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ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI CATHOLIC CHURCH WHITESBORO, TEXAS AUGUST 21, 2016 “STRIVE TO ENTER THROUGH THE NARROW GATE” by Fr. Jeremy Myers Luke 13:22-30 A good word of advice comes from our Lord in the gospel today. It comes by way of an answer given to a question posed to him. “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” someone around him asks. We should credit that individual with asking an important question, since surely we are all interested in saving our own skins. The answer Jesus gives should help us in that endeavor. He says, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate.” Now, if we want to be saved, we simply have to figure out what Jesus meant by “the narrow gate.” That really shouldn’t be so difficult, when we recollect Jesus’ teachings and example. The narrow gate implies a tight space, a squeeze, a way accessible for the slim and the fit. So what does that mean for us? It means that those who are to be saved are those who are not bloated with self -importance, so sure that they are the only ones on the earth, the truly significant, the most important. Our Lord constantly chastised those people who were filled with selfimportance and even today we hear him say, “Some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.” We must be wary of growing big in our own eyes because we will not be able to squeeze through the narrow gate that grants entrance into eternal life with God. Further, the narrow gate does not allow entrance to people who are packing a big load of material goods. We’ve all met those vehicles with oversized loads on the highway with the sign “Oversize Load.” We generally have to move over to allow them room because they can’t make it only on one lane. Consider that example when you ponder the narrow gate of which Jesus speaks today. If we also are loaded down with material goods, so much so that we have become an “oversized load,” then there is no way we’re going to pass through the narrow entrance into heaven. A wide load indicates that we place our primary resources into material goods; they become our gods and our salvation, with little attention or room given to Almighty God. Unfortunately, if materialism consumes us, we are going to find it difficult to make it to heaven, carrying along with us so much junk. Similarly, sin can do the same thing to us. It is easy to become addicted to sinful ways, gorging ourselves on things that are not good for us. A lifetime of sinfulness can make it difficult indeed to pass through that narrow gate, where the righteous and the good pass easily. We should consider another thing when pondering this narrow gate. If we are always going with the crowd, never standing up for what is right, but instead always standing beside what is popular, then we may not find easy access through that narrow gate. A well-known bishop of yesteryear used to say “Cowards hide in a crowd; heroes march single file.” The image of the narrow gate does not seem to suggest enough room for a crowd. It does suggest, however, that there is sufficient room for single-file entrance. So, we should be careful about wanting to be accepted, popular, or in demand, all to the expense of personal integrity and right actions. We and our crowd of fans won’t fit through the narrow gate. So, as Jesus so rightly points out, “For many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.” As always, wise words. TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (C) Today we consider the kingdom of God as a reality which calls us to change and growth. God is not trying to keep us out. He reforms us so that we will be in a better position to appreciate the kingdom as we come in. VIGÉSIMO PRIMER DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO (C) Hoy consideramos el Reino de Dios como una realidad que nos llama a un cambio y crecimiento. Dios no está tratando de mantenernos. Nos reforma de modo que estemos en una mejor posición para apreciar el reino ya que entramos. Please join us for coffee and fellowship after Mass today in the Parish Hall. Por favor únase a nosotros para el café y compañerismo después de Misa hoy en el Salón Parroquial. STEWARDSHIP FOR AUGUST 14, 2016 $ 1,631.00 Thank you for your gifts. “Do we make a difference in our service to others because of our relationship to the Lord?” Author Unknown TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Please remember in your prayers all the sick and suffering, especially Jeff Crone (father of Mike Crone) and Robyn Stacey. May they find comfort and encouragement in the compassion of Jesus. We want to wish a happy birthday to all in our parish family celebrating a birthday this week, especially Sabrina Hoenig and Jacob Hughes today, August 21st; Jimmy Ferguson, Noel Galan, and Robyn Stacey on August 22nd; Benjamin Aguirre on August 23rd; Alejandro Aguirre on August 24th; Katelyn Reed on August 25th; and Shayna Gonzales on August 26th. We want to wish a happy anniversary to all couples celebrating a wedding anniversary this week, especially Roger & Marlinda Balak on August 22nd and William & Sharon Hoenig on August 27th. CCD classes will begin on Sunday, September 11th. Registration will be held today after Mass. All students, both new and returning, are required to register. If your child is new to St. Francis CCD, please bring a copy of his/her baptismal certificate. Las clases de catecismo comenzaran el domingo 11 de septiembre. La inscripción se realizará después de la misa hoy. Todos los estudiantes, tanto nuevos como los de regreso, están obligados a registrarse. Si su hijo es nuevo al catecismo de San Francisco, favor de traer una copia de su certificado de bautismo. A Safe Environment training session for all RETURNING volunteers who have previously completed Safe Environment and only need to update their training will be next Sunday, August 28th, at 11 a.m. at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church. Returning volunteers may attend or can update their training by visiting https:// Choose one of the training modules, complete both the self-test and training certificate and turn them in at the office in Sherman. Remember, all volunteers are required to update their training every twelve months. Una sesión de formación para los voluntarios que previamente hayan completado ambiente seguro y sólo tendrá que actualizar su formación será el domingo, 28 de agosto a las 11 a.m. de la iglesia católica de San Francisco de Asís. Los voluntarios de regreso pueden asistir o pueden actualizar su formación visitando pages/Update-training. Elija uno de los módulos de formación, completar el certificado de prueba y capacitación y entréguelos a la oficina de Sherman. Recuerde, todos los voluntarios están obligados a actualizar su formación cada doce meses. FOR AUGUST 28, 2016 †Marie Teuscher by Family LITURGICAL ASSIGNMENTS FOR AUGUST 28, 2016 Lector Don Kolash Servers Eucharistic Ministers Anita Morales Toby Fuhrmann Ushers Margaret Pack Rosario Labrada Alex Labrada Jesus Labrada Ken Podborny Roger Balak Gift Bearers Ministers to Homebound William Hoenig Family Larry & Sharon Sandmann ¿Necesitas oración por una Necesitas oración por una intención especial, amigo enfermo o miembro de la familia, católico o no católico? Póngase en contacto con Anita Morales al o 903-816-1519 y ella notificará a los miembros de San Francisco de Asís Grupo de Oración de su necesidad. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults will be held at St. Mary’s Parish in Sherman on Tuesday evenings beginning September 6th. Anyone interested in joining the Catholic Church or wanting to learn more about the Catholic Church is encouraged to attend. Each Tuesday a light meal will be served at 6:30 p.m. and the presentation will follow from 7 - 8 p.m. Please call the Parish Office at 903-893-5148 if you have any questions or would like to register. El Rito de la Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos se sostendrá en la Parroquia de Santa María en Sherman los lunes a las 7 por la tarde comenzando el 5 de septiembre. Cualquier persona interesada en unirse a la Iglesia Católica o que quieran aprender más acerca de la Iglesia Católica es alentar a que asistan. Por favor, llame a la oficina parroquial al 903893-5148 si tiene alguna pregunta o desea registrar. The Men's Club would like to erect signs announcing our Sunday Mass time and Church address. Please contact Don Kolash at 713-854-1910 or a Club member if you would like to have a small sign installed and maintained on your property, or would like to help support the project. El Club de Hombres le gustaría erigir carteles que anuncian nuestro tiempo de misa del domingo y dirección de la iglesia. Por favor póngase en contacto con Don Kolash al 713-8541910 o un socio un miembro del club si le gustaría tener un Need prayer for a special intention, sick friend or family cartel instalado y mantenido en su propiedad, o le gustaría member, Catholic or non-Catholic? Contact Sharon ayudar a apoyar el proyecto. Kirkpatrick at or 940-6656825 and she will notify members of St. Francis of Assisi Prayer Group of your need.