Download Mirjana Farkas Born in Geneva, 1979 2004 Master, History
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Mirjana Farkas Born in Geneva, 1979 2004 2004-2007 Master, History, University of Geneva Ciclo formativo de grado superior, Illustration, Escola Massana, Barcelona Since 2013 Teaching illustration, HEAD–Geneva, Visual communication Publications Children books Boum, text : Karelle Menine, La Joie de lire, Geneva, 2016 Famiglie, text : collective, silkscreen printed, Orecchio acerbo / ELSE, Rome, 2015 Carnet de bal, La Joie de lire, Genève, 2014 Eccoti qua !, Orecchio acerbo, Rome, 2014 Firmino e altre poesie, text : Elio Pecora, Orecchio acerbo, Rome, 2014 La Java martienne, text : Boris Vian's song, L’Atelier du Poisson soluble, Le Puy-en-Velay, 2012 El dinosaurio, text : Karelle Ménine, le Cadratin, Vevey, 2011 Collectives Un fanzine carré numéro C, ed. Hécatombe, 2013 Masques, silkscreen, Les Chiens fous, Geneva, 2011 Drozophile n°8, silkscreen, ed. Kouma, Geneva, 2011 6 AM, text : Enriqueta Llorca, ed. Garabattage, Barcelona 2010 Self-publishing Si tu es, Geneva, november 2011 Eisbär, Geneva, november 2011 La Java martienne, text : Boris Vian's song, 100 copies, silkscreen printing : Atelier Humbert-Droz, Barcelona / Geneva, november 2010 Je voudrais pas crever, text : Boris Vian, Barcelona, avril 2009 Amor y tentáculos, Barcelona, 2007 Quiero ser ilustradora, cuaderno de ejercicios, Barcelona, 2007 Animalario verde y negro, 60 copies, silkscreen printing : Atelier Crache-Papier, Genève, 2006 Berlin Berlin, Barcelona, 2006 Press Regular collaboration : Le Temps, Switzerland, 2007-2015 Others : Citrus (France), 2016 ; L’Affrontée (Belgium), 2015 ; George (Lausanne), 2010-2012 ; Le Journal (Université de Genève), 2009 ; Babymag, 2009, 2012 ; Le Courrier, 2008-2010 ; Profil, 2007 ; El Mundo (Espagne), 2009 ; Woman (Espagne), 2009 ; Ling (Espagne), 2008. Collective exhibitions 2016 2015 2015 Personal : L’échappée, Capsule, Halle Nord, Geneva Personal : Carnet de bal, exhibition in Bibliothèque de la Cité, Geneva. Scenography : Yvonne Harder Périples masculins, Forum Meyrin, Geneva 2015 2014 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008 2007 2006 Terra incognita, GeGrave (center for engraving and silkscreen), Le Commun, BAC, Geneva Périples masculins, festival BDfil, Lausanne Exhibition, candidates for the grants Lissignol, Berthoud et Galland, Ville de Genève. Centre d'art contemporain, Geneva Editions illimitées, Espace Forde, l'Usine, Monstre festival (silkscreen and self-publishing), Geneva Sexe aux Pâquis, entre clameurs et bruissements, Galerie Papiers Gras, Geneva Portraits de famille, Théâtre du Pommier, Centre culturel neuchâtelois Pictobello 2012, Vevey Portraits de famille, 14 illustratators invited by Albertine, Musée Forel, Morges Drozophile n°8, Séries Rares, Geneva Superheroes on the Sofa, Zizi-collective, Bologna Vamos a la playa ?, Bip Bop & Looba, Geneva 10mil, 10 years teaching illustration, Escola Massana, Barcelone. Climat, festival Fumetto, Luzern Diferentes?, Motiva! 08, Gijón Como Pedro por mi casa, la Central del Raval, Barcelona La ciudad en un libro, centro civico Patí Llimona, Barcelona Como Pedro por mi casa, la Central del Raval, Barcelona Exhibition Injuve, comic and illustration, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid. Awards & selections 2013 2013 2012 2010 2010 2008 2006 Grant / Bourse d'aide à l'illustration, Ville et Etat de Genève Selection for the grants Lissignol, Berthoud & Galland, Ville de Genève Grant for 6 months in Berlin, Etat de Genève, Service cantonal de la culture Grant VEGAP / Fundación Arte y Derecho for La Java Martienne Invited artist in the atelier Ge Grave (etching), Geneva Selection, comic award, festival Fumetto, Luzern Award Injuve, illustration, Spain