Download STUDY GUIDE 4th Grade November – December 2013 Miss Amelia
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STUDY GUIDE 4th Grade November – December 2013 Miss Amelia Esparza Technology and applications: Friday, November 29 th, 2013. Theme 4.4.1 Word Processing Applications Pages 4-10 4.4.6 Utility Programs 4-14 4.10 Freeware, Shareware, and Commercial Software Resources 4-21 CD STUDENT MATERIAL COMPUTING FUNDAMENTALS (IC3) ´The Fourth R´ 5.2 Elements of a Window 5-2 to 5-4 5.5 The Windows Desktop 5-7 5.6 Using the Start Menu Study the Computer’s Lab (Guide) 5-8 to 5-9 Bimester #2 Language Arts: Friday, November 29th, 2013. TOPIC Listening THEME PURPOSES Answer and infer about the information listened Speaking Fluency Explain in their own words Topics: My memories in the school Talk about a famous singer My favorite hobbies My favorite animal My favorite movie RESOURCES Students will listen to a story and then they will answer some questions Students will talk about one of the following topics. They will explain it in their own words Deutsch: Monday, December 2nd, 2013. TOPIC Possessive article THEME PURPOSES Be able to understand and use in a sentence possessive articles (mein/meine) and personal pronouns (Er. Sie – Es).. RESOURCES Plural Learn plural form of clothes and school materials. ……….. Planetino Kursbuch Pg. 55 Planetino Arbeitsbuch Pg. 67-68 Notebook Review Study pg. 60 as a review…………………………………… Planetino Kursbuch Pg. 60 Planetino Kursbuch Pg. 54 and 58 Planetino Arbeitsbuch Pg. 67 and 69-70 Notebook Español: lunes 2 de diciembre del 2013. TOPICO PROPOSITOS DEL TEMA Comprenderá el término monografía……………………….. Identificará oraciones tópicas.……………………………… Leerán una monografía y contestarán preguntas…………… Reconocerán qué son los nexos y complementarán oraciones. (De tal manera, por otro lado, en cambio, al igual que, etc)…………………………………………………….. Conocerá qué son los refranes……………………………… Comprenderá el significado de algunos refranes………….. Identificará las características de los refranes : rima, analogía y juegos de palabras………………………………. Identificará las partes de un instructivo……………………. Identificará verbos en infinitivo…………………………... Escribirá un instructivo en forma imperativa………………. RECURSOS Libro Español 4 Pearson y libreta Libreta Libreta y Pearson pp. 67, 68 y 77 Libreta y Pearson p. 76 Libreta y Pearson pp. 82 y 83 Libreta y Pearson pp. 82 y 84 Libreta y Pearson p. 85 Libreta y Pearson pp. 100 y 101 Libreta y Pearson pp. 101, 102 y 103 Libreta y Pearson pp. 102 y 103 Ciencias Sociales: lunes 2 de diciembre del 2013. TOPICO Cívica y Ética PROPOSITOS DEL TEMA Identificará los derechos de los mexicanos……………………... Comprenderá los términos: libertad y derechos de los mexicanos……………………………………………………….. RECURSOS Libreta y Libro de Formación Cívica y Ética Libreta y pp. 30, 31, 32 y 33 Libreta y pp. 30, 31, 32 y 33 Identificará las consecuencias de sus acciones cuando llega a perder el control (autocontrol)………………………………….. Libreta y pp. 34, 46 y 47 Identificará situaciones justas e injustas………………………... Libreta Ciencias Sociales: martes 3 de diciembre del 2013. TOPICO Historia PROPÓSITOS DEL TEMA • Identificar la ubicación espacial y temporal de las culturas mesoamericanas: olmeca, maya y mexica…………………………. • Clasificar características de las culturas olmeca, maya y mexica……………………………………………............................ • Discriminar algunas expresiones de las culturas mesoamericanas: conocimientos matemáticos y astronómicos, calendario, escritura, agricultura, herbolaria, festividades y arte………………………………………………………………… RECURSOS Libro de Texto Historia y libreta de Ciencias Sociales Libreta y libro Historia pp. 46 y 82 Libreta (cuadro comparativo) y libro Historia p. 82. Libreta. Health: Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013. TOPIC THEME PURPOSES Recognize sources and effects of negative stress and identify strategies for reducing stress. Identify situations that might be dangerous (home, street and unsafe situation in the environment.) Discriminate personal risk behaviors. (Tobacco, toxic substances etc.) Recognize sources of negative influence on self. Identify support sources: family, teachers, friend and community. RESOURCES Health notebook Health Activity Book -Manage Stress P.4,34 -Personal Risk Behaviors P.36 and 37 -Dangerous Situations P.21 ,22,23 -Sources of negative influence P. 28 ,39,41,42, and 44 -Support sources P.53,54 Social Studies: Wednesday, December 4th, 2013. TOPIC Geography THEME PURPOSES Identify Nuevo Leon´s orography: Sierra Madre Oriental, Cerro de la Silla, Cerro El Morro, Sierra Peña Nevada, Llanura del Golfo Norte, Gran llanura de Norteamérica. Identify Mexico´s orography: Sierra Madre Oriental, Sierra Madre Occidental, Sierra de Chiapas, Sierra Madre del Sur and Sierra de Baja California. Recognize and locate in a map the principal lakes and rivers of Mexico. (Lakes: Patzcuaro, Chapala, Cuitzeo. Rivers: Bravo, Suchiate, Usumacinta, Panuco, Papaloapan) Identify regions in Mexico by their: Vegetation: forest, savanna, grassland, and desert. Climate: extreme temperatures, rainy regions, dry regions. Landforms: mountains, archipelagos, bay, gulf, isthmus, island, lake, peninsula, and river. Recognize natural no renewable resources and renewable resources and their uses. RESOURCES Social studies notebook Atlas de México -Orography P.12 -Rivers P.14 -Lakes P.15 -Climate P.16 -Vegetation P.17 Technology Resources on Internet http://cuentame.ine Ciencias Sociales: miércoles 4 de diciembre del 2013. TOPICO Geografía PROPOSITOS DEL TEMA RECURSOS Libro de Texto y libreta • Reconocerá el término relieve…………………………………… Libreta • Comprenderá las características del relieve del territorio nacional: llanura costera, mesetas o altiplanicies, valles, depresiones, montañas Libreta y libro Geografía p. 46 • Comprenderá cómo se forman los ríos, sus características e identificará los ríos más importantes de México: Bravo, Suchiate, Usumacinta, Pánuco, Papaloapan……………………………… Libreta • Identificará las regiones naturales de nuestro país y sus características principales: áridas, templadas, tropicales húmedas. Libreta • Identificará los recursos naturales de nuestro país y los productos que se obtienen de los mismos…………………………………………………………… Libreta y libro Geografía pp. 73, 74, 75, 76 y 77 Mathematics: Thursday, December 5th, 2013. TOPIC Operations and computation, Problem solving, Mental Math THEME PURPOSES Fractions: addition and subtraction (different denominator) and multiplication……………………………………………………… Solve word problems……………………………………………… Create a pattern that results from reflections………………………. Solve additions and subtractions using different strategies: example 46+38= 84 = (40+30=70) + (6+8= 14) ; 5398-4123=1000 +200+70+11……………………………………… Add and subtract decimal numbers to thousands……………………. Add and subtract money…………………………………………….. Solve multiplications………………………………………………… Multiplication and divisions of whole numbers…………………….. Estimate and measure objects………………………………………. RESOURCES Math notebook Science: Thursday, December 5th, 2013. TOPIC Biology and Physics THEME PURPOSES Food chains (animals, plants, humans, producer, consumer and decomposer.) Identify natural and artificial light, objects that emit their own light and others that reflect from different sources. Energy from the sun (photosynthesis) Energy and forms of energy. Identify sources of light that give off light and heat and light but little or no heat. Recognize properties of sound and light. Identify devices that make use of the properties of light and sound. RESOURCES Science notebook and quizzes in the notebook. Energy and Motion Book -Forms of Energy P. F6-F9 -Light Properties P. F12-F17 -Sound Properties P. F20-F25 Technology Resources on Internet: Language Arts: Reading, Writing & Speaking: Friday, December 6th , 2013. TOPIC Writing OBJECTIVES Vocabulary lessons #7,8,9,10,11,12 Simple and Compound Sentence……………………………. Prepositional Phrases……………………………………….. Clauses and Phrases; Complex sentences………………….. Common and Proper Noun………………………………… Singular and Plural Noun………………………………….. RESOURCES Practice Book Lesson 7 p. 37 Lesson 8 p. 42 Lesson 9 p. 48 Lesson 10 p. 53 Lesson 11 p. 61 Lesson 12 p. 67 Lesson 7 p. 41 Lesson 8 p. 47 Lesson 9 p. 52 Lesson 11 p. 66 Lesson 12 p. 71 Reading Use and distinguish the story structure including: character, setting, plot, conflict and resolution Examine the author’s purpose and perspective Text Structure: Cause and Effect Language Arts Notebook Practice Book -Conflict-Resolution: Pages 32,38,39 and 54 -Author’s Purpose and perspective: Pages 44,50 and 55 -Cause and Effect: Pages 62,63,68 and 69