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C.M. MIGUEL CASTILLEJO Fundación VERA-CRUZ INGLÉS Ejercicios refuerzo Fecha: __________ Departamento de Idiomas Alumno/a: _____________________________________________ Curso:________ PASADO SIMPLE (regulares) 1.- Escribe el presente afirmativo del verbo PLAY, ARRIVE y PASS en pasado en afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa .Usa todas las formas: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they. 2.- Pon las siguientes oraciones de presente en pasado, y luego las traduces: Infinitive Walk Stay Visit Turn pass Past simple Infinitive Past simple Watch Study Cook Cry Rob 3.- Traduce estas oraciones a inglés: Ron vivió en Manchester 5 años y después trabajó en Liverpool . ¿ Vio Conrad la televisión ayer por la tarde en su casa? La semana pasada llovió mucho en Japón. Martina limpió el coche de su padre el sábado por la mañana. El año pasado no estudiamos francés en el colegio. Saltó desde la ventana al jardín de su casa. ¿ Respondió a la pregunta? No, no respondió. ¿ Esperamos a Steve ayer? No, no lo esperamos. Laura escuchó música en el concierto de Jenny. 4.- Convierte estas frases en oraciones negativas y en preguntas: - He worked in London last year. - They played tennis yesterday. - James cooked the dinner for us. - You passed your exams in February. - I liked David’s party. 5.- Completa las frases con uno de los verbos que te dan: VISIT, WORK, PLAY, ARRIVE, START, LIVE. - I __________ tennis at the club yesterday morning. - She _________ very hard for her exams. - He __________ his brother in Madrid last month. - The train ________ at the station at ten o’clock. - She ________ in an apartment for ten months. - He learnt German, so he __________ to I prove his German. 6.- Estudiar los verbos irregulares ( del 76 al 90 inclusive) de la lista del final del libro o la fotocopia. C.M. MIGUEL CASTILLEJO Fundación VERA-CRUZ INGLÉS Ejercicios refuerzo Fecha: __________ Departamento de Idiomas Alumno/a: _____________________________________________ Curso:________ PASADO SIMPLE (irregulares) 1.- Escribe el presente afirmativo del verbo BREAK, WIN y LEAVE en pasado en afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa .Usa todas las formas: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they. 2.- Pon las siguientes oraciones de presente en pasado, y luego las traduces: Infinitive Send Meet Take Buy eat Spend Meet Past simple Infinitive Past simple Write Give See Send do Find Bring 3.- Traduce estas oraciones a inglés: o Marco Polo fue a China en 1292 en barco. o Ellos le dieron a Marie Curie el premio Nobel en 1911. o Colón no descubrió Australia, descubrió América. o ¿ Ganó Francia la Copa del Mundo en 1994? No, ganó Brasil. o No nos levantamos a las 7.30 los fines de semana. o ¿ Les gustó a tus amigos la ciudad? Sí, les encantó. o El verano pasado, mi familia ganó una competición en España. o Peter compró muchos regalos para su familia. o ¿ Qué visteis? Vimos Trafalgar Square y el Big Ben en Londres. o ¿ Hablasteis con mi primo ayer? No, él salió al colegio. 4.- Convierte estas frases en oraciones negativas y en preguntas: - You went on holiday in the summer. - She bought a new table. - She gave a present to Anne. - She drove to Scotland in Christmas. - The French team won the match. 5.- Completa las frases con uno de los verbos que te dan, en pasado: DRIVE, SEND, TAKE, WIN, FLY, GO. - Fanny __________ to Salamanca two years ago. - Paul _______ me a postcard from Morocco. - She _________ her new car from London to Southhampton. - We ________ a lot of photographs on holiday last year. - At the beginning of the year, Nuria ________ to Munich. - Real Madrid _________ the Cup eight years ago. C.M. MIGUEL CASTILLEJO Fundación VERA-CRUZ Departamento de Idiomas INGLÉS Ejercicios refuerzo Fecha: __________ Alumno/a: _____________________________________________ Curso:________ PASADO CONTINUO o PASADO SIMPLE 1.- Elige la mejor opción para cada oración eligiendo entre pasado continuo o pasado simple: - I lived / was living in France for eight years. - Sue lived / was living in France when her uncle died. - At 6:15, when you phoned, I had / was having a shower. - We watched / were watching TV all evening. - Bill watched / was watching TV when Ann came in. - My father worked / was working hard all his life. - They got married while they studied / were studying at London University. - Yesterday we drove / were driving from Oxford to Edinburgh and back. - It was a nice evening, so she walked / was walking home from work. 2.- Completa con pasado simple o pasado continuo, usando los verbos del final: - While I __________ down the road, I ___________ Bill. ( walk; see). - While I __________ the newspaper, the cat _________ on the table ( read; jump). - Alan ___________ Helen while he __________ in Morocco ( meet; travel) - Sally _________ her leg while she ___________ ( break; ski). - While I ___________ somebody, somebody ____________ my car ( shop; steal). 3.- Pon los verbos entre paréntesis en el tiempo correcto. - It was a sunny afternoon and people ______ (sit) on the grass in the park. Then suddenly it _______ (start) to rain. I tried to explain my problem. _____________ (she/listen?) I nearly had an accident today. A car ________ (come) towards me, but I moved quickly out of the way and fortunately nothing ________(happen). Which hotel __________ (you/stay) in when you lost your passport? I don’t remember. I __________ (visit) many places during my European tour and I ________ (stay) in many different hotels. 4.- Pon el tiempo correcto e esta oraciones. Luego traduce. - When When When When When When When When I went out, It _______________ (rain). we asked, they ____________-“no”. ( say). Mary got home, she _________ tea. (make). I walked in, they _________ (talk). I saw John, he _________ (shop). I dropped the glass, it _________ (break). John saw me, he _____________ (stop). I phoned him, he __________ (work). C.M. MIGUEL CASTILLEJO Fundación VERA-CRUZ INGLÉS Ejercicios refuerzo Fecha: __________ Departamento de Idiomas Alumno/a: _____________________________________________ Curso:________ QUESTIONS II 1.- Haz interrogativas con la información + un pronombre del recuadro: How (x2) when (x4) where (x3) why (x2) - (you staying?) ________________________________ At the Park Hotel (you arrive?) __________________________________ Last night. (you here?) ___________________________________ To see Scotland (you been today?) _____________________________ To Edinburgh (you going to Glasgow?) _______________________ Next weekend (you like Scotland?) How _______________________ It’s great. (you come here?) ______________________________ By car. (you come by car?) ____________________________ I like driving (you live?) ____________________________________ In Germany (you leaving?) _________________________________ Next Tuesday. (we see you again?) ___________________________ I’ll be back next summer. 2.- Usa expresiones con HOW + verbo para hacer preguntas. Mira las respuestas: How old - how far how long how tall how big how fase how often how well ______________________ are you? 37 next birthday. _____________________ your house from here? About 5 kms. _____________________ John? Very tall, nearly 2 metres. _____________________ she driving? The police say she was doing 160 km/hour _____________________ see your parents? Every week. ______________________ Ann’s flat? Very small, just one room and a bathroom. ______________________ stay in China? I was there for six months. ______________________ speak Spanish? Not very well. 3.- Usa la expression WHAT……LIKE? y las de la caja para hacer preguntas: Your new girlfriend your new house your new house your new boss your new school your new neighbours - __________________________________________? __________________________________________? __________________________________________? __________________________________________? __________________________________________? __________________________________________? __________________________________________? your new job He’s not very good at his job. She’s beautiful. Very noisy. They have parties. OK, it’s a bit slow. Great, we’ve got much more room. It’s interesting. I travel a lot. The teachers aren’t much good.