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Food Vocabulary Verbs Tener, Comer, Estar and Hay Lesson Plan Learn the food vocabulary. Use the verbs TENER, COMER, ESTAR and HAY to talk about food. Please email any broken links or corrections to Learn the food vocabulary. Use the verbs TENER, COMER, ESTAR and HAY to talk about food. (English version) Objectives ● By the end of this activity, the students will have learned the food vocabulary and used the verbs tener, comer, estar and hay to talk about them. Activity Summary While reviewing a series of videos, students will take note of the food they see and hear. Then, the verbs tener, comer, estar and hay will be presented or reviewed in this context. Finally, they will apply what they have learned this and in previous lessons to improvise a dialogue in pairs of students. Time Allocation 40-50 minutes Procedure - Activity 1 - Introduction – Presenting the food vocabulary a. In a previous class, the teacher assigns the students as homework to watch the following video: La comida. Nivel A1 ( and asks them to write in English as many food names as they understand on Handout 1. The teacher explains that they will watch a video completely in Spanish with no subtitles. The students should focus on understanding the food vocabulary they hear and match it with the images they see in order to write the English translation. b. In this class, the teacher shows the video a second time and presents the vocabulary. The Handout 1 is discussed and corrected. c. Divide the class in five groups and distribute the Handout 2. Assign one of the following videos to each group: Precios de canasta básica se mantienen estables ( Precios de Canasta Básica sin muchos cambios ( Principales alimentos de la Canasta Básica mantienen sus precios luego de Semana Santa ( Llegada del Invierno trae rebajas en precios ( Huevo y algunos productos perecederos bajan de precio ( Frijoles y tomate incrementan de precio en mercados capitalinos ( Precios estables en los mercados ( Mercado Roberto Huembes con precios especiales los fines de semana ( Explain that they will watch an authentic news report that takes place at a farmers market in Nicaragua where the prices of the basic food basket are reported. Ask and discuss with the students: What’s the meaning of a ‘basic food basket? What do they think are the products that form the basic food basket in the United States? With these videos, the students will learn the name of the Nicaraguan currency (córdoba), they will hear numbers in Spanish, see a farmer’s market, etc. The teacher explains that they should not worry about understanding everything that is said in Spanish. The objective is to write all the food they see and hear in the video. Each group member should separately take notes in their notebooks of what they see and hear. Then, everyone will share their list and create one single final list on the Handout 2, part 1. The Handout 3 includes a list of all the food names mentioned in each video. d. Once the food vocabulary practice is over, proceed to present the use of the verbs tener, comer and estar to talk about food. The teacher uses the presentation La comida to review and present the verb conjugations. The students take notes and complete the conjugation chart on the Handout 2, part 2. ¿Qué comes? – The teacher reviews the conjugation of the verb comer (since the students already learned it in the regular infinitive verbs –AR –ER –IR conjugation lesson). Tengo hambre / Tengo Sed. – When do we use these expressions? The teacher presents the conjugation of the irregular verb tener. The teacher also reviews the conjugation of the verb estar and presents the expressions: está caliente, está frío, está salado, está dulce, está rico, está delicioso, está muy sabroso, etc. e. The teacher shows the video El Mercado: Verbo HAY y Vocabulario de Frutas y Vegetales ( to present the expressions hay and no hay. The students again take notes on the Handout 1 of the food vocabulary mentioned in this second video. f. - Now the teacher continues with the presentation to do a practice of the verbs and the vocabulary of all the videos. The students see some images and create sentences with the verbs by answering the teacher’s questions (see the notes section of each slide). For example: La leche está fría. La sopa está caliente. Ella come frutas. Activity 2 – Food vocabulary and verbs comer, tener, estar and hay oral practice a. Improvised conversation. The teacher prints some supermarket flyers. We recommend to use the bilingual flyers from Miami, Florida: Supermercados Sedano’s - Winn Dixie (Use Miami’s zip code 33131 to get the bilingual flyer) Presidente Supermarket - Publix Miami 25480&promotionviewmode=1&pagenumber=1&listingid=0#PageNumber=1 The class is divided in pairs of students, hand out a couple of copies of the flyers and two envelopes. The students identify 6 fruits, vegetables, meats, etc. that they learned in the videos , they cut and put them inside an envelope. The teacher collects the envelopes and writes the following guidelines on the board that summarize what they have learned in previous lessons: me gusta / no me gusta hay / no hay tener hambre / tener sed está comer comprar The teacher hands out one envelope randomly. Each pair of students has to improvise a 1-2 minutes conversation using the food from the envelope and the guidelines on the board. In addition to the guidelines, they should adequately use greetings, definite/indefinite articles and question formation in Spanish. For example: - Hola, ¿Cómo estás? - Tengo hambre. ¿Quieres comer (use an image from the envelope)? - No me gusta __________. Yo quiero comer (use an image from the envelope). - Yo compro (use an image from the envelope) y tú compras (use an image from the envelope). - Hay (use an image from the envelope) en el mercado. ¿A cuánto está (use an image from the envelope)? - Está a (say the price). b. Riddles (Optional): The students play riddles. Still with their partners, they write a riddle about a food and say it in front of the class to see if the rest of the students know what the food is. For example: Todas las mañanas tomo jugo de esta fruta. Es redonda y está dulce. (La naranja) Suggested evaluation method It is advisable to have a rubric to assess speaking activities in which it should be clear to students how to move from one level to the next. A rubric indicating how a student is Meeting, Exceeding or not Meeting Expectations is the most useful. The suggested “Speaking Production Rubric” can be used (Handout 4). Materials Videos: 1. 2. 3. 4. La comida. Nivel A1 ( Precios de canasta básica se mantienen estables ( Precios de Canasta Básica sin muchos cambios ( Principales alimentos de la Canasta Básica mantienen sus precios luego de Semana Santa ( 5. Llegada del Invierno trae rebajas en precios ( 6. Huevo y algunos productos perecederos bajan de precio ( 7. Frijoles y tomate incrementan de precio en mercados capitalinos ( 8. Precios estables en los mercados ( 9. Mercado Roberto Huembes con precios especiales los fines de semana ( 10. El Mercado: Verbo HAY y Vocabulario de Frutas y Vegetales ( Handouts: In the following pages you will find the below list of handouts ready to print: HANDOUT 1: Food Vocabulary (pages 7-8) HANDOUT 2: The Farmer’s Market in Nicaragua / Verbs comer, tener, estar (pages 9-10) HANDOUT 3: Foods mentioned in each farmer’s market video from Nicaragua (page 11) HANDOUT 4: Speaking Production Rubric (page 12) Others: La comida Presentation Envelopes Scissors HANDOUTS Name: __________________________________ ______________ Food vocabulary Homework: Watch the video La comida. Nivel A1 ( Listen carefully to the foods mentioned in Spanish. Match each food you hear with the image shown on screen to write the English translation for each one in Part 1. LISTEN IN SPANISH (PART 1) LOOK AND TRANSLATE TO ENGLISH LISTEN IN SPANISH (PART 2) manzana cocos naranja plátanos lechuga guineos pescado mangó yogur aguacate queso calabazas huevo viandas leche papa jamón malanga carne yuca pollo papayas agua piñas zumo / jugo limones vino melones cerveza guanábana café pana té manzana pan naranja cereales caña de azúcar arroz sábila pasta pimiento legumbres ajíes picantes patatas berenjena chocolate cebollas azúcar tomates LOOK AND TRANSLATE TO ENGLISH Nombre: ANSWERS ______________ Food vocabulary Homework: Watch the video La comida. Nivel A1 ( Listen carefully to the foods mentioned in Spanish. Match each food you hear with the image shown on screen to write the English translation for each one in Part 1. LISTEN IN SPANISH (PART 1) LOOK AND TRANSLATE TO ENGLISH LISTEN IN SPANISH (PART 2) LOOK AND TRANSLATE TO ENGLISH manzana apples cocos coconuts naranja oranges plátanos plantains lechuga lettuce guineos bananas pescado fish mangó mango yogur yogurt aguacate avocado queso cheese calabazas pumpkins huevo egg viandas tubers leche milk papa potato jamón ham malanga malanga carne meat yuca yucca pollo chicken papayas papayas agua water piñas pineapples zumo / jugo juice limones lemons vino wine melones watermelons cerveza beer guanábana soursop café coffee pana breadfruit té tea manzana apples pan bread naranja oranges cereales cereal caña de azúcar sugar cane arroz rice sábila aloe vera pasta pasta pimiento pepper legumbres beans ajíes picantes hot peppers patatas potatoes berenjena eggplant chocolate chocolate cebollas onions azúcar sugar tomates tomatoes Names: __________________________________ ______________ The Farmer’s Market in Nicaragua / Verbs comer, tener, estar Part 1. In groups: Make a list of all the foods you see and hear in the farmer’s market video #_____ from Nicaragua. Share your list with your group and together build a final list. Discuss and analyze in Spanish: What are the foods that form Nicaragua’s basic food basket? Nicaragua’s Basic Food Basket: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Discuss in Spanish: How it compares to the basic food basket from the United States? What do you think about the farmer’s market? ________________________________________________________________________________________ Part 2. Take notes on the conjugation of the following verbs: COMER YO TÚ ÉL / ELLA / USTED NOSOTROS VOSOTROS ELLOS / ELLAS / USTEDES TENER ESTAR Names: __________________________________ ______________ The Farmer’s Market in Nicaragua / Verbs comer, tener, estar Part 1. In groups: Make a list of all the foods you see and hear in the farmer’s market video #_____ from Nicaragua. Share your list with your group and together built a final list. Discuss and analyze in Spanish: What are the foods that forms Nicaragua’s basic food basket? Nicaragua’s Basic Food Basket: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Discuss in Spanish: How it compares to the basic food basket from the United States? What do you think about the farmer’s market? ________________________________________________________________________________________ Part 2. Take notes on the conjugation of the following verbs: COMER TENER ESTAR YO como tengo estoy TÚ comes tienes estás ÉL / ELLA / USTED come tiene está NOSOTROS comemos tenemos estamos VOSOTROS coméis tenéis estáis ELLOS / ELLAS / USTEDES comen tienen están Foods mentioned in each farmer’s market video from Nicaragua VIDEO 1 Precios de canasta básica se mantienen estables (https://you 1JRM50) VIDEO 2 Precios de Canasta Básica sin muchos cambios (https://yout RXhEFo) arroz frijoles / frijol azúcar aceite verduras zanahoria cebolla papa tomate chiltoma (pimiento verde) naranja papaya huevos queso huevo pollo carne (de res) verduras lechuga tomate zanahoria arroz aceite azúcar frijol VIDEO 3 Principales alimentos de la Canasta Básica mantienen sus precios luego de Semana Santa (https://you L5s2hY) arroz azúcar frijol aceite zanahoria ajo (not mentined) tomate chiltoma (pimiento verde) chayote repollo pepino cebolla papas piña (not mentioned) carne (de res) carne (de cerdo) queso huevo aguacate VIDEO 4 Llegada del Invierno trae rebajas en precios (https://you 0_QqyE) VIDEO 5 Huevo y algunos productos perecedero s bajan de precio (https://yout JVPn8Q) VIDEO 6 Frijoles y tomate incrementan de precio en mercados capitalinos (https://yout QmFh8U) VIDEO 7 Precios estables en los mercados (https://you w_IPZD0) VIDEO 8 Mercado Roberto Huembes con precios especiales los fines de semana (https://you AVnls8) frutas verduras mango mamón pitaya (dragon fruit) limón frijol queso leche (not mentioned) piña sandías aceite arroz frijol maíz trigo carne pollo queso huevo tomate papa cebolla chayote frijoles aceite azúcar huevo verduras tomate chiltoma (pimiento verde) papa cebolla repollo arroz frijoles aceite pollo carnes queso verduras cebolla tomate zanahoria pipián (tipo de calabaza) chayote plátano huevo carne pollo aceite arroz frijol azúcar huevo zanahoria (not mentioned) cebolla chiltoma (pimiento verde) yuca aguacate RUBRIC FOR AN IMPROVISED CONVERSATION ABOUT FOOD Name(s): _______________________________ Criteria NE ME EE Comprehensibility I make myself understood but with difficulty. I must repeat or rephrase often. Most of what I say in Spanish is easily understood by my teacher and peers. Use of vocab I use some of the target vocabulary accurately. I am confident using the target vocabulary accurately. Use of language I can provide basic information using single words and English. I can provide simple sentences without the use of English. NE = Not Meeting Expectations | ME = Meeting Expectations | EE = Exceeding Expectations Notes: RUBRIC FOR AN IMPROVISED CONVERSATION ABOUT FOOD Name(s): _______________________________ Criteria NE ME EE Comprehensibility I make myself understood but with difficulty. I must repeat or rephrase often. Most of what I say in Spanish is easily understood by my teacher and peers. Use of vocab I use some of the target vocabulary accurately. I am confident using the target vocabulary accurately. Use of language I can provide basic information using single words and English. I can provide simple sentences without the use of English. NE = Not Meeting Expectations | ME = Meeting Expectations | EE = Exceeding Expectations Notes: Página Web: @SpeakingLatino