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Erick Detlef Langer
1429 Oronoco St
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 299-9849
(703) 839-2917 (C)
Center for Latin American Studies
School of Foreign Service
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057
(202) 687-0140
Ph.D., History, Stanford University
Dissertation: "Rural Society and Land Consolidation in a Declining
Economy: Chuquisaca, Bolivia 1880-1930."
Advisor: Richard M. Morse
1979 M.A., History, Stanford University
1977 B.A., History, University of Washington
POSITIONS: 2011-- Director, Center for Latin American Studies, Georgetown University
2009-Acting Director, Center for Latin American Studies, Georgetown
2010-Professor of History, Georgetown University
1999-2010 Associate Professor of History, Georgetown University
Profesor Visitante, Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero, Buenos
Aires (Argentina)
1990-1998 Associate Professor of History, Carnegie Mellon University
1994-1998 Adjunct Associate Professor of Modern Languages, Carnegie
Mellon University
1990-1998 Adjunct Associate Professor of History, University of Pittsburgh
1984-1990 Assistant Professor of History, Carnegie Mellon University
Spring 1988 Profesor Extraordinario Visitante, Universidad Católica de Salta
Fall 1985 Visiting Faculty Member, History Department, University of
Spring 1984 Visiting Lecturer, Center for Latin American Studies, University of
California, Los Angeles
Books: Expecting Pears from an Elm Tree: Franciscan Missions on the Chiriguano
Frontier in the Heart of South America, 1830-1949 (Durham: Duke University
Press, 2009).
Contemporary Indigenous Movements in Latin America (Wilmington: Scholarly
Resources, 2003) [edited volume].
Experiencing World History (New York: New York University Press, 2000), coauthored with Peter N. Stearns, Mery Wiesner-Hanks, Lily Hwa, and Paul Adams.
(cont.): Formulación de proyectos de investigación: Guía de procedimientos básicos para
la formulación de un proyecto de investigación (La Paz: Proyecto de Investigación
Estratégica en Bolivia, 1999), co-authored with Rossana Barragán, Virginia Ayllón
and Javier Sanjinés C. [4. rev. ed. appeared 2007].
The New Latin American Mission History (Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 1995), co-edited with Robert H. Jackson.
Economic Change and Rural Resistance in Southern Bolivia, 1880-1930 (Stanford:
Stanford University Press, 1989).
Historia de Tarija: Corpus Documental, v. 5 (Tarija: Universidad "Juan Misael
Saracho," 1988), co-edited with Zulema Bass Werner de Ruiz.
“La Provincia de Cinti: Declive económico y cambio social en la época liberal: 1880-
1930,” Historia de Cinti (siglos XV al XX), Claudia Rivera and Esther Aillón,
eds., (La Paz: Coordinadora de Historia, forthcoming 2011).
“Tarija,” co-authored with Eduardo Trigo O’Connor D’Arlach, Bolivia - Fotografías
del Archivo de La Paz en sus 40 años, Rossana Barragán, et al, coords. (La Paz:
Universidad de San Andrés, forthcoming 2011).
“Integración económica en el desierto de Atacama antes y después de la Guerra del
Pacífico,” Nuevas perspectivas sobre la Guerra del Pacífico, Antonio Mitre
and Carmen Gloria Bravo, eds. (Santiago, forthcoming 2011).
“The Franciscan Missionary Enterprise in Nineteenth-Century Latin America,”
Tibesar Lecture, The Americas, 68:2 (October 2011), 167-178.
“Bringing the Economic Back In: Andean Indians and the Construction of the NationState in Nineteenth-Century Bolivia,” Journal of Latin American Studies, 41:3
(August 2009), 527-551.
“Las misiones chiriguanas durante la Guerra del Chaco,” Mala guerra: Los
indígenas en la guerra del Chaco (1932-35), Nicolás Richard, comp.
(Paris/Asunción: Colibris/Servilibro, 2008), 235-249.
“A violência no cotidiano da fronteira: conflitos interétnicos no Chaco boliviano,”
Special Issue: “Fronteiras Americanas. Entre interações e conflitos, séculos
XVIII-XX,” Estudos de História, 13:2 (2006), 207-230. Also appeared as “La
violencia cotidiana en la frontera: Conflictos interétnicos en el Chaco boliviano,”
Sociedades en movimiento: Los pueblos indígenas de América latina en el
siglo XIX (Tandil, Argentina: IEHS, 2007), 19-32.
“Placing Latin America in World History,” Hispanic American Historical Review,
84:3 (August 2004), 393-398.
“Indian Trade and Ethnic Economies in the Andes, 1780-1880,” Estudios
Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, 15:1 (2004), 9-33.
(cont.): “Bajo la sombra del Cerro Rico: Redes comerciales y el fracaso del nacionalismo
económico en el Potosí del siglo XIX,” Revista Andina, 37:2 (2003), 77-94.
“Género y comercio a mediados del siglo XIX en Bolivia: El caso de Antonia Lojo, una
acaudalada mujer indígena en Challapata,” Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de
Bolivia Anuario 2002 (Sucre: Talleres Gráficos “La Gaviota,” 2002), 107-127.
“Economic Development and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America,” Evaluation of
Development Assistance for Indigenous Peoples (Washington, DC: World
Bank/Inter-American Development Bank, 2002) [CD].
“The Eastern Andean Frontier (Bolivia and Argentina) and Latin American Frontiers:
Comparative Contexts (19th and 20th Centuries),” The Americas, 58:1 (July 2002),
33-63; also appeared as “La frontera oriental de los Andes y las fronteras en
América Latina. Un análisis comparativo. Siglos XIX y XX,” Las fronteras
hispanocriollas del mundo indígena latinoamericano en los siglos XVIII-XIX:
Un estudio comparativo, comps. Raúl J. Mandrini and Carlos Paz (Neuquén:
Universidad Nacional del Comahue, 2003), 33-62.
“Una visión histórica de Bolivia en el siglo XX,” Bolivia en el siglo XX, ed. Carlos
Toranzo (La Paz: Harvard Club de Bolivia, 1999), 67-88.
“Liberal Policy and Frontier Missions: Bolivia and Argentina Compared,” Andes:
Antropología e Historia, 9 (1998), 197-213.
“Períodos y regiones: Una perspectiva histórica,” Memorias de JALLA Tucumán
1995, v. 2 (Tucumán: Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, 1997), 10-22.
“Foreign Cloth in the Lowland Frontier: Commerce and Consumption of Textiles in
Bolivia, 1830-1930,” The Allure of the Foreign: The Role of Imports in PostColonial Latin America, ed. Benjamin S. Orlove (Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press, 1997), 93-112.
“Indígenas y exploradores en el Gran Chaco: Relaciones indio-blancas en la Bolivia
del siglo XIX,” Anuario del Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia 1996,
ed. René Arze Aguirre (Sucre: Editorial Túpac Katari, 1997), 309-330.
“The Barriers to Proletarianization: Bolivian Mine Labour, 1826-1918,” “Peripheral”
Labour? Studies in the History of Partial Proletarianization, eds. Shahid Amin
and Marcel van der Linden (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997),
International Review of Social History Supplement 4, 25-49.
“Los archivos históricos no tradicionales en Bolivia: Una lista incompleta,” Archivo y
Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia Anuario 1994-1995: Estudios en homenaje a
Gunnar Mendoza, ed. René D. Arze Aguirre (Sucre: Talleres Gráficos Túpac
Katari, 1995), 291-299.
“Missions and the Frontier Economy: The Case of the Franciscan Missions Among
the Chiriguanos (1845-1930),” The New Latin American Mission History, eds.
Erick D. Langer and Robert H. Jackson (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,
1995), 49-76.
“Caciques y poder en las misiones franciscanas entre los Chiriguanos durante la
rebelión de 1892,” Siglo XIX: Revista de Historia, 15 (January-June 1994), 82103.
“Commerce and Credit on the Periphery: Tarija Merchants, 1830-1914,” co-authored
with Gina Hames, Hispanic American Historical Review, 74:2 (May 1994),
“Mission Land Tenure on the Southeastern Bolivian Frontier, 1845-1949,” The
Americas, 50:3 (January 1994), 399-418.
“Circuitos comerciales tradicionales y cambio económico en los Andes centromeridionales (1830-1930),” co-authored with Viviana E. Conti, Desarrollo
Económico, 31:121 (April-June 1991), 91-111.
“Persistencia y cambio en las comunidades indígenas surbolivianas (siglo XIX),” Los
Andes en la encrucijada: Indios, comunidades y estado en el siglo XIX, ed.
Heraclio Bonilla (Quito: Ediciones Libri Mundi, 1991), 133-167.
“La misión como factor en el desarrollo de la economía fronteriza: El caso de las
misiones franciscanas entre los Chiriguanos durante el periodo republicano,”
Andes: Antropología é Historia, 4 (1991), 11-39.
“El liberalismo y el problema de las tierras en Bolivia, 1825-1920,” co-authored with
Robert H. Jackson, Siglo XIX: Revista de Historia, 5:10 (1990), 9-32; also
appeared as “Liberalism and the Land Question in Bolivia, 1825-1920,”
Liberals, the Church and Indian Peasants: Corporate Lands and the
Challenge of Reform in Nineteenth-Century Spanish America, ed. Robert H.
Jackson (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1997), 171-192.
“Rituals of Rebellion: The Chayanta Revolt of 1927,” Ethnohistory, 37:3 (Summer
1990), 227-253; also appeared as “Native Cultural Retention and the Struggle for
Land in Early Twentieth-Century Bolivia,” in The Indian in Latin American
History: Resistance, Resilience and Acculturation, ed. John E. Kicza
(Wilmington: Scholarly Resources, 1993), 171-196.
“Mandeponay: Chiriguano Indian Chief on a Franciscan Mission,” The Human
Tradition in Latin America: The Nineteenth Century, eds. Judith Ewell and
William H. Beezley (Wilmington: Scholarly Resources, 1989), 280-295 and The
Human Tradition in Latin America (1997), pp. 93-109; also appeared in
Spanish in Chiriguano, ed. Jürgen Riester (Santa Cruz: APCOB, 1995), 227253.
“Generations of Scientists and Engineers: The Origins of the Brazilian Computer
Industry,” Latin American Research Review, 24:1 (June 1989), 95-111.
“El liberalismo y la abolición de la comunidad indígena en Bolivia en el siglo XIX,”
Historia y Cultura, 14 (October 1988), 59-95.
“Colonial and Republican Missions Compared: The Cases of Alta California and
Southeastern Bolivia,” co-authored with Robert H. Jackson, Comparative
Studies in Society and History, 30:2 (April 1988), 286-311.
“Espacios coloniales y economías nacionales: Bolivia y el norte argentino 18101930,” Siglo XIX: Revista de Historia, 2:4 (1987), 135-160; also appeared in
Historia y Cultura, 17 (April 1990), 69-94.
“La comercialización de la cebada en los ayllus y las haciendas de Tarabuco
(Chuquisaca) a comienzos del siglo XIX,” La participación indígena en los
mercados surandinos: Estrategias y reproducción social, siglos XVI a XX,
eds. Olivia Harris, Brooke Larson and Enrique Tandeter (La Paz: CERES, 1987),
“Franciscan Mission and Chiriguano Workers: Colonization, Acculturation, and
Indian Labor in Southeastern Bolivia,” The Americas, 42:1 (January 1987), 305322; also appeared in Spanish in Chiriguano, ed. Jürgen Riester (Santa Cruz:
APCOB, 1995), 255-287.
“Andean Banditry and Peasant Community Organization, 1882-1930,” Bandidos:
The Varieties of Latin American Banditry, ed. Richard W. Slatta (Westport:
Greenwood Press, 1987), 113-130; also appeared in Spanish in Bandoleros,
abigeos y montoneros, eds. Carlos Aguirre and Charles Walker (Lima: Instituto
de Apoyo Agrario, 1990), 249-276.
“Debt Peonage and Paternalism in Latin America,” Peasant Studies, 13:2 (Winter
1986), 121-127.
“Labor Strikes and Reciprocity on Chuquisaca Haciendas,” Hispanic American
Historical Review, 65:2 (May 1985), 255-277.
“The Promise and Problems of Land Tax Records in Bolivia,” Latin American
Historical Statistics Newsletter, 3:1 (Fall 1984), 2-3.
“Mano de obra campesina y agricultura comercial en Cinti, 1880-1930,” Historia
Boliviana, 3:1 (1983), 71-93.
“Andean Pact,” “Hacienda Expansion,” “Inter-American Development Bank,”
“Latin America: International Relations,” “Native Peoples,” “Rural Life,”
and “Silver,” in Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World (New York:
Oxford University Press, 2008).
“Frontiers,” Indigenous Peoples,” “Indigenous Peoples’ Movements,” “Labor
Systems, Coercive,” and “World Systems Theory,” in Encyclopedia of
World History (Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing, 2004).
“Chaco Region (South America),” in Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic
History (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002).
“Corrado, Alejandro María,” “Giannecchini, Doroteo,” “Giannelli, José,”
“Mingo de la Concepción, Manuel,” “Nino, Bernardino de,” in Biographical
Dictionary of Christian Missions, ed. Gerald H. Anderson (New York:
Simon & Schuster, 1996).
“Arce, Aniceto,” “Arze, José Antonio,” “Ballivián, José,” “Baptista, Mariano,”
“Belzu, Manuel Isidoro,” “Bolivia Since 1828,” “Chayanta, Revolt of
(1927),” “Chiriguano Indians,” “Conservative Party [Bolivia],” “Federalist
War (1898-1899),” “Fernández Alonso, Severo,” “Gutiérrez Guerra, José,”
“Liberal Party [Bolivia],” “Linares, José María,” “Melgarejo, Mariano,”
“Montes, Ismael,” “Pacheco, Gregorio,” “Pando, José Manuel,” “Patiño,
Simón Iturri,” “Tin Industry,” “Santa Cruz Andrés,” “Santa Cruz, Marcelo,”
“Sucre [City and Region],” “Villarroel, Gualberto,” in Encyclopedia of
Latin American History, ed. Barbara Tenenbaum (New York: Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1995).
“Economic Development,” “Latin American Frontiers,” “Landless Laborers,”
“Liberalism,” “Missions,” “Peonage,” “Peronism,” “Tribute,” and coauthored with Peter N. Stearns, “Agricultural Systems,” “World
Economy/Dependency Theories,” in Encyclopedia of Social History, ed.
Peter N. Stearns (New York: Garland Publishing, 1994).
Bibliographies: “Latin America Since 1800: The Andean Countries (Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador,
Colombia, Venezuela),” AHA Guide to Historical Literature (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1994), 1224-1229.
Editor in Chief, World Studies: Latin America website, Gale Publishing
Senior Editor, The Americas (2010 --)
Editorial Board Member, Bolivian Studies Journal (2010 --)
Senior Editor, Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, 2. ed., 6
vols. (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2008)
Book Review Editor, Hispanic American Historical Review, (2002-2007)
Editorial Board Member, Global Perspectives on the United States: A Nation
by Nation Survey (Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing, 2007)
Editor, Special “Latin America in World History” section in Hispanic American
Historical Review, 84:3 (August 2004)
DUTIES cont.): Editor, Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World, 8 vols. (New York:
Oxford University Press, 2008)
Associate Editor, Encyclopedia of World History, 5 vols. (Great Barrington,
MA: Berkshire Publishing, 2003)
Member, Editorial Board, Hispanic American Historical Review (19992002)
Member, Regional Editorial Board, The Americas (1997-2002)
Contributing Editor, “History: Bolivia 19th and 20th Centuries,” Handbook of
Latin American Studies, Volumes 56 (1997), 58 (2002), 60 (2004), 62
(2007), 64 (2009), 66 (2011).
Advisory Editor, Claroscuro: Revista del Centro de Estudios sobre
Diversidad Cultural (Rosario, Argentina) 2002 -Member, Editorial Committee, Población y Sociedad (Buenos Aires,
Argentina) 1993 -1999.
Associate Editor, Encyclopedia of Social History (New York: Garland
Publishing, 1993).
Member, Editorial Board, Andes: Antropología é Historia (Salta, Argentina).
BOOK REVIEWS: in American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, American
Historical Review, The Americas, Colonial Latin American Historical
Review, Ethnohistory, Hispanic American Historical Review, Historia y
Cultura, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Journal of Latin
American Studies, Journal of Ritual Studies, Journal of Social History,
South Eastern Latin Americanist, and Travesías.
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship
Senior Scholar Research Fellowship (Georgetown University)
Orden “Universidad Central de Venezuela”
Fulbright Faculty Lecturing/Research Award, Universidad Nacional de
Salta, Argentina
Thomas F. McGann Prize for Best Article in Latin American Studies,
Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American Studies
Overseas Ministries Study Center Research Enablement Grant
Faculty Development Grant, CMU
Center for Latin American Studies (University of Pittsburgh) Faculty
Research Grant
Social Science Research Council Advanced Area Research Grant
Fulbright Lecturing Award, Social Anthropology, Instituto Nacional de
Antropología, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Faculty Development Grant, CMU
Fulbright Faculty Research Award (CIES)
American Philosophical Society Research Grant
Albert J. Beveridge Grant for Research in the History of the Western
Maurice Falk Faculty Semester Leave Grant
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend
Honorable Mention, James Alexander Robertson Memorial Prize for best
article published in the Hispanic American Historical Review in 1985
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Technology and Society Program Grant
AWARDS (cont):
Falk Fund Faculty Development Summer Grant
Social Science Research Council Doctoral Fellowship
Inter-American Foundation Doctoral Fellowship
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Fellowship
Stanford Latin American Studies Summer Research Grant
MEMBERSHIPS: Founding Member, Archer M. Huntington Society, Hispanic Division,
Library of Congress
Honorary Member, Sociedad Geográfica é Histórica de Tarija (elected 1993)
Corresponding Member, Sociedad Tarijeña de Etnohistoria y Geografía
(elected 2010)
Professional Member, American Society for Ethnohistory (1992--)
Investigador Visitante, Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES),
Buenos Aires, Argentina (1989)
Miembro Correspondiente, Sociedad Boliviana de Historia (elected 1987)
Life Member, Conference for Latin American History (1984--)
Center Associate, Center for Latin American Studies, University of
Pittsburgh (1985-99)
Miembro Correspondiente, Sociedad Geográfica é Histórica de Sucre
(elected 1981)
Center Associate, Center for Latin American Studies, University of
California, Los Angeles (1979-80, 1982-84)
Life Member, Latin American Studies Association (1979--)
Life Member, American Historical Association (1977--)
ACTIVITIES: U.S. History Representative, Pan American Institute of Geography and History
(2008 --)
Member, Professional Development Course Selection Committee of the
Organization of American States (2008-2010)
Member, Academic and Technical Studies Scholarship Selection Committee
(ATSSC) of the Organization of the American States (2007-2008)
Member, Fulbright Southern Cone Senior Scholar Peer Review Committee
(2004-6) [Chair, 2006]
Member, Waldo G. Leland Prize Committee (American Historical Association),
Archer M. Huntington Society, Hispanic Division, Library of Congress (2000-- )
Member, Distinguished Service Award Selection Committee, Conference for
Latin American History [CLAH] (2003)
Member, Academic Review Panel, Educational Partnerships Program for the
Western Hemisphere, State Department (2003)
Member, Evaluation Committee, Program for Latin American Libraries and
Archives (Andrew W. Mellon Foundation) (1999--)
Chair, Program Committee, CLAH (1999)
Chair, Howard Francis Cline Memorial Prize Committee, CLAH (1995)
Board of Directors, Pittsburgh Center for Social History (1993-1994)
Member, Discipline Advisory Committee for Fulbright Scholar Awards, Latin
American History (1992-1995) [Chair, 1994-95]
Member, 1991 CLAH Program Committee
Member, Demographic History Committee, CLAH (1989-1991)
Founding Fellow, Pittsburgh Center for Social History (1986-1998)
Core Faculty Member, Center for Latin American Studies, University of
Pittsburgh (1990-1998)
Secretary, Andean Studies Committee, CLAH (1985-86)
Director, Center for Latin American Studies, GU (2009 - present)
Academic Director, Master’s Program, Center for Latin American Studies, GU
Field Chair, Regional and Comparative Studies Major, School of Foreign Service
[SFS], GU (2004-2007, 2009--)
Member, Executive Committee, Luso-American Development Foundation, GU
(2009 --)
Member, Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies Commission, School of Summer
Studies, GU (2006)
Faculty Member, Honor Council, Georgetown University, GU (2002-4)
Director, Venezuela Program, CLAS, GU (2000-2003)
Chair, Latin American History Search, GU (2002)
Chair, Lalitha Gopalan Tenure Committee (SFS), GU (2002)
Member, Executive Faculty Committee, (2000-2001)
Faculty Advisor, SFS, GU (1999-2001)
Member, CLAS Admissions Committee, GU (2000)
Member, SFS Admissions Committee, GU (1999-2000)
Member, International Initiatives Committee, GU (2003-2005)
Member, Campus Fulbright Selection Committee, GU (1999. 2002, 2008)
Member, Executive Committee, CLAS, GU (1999--)
CLAS Coordinator for Speakers and Special Events, GU (2000-2003)
Member, History Undergraduate Affairs Committee, CMU (1993-1998)
Member, University Non-Tenure Committee, CMU (1996-8)
Principal Advisor, International Affairs Minor, College of Humanities & Social
Sciences – Carnegie Mellon University [CMU] (1991-1998)
Member, President’s Committee on Latin America, CMU (1996 -1998)
Faculty Advisor, Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, Upsilon Kappa
Chapter, CMU (1990-1998)
Director of Undergraduate Studies, History, CMU (1988-1991, 1995-1998)
Member, International Affairs Forum, Faculty Senate, CMU (1987-92)
Member, Watson Foundation Fellowship Selection Committee, CMU (1989-90,
Member, H&SS Professional Internships Committee, CMU (1988-89)
Member, H&SS Honors Committee, CMU (1987-88)
Academic Advisor, H&SS Academic Advisory Center, CMU (1985-87)
Member, Academic Affairs Council, CMU (1985-86)
TAUGHT: HIST 159 Latin American Civilization II (Georgetown)
HIST 359 Resistance and Rebellion in the Andes (GU)
HIST 356 Indian and the State in Modern Latin America (GU)
HIST 456 State and Society in Brazil (GU)
HIST 457 Making Nations in Latin America (GU)
TAUGHT (cont.): HIST 650 Development and Conflict in the Andes (GU)
HIST 652 Economic History of Latin America (GU)
HIST 657 Indians and the State in Latin America (GU)
INAF 100-16 Indians and Spaniards in the Conquest (GU)
LASP 501 Origins and Transformations in Latin American History (GU)
LASP 601 Research Seminar (GU)
79-104 Introduction to World History (Carnegie Mellon University)
79-110 Origins of the Modern World (CMU)
79-120 Development of American Society (CMU)
79-121 Comparative Issues in U.S. and Latin American History (CMU)
79-223 Modern Latin America (CMU)
79-225 Revolutionary Change in Latin America (CMU)
79-303 Peasants in History (CMU)
79-309/88-318 Contemporary Latin American Politics (CMU)
79-338 Gauchos and Indians in Latin America (CMU and GU)
79-339 Origins of Conflict in Central America (CMU)
79-451/82-451 Haciendas y peones en América Latina [in Spanish –
through Modern Languages Dept.] (CMU)
79-860 Special Topics: Latin American Peasants (CMU)
79-862 Comparative Rural History: Europe and Latin America (CMU)
79-880 Seminar in Instruction for Graduate Students (CMU)
The Andean Peasant (University of Pittsburgh, 1985)
Comparative Studies of the Andes and the Pampas (UCLA, 1984)
Ethnohistorical Approaches for the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
(Instituto Nacional de Antropología, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1991)
Comparative Frontiers in the Americas (Universidad Nacional de Salta,
Salta, Argentina, 2000)
Indigenous Movements/Ethnic Frontiers in Latin America (Universidad del
Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela, 2003)
LANGUAGES: Spanish, German, Portuguese, French, Quechua, Italian (reading only)