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ESTEBAN PUJALS GESALÍ Department of English Studies (Filología Inglesa) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Faculty of Humanities (Filosofía y Letras) Campus de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain Telephone: 914972054 E-mail: Office: 209, Mod. VI bis. PRESENT POSITION: Senior Lecturer in English and American Literature (since 1992) DEGREES: B.A. English (Universidad Complutense) PhD. English (Universidad Complutense) PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENTS Lecturer (Universidad de Málaga) 1981-1985 Senior Lecturer (Universidad de Málaga) 1986-1991 CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS Poetry, British and American contemporary poetry, poetry and the visual arts. TEACHING IN 2013-14 From Medieval to Renaissance in English Literature (3rd year, English Degree) From Renaissance to Baroque in English Literature (3rd year, English Degree) Literary Translation (4th year, Modern Languages Degree) The poetics of collage (Masters Degree in English Studies) RECENT PUBLICATIONS Esteban Pujals, “Panorama de la poesía estadounidense contemporánea y de su traducción reciente en España” Trans. Revista de traductología, nº 14, Málaga, 2010, pp. 9-23. Esteban Pujals, “Valcárcel Medina’s Constellations”, Afterall nº 26, Spring 2011, London: Central St. Martin’s College of A & Design, pp. 23-30. Esteban Pujals / Pilar Vázquez, Mi vida (a translation of Lyn Hejinian’s My Life) Sta Cruz de Tenerife: Acto Ediciones, 2011. Esteban Pujals, Botones blandos (a translation of Gertrude Stein’s Tender Buttons), Madrid: Abada, 2011. Esteban Pujals Gesalí, “Vanguardia neoclásica: ‘El progreso de la poesía”, de Thomas Gray”, in Julio A. Pardos (ed.) Historia y Catástrofe, Cuaderno Gris 10 (UAM), 2012, pp. 23-41