gomez will preside at the Mass and anointing. The Mass is also being held in observance of the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes. For more information, please contact: Joseph Sanders at or Jim Sarni at Grief Recovering Workshop A “Beginning Experience” weekend will be held at the Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino on February 8 – 10, 2013 for those who’ve experienced the loss of a spouse through death or divorce/separation. This program helps a person move from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning with renewed hope. Beginning Experience is recognized by the Office of Family Life for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The ministry’s website is For more information or to register, contact Brenda Mikhail at (818) 352-5265 or email; or Maria Rojas at (310) 365-0186 (bilingual/Spanish) Stress In Your Marriage? The Retrouvaille Program is designed to help heal and renew troubled marriages. If your marriage is tearing you apart, then Retrouvaille may be able to help you. Please visit the web site at: or call (909) 900-5465 for more information. Our next Retrouvaille Program will be held on July 20 22 in the San Fernando Valley. YOUNG ADULT GROUP We extend a cordial invitation to all Young Adults ages 18-33 to join our Young Adult Group! Meetings take place on Fridays from 7:30-9:30pm in the catechetical Building. For more information please call the parish office. Mass Intentions / Intenciones de Misa Saturday, January 19th 8:00 a.m.-Alma Ruszak (Special Intention) 6:00p.m.-Rabaja Family (Thanksgiving) Sunday, January 20th 6:30 a.m.-Habacuc Gomez (RIP) 8:00 a.m.-Steven Escamillas (RIP) 10:00 a.m.-Veronica Vargas (RIP) 12:00 p.m.-Benjamin Datu (RIP) 2:00 p.m.-Jose Rodriguez (RIP) 4:00 p.m.-Parishioners 6:00 p.m.-Dan & Sheila Beingessner (Anniversary) 8:00 p.m.-Javier Hernandez (RIP) Monday, January 21st 6:00 a.m.-Fr. Sean Morris (Thanksgiving) 8:00 a.m.-Marta Santoro (Thanksgiving) 12:00 p.m.-Ruszak, Istuan (RIP) 6:30 p.m.-Veronica Ayson (Thanksgiving) 6:30p.m.(sp)-Eric & Yesenia Garcia & Familia (Thanksgiving) Tuesday, January 22nd 6:00 a.m.-Thomas & Emily Hogan (Special Intention) 8:00 a.m.-Estela Rubio (Special Intention) 12:00 p.m.-Veronica Ayson 6:30 p.m.-Deceased Members of the Acojido Family 6:30p.m.(sp)-Sacerdotes de San Pedro Chanel Wednesday, January 23rd 6:00 a.m.-Family Gaytan Villegas (Thanksgiving) 8:00 a.m.-Carl Francis, Khiara, Andres Cruz (Special Intention) 12:00 p.m.-Margaret, Kelly, Timothy, Pascal, Olivia (Special Intention) 6:30p.m.-David Chapa Gutierrez (Thanksgiving) Anthony Chapa (Sp. Int.) 6:30p.m.(sp)-Jose Luis & Estela Barios (50th Wedding Anniversary) Thursday, January 24th 6:00 a.m.-Felicitas & Berta Sepulveda (RIP) 8:00 a.m.-David & Isabella Alcala & Family (Thanksgiving) 12:00 p.m.-Rolando & Jeanette Dagoc & Children (Special Intention) 6:30 p.m.-Emegdio Meneses & Francis Swaminathan (RIP) 6:30p.m.(sp)-Jorge & Vanessa Jimenez (Thx) Ciriaco Garcia (RIP) Friday, January 25th 6:00 a.m.-Emannele Spinello (RIP) 8:00 a.m.-Mary Gran (RIP) 12:00 p.m.-Tallulah Godfrey (Thanksgiving) 6:30 p.m.-Magdaleno Solario (RIP) 6:30p.m.(sp)-Primitivo Cueva Diaz (RIP) Saturday, January 26th 8:00 a.m.-Corazon Bautista (Thanksgiving) 6:00p.m.-Ester A. Malonzo (RIP) Pilgrim Virgin - Jan 20 - Jan 27@ 8am: Tonnette Cruz Virgen Per- Ene 20-Ene 27 @10am: Pilgrim Virgin -Jan 20-Jan 27 @ 12noon: Virgen Per-Ene 20-Ene 27@2pm: PRAYING THROUGH MARY FOR VOCATIONS Families that attend the 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. Sunday Masses, can register to take a Pilgrim Statue of the Blessed Mother into their homes. They commit themselves to pray for one week the Rosary as a family, for an increase in the harvest of vocations to religious life and the Priesthood. If you want to host the Blessed Mother into your home please register at the Office. *Please Pick up and Return the Pilgrim Statue at the same Mass.*