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FRANCISCO HERREROS Center for Human and Social Sciences Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) C/ Albasanz 26-28, 3rd Floor, Madrid 28037 Tel. 34 916022562 Fax: 34 913045710 Email: ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2008-present 2008 2007-2008 2006-2007 2004-2005 2003-2004 2001-2003 1996-2000 Tenured Researcher, Center for Human and Social Sciences, CSIC Visiting Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford University Ramón y Cajal contract for young researchers, CSIC Ramón y Cajal contract for young researchers, Ortega y Gasset Foundation i3P Postdoctoral contract, CSIC Visiting scholar, New York University Researcher, Institute of Advanced Social Studies (CSIC) Research fellow, Centre for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences at the Juan March Institute EDUCATION 2002 2002 1999 1994 Ph. D. Political Science and Sociology, Department of Sociology, University Complutense Ph. D. Member, Centre for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences at the Juan March Institute Master in Social Sciences, Juan March Institute BA, Law, Carlos III University Supplemental: 2006 2002 2001 1999 Essex Summer School in Data Analysis Essex Summer School in Data Analysis Essex Summer School in Data Analysis ICPSR Summer Training Program, University of Michigan FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS 2008 2009 2003-2004 1996-2000 2000 Visiting Fellowship, All Souls College, Oxford University Mobility Fellowship for Researchers, Spanish Ministry of Education Fellowship, Caja Madrid Foundation Fellowship, Juan March Foundation Mobility grant for young researchers, European Consortium for Political Research 1 2005 2003 2003 Award to the best book published in 2004 (The Problem of Forming Social Capital. Why Trust?), Asociación Española de Ciencia Política Award to the best Ph. D. dissertation, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, University Complutense Award to the best article published in the Revista Internacional de Sociología [International Journal of Sociology] during the period 20002003 VISITING POSITIONS 2010 2008 2003-2004 Academic Visitor, Nuffield College, University of Oxford Visiting Fellow, All Souls College, University of Oxford Visiting Scholar, New York University, Politics Department PUBLICATIONS In English: Books: 2004 The Problem of Forming Social Capital: Why Trust? New York and London: Palgrave: 2004 (paperback edition 2008) Award to the best book published in 2004, Asociación Española de Ciencia Política Articles: 2009 “Pre-emptive or arbitrary. Two forms of lethal violence in a civil war” (with Henar Criado), Journal of Conflict Resolution 53 (3): 419-445 2009 “Social trust, social capital and perceptions towards immigration” (with Henar Criado). Political Studies 57: 337-355. 2008 “The State and the creation of an environment for the growing of trust”. Rationality and Society 20 (4): 497-521 2008 “The State and the development of social trust” (with Henar Criado). International Political Science Review 29 (1): 53-71 2007 “Political Support. Taking into account the institutional context” (with Henar Criado). Comparative Political Studies 41 (12): 1511-1532 2007 “Corruption and the disparity in levels of Political Support by winners and losers” (with Henar Criado). Canadian Journal of Political Science 40 (2): 507-518 2007 “Size and virtue” European Journal of Political Theory 6 (4): 463-482, 2 2006 “The Full Weight of the State. The Logic of Random State-sanctioned Political Violence”. Journal of Peace Research 43 (6): 671-689 2006 “Screening before sanctioning. Elections and the Republican Tradition”. European Journal of Political Theory 5 (4): 431-451. 2003 “The dilemma of Social Democracy in 1914: Chauvinism or Social Dilemma?” Rationality and Society 15(3): 325-344. 2003 “In Whom We Trust? The Development of Particularised Trust Inside Associations” (with Henar Criado). European Political Science, 2 (3) Papers in edited volumes: 2010 “The State”, in James Alt, Simone Chambers, Robert Jervis, Margaret Levi and Paula McClain, eds. The Encyclopedia of Political Science. Washington DC: CQ Press (forthcoming) 2009 “The State”, in Gunnar Svendsen and Gert Svendsen (eds.) Handbook of Social Capital. Cheltenham and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 179196 2008 “Do social trusters like immigrants?”, in K. R. Gupta, Prasijit Maiti and Gunnar Svendsen (eds.), Social Capital. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, 135-156. 2005 “Political Trust, Democracy and the Republican Tradition”, in Iseult Honohan and Jeremy Jennings eds., Republicanism in Theory and Practice, London: Routledge, 97-108 2000 “Social Capital, Associations and Civic Republicanism”, in Michael Saward, ed., Democratic Innovation: Deliberation, Association and Representation, London: Routledge, 84-94 Reviews: 2008 Review of the book Why We Hate Politics, by Colin Hay. Perspectives on Politics 6 (4): 844-845 Other publications: 2000 “Social Capital and Civic Republicanism”, Juan March Institute Working Paper 2000/149 3 Works in Progress and under review: 1. “Peace of cemeteries. Civil-war dynamics in post-war state’s repression”. 2. “The non-lineal relationship between state efficacy and trust” 3. “The Ties that Bind. Family relationships and social trust”. 4. “Hume and the limits of Trust” 5. “The foundations of trust: an experimental approach” (with Luis Miller) In Spanish: Books: 2005 Hacia una reconstrucción del materialismo histórico [Towards a reconstruction of historical materialism] Madrid: Istmo Articles: 2007 “Confianza y cooperación en ausencia del Estado” [Trust and Cooperation without the State] Revista Internacional de Sociología [Internacional Journal of Sociology], 46: 87-105 2006 “Estado, confianza social y minorías étnicas” [The State, social trust and ethnic minorities] Revista Española de Sociología, [Spanish Journal of Sociology] 6: 35-50 2005 “Las elecciones y la tradición republicana” [“Elections and the Republican Tradition”] Revista Española de Ciencia Política [Spanish Journal of Political Science]12: 53-73 2005 “Las elecciones como forma de seleccionar buenos políticos” [“Elections and the selections of good politicians”] Claves de Razón Práctica 156: 70-74 2005 “Introducción: el estudio de la violencia política” [The analysis of political violence] Zona Abierta 112-113: 1-19 2005 “La lógica del terror estatal aleatorio” [The logic of random State terrorism] Zona Abierta 112-113: 145-174 2004 “La confianza en los políticos. La visión de Cicerón y Maquiavelo” [“Trust in Politicians. Cicero’s and Machiavelli’s view”] Claves de Razón Práctica 141: 70-73. 2004 “La confianza política en la tradición republicana: de Ciceron a Madison” [“Political Trust in the Republican Tradition: From Cicero to Madison”], Revista de Estudios Políticos [Journal of Political Studies]125 4 2004 “¿Por qué confiar? Formas de creación de confianza social” Revista Mexicana de Sociología [Mexican Journal of Sociology] 66 (4): 605-626 2004 “Confianza y cooperación: la socialdemocracia europea y la Primera Guerra Mundial” [“Trust and Cooperation: European Social Democracy and the First World War”], Historia y Política 11 2003 “Las fuentes de la confianza social” [“The Sources of Social Trust”], Revista Internacional de Sociología [International Journal of Sociology] 35: 151-175 Award to the best article published in the Revista Internacional de Sociología in the period 2000-2003 2002 “¿Son las relaciones sociales una fuente de recursos. Una definición del capital social”. [Are social relations a source of assets? A definition of social capital]. Papers. Revista catalana de sociología [Papers. Catalan Journal of Sociology] 67: 129-148 2002 “Republicanismo, capital social y democracia” [Republicanism, social capital and democracy”], Revista de Estudios Políticos [Journal of Political Studies] 117: 293-311. 2002 “Crisis de la democracia y capital social” [“Crisis of Democracy and Social Capital”], Temas para el Debate 88 2001 “Introducción: el programa de investigación de capital social” (with Andrés de Francisco) [“Introduction: the social capital research program”], Zona Abierta 94-95 2001 “El problema de la formación del capital social: Estado, asociaciones voluntarias y confianza generalizada” [“The problem of the formation of social capital: State, voluntary associations and generalized trust”] (with Henar Criado), Zona Abierta 94-95 1997 “Hacia una reconstrucción del materialismo histórico” [“Towards a Reconstruction of Historical Materialism”], Revista Internacional de Sociología [Internacional Journal of Sociology] 17 Papers in edited volumes: 2010 “Lealtades ideológicas y partidistas en un contexto de baja movilización” [Ideological and party loyalties in a low-mobilization context], in Joan Font and Mariano Torcal eds. Elecciones europeas 2009: España en perspectiva comparada. Madrid: CIS (forthcoming) 2008 “Confianza, elección racional y teoría de juegos” [Trust, rational choice and game theory], in Fernando Aguiar, Julia Barragán and Nelson Lara 5 eds. Economía, Sociedad y Teoría de juegos [Economy, Society and Game Theory]. Madrid: MacGraw Hill: 175-187. 2007 “Capital social y desarrollo económico” [Social capital and economic development], in Jose Antonio Pérez Rubio ed. Sociología y desarrollo sostenible [Sociology and sustainable development]. Madrid: Ministerio de Agricultura. 2003 “Sociología y elección racional” [Sociology and Rational Choice] (with Fernando Aguiar and Henar Criado), in Salvador Giner ed. Teoría Sociológica Contemporánea [Contemporary Sociological Theory]. Barcelona: Ariel: 269-291 2002 “Capital social” [Social Capital], in Antonio Ariño ed. Diccionario básico de Solidaridad [Basic Dictionary on Solidarity]. Valencia: Fundación de la Solidaridad y el Voluntariado de la Comunidad Valenciana: 77-91. Reviews: 2007 Review of the book Ciudadanía y democracia [Citizenship and Democracy], by Andrés de Francisco, Claves de Razón Práctica 175 1998 Review of the book Sociología y cambio social [Sociology and Social Change], by Andrés de Francisco, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas [Spanish Journal of Sociological Research] 82,1998 Other publications: 2006 “Capital social y gobierno democrático” [“Social Capital and democracy”] Fundación Alternativas Working Paper, 2006 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES: 2010 Poster presenter, “Electoral consequence of terrorism” (with Henar Criado), American Political Science Association 106th Annual Meeting, Washington DC. 2009 Paper presenter, “Electoral support for terrorist groups” (with Henar Criado), Midwest Political Science Association 67th Annual Conference, Chicago 2008 Poster presenter, “Terrorism and electoral behavior” (with Henar Criado), American Political Science Association 104th Annual Meeting, Boston 6 2007 Paper presenter, “Violence against civilians in civil wars” (with Henar Criado), American Political Science Association 103rd Annual Meeting, Chicago 2007 Paper presenter, “The State and social trust” (with Henar Criado), European Consortium for Political Research Annual Joint Sessions, Helsinki 2007 Paper presenter, “Violence against civilians in civil wars” (with Henar Criado), Midwest Political Science Association 65th Annual Conference, Chicago 2005 Paper presenter, “The Logic of Random State-sanctioned Political Violence”, American Political Science Association 101st Annual Meeting, Washington DC 2005 Paper presenter, “Political support: taking into account the institutional context” (with Henar Criado), American Political Science Association 101st Annual Meeting, Washington DC 2004 Paper presenter, “Screening Before Sanctioning. Elections and the Republican Tradition”, American Political Science Association 100th Annual Meeting, Chicago 2003 Paper presenter, “Trust, Democracy and the Republican Tradition”, European Consortium for Political Research, Annual Joint Sessions, Edinburgh 2002 Paper presenter, “Do Democratic Associations Foster Democracy?” (with Henar Criado), European Consortium for Political Research, Annual Joint Sessions, Torino (Italy) 2000 Paper Presenter, “Is it about trust? A reappraisal of associational participation and social capital” (with Laura Morales) European Consortium for Political Research, Annual Joint Sessions, Copenhagen (Denmark) 1999 Paper Presenter, “Social Capital and Civic Republicanism”, European Consortium for Political Research, Annual Joint Sessions, Manheim (Germany) CONGRESSES IN SPAIN: 2010 Paper presenter, “On the definition of trust: an experimental design”, X Spanish Congress of Sociology (Pamplona, July) 2008 Co-organizer “Republicanismo: Tradición y Modernidad” [Republicanism: Tradition and Modernity], University Complutense Summer Courses 7 2006 Paper presenter, “The Logic of State-Sanctioned Random political violence”, II Conferencia de doctores, Instituto Juan March (Madrid) 2002 Paper presenter, “El problema de la creación del capital social” [“The problem of the creation of social capital”, I Joint Sessions of Political Sociology, UNED (Madrid) 2002 Paper presenter, “Capital social, clase y Estado” [“Social capital, social classes and the State”], II Iberoamerican Symposium on Republicanism and Political Philosophy, Alcalá de Henares 2002 Paper presenter, “The by-products of trust: do citizens use trust in politicians to form their political opinions?” (with Henar Criado), Workshop on Individual Decision Making, IESA (Cordoba). 2001 Paper Presenter, “El Estado y la formación de capital social. Estado y participación en asociaciones” [“The State and the Formation of social capital. State and participation in associations”], V Spanish Congress of Political Science 2000 Paper Presenter, “La creación de confianza social” [“The creation of social trust”], I Iberoamerican Symposium on Republicanism, Welfare State and Social Capital (Cordoba) 1999 Paper Presenter, “Capital social y teoría política republicana” [“Social capital and republican political theory”], IV Spanish Congress of Political Science 1998 Paper Presenter, “Problemas conceptuales del capital social” [“Conceptual Problems of Social Capital”], VI Spanish Congress of Sociology, September 1998 CONFERENCES BY INVITATION: 2010 “State and trust”, (Instituto Internacional Casa de Mateus, Porto, 15-16th October) 2010 “State efficacy and Social Trust”, CIES (Lisbon, 7 October) 2010 “The foundations of trust: an experimental approach”. CEES, Nuffield College, University of Oxford (11th May) 2010 “Gerald Cohen y el materialismo histórico” [Gerald Cohen’s Historical Materialism], Universidad Complutense, Madrid (22 February) 2009 “The role of the state in the creation of social capital”. Nuffield College, University of Oxford (17th March) 8 2008 “Violence against civilians in civil wars”, Instituto de Análisis Económico (IAE-CSIC, Barcelona, 16 June) 2007 “El capital social y su papel en las sociedades democráticas” [The role of social capital in democratic societies], Eurobask (Consejo Vasco del Movimiento Europeo), Democracia y Participación Ciudadana en la UE (Bilbao, 12 March). 2006 Capital social y gobierno democrático [Social capital and democratic government], Fundación Alternativas (Madrid, 4 November) 2005 Trust and cooperation in a stateless world, Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados de Andalucía/CSIC (Córdoba, 5 October). 2000 “Una defensa de la definición estructural del capital social” [A defense of the structural definition of social capital], Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados de Andalucía/CSIC (Córdoba, 7 November). RESEARCH PROJECTS 2010-2012 “Social capital and informal institutions” (CSO2009-07379) Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Principal Investigator: Francisco Herreros Funds: 42.000€ 2008-2009 “Causes of Terrorism” Financed by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Principal Investigator: Francisco Herreros Funds: 30.000€ 2006-2009 “The State and the creation of social capital” (SEJ2006-07695) Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education Principal Investigator: Francisco Herreros Funds: 48.000€ 2007 “The State and the creation of social capital” Financed by the Complutense University Principal Investigator: Henar Criado Funds: 9.000€ 2003-2005 “Republican Ethics and Political Philosophy” (BFF 2002-04394-C02-01) Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology Principal investigator: Antoni Domènech Funds: 30.000€ 2002-2003 “Poverty and Quality of Life in Andalusia” Financed by the Andalusia Autonomous Government (Junta de Andalucía) 9 Principal Investigator: Manuel Pérez Yruela Funds: 100.000€ 2001-2002 “Quality of life and social needs of the Seville’s population” Financed by the Seville’s City Council Principal Investigator: Fernando Aguiar Funds: 80.000€ TEACHING 2009-2010 Political Violence. Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, University Complutense, Sociology I Department Ph. D. Program 2008-2009 Political Violence. Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, University Complutense, Sociology I Department Ph. D. Program 2008-2009 Political Trust. Ortega y Gasset Foundation Ph. D. Program on Government 2007-2008 Political Sociology, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, University Complutense, Sociology I Department 2006-2007 Social capital, Department of Political Science Ph. D Program, University of Salamanca EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERSHIP Open Sociology Journal Revista Internacional de Sociología CIS Publications (Center for Sociological Studies, Assigned to the Spanish Ministry of the Prime Minister) PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Political Science Association Midwest Political Science Association European Political Science Association Asociación Española de Ciencia Política Federación Española de Sociología Analytical Sociology Group, Spanish Sociological Association Political Sociology Committee, Spanish Sociological Association REFEREE FOR: Palgrave Macmillan Baylor University Press 10 Journal of Conflict Resolution Sociological Inquiry Comparative Political Studies British Journal of Political Science European Journal of Political Research Governance Political Studies International Political Science Review European Political Science Review Canadian Journal of Political Science Political Psychology European Societies Revista Mexicana de Sociología Revista Española de Ciencia Política Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas Revista Internacional de Sociología Revista de Estudios Políticos ANEP 11