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FACULTAD ARTES Y LETRAS SPRING SEMESTER COURSE TITLE IN SPANISH ENGLISH TRANSLATION US CREDITS COLLEGE YEAR Historia de la Filosofía I A History of Philosophy 4 1 Historia del Arte II History of Art II: Renaissance to Baroque 4 1 Apreciación del Arte II Appreciating Art II: Vasari, Winckelmann & others 2 1 Filosofía y Sociedad II Society and Philosophy 3 1 Arte Latinoamericano I Precolonial Latinamerican Art 2 1 Economía Política del Socialismo Politics and Economy of Socialism 3 2 Historia del Arte IV History of Art IV: Vanguardist, Expresionism & Surrealist Movements 4 2 Seminario de Literatura General II Seminar on 18th & 19th Cent. European Literature 4 2 Arte Caribeño I 16th-19th Cent. Caribbean Art 2 2 Arte Cubano I A History of Cuban Art: 1492.1899 4 2 Seminario de Literatura Cubana II Seminar on Cuban Literature II: 1923 to present 4 3 Estudios Afrocaribeños Afro-Caribean Studies 4 3 FACULTAD ARTES Y LETRAS SPRING SEMESTER Arte Caribeño III Contemporary Caribbean Art 3 3 Apreciación del Lenguaje Audiovisual Appreciating Audiovisual Lang. 2 3 Fundamentos Teóricos de la Crítica A Theoretical Approach to Art Criticism & the Role of the Critic 2 4 Cine Cubano A History of Cuban Film 4 4 Música Cubana A History of Cuban Music 2 4 Televisión y Radio A History of Television and Radio (Course includes section on Cuba) 4 4 FACULTAD ARTES Y LETRAS SPRING SEMESTER COURSE TITLE IN SPANISH Literaturas No Hispánicas II ENGLISH TRANSLATION European Literature: Medieval-Barroque Periods Apreciación Literaria II US CREDITS COLLEGE YEAR 4 1 Appreciating Literature: Narrative Texts 3 1 Historia del Arte II 18th-20th Cent. Art History 4 1 Filosofía y Sociedad II Society & Philosophy II 3 1 Teoría Literaria II Literary Theory II 4 2 Historia de Cuba I History of Cuba I: 1492-1899 3 1 Lingüística General II Linguistics II: Grammar, Morfology & Syntax 4 2 Literatura No-Hispánica IV European Literature IV: 1800-1940 4 2 Literatura Española II 16th & 17th Cent. Spanish Lit. 4 2 Arte Cubano History of Cuban Art 4 3 Literatura Latinoamericana I Latinamerican Literature: Pre-Colombian & Colonial Lingüística del Texto Text Linguistics 4 3 Literatura Cubana I Cuban Literature: 1492-1930 4 3 Economía Política del Socialismo Politics & Economy of Socialism 3 3 Historia de la Lingüística A History of Linguistics 4 3 FACULTAD ARTES Y LETRAS SPRING SEMESTER Literatura Latinoamericana III Latinamerican Literature III: Vanguardist Movements, Boom & Post-Boom 4 4 Literatura Cubana III Cuban Literature III: 1976-2015 4 4 Dialectología y Sociolinguística Dialectology & Sociolinguistics 4 4 FACULTAD ARTES Y LETRAS FALL SEMESTER COURSE TITLE IN SPANISH Arte I ENGLISH TRANSLATION History of Art I: Prehistoric to Gothic Arte III US CREDITS COLLEGE YEAR 4 1 18th & 19th Century European And American Art 4 2 Arte V History of Art V: Postmodernist Art (1960-2015) 4 3 Arte Latinoamericano II Latinamerican Art; 1492-1799 2 2 Arte Latinoamericano IV Latinamerican Art: 1930-present 3 3 Arte del Caribe II 19th Cent. Caribbean Art 3 3 Arte Cubano II History of Cuban Art: 1900-1959 4 3 Arte Cubano IV Cuban Art IV: 1980.-present 3 4 Arte Africano African Art 2 3 Arte Asiático Asian Art 2 4 Historia del Cine An International History of Film 4 4 Museos y Exposiciones Museums/Cultural Patrimony 3 4 Seminario de Literatura General I Seminar on European Literature: From Classics to the Renaissance 4 2 Seminario de Literatura Cubana I Seminar on Cuban Literature: XXXX-1923 4 3 FACULTAD ARTES Y LETRAS FALL SEMESTER COURSE TITLE IN SPANISH ENGLISH TRANSLATION US CREDITS COLLEGE YEAR Historia de Cuba I A History of Cuba I: From Discovery to the 19th Cent. 3 3 Filosofía y Sociedad I Society and Philosophy 3 1 Economía Política del Capitalismo Politics and Economy of Capitalism 3 2 Teoría Sociopolítica Sociopolitical Theory 2 4 FACULTAD ARTES Y LETRAS FALL SEMESTER COURSE TITLE IN SPANISH Latín I ENGLISH TRANSLATION Latin I Latin III US CREDITS COLLEGE YEAR 4 1 Latin III 3 2 Apreciación Literaria I Appreciating Literature 3 1 Teoría Literaria I Literary Theory I 4 2 Literaturas No Hispánicas I Classic Literature 4 1 Economía Política de Capitalismo Political Economy 3 3 Filosofía y Sociedad I Society & Philosophy 3 1 Literaturas No-Hispánicas III 18th & 19th Cent. European Literature 4 2 Historia del Arte I History of Art: Prehistoric to Barroque 4 1 Arte Latinoamericano Latinamerican Art 3 2 Literaturas No Hispánicas V 20th Cent. European Literature: Pirandello, Brecht, Camus 3 3 Historia de Cuba II History of Cuba: 1900-1999 3 3 Literatura Española I Medieval Spanish Literature I 4 2 Literatura Española III 20th Cent. Spanish Literature 4 3 Literatura Latinoamericana II Latinamerican Lit. 1800-1969 4 4 FACULTAD ARTES Y LETRAS FALL SEMESTER Literatura Cubana II Cuban Literature 1900-1976 4 4 Literatura Caribeña Caribbean Literature 4 5 Seminario de Literatura Cubana Special Topics: Cuban Lit. TBA 4 5 Seminario de Literaturas Hispánicas Seminar on Hispanic Literature 4 5 Estudio de Cultura Caribeña Seminar on Caribbean Culture 4 5 Lingüística General I Introduction to Linguistics 4 2 Seminario de Lexicografía Lexicography 4 3 Semiótica Semiotics 4 4 Corrientes Linguísticas Trends in Linguistics 4 4 Gramática Española I Spanish Grammar I 4 1 Historia de la Lengua Española History of Spanish Language 4 3 Seminario del Español en Cuba Seminar on Cuban Spanish 4 5 Lingüística General III Linguistics III: Lexicology & Semantics 4 3 FACULTAD FILOSOFIA E HISTORIA SPRING COURSE TITLE IN SPANISH Filosofía y Sociedad II ENGLISH TRANSLATION Philosophy & Society II DEPARTMENT History Historia social de la Literatura y el Arte II History of Cuba: 15-18th centuries Historia de Cuba II US CREDITS YEAR 3 1 History 3 1 Political Economy I History 3 2 Economía Política II History of Latin America & the Caribbean: 1800-1850 History 3 2 Historia de América Latina y el Caribe II US History History 3 2 Historia de los Estados Unidos History of Latin America & the Caribbean III: 1860-1899 History 3 2 Historia de América Latina y el Caribe IV History of Cuba III: 1900-1940 History 3 3 Historia de Cuba IV Sociopolitical Thought History 3 3 Historia de América Latina IV Cuban Thought History 3 4 Pensamiento cubano Special Topics Course on José Martí History 2 4 Curso especial José Marti Political Economy I History 2 4 Economía Política II History of America Philosophy 4 1 Historia de América History of Cuba I: 1492-1958 Philosophy 4 1 Historia de Cuba II Social Psychology Philosophy 3 2 Psicología Social Theory & History of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy I Philosophy 3 2 Teoria e Historia de la Filosofía Marxista Leninista II Contemporary Philosophy Philosophy 4 3 Estética Latin American Thought Philosophy 3 3 Pensamiento Latinoamericano Contemporary Political Philosophy Philosophy 3 3 Filosofía Política Contemporánea Theory & History of Marxist-Leninist PhilosPhilosophy 3 3 Ideología de la Revolución Cubana Bioethics & the Environment Philosophy 3 4 Bioética y Medio Ambiente Tendencies of Contemporary Capitalism Philosophy 3 4 Tendencia del Capitalismo Contemporáneo General History of Cuba Philosophy 2 4 Historia de América International Economic Thought Sociology 4 1 Pensamiento Económico Universal Social Anthropology Sociology 2 2 Pensamiento Sociológico Cubano Sociology of Knowledge Sociology 2 3 Sociología del Conocimiento Sociology of Education Sociology 2 3 Sociología de la Educación Sociology of Communication Sociology 2 3 Sociología Prevención Social Sociology of Health Sociology 2 4 Sociología de la Salud Sociology of Development Sociology 2 4 Sociología del Desarrollo Sociology of the Family Sociology 2 4 Sociología de la Familia Sociology of Gender Sociology 2 4 Note: Special Topics courses (Optativos) are offered in every Department as of Year 2. Examples of past year electives include " Introduction to the study of Religion", "Black & Mulatto Women in Colonial Habana", and "Human Geography". Please ask the RD for the current list of electives offered in your semester of study. There are some courses that are offered in every Department. Even though the course title is the same, the contact hours and course focus varies according to the Department. FACULTAD FILOSOFIA E HISTORIA FALL COURSE TITLE IN SPANISH Historia de Cuba I History of Cuba: 15-18th centuries ENGLISH TRANSLATION DEPARTMENT History US CREDITS YEAR 3 Economía Política I Political Economy I History 3 2 Historia de América Latina y el Caribe III History of Latin America & the Caribbean III: 1860-1899 History 3 3 Historia de Cuba III History of Cuba III: 1900-1940 History 3 3 Teoría sociopolítica Sociopolitical Thought History 2 3 Historia de Cuba V History of Cuba V: 1959-1990 History 3 4 Historia de la Cultura Cubana A History of Cuban Culture History 3 4 Economía Política I Political Economy I Philosophy 4 1 Historia de Cuba I History of Cuba I: 1492-1958 Philosophy 4 2 Teoría e Historia de la Filosofía Marxista Leninista I Theory & History of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy I Philosophy 4 3 Pensamiento Filosófico Contemporaneo Contemporary Philosophy Philosophy 5 3 Historia del Pensamiento Político History of Political Thought Philosophy 3 3 Teoría e Historia de la Filosofía Marxista Leninista III Theory & History of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy III Philosophy 4 4 Pensamiento Cubano Cuban Thought Philosophy 3 4 Introducción a la Ciencia Política An Introduction to Political Science Philosophy 3 4 Historia de Cuba: Visión Panorámica History of Latin America Sociology 4 1 2 Antropología Social Social Anthropology Sociology 4 3 Pensamiento Sociológico Cubano Cuban Sociological Thought Sociology 2 3 Sociology 2 4 Sociología de la Comunicación Sociology of Knowledge Sociología del Trabajo Sociology 4 4 Sociología Urbana Sociology of Work & Employment Urban Sociology Sociology 2 4 Sociología Política Political Sociology Sociology 4 4 Sociología de la Cultura Sociology of Culture Sociology 2 4 Sociología Agraria Agrarian Sociology Sociology 2 4 Sociología de la Comunicación Sociology of Communication Sociology 2 4 Problemas, Estructuras Sociales y Desigualdades Inequality & Social Structures Sociology 4 4 Sociología de Género Sociology of Social Welfare Sociology 2 5 Sociología Ambiental Environmental Sociology Sociology 2 5 Note: Special Topics courses (Optativos) are offered in every Department as of Year 2. Examples of past year electives include " Introduction to the study of Religion", "Black & Mulatto Women in Colonial Habana", and "Human Geography". Please ask the RD for the current list of electives offered in your semester of study. There are some courses that are offered in every Department. Even though the course title is the same, the contact hours and course focus varies according to the Department.