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Revista de Ciencia Política
Current editor(s) and email address for queries: Diego Rossello Website: Publisher: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Is the journal open access? Yes What type of open access? Articles available for free at SciELO: Do authors pay a fee for publication? No Where is the journal indexed? Social Science Citation Index ‐ Thomson‐ISI; Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO‐Chile); International Political Science Abstracts; Handbook of Latin American Studies; The International Bibliography of the Social Science, London School of Economics; Bowker's Databases; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts‐Social Science Collection; International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences‐IBZ; Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal, Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades ‐ Red ALyC; International Political Science Abstracts. Frequency of publication: three issues per year Articles published per year: twenty Minimum and maximum length of articles: 7,500 words up to 9,000 words Languages of submission: Spanish and English Translation policy: None Peer review process: Double‐blind peer review Approximate acceptance rate: 30% Disciplines covered: Political Science and its sub‐fields: Comparative Politics; International Relations; Public Policy; Political Theory; Methods Quantitative‐qualitative balance: methodological pluralism is welcomed Editorial philosophy: Revista de Ciencia Política is an international peer‐reviewed journal published by the Instituto de Ciencia Política of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. It is published three times a year (April‐May, July‐August, November‐December) and publishes articles in all areas of political science. It was founded in 1979. The articles published by the journal include all areas of specialization and methodological approaches within political science. The journal promotes the academic discussion of present and past political phenomena, as well as conceptual analyses, from the perspective of the various sub‐disciplines of political science: political theory, comparative politics, international relations, formal analysis, regional studies, etc. Use of photographs or graphics: graphics in black and white or grey scale Are proposals for special guest‐edited thematic issues considered? Yes Social media presence: Facebook:‐de‐Ciencia‐Política‐50469721852/ uc‐ítica Planned future developments: Online First area in our website. 29