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Jordi Tena-Sánchez Department of Sociology e-mail: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Personal webpage: Researchgate: Academia: Scholar Google: Employment • • • • • • • 09/2015 – ... Lecturer. Department of Sociology. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 09/2012 – 09/2015. Postdoctoral research fellow. Department of Sociology. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 01/2012-09/2012. Postdoctoral research fellow. Groupe d'Etude des Méthodes de l'Analyse Sociologique de la Sorbonne. Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) & CNRS. 05/2010-10/2010. Postdoctoral research fellow. Department of Sociology. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 03/2007-03/2010. Predoctoral research fellow. Department of Sociology. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 11/2006-03/2007. Researcher. Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia (CTFC). 11/2005-03/2006. Researcher. Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia (CTFC). Academic background • • • 2010. PhD in Sociology. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2005 Postgraduate in Citizen Participation and Sustainable Development. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2003 BA in Sociology. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Participation in funded research projects and research contracts Funded research projects • “Políticas publicas conductuales: aplicaciones a la lucha contra la pobreza, la fiscalidad y la salud alimentaria”, Spanish Economy Ministry, National R&D&I Programme, Ref.: CSO2015-64740-R. Principal Investigator: José A. Noguera. 01/2016-12/2019. • “Transparència, publicitat, rendició de comptes i govern obert aplicades a una administració tributària del segle XXI”. EAPC (Escola d’Administració Pública de Catalunya), Catalan Government. Principal Investigator: José A. Noguera. 07/2015-04/201 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • “Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design Group”. Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU). SGR Recognition for consolidated groups. 2014-2016. “La aceptación social de las políticas fiscales en contexto de crisis: percepciones de equidad y mecanismos de cumplimiento”, Spanish Economy Ministry, National R&D&I Programme, Ref.: CSO2012-31401. Principal Investigator: José A. Noguera. 01/2013-12/2016. Futur ICT -Pilot FET Flagship Proposal: Global computing for our complex world. European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme. FP7/20072013. Grant agreement n° 284709 - project 'FuturICT'. Principal Investigator: Dirk Helbing. 05/2011-05/2012. “Social and Environmental Transitions: Simulating the Past to Understand Human Behaviour”, Spanish Science Ministry, CONSOLIDER Programme, Ref.: CSD 2010-00034. Principal Investigator: Marco Madella. 01/201101/2016. “Conference on Analytical Sociology and Social Mechanisms”. Spanish Science Ministry, National R&D&I Programme, Complementary Actions. Ref. CSO2010-10493-E. Principal Investigator: José A. Noguera. 04/2010-12/2010. “Conference on Analytical Sociology and Social Mechanisms”. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Support to organize R+D activities. Ref. ORGUAB2010/27. Principal Investigator: José A. Noguera. 04/2010-12/2010. “Valors i actituds sobre justícia distributiva: prestacions socials i fiscalitat”. Opinion Studies Centre (CEO), Catalan Economy Ministry. Ref. PZ141262. Principal Investigator: José A. Noguera. 05/2010-12/2010. “Group for Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design”. Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU). Ref. SGR 2009-2014. Principal Investigator: José A. Noguera. 01/2009-12/2013. “Mecanismos sociales y disposiciones hacia la igualdad: factores explicativos de las percepciones sociales de justicia distributiva, e implicaciones para las políticas redistributivas”, Spanish Science Ministry, National R&D&I Programme, Ref.: CSO2009-09890/CPOL. Principal Investigator: José A. Noguera. 12/2009-12/2012. “Workshop on Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design”. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Support to organize R+D activities. Ref. ORGUAB2009/15. Principal Investigator: José A. Noguera. 09/2009-09/2010 “Workshop on Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design”. Spanish Science Ministry, National R&D&I Programme, Complementary Actions. Ref. CSO2009-07576-E. Principal Investigator: José A. Noguera. 09/2009-07/2010. “Normas sociales, racionalidad y estrategias de diseño institucional.” Spanish Science Ministry/FEDER, National R&D&I Programme. Ref. SEJ20060959/SOCI. Principal Investigator: José A. Noguera. 10/2006-09/2009. “Simulación Social aplicada a las reformas sociales y fiscales”. Spanish Science Ministry, National R&D&I Programme, Complementary Actions. Ref. SEJ2007-29592-E/ECON. Principal Investigator: José A. Noguera. 10/200712/2007. “Group for Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design”. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Offically recognized research groups. Ref. 1760. Principal Investigator: José A. Noguera. 2007. 2 • “Estudi del Pla de Política Forestal des del punt de vista de la gobernança”. Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia (CTFC). Principal Investigator: Glòria Domínguez. 11/2006-03/2007. • “New Modes of Governance for Sustainable Forestry in Europe”. European Commission under the 6th Framework Program for Research and Technological Development. Ref. 6647 GoFOR. Principal Investigator: Karl Hogl. 2006. Research contracts • 2009: “Reciprocidad y equidad en la conducta de los clientes de la campaña 'El trato' de Atrápalo”, Collaboration agreement with Atrápalo S.A. Publications Papers (2017): The electoral impact of the attacks of March 11th in Madrid: explanatory mechanisms, Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, forthcoming. SJR (SCOPUS) impact factor: 0.156. Journal ranking: 658/951. Sociology & Political Science. (2017): "¿Qué es el arte y qué constituye el valor artístico? Algunas aportaciones a partir de la teoría de la creatividad artística de Jon Elster", Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación e Información Filosófica, forthcoming (with Indira Centellas). Indexed at A&HCI (Thompson-ISI). (2016): “La promoción de la virtud cívica mediante mecanismos de diseño institucional”, Themata. Revista de Filosofía, 53, forthcoming. RESH impact factor (2009): 0.153 Journal ranking: 2/88 Philosophy. (2016): “¿Existe una Función “Informativa” de la Ley? Dos tests experimentales”, Aposta. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 68: 9-32. (Indexed at Master Journal List. Thomson Reuters & Web of Science -WOS). (2015): “Estrategias de Diseño Institucional y Cumplimiento. El Caso de las Nuevas Políticas de Seguridad Vial Aplicadas en España”, Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies, 7 (2), 1-19. INRECS impact factor (2011): 0.000. Journal ranking: 44/75. Sociology. (2015): “Field Evidence of Social Influence in the Expression of Political Preferences: The Case of Secessionists Flags in Barcelona”, PlosOne, 10 (5): e0125085 (with A. Parravano, J.A. Noguera and P. Hermida). JCR impact factor: 4,015 (5 years). Journal rank: 8/55. Multidisciplinary sciences. (2015): “Renta Básica e Incentivos Laborales: Una Aproximación desde la Teoría de Juegos”, Revista de Ciencia Política, forthcoming (with J.A. Noguera). JCR impact factor: 0,276 (5 years). Journal rank: 138/157. Political science. (2014) Raymond Boudon. An analytical social theorist. Special issue of Papers. Revista de Sociologia, 99 (4): 423-431. SJR (SCOPUS) impact factor: 0.101. Journal ranking: 478/553. Sociology & Political Science. (2014): “Is There an Informative Effect of Law? An Experimental Test”, Journal of Law and Society, 41(4): 578-605 (with José A.Noguera and F. J. León). JCR impact factor: 1.22. Journal rank: 40/138 (Law), 45/139 (Sociology). (2013): "El impacto de las nuevas políticas de seguridad vial sobre la conducta de los conductores", Aposta Digital. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 57. INRECS impact factor (2011): 0.017. Journal ranking: 36/75. Sociology. 3 (2012): “How Much Would You Like to Pay: Trust, Reciprocity, and Prosocial Motivations in El Trato", Social Science Information, 51 (3): 389-417. (Coauthored with Francisco José León and José A. Noguera). JCR impact factor: 0.721 (5 years). Journal ranking: Social Sciences (miscellaneous) 51/ 83, information science & library science (48/76). (2012): “Nuevas Políticas de Seguridad Vial y Motivación de los Ciudadanos", Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 138: 63-88. (Co-authored with Francisco J. León). JCR impact factor: 0.308. Journal ranking: 114/139 (Sociology). (2011): “Exploring Mechanisms of Institutional Design which Promote Compliance”, Papers, Revista de Sociologia, 96 (2): 431-451. SJR (SCOPUS) impact factor: 0.000. Journal ranking: 532/553. Sociology & Political Science. (2011):“¿Qué es una norma social? Una discusión de tres aproximaciones analíticas”, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 69 (3): 561-583. (Co-authored with Ariadna Güell). JCR impact factor: 0.368. Journal ranking: 124/138 (Sociology). (2011): “Una Concepción Moderna de la Virtud Cívica”, Thémata. Revista de Filosofía 44: 554-564. RESH impact factor: 0.153 Journal ranking: 2/88 Philosophy. (2010): “La Virtud Cívica como Concepto Sociológico: Su Definición y Extensión Social”, Revista Internacional de Sociología 68(3): 555-575. JCR impact factor: 0.122. Journal ranking 122/132 (Sociology). (2010): “Hacia una Definición de la Virtud Cívica”, Convergencia. Revista de Ciencias Sociales 53: 311-337. JCR impact factor: 0.049. Journal ranking: 128/132. (2010): “Cambios en la Política de Seguridad Vial en España entre 2004 y 2010: Un Análisis Centrado en el Diseño Institucional”, Estudios de Deusto 58(2): 247298. INRECS impact factor: 0.000 Journal ranking: 37/82 Sociology. (2010): “El Pluralismo Motivacional en la Especie Humana. Aportaciones Recientes de la Ciencia Social Experimental”, Papers. Revista de Sociologia 95(2): 421-439. SJR (SCOPUS) impact factor: 0.000. Journal ranking: 518/553 Sociology & Political Science. (2009): “El papel de la virtud cívica en el liberalismo igualitarista”, Isegoría. Revista de Filosofía Moral y Política 41: 163-180. Indexed at A&HCI (Thompson-ISI). (2009): “Una Propuesta de Definición del Concepto de Virtud Cívica”, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas 128: 89-121. JCR impact factor: 0.298. Journal ranking: 114/139 (Sociology). (2009): “Estrategias de Diseño Institucional, Cumplimiento y Virtud Cívica”, Revista de Ciencia Política 29(1): 85-110. JCR impact factor: 0.382. Journal ranking: 87/112 (Political Science). (2006): “Monitoring and Evaluating Participation in National Forest Programs: The Catalan Case”, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 157(10): 438-444. (coauthored with Glòria Domínguez). Other papers (2015): “Pot tenir la llei efectes pedagògics?”. UAB Divulga. Science Journal. April. ISSN: 2014.6388 (co-authored with José A. Noguera and Francisco J. León). (2014): “Field evidence of social influence in the expression of political preferences: the case of secessionist flags in Barcelona”, ArXiv, Cornell University (with Antonio Parravano, José A. Noguera & Paula Hermida). (2013): “A pay what you want experience”. UAB Divulga. Science Journal. February. ISSN: 2014.6388 (co-authored with José A. Noguera and Francisco J. León). 4 (2009): “Hacia un Concepto de Norma Social Integrable en Modelos de Simulación Multi-Agente”, CEUR Workshops Proceedings, 442 (co-authored with Ariadna Güell). ISSN: 1613-0073. Book reviews (2014): “Salvador Giner, El origen de la moral. Ética y valores en la sociedad actual, Ediciones Península, Barcelona 2012, 419 pp.”, European Journal of Social Sciences, 52 (2): 266-270. SJR (SCOPUS) impact factor: 0.256. Journal ranking: 205/408. Social Sciences (miscellaneous). (2009): “Jon Elster. Explaining Social Behavior. More Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences”, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas 126: 169-181. JCR impact factor: 0.298. Journal ranking: 114/139 (Sociology). Obituaries (2013): "In Memoriam. Raymond Boudon (1934-2013): un teórico social analítico", Revista Española de Sociología 20: 13-17. SJR (SCOPUS) impact factor: 0.101. Journal ranking: 483/553. Sociology & Political Science. Books (2013): Jon Elster. Un Teòric Social Analític. Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. (co-authored with José A. Noguera). ISBN 978-84-9029-171-9. [Translation into Spanish: (2015): Jon Elster. Un Teórico Social Analítico. Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. ISBN: 978-84-9064-347-1] (2010): Mecanismos de Diseño Institucional, Cumplimiento y Virtud Cívica. Una Exploración de Mecanismos de Diseño Institucional que Promuevan el Cumplimiento. El Caso de las Nuevas Políticas de Seguridad Vial. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. ISBN: 978-8-4693-7350-7 Book chapters (2014): “Simulating Social Influence Dynamics from Observational Data: The Case of Secessionist Flags in Barcelona's Balconies”, F.J. Miguel, F. Amblard, J.A. Barceló, M. Madella (eds.): Advances in computational social science and social simulation. Barcelona: UAB-DDD (with J. A. Noguera, A. Parravano, P. Hermida). Editor (2014) Raymond Boudon. An analytical social theorist. Special issue of Papers. Revista de Sociologia, 99 (4). SJR (SCOPUS) impact factor: 0.101. Journal ranking: Sociology & Political Science. Translations (2010): Hedström, P., “La Explicación del Cambio Social: Un Enfoque Analítico”, in José A. Noguera (ed.): Teoría Sociológica Analítica. Madrid: Centro de 5 Investigaciones Sociológicas. [Peter Hedström, “Explaining Social Change: An Analytical Approach”, Papers. Revista de Sociologia, 80, 2006. (2010): Goldthorpe, J., “El Progreso en Sociología: El Caso de la Investigación sobre Movilidad Social”, in José A. Noguera (ed.): Teoría Sociológica Analítica. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. [John H. Goldthorpe, “Progress in Sociology: The Case of Social Mobility Research”, in Stefan Svallfors (ed.), Analyzing Inequality: Life Chances and Social Mobility in Comparative Perspective, Stanford University Press, 2007. Reports and books without ISBN (2011): Valors i Actituds sobre Justícia Distributiva: Prestacions Socials i Fiscalitat. Centre d’Estudis d’Opinió, Generalitat de Catalunya. (co-authored with José A. Noguera, Xavier Guijarro, Francisco J. León, Antoni Llàcer, Francesc J. Miguel, Eduardo Tapia, and Mercedes Vinagre). (2009): El Trato. Atrápalo SA. (co-authored with José A. Noguera and Francisco J. León). (2007): Diseño Institucional y Virtud Cívica. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Master Dissertation. Supervisor: José A. Noguera. (2005): Anàlisi del Procés Participatiu Dut a Terme per Elaborar el Pla General de Política Forestal de Catalunya per al Període 2005-2014. Solsona: Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya. Conferences, workshops and seminars Conferences (2017): "The Role of Preference Falsification in the Dynamics of Public Opinion", 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA). Athens (with F. J. León and F.J Miguel Quesada) (2017): “Preference falsification, social influence and triggering events of abrupt social changes”, 10th International Network of Analytical Sociologists Conference, Oslo. (With F.J. León and F. J. Miguel Quesada). (2017): “Falsificació́ de preferències, influència social i canvis socials abruptes. Una simulació́ multi-agent”, VII Congrés Català de Sociologia, Tarragona. (With F.J. León and F. J. Miguel Quesada). (2016): "Field Evidence of Social Influence in the Expression of Political Preferences. The Case of Secessionist Flags in Barcelona", XII Spanish Congress of Sociology, Gijón (with A. Parravano, J. A. Noguera & P. Hermida). (2016): "Preference Falsification, Social Influence and Triggering Events of Abrupt Social Changes", XII Spanish Congress of Sociology, Gijón (with F.J. León). (2016): "Field Evidence of Social Influence in the Expression of Political Preferences. The Case of Secessionist Flags in Barcelona", 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna (with A. Parravano, J. A. Noguera & P. Hermida). (2016): "Preference Falsification, Social Influence and Triggering Events of Abrupt Social Changes", 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna (with F.J. León). (2015): “Què és l'art i què constitueix el valor artístic? Algunes aportacions a partir de la teoria de la creativitat artística de Jon Elster”, IV Catalan Congress of Philosophy, Vilafranca del Penedès (Catalonia) (with Indira Centellas). 6 (2015): “The inverse ticket office: analysis of a “pay what you want” experience”, 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Prague (with J. A. Noguera and F. J. León). (2015): “Field Evidence of Social Influence in the Expression of Political Preferences: The Case of Secessionists Flags in Barcelona”, 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Prague (with J. A. Noguera, A. Parravano and P. Hermida). (2014): “Algunas reflexiones sobre el papel de la biología en la explicación de la conducta social”, VII Congreso Andaluz de Sociología, Málaga (Spain) (with Francisco J. León). (2014): “La taquilla inversa. Análisis de una experiencia de paga lo que quieras”, VII Congreso Andaluz de Sociología, Málaga (Spain) (with Francisco J. León). (2014): "What is a social norm?" Third European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences Conference – ENPOS. Madrid. (With J.A. noguera). (2014): “Simulating social influence dynamics from observational data: the case of secessionist flags in Barcelona's balconies”. Social Simulation Conference 2014. European Social Simulation Association (ESSA). Barcelona. (With A. Parravano, J.A. Noguera, & P. Hermina). (2014): “Working Under a Basic Income: A Game-Theoretical Approach to the CrazyLazy Challenge”. 5th International Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) Congress. Montreal. (With J.A. Noguera). (2014) “Flags of our neighbours: social influence dynamics in the expression of secessionist political preferences in Barcelona”. 7th International Network of Analytical Sociologists Conference, Mannheim. (With J.A. Noguera, A.Parravano & P. Hermida). (2013): "El impacto electoral de los atentados del 11M en Madrid: mecanismos explicativos", XI Spanish Congress of Sociology, Madrid (Spain). (2013): "L'impacte electoral dels atemptats de l'11M. Mecanismes explicatius", VI Catalan/ International Congress of Sociology, Perpinyà (France). (2012): "Is there an informative effect of law? An experimental test", VI Andalusian Congress of Sociology, Cádiz (Spain). (Co-authored with José A. Noguera & F.J. León). (2012): "El impacto electoral de los atentados del 11M en Madrid: mecanismos explicativos", VI Andalusian Congress of Sociology, Cádiz (Spain). (2012): "Rationality, Frames, and Social Influence. An On-line Experimental Test of the Informative Effects of Law", Second ISA Forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires. (Co authored with José A. Noguera & F.J. León). (2012): "Self-interest, Reciprocity and Public Support for the Redistributive Role of the State", Second ISA Forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires. (Co-authored with F.J. León). (2012): "Labour Behavior, Basic Income, and Social Influence: An Agent-based Simulation Experiment", Second ISA Forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires. (Coauthored with J. A. Noguera, S. González-Bailon & J. de Wispelaere). (2012): "The Electoral Impact of the 3/11 Terrorist Attacks in Madrid. The Explanatory Mechanisms", First Meeting of the International Network of Analytical Sociologists, New York. (2011): "Is There an Informative Function of Law? An On-Line Experimental Test", IV Conference on Analytical Sociology and Social Mechanisms. European Network of Analytical Sociologists. Paris (co-authored with F.J. León). 7 (2011): “Diseño Institucional y Cumplimiento. La Incidencia de las Nuevas Políticas de Seguridad Vial sobre la Motivación de los Ciudadanos", II Analytical Sociology Research Group Meeting (Spanish Federation of Sociology), Sevilla. (Coauthored with Francisco J. León). (2011): "Is There an Informative Function of Law? An On-Line Experimental Test", II Analytical Sociology Research Group Meeting (Spanish Federation of Sociology), Sevilla. (Co-authored with Francisco J. León and J.A. Noguera). (2010): “Las Nuevas Políticas de Seguridad Vial y la Motivación de los Ciudadanos”, V Andalusian Congress of Sociology, Córdoba (Spain) (co-authored with F.J. León). (2010): “¿Socialización Diferencial por Género? Una Encuesta sobre Preferencias Prosociales y Percepciones de Justicia Distributiva”, V Andalusian Congress of Sociology, Córdoba (Spain) ( co-authored with F.J. León). (2010): “El Poder Expresivo de la Ley. Un diseño Experimental”, X Spanish Congress of Sociology, Iruña. (co-authored with Mauricio O. García). (2010): “Reciprocidad y Equidad en la Conducta de los Clientes de El Trato y de Atrápalo”, X Spanish Congress of Sociology, Iruña (co-authored with Francisco J. León and José A. Noguera). (2010): “Trust as Rational Expectation: Definition, Trust Building Mechanisms and Implications for Institutional Design”, 17th ISA World Congress of Sociology, Gothemburg (co-authored with Mauricio O. García). (2010): “The Expressive Power of Law: An experimental test”, III Conference on Analytical Sociology and Social Mechanisms. European Network of Analytical Sociologists. Barcelona. (2010): “How Much Do You Want to Pay? Pro-Social Motivations, Reciprocity and Self- Interest in El Trato”, III Conference on Analytical Sociology and Social Mechanisms, European Network of Analytical Sociologists. Barcelona (coauthored with F.J. León and José A. Noguera). (2009): “Disseny Institucional i Normes Socials”, V Catalan Congress of Sociology, Barcelona ( co-authored with Ariadna Güell). (2009): “Mecanismes de Disseny Institucional”, V Catalan Congress of Sociology, Barcelona. (2008): “Estrategias de Diseño Institucional”, IV Andalusian Congress of Sociology, Sevilla (Spain). (2008): “Institutional Design and Civic Virtue”, 38th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology. Budapest Workshops (2014): “Evidence of social influence in the pro-independence flags distribution in Barcelona”. V Workshop on Econophysics. IPHES. Tarragona. (With A. Parravano, J.A. Noguera & P. Hermida) (2012): "El impacto electoral de los atentados del 11M en Madrid: mecanismos explicativos", Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design Group (GSADI) Plenary Workshop, Barcelona. (2009): “Las Nuevas Políticas de Seguridad Vial desde la Óptica del Diseño Institucional”, II Conference on Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design". Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design Group. Barcelona. (2008): “Normas Morales, Cuasi-Morales y Sociales: Una Comparativa entre las Aproximaciones al Concepto de la Teoría de la Elección Racional Estándar, de 8 C. Bicchieri y de J. Elster”, II International Conference on Social Simulation & Artificial Societies Analysis. Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design Group. Barcelona. (co-authored with Ariadna Güell). PhD Seminars (2011): “Diseño Institucional y Cumplimiento. La Incidencia de las Nuevas Políticas de Seguridad Vial sobre la Motivación de los Ciudadanos." Sociology Doctoral Seminar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. (2011): “¿Cuánto Quieres Pagar? Confianza, Reciprocidad y Egoísmo en El Trato.” Sociology Doctoral Seminar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. (2011): "¿Existe la Función “Informativa” de la Ley? Un experimento online." Sociology Doctoral Seminar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. (2010): “¿Cuánto Quieres Pagar? Confianza, Reciprocidad y Egoísmo en El Trato”. Sociology Doctoral Seminar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (co-authored with F.J. León). (2008): “Renta Básica y Teoría de Juegos”. Sociology Doctoral Seminar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (co-authored with José A. Noguera). Seminars (2016): “Existe-t-il une fonction informative de la loi ?”. Séminaire Vives, Chaire Hoover d’Éthique Économique et Sociale (Université Catholique de Louvain.) (2016): “Experiénces de “Payez ce que vous voulez”. Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover, Université Catholique de Louvain. (2015): “¿Qué es el arte y qué constituye el valor artístico? Algunas aportaciones a partir de la teoría de la creatividad artística de Jon Elster”. Analytical Sociology Seminar (Director: José A. Noguera). (2014): "Flags of our neighbours: simulation of social influence in the expression of political preferences." Permanent Seminar CEACS-Juan March FoundationUniversidad Carlos III. Getafe (Madrid). (With José A. Noguera, A. Parravano and P. Hermida). (2013): "Hacia una Definición de la Virtud Cívica", Political Philosophy Seminar. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona. (2011): “Modelización en ciencias sociales”. Analytical Sociology Seminar (Director: José A. Noguera). (2010): “Diseño institucional, cumplimiento y virtud civica. Una exploracion de mecanismos de diseño institucional que promuevan el cumplimiento. El caso de las nuevas políticas de tráfico y seguridad vial”. Analytical Sociology Seminar (Director: José A. Noguera). (2010): “La funcion "informativa de la ley". Dos tests experimentales”. Analytical Sociology Seminar (Director: José A. Noguera). (2010): “¿Cuanto quieres pagar? Confianza, reciprocidad y egoismo en el trato” (with José A. Noguera and Francisco J. León). Analytical Sociology Seminar (Director: José A. Noguera). (2009): “The Expressive Power of Law in Road Safety Policies”. Centre for Experimental Social Sciences, Nuffield College, University of Oxford. (2009): “Normas morales, cuasi-morales y sociales” (with A. Güell). Analytical Sociology Seminar (Director: José A. Noguera). 9 (2008): “¿Es posible la ciencia social?” Analytical Sociology Seminar (Director: José A. Noguera). (2008): “La teoria de juegos, ¿una teoria formal?” Analytical Sociology Seminar (Director: José A. Noguera). (2008): “Institutional design and civic virtue”. Analytical Sociology Seminar (Director: José A. Noguera). Other Talks (2017): Participant as coeditor of Papers. Revista de Sociologia in roundtable discussion about sociology journals. VII Congrés Català de Sociologia. Tarragona (Catalonia). (2016): Discussant of Leïla Van Keirsbilck’s Carte Blanche. Week-end de la Chaire Hoover d’Éthique Économique et Sociale (Université Catholique de Louvain.) (2014): “Raymond Boudon. An analytical social theorist”. Presentation of special issue on Raymond Boudon. Org: Papers. Revista de Sociologia & GSADI. (2014): “Un doctor a l'acadèmia”, Doctoral Working Group II, Sociology Doctoral Seminar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Stays in internationally recognized centers • • • • Chaire Hoover d'Éthique Économique et Sociale. Université Catholique de Louvain. 02/2016-06/2016. Groupe d'Etude des Méthodes de l'Analyse Sociologique de la Sorbonne (GEMASS). Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) & CNRS. Paris (France). 03/2013-07/2013. Groupe d'Etude des Méthodes de l'Analyse Sociologique de la Sorbonne (GEMASS). Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) & CNRS. Paris (France). 01/2012-09/2012. Nuffield College. University of Oxford. 07/2009-01/2010. Referee in scientific journals • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ansiedad y Estrés (SCOPUS). Revista de la Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública (SCIELO, REDALYC). Interdisciplinaria. Revista de psicología y ciencias afines (SCOPUS). Revista Internacional de Sociología (ISI-SSCI). Papers. Revista de Sociologia. (SCOPUS). The Social Science Journal (ISI-SSCI). Escritos de Psicología (SCIELO, REDALYC, INREX). Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública (SCOPUS) Espiral (REDALYC) International Law Research (BSCOhost, LOCKSS, Open J-Gate, among others) Pensamiento Americano. Themata. Revista de Filosofía (FRANCIS, EBSCO, among others). Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación e Información Filosósica (ISI-A&HCI). 10 Grants, prizes & awards • • • • • • • • Post-doctoral grant for the realization of research stays abroad. Spanish Education Ministry. National Programme for Research Human Resources Mobility in the framework of the National R&D&I Programme. 02/01/201201/01/2014. Barcelona Road Safety Prize (research modality). Barcelona Council. 2011. Project Grant. Opinion Studies Centre (CEO). Catalan Government. 01/07/201030/11/2010. Grant for the finalization of the PhD Dissertation. Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR). Catalan Government. 2010. Doctoral Dissertation Grant. Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR). Catalan Government. 03/2007-03/2010. Grant for the realization of doctoral research stays abroad. Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR). Catalan Government. 07/2009-01/2010. Project Grant. Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia. Catalan Government. 11/2006-03/2007. Project Grant. Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia. Catalan Government. 11/2005-03/2006. Member of Research Groups, seminars and international scientific networks • • • • Analytical Sociology Seminar (Dir. José A. Noguera). Analytical sociology and Institutional Design Group (GSADI). Oficially recognized by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU). International Network of Analytical Sociologists (INAS). European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS) Experience in organizing R&D&I activities • • • • • • 2015… Organizer of GSADI’s seminar series. 2014. Member of the organizing committee of the Presentation of special issue on Raymond Boudon (“Raymond Boudon. An analytical social theorist”, Papers 99, 4). Org: Papers. Revista de Sociologia & GSADI. 2012. Member of the organizing committee of the Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design Group (GSADI) Plenary Workshop. 2010 Member of the organizing committee of the III Conference on Analytical Sociology and Social Mechanisms (European Network of Analytical Sociologists). 2009 Member of the organizing committee of the II Conference on Analytical Sociology and Institutional (Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design Group – GSADI & Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). 2008. Member of the organizing committee of the II International Conference on Social Simulation & Artificial Societies Analysis (Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design Group – GSADI & Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). 11 • • • 2007. Member of the organizing committee of the I International Conference on Social Simulation & Artificial Societies Analysis (Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design Group – GSADI & Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). 2007. Member of the organizing committee of the Workshop on “Social Simulation Applied to Social & Tax Reforms” (Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design Group – GSADI & Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). 2007. Member of the organizing committee of the Workshop on “I Conference on Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design” (Analytical sociology and Institutional Design Group – GSADI & Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Congresses, conferences and courses attended (not including those which I attended as speaker or member of the organizing committee) • • • • • • • • 2012. III Summer School of the European Social Simulation (ESSA). 2011. XIV Summer School on Economics and Philosophy (Experimental Economics), Urrutia Elejalde Foundation- Basque Country University. 2009. Summer School on Experimental Design. Centre for Experimental Social Sciences (Nuffield College, University of Oxford). 2008. XI Summer School on Economics and Philosophy (Social Norms), Urrutia Elejalde Foundation- Basque Country University. 2008. Republicanismo: tradición y modernidad. Summer course of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2008. Introducció a les Tècniques Estadístiques. Plan for the Extension of New Technologies. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2006. Métode Delphi. Catalan Sociologist and Political Scientist School. 2005. Construcció d'Indicadors Socials. Catalan Sociologist and Political Scientist School. Teaching experience 2013-… Post: Supervisor Course: Graduate Dissertation Degrees: Sociology, Economics and Political Science. University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2012-… Post: Professor Course: Sociology Degrees: Economics and Criminology. University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Post: Professor Course: Macro Sociological Theory Degree: Sociology University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 12 2016-… Course: Micro Sociological Theory Degree: Sociology University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2012-2013 Post: Graduate Teaching Assistant Course: Foundations of Sociology Degree: Sociology/ Political Science University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2008-2010 Post: Graduate Teaching Assistant Course: Methodology Degree: Sociology University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Post: Graduate Teaching Assistant Course: Professional Skills Seminar Degree: Sociology University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2007-2010 Post: Graduate Teaching Assistant Course: Contemporary Sociological Theory I Dregree: Sociology University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Post: Graduate Teaching Assistant Course: Contemporary Sociological Theory II Dregree: Sociology University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Research and teaching merit certifications From the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU) • Associate Professor (Agregat) • Tenure-track Lecturer (Lector) From the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA) • Associate Professor (Profesor contratado doctor) • Tenure-track Lecturer (Profesor ayudante doctor) • Lecturer private university Teacher training • 2010. Higher Education Teacher Training Programme (FDES), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 13 • • • • • • • 2010. Course: Introduction to Coaching, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2010. Course: Conflict Management, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2010. Course: Evaluation Systems, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2009. Course: Introduction to Active Methodologies, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2009. Course: Holding Office Hours, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2004. Course: Mediation. Barcelona Council. 2003. Postgraduate Certificate in Education (CAP). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Teaching materials developed • Materials for the intranet (“Campus Virtual”) of the subjects taught. • 2008. Dossier of teaching materials in the Area of Sociological Theory for the Degree in Sociology of the Department of Sociology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (co-authored with José A. Noguera). Participation in institutional tasks • 2009. Member of the Commission of the Area of Sociological Theory of the Department of Sociology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Responsible for designing and developing courses in sociological theory for the Degree in Sociology. • 2007-2010. Graduate Teaching Assistant at the Department of Sociology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and department member of the pilot programme to adapt the new degrees to the European Higher Education Area. • 2015-… Member of the Economic Commission of the Department of Sociology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. • 2015-… Executive editor of Papers. Revista de Sociologia (SCOPUS). 14