Download Cancer - Hicksville Public Schools
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Aim: What happens if the rate of mitosis is abnormal? Que sucede si la mitosis es anormal? What is the result of normal Mitosis? 1 cell forms 2 identical NEW healthy cells. Mitosis produce dos celulas identicas What happens if mitosis stops? Que pasa si se detiene la mitosis? • Aging/ Vejez • Death/ Muerte What is this? Que es esto? Cancer Approximately 200 types Lung cancer Skin cancer Breast cancer Can you think of some? Prostate cancer What happens if cells are unable to regulate the cell cycle? Uncontrolled cell growth- abnormal cells continue to divide • Si las celulas no pueden controlar el ciclo celular (Mitosis), continuan dividiendose creando tumores (cancer) Cancer: • Too many cells • Abnormal Shape • Abnormal function • Starve the body’s other cells Cancer • Demasiadas celulas • Forma anormal • Funcion anormal • Utilizan los recursos de las celulas sanas. Cancer • Cancer: uncontrolled cell division Tumors -Lumps or a mass of cancerous cells. Tumors can be: • malignant (spread - dangerous) or • benign (can’t spread – safe) • Cáncer: División de célula incontrolada • tumores-masa de células cancerosas. • Los tumores pueden ser: malignos (se riegan - peligroso) o benignos (no se riegan – seguro) Metastasize/ Metastasis Cancer cells also can spread, to other parts of the body and form new tumors. How do they spread? They spread by using the circulatory system and lymph nodes. Las células cancerosas también pueden diseminarse a otras partes del cuerpo y formar tumores nuevos. ¿Cómo se propaga? Se propagan mediante el sistema circulatorio y los ganglios linfáticos. Lung (Pulmon) Cancer: Healthy Lung Cancerous Lung What causes cancer? Que causa cancer? •Poor Diet/ Mala dieta • Mutations - to genes, the cell's instructions for •Certain Pathogens (Viruses)/ making the proteins it Algunos patogenos needs to survive, grow (viruses) and multiply. •Genetics/ Genes • Ultraviolet radiation • Viruses •UV Radiation (Sun) • Usually cancer is not inherited ultravioleta (UV) sol Radiacion • Carcinogens: chemicals •Drugs (Tobacco)/ Drogas (tabaco) Cigarette/ Cigarrillos • Smoking causes a third of all cases of cancer • Cigarette smoke contains 3000 different chemicals. • Fumar causa un tercio de los casos de cáncer. • El humo del cigarrillo contiene 3000 productos químicos diferentes. Treatment/ Tratamiento • Surgery: physical removal of the malignant tumor • Radiation: disrupts cell division • Chemotherapy: drugs that prevent cell division by interfering with mitosis • Cirugía: cortar el tumor maligno • Radiación: interrumpe la división celular • Quimioterapia: medicamentos que impiden la división celular interfiriendo con la mitosis Prevention/ Prevencion • Don’t Smoke/ No fumar • Wear Sunscreen/ Usar bloqueador solar • Regular check-ups/ Chequeos medicos regulares