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Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus Grade 10 / Fall 2016 Teacher: Ms. Leslie Fine Contact: Classroom 321 Phone: (323) 972-9010 Email: Website: Textbook: Shier, Butler and Lewis Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology (10th edition) Office Hours/Tutoring: Tuesday 3:45 – 4:45 Course Description Anatomy and Physiology is the study of the body’s structures and functions at the molecular/biochemical, cellular, tissue, organ, systemic and organism levels. Students explore the body through laboratory investigations, models, diagrams, and/or comparative studies of the anatomy of other organisms. The study of anatomy and physiology prepares students for a variety of health care careers. Anatomy & Physiology Units: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Classroom Rules: 1. Be on time. 2. Communicate respectfully. 3. No personal electronic devices. 4. Be prepared with all class materials. Biology Review Anatomical Orientation Integumentary System/The Skin Skeletal System Muscular System Nervous System Cardiovascular System Respiratory/Circulatory System Digestive System Endocrine System Class Materials: 1. College Ruled Composition Notebook (100 pages) 2. 3. 4. 5. – for science only 2 or more pencils 2 or more pens 2 or more glue sticks 2 or more whiteboard markers Student Expectations: 1. Students will practice academic integrity; cheating is not tolerated and will result in a failing grade. 2. Students will wait for the teacher to dismiss class at the end of the period. 3. Students will be given four bathroom passes to be used in emergency situations only. Tardy Policy: A student will be considered tardy if they are not in the classroom when the bell rings. Make up Policy: Any students with an excused absence can make-up missed work. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher as soon as possible after excused absences to collect missed work. No late work will be graded for unexcused absences. Grades Policy: Students will have daily opportunities to demonstrate knowledge through classwork, quizzes, tests, projects, homework and laboratory experiments. The below grading scale will be used to assign grades. A B C NP = = = = 4 3 2 1 = = = = 84-100% 67-83.9% 50-66.9% Below 50% = = = = Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic I can teach it. I get it. I’m starting to get it. I don’t get it. Temario de Anatomía y Fisiología Grado 10 / Otoño 2016 Profesora: Ms. Leslie Fine Numero de clase: 321 Teléfono: (323) 972-9010 Email: Website: Libro de texto: Shier, Butler and Lewis Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology (10th edition) Horario de oficina/Tutoría: Martes 3:45 - 4:45 Course Description La anatomía y la fisiología es el estudio de las estructuras y funciones del organismo a nivel molecular y celular, bioquímica, tejido, órgano, sistémico y niveles del organismo. Los estudiantes exploran el cuerpo a través de las investigaciones de laboratorio, modelos, diagramas y/o estudios comparativos de la anatomía de otros organismos. El estudio de la anatomía y fisiología prepara a los estudiantes para una variedad de carreras de salud. Anatomía Fisiología Unidades &Amp: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Revisión de Biología Orientación anatómica Sistema Tegumentario/la piel Sistema Esquelético Sistema Muscular Sistema Nervioso Sistema Cardiovascular Sistema Circulatorio Respiratorio Sistema Digestivo Sistema Endocrino. Las reglas de la clase 1. Estar en clase a tiempo. 2. Comunicación respetuosa. 3. No hay dispositivos electrónicos personales. 4. Estar preparado con todos los materiales de clase. Materiales de clase: 1. Colegio dictaminó Cuaderno (100 páginas) - para la ciencia sólo 2. 2 o más lápices 3. 2 o más plumas 4. 2 o más cintas adhesivas 5. 2 o más marcadores de pizarra blanca Las expectativas del estudiante: 1. Los alumnos practicarán la integridad académica; el engaño no es tolerado y tendrá como resultado una falla en el grado. 2. Los estudiantes esperarán que la maestra los depsida de clase al final del período. 3. Los estudiantes tendrán cuatro pases de baño ser utilizados en situaciones de emergencia solamente. Póliza de Tardanza: El estudiante se considerará tarde si no están en la clase cuando suena la campana. Póliza para reponer trabajo: Cualquier estudiante con una ausencia justificada tendra la oportunidad de reponer trabajo de clase. Es la responsabilidad del estudiante contactar al maestro tan pronto possible par aver como posible después de la ausencia justificada para recopilar trabajo perdido. No se aceptara trabajo de ausencias injustificadas Póliza de Calificaciones: Los estudiantes tendrán oportunidades diarias para demostrar el conocimiento a través de la clase, exámenes, pruebas, proyectos, tareas y experimentos de laboratorio. La siguiente escala de clasificación se utilizará para asignar calificaciones. A = 4 = 84-100% = Advancedo: puedo enseñar. B = 3 = 67-83.9% = Competente: lo entiendo C = 2 = 50-66.9% = Básico: estoy empezando a entenderlo. NP = 1 = Por debajo de 50% = Por debajo del básico: no lo entiendo. Tentative Course Outline Unit 0. Science Inquiry 1. Biology Review/ Anatomical Orientation Date 8/17 (All) Projects and Labs Project: Who Am I? 9/1 (Odd) 9/2 (Even) Lab: Thumb War 9/8 (Odd) 9/9 (Even) Goldfish Lab 10/3 (Odd) 10/4 (Even) 10/17 (Odd) 10/18 (Even) Banana Lab Quiz Unit 0 (weeks 1-5) X-Ray Lab 10/27 (Odd) 10/28 (Even) Quiz Skeletal System 11/7 (Odd) 11/8 (Even) Microscope Lab 11/14 (Odd) 11/15 (Even) 12/5-12/9 Unit 2 Test: Muscles and Bones Review 12/15 (Odd) 12/16 (Even) 1/30 (Odd) 1/31 (Even) Semester 1 Final Exam (Cumulative) Lab: Reaction Time 2/16 (Odd) 2/17 (Even) Lab: Mapping Sensory Nerves 3/1 (Odd) 3/2 (Even) Quiz Nervous System 3/9 (Odd) 3/10 (Even) Lab: Brain Dissection 4/6 (Odd) 4/7 (Even) Quiz Cardiovascular System 5/1 (Odd) 5/2 (Even) Lab: Heart Dissection 4. Digestive Endocrine 5/22 (Odd) 5/23 (Even) Lab: Processing Digestion Review Weeks Finals Week* 5/30-6/2 6/5 (Odd) 6/6 (Even) Review in Class Semester 2 Final Exam (Cumulative) 2. Integumentary Skeletal Muscular Review Week Finals Week* 3. Nervous Cardiovascular Respiratory Assignments/ Standards Syllabus Quiz (RST 2) Exit Slip: Observations and Inferences (RST1) Project "Who am I?" (WHST 7) Activity: Inquiry Cube (RST 6) Scientific Method "Let's Have a Thumb War" (RST 3) Feedback Loops (BIO 9i) Goldfish Lab (Bio 9.c)(RST 6) Exit Slip: Goldfish PostLab Questions (RST 2) Lab: Anatomical Orientation/Banana Lab (AP 1.5, AP 1.2) Homeostasis and the Skin (AP 1.5) Lab: Functions of the Integumentary System (RST 9) Bone Classification and Anatomy of a Long Bone (AP 2.4) Lab: Identifying X-rays (AP 2.5) The 4 Types of Body Tissues (AP 2.6) Microscope Lab Tissue Types (AP 1.4) Muscles Under the Microscope (AP 1.4) Lab Muscles and Bones (AP 2.5, 2.9) Muscle Contraction (AP 2.7) Muscle Strains and Sprains (2.11) (WHST 7) Project: Who am I? (HS LSI-2, HS ETS1-4) Lab: Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery (AP 4.1) Lab: Reaction Time (AP 3.4) Neurons and Action Potentials (AP 3.5) Neuron Communication (AP 4.7) Functions of the Brain (AP 4.8) Lab: Mapping Sensory Nerves (AP 4.11) Divisions of the PNS (AP 4.4) The Teenage Brain Functions of the Brain (AP 4.4) Sheep Brain Dissection Lab (AP 4.7, AP 4.11) Intro to the Heart (AP 8.4) Blood Flow Sequence (AP 8.1) Unit 3 Test: Nervous and Cardiovascular Systems Heart Rate Lab (AP 8.2) Measuring Blood Pressure (AP 8.5) ECG Lab (AP 8.7) Introduction to the Respiratory System (AP 11.1) Lung Capacity Lab (AP 11.2) Heart Dissection Lab (AP 8.1, 8.4) (AP 12.1) Lab: Process of Digestion (AP 6.1) The Endocrine System (AP 6.2) Glands and Hormones Gallery Walk – Glands and Hormones (AP 6.2) Anatomy & Physiology Agreement To be completed by Student and Parent/Guardian for Ms. Fine’s Anatomy and Physiology class. DUE ON I have read the syllabus with my parent/guardian and understand what is expected of me in Ms. Fine’s 10th grade Anatomy and Physiology class. I also understand that communication between my parent/guardian and my teacher is necessary and important to ensure my academic success. Student Name (print) / Firma de estudinate Student Signature /Firma Parent/Guardian Name (print)/Firma de Padre Parent/Guardian Signature/ Firma de Padre Parent/Guardian Daytime Phone Number /Telefono Parent/Guardian Evening Phone Number/Telefono Parent/Guardian e-mail / Correo Electronico Date/ Fecha