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ST. RAPHAEL’S PARISH 35-20 Greenpoint Avenue, L.I.C., NY 11101 Telephone: 718-729-8957 Fax: 729-5238 E-Mail: Website: MISSION STATEMENT: St. Raphael’s is a parish rooted in tradition yet responding to an evolving community by evangelization in action. We seek to inspire the larger Catholic community to a more committed faith life and to heed Christ’s call of sharing time, talent and treasure for the needs of others. DECLARACION DE MISION: San Rafael es una parroquia enraizada en la tradición y a la vez responde a una comunidad que evoluciona con una acción evangelizadora. Buscamos inspirar a la comunidad católica global a que vivan una fe más comprometida y a prestar atención a la llamada de Cristo a compartir tiempo, talento y bienes con los necesitados. EUCHARIST SCHEDULE Saturday/Sábado Sunday/Domingo 5:00pm - English 8:00am - English 9:45am - Korean 11:00 am—English 12:30 pm—Spanish/Español WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Monday - Friday 9:00am Lunes - Viernes 9:00am OFFICE HOURS/HORARIO Monday - Friday/Lunes - Viernes 9:00-1:00pm & 2:00-4:00pm Saturday/Sábado By appointment / Mediante cita BAPTISM/BAUTISMO Please contact the rectory to make arrangements. You will need the child’s birth certificate. favor de llamar la rectoria. niño. Necesitará el certificado de nacimiento del MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIO Any couple wishing to marry should contact the rectory at least six (6) months before the wedding. Una pareja que está pensando en el matrimonio debe de llamar la rectoría seis (6) meses antes de la boda. RECONCILIATION/RECONCILIACION Saturday/Sábado 4:00-4:45pm and by appointment/y por cita. MINISTRY TO THE SICK/ CUIDADO DE LOS ENFERMOS Please call the rectory at 729-8957 to make arrangements for the sick person to receive Holy Communion or the Anointing of the sick at home. favor de llamar la rectoría al 729-8957 para que la persona enferma reciba la Comunión o Unción de los Enfermos en la casa. August 16th—Twentieth Sunday In Ordinary Time FROM THE PASTOR… Dear Parishioners, This coming Saturday, August 22nd, Bolivian Catholics will honor the Blessed Mother as the Virgin of Urkupiña (see image below) with a Spanish Mass here at 12 noon, followed by a religious street procession accompanied by the NYPD, and then an energetic program of ensemble dance pieces on the front plaza of our church. All are invited to this tribute to Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Our August Flea Market brought in $1490 for the parish, a little less than usual—perhaps because of the absence of prepared food, due to the Generations of Faith reception that day. Also: it followed so soon after our July Market. Remember: the September Flea Market is Sunday of the Labor Day weekend. Thanks to all who prepare, run, serve and patronize these parish fundraisers. By the way, we could use two men at 7 am on the day of the Flea Market to help (one hour) moving the sales items out front. Any takers? A St. Raphael School class is planning a reunion here in Michael Brennan Hall on Saturday, Sept. 12th. By coincidence, it is the class of Michael Brennan himself. For details and more info, speak with Abigail Dela Cruz Mirza. Our Altar servers will have their annual outing (lunch, theater-show, ice cream) on Thursday, August 27th. Parental permission slips should be returned no later than Sunday, August 23rd. Finally, a contradiction to ponder: how can something be both new and improved at the same time? -Father Jerry Jecewiz ¿Quieres bailar con nosotros? Somos un grupo de danza mexicana folklórica y estamos buscando nuevos miembros. Nuestra meta es involucrar a la gente de nuestra parroquia y enseñarles nuestra cultura mexicana. Aprenderán pasos básicos de bailes regionales y después los pondremos en práctica en una coreografía. Nos presentaremos en la festividad anual de la parroquia en honor a nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe. ¡Esperamos verlos pronto! Requisitos: >10años en adelante *Niños menores de 10 años deben ser acompañados de un adulto. >Tener voluntad >Seguir reglas básicas Ensayamos los sábados de 5-8pm en el salón de Michael Brennan 917-804-5202 Felix O. Perez 646-226-9042 Rosalba Carvente PARISH STAFF/EQUIPO PARROQUIAL Rev. Jerry Jecewiz, Pastor Rev. Luke Kim, Korean Ministry Sister Christine Scherer, D.W., Religious Educ. Mr. Jan Wnek, Music Minister PARISH STEWARDSHIP Last week’s church offering Average weekly expenses $3,895.00 $6,185.00 August 16th –Twentieth Sunday In Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for the Week of August 16th Sunday, August 16th: 8:00— Alice Sobieski (Joan Mary and Bill Jackowski) 9:45—KOREAN MASS 11:00—Halina Goldblat Budzinskq (Waclaw Szymankiewicz) 12:30—Por las intenciones personales del Papa Francisco Monday, August 17th: 9:00— Souls in Purgatory Tuesday, August 18th: 9:00— Alexander J. Boehler, Sr.(32nd Anniversary Remembrance) (Alex and Robert Boehler) Wednesday, August 19th: 9:00—People of St. Raphael Parish Thursday, August 20th: 9:00—Albert Ascenzi (Ana and Family) Friday, August 21st: 9:00— Deceased of Boyle Family (Family) Saturday, August 22nd: 5:00 pm— Madeline B. Boehler (Alex and Robert Boehler) Sunday, August 23rd: 8:00— Vincent Cammarotti (Mr. and Mrs. Jim Buckley) 9:45—KOREAN MASS 11:00— Adrian Avason (Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Nichols) 12:30—Reinaldo Buitrago (11 year Anniversary Deceased) (Buitrago and Jimenez Family) AND Bartolo Jimenez (6 Year Anniversary) (Buitrago and Jimenez Family) THIS WEEK’S EVENTS Sun., Aug. 16: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Generations of Faith Mon., Aug. 17: Tues., Aug. 18: Wed., Aug. 19: Feast of St. John Eudes 7 pm—Spanish Rosary + Praise Thurs., Aug. 20: Feast of St. Bernard Food Pantry CLOSED Fri., Aug. 21: Feast of St. Pius X 7 pm—Spanish Faith Formation for Children Sat., Aug. 22: Feast of Queenship of Mary The Altar Flowers this week are offered in honor of the Blessed Mother on the feast of her Assumption. UPCOMING BAPTISM DATES: In English: Sat., Sept. 5, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Sat., Aug. 29, 11:00 am. Sat., Oct. 10, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Sat., Oct. 3, 11:00 am. Sat., Nov. 14, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Sat., Nov. 7, 11:00 am. (Fumio Tanai photo) In Spanish: Sat., Sept. 19, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Mon., Sept. 14, 7:30 pm. Sat., Oct. 3, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Mon., Sept. 28, 7:30 pm. Sat., Nov. 28, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Mon., Sept. 23, 7:30 pm. Food Pantry CLOSED Virgin of Urkupiña celebration: Spanish Mass at 12 noon; street procession; dance entertain ment on church plaza FOOD PANTRY is usually open Thursdays from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon, and Saturdays from 1:30 to 3:00 pm. New volunteers are always welcome, as are donations of canned, packaged foods (nonperishable). We do not accept clothing, books or furniture. PANTRY CLOSED NOW FOR SUMMER RECESS. RE-OPENS SEPTEMBER 3RD. Goal / Meta: $420,000 Total Raised in Pledges / Total Recaudado en Promesas: $520,780 % of Initial goal / % de Meta Inicial about 124% The Share to our Parish In the past few months, St. Raphael has raised $520,780 from a fraction of our parish community towards our initial goal of $420,000. We are grateful for our current donors and invite every household to contribute to the success of this initiative in a manner appropriate for them, especially in view of our upcoming 150th anniversary. Our goal to receive a prayerful decision from every household. We are pleased to remind you that 50% of all funds raised will be returned directly to Saint Raphael for our own parish needs. This money has been earmarked for much needed capital improvements and enhancements to our church. With our share of funds, we will be able to: 1. Replace the Boiler—$50,000 — Our church boiler is more than 40 years old and is in dire need of replacement. A new boiler will provide a more comfortable atmosphere for our congregation. 2. Repaint the Church—$95,000—In preparation for our 150th Anniversary in 2018, we hope to repaint the entire interior of our church. This will not only celebrate our history in the community, but also create a more welcoming environment to our worshipping community. 3. Make improvements and repairs to the Pastoral Center—$100,000 — As with all buildings, after years of use, the interior of our Pastoral Center is in need of structural and cosmetic improvements. Korean proceeds from Generations of Faith will be allocated towards refurbishment, including painting and electrical upgrades. Important Reminder! What’s next for Generations of Faith at Saint Ralph? Once you’ve prayed about your decision, either because you met one on one or you attended an orientation in June/ July/ August, please return your pledge card in one of the following ways: Mail it back to the parish Turn it into the parish rectory Drop it in the collection basket Hand it to one of our priests St. Raphael Church: Approaching our 150th Anniversary as a Catholic faith-community. Goal / Meta: $420,000 Total Raised in Pledges / Total Recaudado en Promesas: $520,780 % of Initial goal / % de Meta Inicial c. 124% Los Fondos a Nuestra Parroquia En los últimos meses, San Rafael ha recaudado $520,780 de una porción de nuestra comunidad parroquial en nuestro objetivo inicial de $420,000. Nos sentimos muy agradecidos por la generosidad de nuestros donantes e invitamos a cada uno de los hogares a participar en el éxito de esta iniciativa. Es nuestra meta recibir una decisión de cada hogar en la parroquia. Nos complace compartir que el 50% de todos los fondos recaudados serán devueltos directamente a San Rafael para las necesidades de la parroquia. Este dinero se ha destinado a mejorar proyectos muy necesarios en la iglesia. Con los fondos que regresaran a nuestra parroquia, nosotros podremos: 1. Instalar un nuevo Boiler—$50,000 — Nuestra caldera de la iglesia es más de 40 años de edad y está en extrema necesidad de reemplazo. Una nueva caldera proporcionará un ambiente más cómodo para nuestra congregación. 2. Pintar la Iglesia - $95,000 - En preparación para nuestro 150 aniversario en el 2018, esperamos volver a pintar todo el interior de la iglesia. Esto no sólo va a celebrar nuestra historia en la comunidad, sino también crear un ambiente más acogedor a nuestra comunidad. 3. Hacer reparaciones al Centro Pastoral - $100,000 - Al igual que con todos los edificios, después de años de uso, el interior de nuestro Centro Pastoral está en necesidad de mejoramientos estructurales y cosméticos. Procedes de nuestra comunidad Coreana en Generaciones de Fe se asignarán hacia reformas, incluyendo la pintura y mejoras eléctricas. ¡Recuerdo Importante! ¿Cuales son los siguientes pasos de la campaña en Santa Rafael? A partir de esta semana, varios ustedes aprenderán mas sobre la durante Misa y al recibir materiales por correo. Una vez que hayan orado acerca de su decisión, por favor devuelva su Carta de Compromiso en alguna de las siguientes maneras: Envíe su compromiso a la parroquia por correo Póngalo en la canasta de ofrenda durante misa Entréguelo a la rectoría de la iglesia Entréguelo a uno de nuestros sacerdotes. Iglesia de San Rafael: casi 150 años de servicio como una comunidad de fe On August 1st, the family of Delia Dela Cruz (who is so dear to so many in our faith-community and AROUND involved in various minisOUR tries) surprised her with a 70th Birthday party at the PARISH Knights of Columbus Council on Queens Blvd. These photos by Carol were taken on that occasion. More pictures of the event are on the church bulletin board. Some of our parishioners will again attend the Charismatic Retreat day sponsored by the Brooklyn/Queens Diocese at the Marian Shrine in West Haverstraw. Here are the details (in Spanish). For tickets, see Paul Casiano. San Rafael St. Raphael’s Church Sept. 6—Oct. 4 Vendors Wanted! Price is $35 per 10-foot spot ($45 if you need to borrow an 8-ft. table from us) PREPARED FOODS AVAILABLE To reserve a spot, please call the Rectory at 718)729-8957 Mon-Fri between 9:30am to 3:30pm. Checks are payable to St. Raphael Church. NO REFUNDS For potential rain outs, please call the rectory the day BEFORE, from 6pm on. If it rains, the Flea Market will take place the FOLLOWING Sunday. Set-up from 8 am on. All proceeds from cost of the spots will go to St. Raphael Church Our RELIGIOUS EDUCATION program children have been given reregistration forms to sign up for the next pastoral year, beginning in in September. Also: spread the word to potential newcomers to the program as well. Call 718-729-8957 for more info.