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GIMNASIO LOS PINOS FIFTH GRADE UNDERSTANDING GOALS AND TOPICS ENGLISH GIMNASIO LOS PINOS FIFTH GRADE THIRD TERM UNDERSTANDING GOALS AND TOPICS ENGLISH GENERATIVE TOPIC: IT’S ALL ABOUT CHANGES THROUGHLINES: How can you ask for things in a shop? How do I tell a friend what to buy? How can I give him/her a good advice? How do you get to a place you never visited before? How do you ask for help in case you are lost? What words are used more often to tell stories? How can I tell a good story? In which extent things now are different from the way they used to be? UNDERSTANDING GOAL: The Student will develop comprehension on how to tell a story by identifying, analyzing and making stories sequences through an autobiographical text. The Student will develop comprehension about how to ask, suggest and give directions by designing and describing a city. CONTENTS UNIT 6: IN ISTANBUL Vocabulary: Giving directions, places, prepositions of place. Grammar: Advice (should/shouldn’t) I think+s+should,. I agree, I don’t agree Could I/do you mind if... Writing: Leaflet fiving advice (portfolio) Reading:The little prince chapter 15-18/Lost in the city Speaking: At a clothes shop UNIT 7: THE STORY TELLER Vocabulary: Theater related terms, verbs in past, animals Grammar: There is there are, Past simple (anecdotes stories), future with will Reading: The little prince chapter 19-21/Lost in the city Speaking: Class survey Writing: A biography GIMNASIO LOS PINOS FIFTH GRADE UNDERSTANDING GOALS AND TOPICS HISTORY TÓPICO GENERATIVO: IT´S ALL ABOUT CHANGES HILOS CONDUCTORES: 1. ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias de una guerra? 2. ¿Cuántas zonas conforman nuestro país? META DE COMPRENSIÓN: Los estudiantes desarrollarán comprensión sobre las causas y consecuencias de la hegemonía conservadora. CONTENIDO TEMÁTICO: - La guerra de los mil días - Independencia de Panamá. - Masacre de las bananeras - Caída del conservatismo - El Bogotazo y la época de la violencia - Regreso del partido conservador al poder - Plebiscito Nacional. GIMNASIO LOS PINOS FIFTH GRADE UNDERSTANDING GOALS AND TOPICS GEOGRAPHY GENERATIVE TOPIC: IT´S ALL ABOUT CHANGES THROUGHLINES: 1. Why it is important to explore the development of the economy in our country? 2. What are the main sectors of the economy in Colombia? UNDERSTANDING GOAL: Students will develop understanding about the economy of our country by establishing differences between the three economical sectors and the economical groups. CONTENTS: - Economy: Distribution in our country. - Economical sectors: Primary, secondary and tertiary. - Economical Activities: Agriculture, cattle and mining in Colombia. - Industrial Zones: What do we produce? - Goods and Services PLAN LECTOR: Colombia mi abuelo y yo GIMNASIO LOS PINOS FIFTH GRADE UNDERSTANDING GOALS AND TOPICS DEMOCRACIA TOPICO GENERATIVO: IT´S ALL ABOUT CHANGES HILOS CONDUCTORES: 1. ¿Cómo se pueden solucionar los conflictos a nivel escolar y familiar? 2. ¿Cuántas zonas conforman nuestro país? META DE COMPRENSIÓN: Los estudiantes desarrollarán comprensión sobre las formas de agresión y discriminación, y las consecuencias de estas situaciones, a través de discusiones en clase. CONTENIDOS TEMATICOS: - Diferencia entre conflicto y agresión - Situaciones de conflicto en el ambiente escolar y familiar. - Formas asertivas de solución de conflictos. - Tipos de agresión (maltrato físico, verbal y sicológico, abuso sexual, etc. - Origen cultural: respeto a las semejanzas y diferencias. - Formas de discriminación ( género, religión, etnia, edad, cultura, aspectos económico o sociales, capacidades o limitaciones individuales) - Consecuencias de la discriminación. GIMNASIO LOS PINOS FIFTH GRADE UNDERSTANDING GOALS AND TOPICS MATH GENERATIVE TOPIC: It´s all about changes THROUGHLINES: How do you measure distances? Can you make money? How can you have money in this country? UNDERSTANDING GOAL: The student will understand how to convert units of measurement in order to fit the conditions of the situations given. TOPICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Concept of money Graphic representation (Line plot and frequency tables.) SI Units Measurement (length and time) Law of exponents Probability of an event to happen Logical reasoning Patterns Preparación pruebas saber GIMNASIO LOS PINOS FIFTH GRADE UNDERSTANDING GOALS AND TOPICS SCIENCE GENERATIVE TOPIC: Describing and measuring the world I live in THROUGHLINES 1. What is reproduction? 2. Why do living things reproduce? How do they reproduce? 3. Why ideas are important to establish a new creation? UNDERSTANDING GOAL: Students will develop understanding about asexual and sexual reproduction given in plants, animals and human beings. TOPICS UNIT 1: REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTION 1.1Asexual 1.1.1 Types of unicellular reproduction: bipartition, fragmentation,vegetative reproduction, gemmation. Lab prac. Onion cells, asexual reproduction. 1.2 Sexual PLANTS REPRODUCTION LAB.PRAC. Flower dissection. CONSULT: Plant’s reproductive strategies. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION UNIT 2. HUMAN REPRODUCTION RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FUNCTIONS GIMNASIO LOS PINOS FIFTH GRADE UNDERSTANDING GOALS AND TOPICS RELIGION TÓPICO GENERATIVO: Budismo HILOS CONDUCTORES: 1. ¿Qué impacto ha tenido la práctica del Budismo en la historia de la humanidad? 2. ¿Qué valores nos transmite la cultura budista? META DE COMPRENSIÓN: El estudiante desarrollará comprensión al identificar la cosmovisión islámica y su historia. CONTENIDO TEMÁTICO: - Aspectos específicos del hinduismo - Relación con otros credos: ¿Una inclusión? - Orígenes del budismo - Desarrollo histórico del budismo - Movimientos Budistas