Download N. Cachanosky`s CV - Metropolitan State University of Denver
NICOLÁS CACHANOSKY Metropolitan State University of Denver Department of Economics Assistant Professor of Economics Campus Box 77, P.O. Box 17362 Denver, CO 80217, United States 1 (857) 284 6365 [United States] 54 (9 11) 4087 2278 [Argentina] ACADEMIC POSITIONS Metropolitan State University of Denver Assistant Professor of Economics Principles of Macroeconomics Intermediate Macroeconomics Suffolk University PhD Adjunct Faculty Principles of Microeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina Assistant Professor (campus Rosario) Public Finance Since Fall 2013 Fall 2010 – Spring 2013 2008 – 2009 EDUCATION Suffolk University 2013: PhD in Economics United States The International Effects of Monetary Policy in the Capital Structure of Production Benjamin W. Powell [chair] (Suffolk University), David G. Tuerck (Suffolk University) and Steven G. Horwitz (St. Lawrence University) 2012: MS in Economics United States ESEADE 2007: MA in Economics and Political Sciences (Honorific Degree) Argentina UCA 2004: Licentiate in Economics Argentina PUBLISHED RESEARCH JOURNAL ARTICLES [12] Cachanosky, N. (forthcoming). The Internation al Effects of Monetary Policy on the Capital Structure of Production: Colombia and Panama (2002 – 2007). The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. [11] Cachanosky, N. (forthcoming). Expectations in Austrian Business Cycle Theory: Market Share Matters. The Review of Austrian Economics. [10] Cachanosky, N. (forthcoming). Hayek’s Rule, NGDP Targeting, and the Productivity Norm: Theory and Applications. Journal of Stock & Forex Trading [Special Issue: “Economics, Finance and Public Policy] (3).2. DOI:10.4172/21689458.1000121. [09] Cachanosky, N. (forthcoming). The Mises-Hayek Business Cycle Theory, Fiat Currencies, and Open Economies. The Review of Austrian Economics. DOI: 10.1007/s11138-012-0188-2. [08] Cachanosky, N. (2013). Huerta de Soto’s Concerted Expansion: A Prisoner’s Dilemma in Free Banking? Laissez-Faire 38-39: 1-6 [07] Cachanosky, N. (2012). Mises on Fractional Reserves: A review on Huerta de Soto’s Argument. New Perspectives on Political Economy (7).2:203-230. e-mail: Last update: 14-Mar-14 Page 1 of 8 Nicolas Cachanosky [06] Cachanosky, N. (2012). The Law of National Guaranteed Banks in Argentina (1887-1890): Free Banking Failure or Regulatory Failure? The Independent Review (16).4:569-590. [05] Cachanosky, N. (2011). A Comment on Barnett and Block on Time Deposits and Bagus and Howden on Loan Maturity Mismatching. Journal of Business Ethics (104).2:219-221. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-011-0900-3. [04] Cachanosky, N. (2011). Calculation and Equilibrium Problems in the Coase Theorem. Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics (14).1:63-77. [03] Cachanosky, N. (2010). The Endogenous Stability of Free Banking: Crisis as an Exogenous Phenomenon. New Perspectives on Political Economy (6).1:31-48. [02] Cachanosky, N. (2010). Spontaneous Orders and Game Theory: A Comparative Conceptual Analysis. Revista de Instituciones, Ideas y Mercados 52:52-88. [01] Cachanosky, N. (2009). The Definition of Inflation According to Mises: Implications for the Debate on Free Banking. Libertarian Papers (1).43:1-7. BOOK CHAPTERS [1] Cachanosky, N. (2012). Una Introducción a la Economía Clásica. In A. Ravier (Ed.), Lecturas de Historia del Pensamiento Económico. Madrid: Unión Editorial. pp. 147-166. OTHER SCHOLARLY ARTICLES [8] Cachanosky, N. (2009). El Sistema de Free Banking: Aspectos Generales. La Escuela Austriaca en el Siglo XXI 13:25-35. [7] Cachanosky, N. (2008). El Impuesto de Suma Fija como Impuesto Óptimo. Revista de Análisis Institucional 2:343-383. [6] Cachanosky, N. (2008). Los Límites del Anarco-Capitalismo: Breve Comentario desde el Liberalismo Clásico. La Escuela Austriaca en el Siglo XXI 9:35-45. [5] Cachanosky, N. (2008). La Escuela Austriaca y la Tradición Clásica. La Escuela Austriaca en el Siglo XXI 7:21-27. [4] Cachanosky, N. (2008). Los Límites de Leviathan: El rol del Estado en la Sociedad Libre. Controlando al Leviathan 4:35. [3] Cachanosky, N. (2007). Liberalismo y Estado. Contribuciones a la Economía (August) [Mater’s Thesis]. [2] Cachanosky, N. (2007). La Torre de Marfil: Teoría Económica y Precisión Matemática. La Escuela Austriaca en el Siglo XXI 1:23-24. [1] Cachanosky, N. (2007). A Spontaneous Peaceful Order of the World. Revista de Análisis Institucional 1:365-380. WORKING PAPERS/WORK IN PROGRESS [7] Roundaboutness is not a Mysterious Concept: A Financial Application to Capital Theory (with Peter Lewin –University of Texas at Dallas) [6] A Proposal of Monetary Reform for Argentina: Flexible Dollarization and Free Banking [SSRN link] (with Adrián Ravier –Universidad Francisco Marroquín) –Under review [5] The View from Vienna: An Analysis of the Renewed Interest in the Mises-Hayek Theory of the Business Cycle (with Alexander W. Salter –George Mason University) [SSRN link] –Under review [4] European Cental Bank’s Monetary Policy Effects at the Industrial Level (2002-2005) (with Andreas Hoffmann – University of Leipzig) [3] The Epistemological Implications of Machlup’s Interpretation of Mises’s Epistemology (with Gabriel J. Zanotti ‒Universidad Francisco Marroquín) [SSRN link] –Revise and resubmit [2] The Risk Structure of Production in the Austrian Business Cycle Theory [1] U.S. Monetary Policy’s Impact on Latin America’s Structure of Production (1960-2010) [SSRN link] INTERVIEWS March, 2014 Interview to Nicolás Cachanosky about Bicoins. Semanario Virtud (España) by Rodrigo Molina February, 2014 Interview to Nicolás Cachanosky. Instituto Acción Liberal (Perú) by Nicolás Fuentes Mas e-mail: Last update: 14-Mar-14 Page 2 of 8 Nicolas Cachanosky June, 2013 June, 2013 Easy Money, the Fed, Latin America. The Free Market (June). by Ryan McMaken Diario digital del mercado del oro. Part 1, part 2. by Javier Santacruz Cano MEDIA ARTICLES AND APPEARANCES MEDIA TV APPEARANCES 30-Jan-14 03-Dec-13 21-Oct-13 18-Oct-13 16-Oct-13 10-Oct-13 17-Nov-11 11-Aug-11 MEDIA ARTICLES Argentina, Infobae TV Argentina, Infobae TV Argentina, Infobae TV Argentina, Infobae TV Argentina, Infobae TV Argentina, Infobae TV Colombia, EN SUMA [NTN24] Argentina, Economía Abierta [Canal Metro] 17-Feb-14 29-Jan-14 23-Jan-14 14-Jan-14 30-Dec-13 19-Dec-13 08-Dec-13 02-Dec-13 18-Nov-13 06-Nov-13 28-Oct-13 09-Oct-13 12-Sep-13 21-Aug-13 24-Jul-13 Argentina: Infobae Rodrigazo vs Kirchnerazo Lo que no se Discute del Anuncion de Capitanich y Kicillof Una Propuesta de Reforma Monetaria para Argentina La Presión Fiscal K Mirando el Balance del BCRA Desidia Política La Inflación y los Grupos Concentrados El Libre Mercado y la Crítica del Papa Francisco Sí, el Problema de la Inflación es de Origen Monetario Tres Problemas con el Cepo Cambiario Aclarando el Cierre de Gobierno y Límite de Deuda en EE.UU. Tres Décadas y un Problema Llamado Déficit Fiscal El Costo de la Inflación en el Crecimiento Económico Democracia, República, y el Edificio de los Políticos El “neoliberalismo” de los 90 en el Debate Político 13-Aug-09 08-May-09 14-Nov-14 22-Sep-08 29-Jul-08 12-Jun-08 28-Apr-08 10-Mar-08 21-Jan-08 Argentina: El Cronista El Efecto de las Instituciones en los Servicios Públicos Un Signo de la Debilidad del Kirchnerismo Effecto AFJP Las dos Caras del Pago al Club de París Salarios, Consumo y Crecimiento Distribución del Ingreso y Crecimiento Impuestos y Justicia Social Crecimiento Económico versus PBI Cantidad vs Calidad Institucional CONTRIBUTION TO BLOGS Punto de Vista Económico Co-founder, administrator and regular contributor. e-mail: Last update: 14-Mar-14 Page 3 of 8 Nicolas Cachanosky Economía Para Todos Regular contributor SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS 2013 APEE: 2013 YOUNG SCHOLARS PROGRAM 2012 SOCIETY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS Don Lavoie Memorial Graduate Essay Competition Paper presented: The International Effects of Monetary Policy on the Capital Structure of Production: The Cases of Colombia and Panama (2002 – 2007) 2012 2012-2013 HUMANE STUDIES FELLOWHIP 2012 APEE: 2012 YOUNG SCHOLARS PROGRAM 2011 SUFFOLK UNIVERSTY: CITATION FOR ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT In recognition of an outstanding academic record in the study of Ph.D. in Economics 2011 APEE: 2011 YOUNG SCHOLARS PROGRAM 2010 Overall Winner ATLAS ECONOMIC RESEARCH FOUNDATION: SOUND MONEY PROJECT Sound Money Essay Contest Paper Presented: The Endogenous Stability of Free Banking: Crisis as an Exogenous Phenomenon 2009 1st Prize AUSTRIAN STUDENTS SCHOLAR CONFERENCE Richard E. Fox Prizes for Best Papers Paper Presented: A Misesian Reading of Coase: A Calculation and Equilibrium Problem 2009 Scholarship SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Koch Scholarship 2008 st 1 Prize EUROPEAN CENTER OF AUSTRIAN ECONOMIST FOUNDATION 2007 Vernon Smith Prize Article Presented: Nation, State and Liberty 2007 Research Scholarship FUNDACIÓN FRIEDRICH A. VON HAYEK Research Topic: Optimal Taxation Research Director: Dr. Osvaldo Schenone 2006 rd 3 Prize THE MONT PÈLERIN SOCIETY 2006 Hayek Essay Contest Article Presented: A Spontaneous Peaceful Order of the World 2005 Special Mention ARGENTINE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC SCIENCES Licentiate in Economics Thesis Contest Thesis Presented: Austrian Theory and the Problem of the Business Cycle [Spanish] e-mail: Last update: 14-Mar-14 Page 4 of 8 Nicolas Cachanosky SEMINARS AND PRESENTATIONS 2013, November SOUTHERN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION ECB’s Monetary Policy Effects at the Industrial Level TAMPA, FL, UNITED STATES 2013, April MARUI, HI, UNITED STATES APEE 2013 CONFERENCE The Risk Structure of Production in the Austrian Business Cycle Theory. U.S. Monetary Policy’s Impact on Latin America’s Structure of Production (1960 – 2010). 2012, November NEW ORLEANS, LA, UNITED STATES SOUTHERN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION The Internation al Effects of Monetary Policy on the Capital Structure of Production: Colombia and Panama (2002 – 2007). Adverse Selection and the Rational Expectations Critique of the Mises-Hayek Business Cycle Theory. 2012, October LIBERTY FUND/IHS COLLOQUIUM Classical Liberalism in Contemporary Political Philosophy ARLINGTON, VA, UNITED STATES 2012, October LIBERTY FUND/CHARLES KOCH INSTITUTE COLLOQUIUM Public Policy and Economic Freedom ARLINGTON, VA, UNITED STATES 2012, September GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY GRADUATE STUDENT PAPER WORKSHOP The International Effects of Monetary Policy on the Capital Structure of Production: Colombia and Panama (2002 – 2007). 2012, August Speaker ROSARIO, ARGENTINA IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: THE AUSTRIAN SCHOOL IN THE 21 CENTURY Adverse Selection and the Rational Expectations Critique of the Mises-Hayek Business Cycle Theory 2012, April Speaker LAS VEGAS, NV, UNITED STATES APEE 2012 CONFERENCE The Mises-Hayek Business Cycle Theory, Fiat Currencies and Open Economies 2012, March Speaker AUBURN, AL, UNITED STATES AUSTRIAN SCHOLARS CONFERENCE 2012 The Mises-Hayek Business Cycle Theory, Fiat Currencies and Open Economies 2011, September LIBERTY FUND/CHARLES KOCH INSTITUTE COLLOQUIUM Public Policy and the Institutions of Liberty 2011, August LIBERTY FUND COLLOQUIUM Classical Liberalism in the Thought of Ludwig von Mises 2011, August Speaker Universidad del Salvador Ciclo Económico Mensual Buenos Aires, Argentina 2011, August Speaker INSTITUTO ACTON ARGENTINA Introduction to the Austrian School of Economics II Buenos Aires, Argentina 2011, August Speaker FUNDACIÓN LIBERTAD (CENTRO ADAM SMITH) Free Banking and Monetary Institutions 2011, July Speaker INSTITUTO ACTON ARGENTINA Introduction to the Austrian School of Economics I ST e-mail: Last update: 14-Mar-14 ARLINGTON, VA, UNITED STATES GUATEMALA, GUATEMALA ROSARIO, ARGENTINA BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA Page 5 of 8 Nicolas Cachanosky 2011, April Speaker APEE 2011 CONFERENCE NASSAU, THE BAHAMAS The Law of National Guaranteed Banks in Argentina (1887-1890): Free Banking Failure or Regulatory Failure? Why Study Free Banking? 2010, April Guest PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY 46TH NATIONAL MEETING 2010, April Speaker PHILADELPHIA, UNITED STATES ATLAS TFI CONFERENCE The Endogenous Stability of Free Banking: Crisis as an Exogenous Phenomenon 2009, October Speaker GROVE CITY, UNITED STATES AUSTRIAN STUDENTS SCHOLAR CONFERENCE A Misesian Reading of Coase: A Calculation and Equilibrium Problem 2009, June Speaker ANNUAL CYCLE OF CONFERENCES: THE AUSTRIAN SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Free Banking 2008, November MENDOZA, ARGENTINA LIBERTY FUND COLLOQUIM Adam Smith on Ethics and Economics (Conference Director: Walter Castro) 2008, August Speaker 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: THE AUSTRIAN SCHOOL IN THE 21 CENTURY GDP vs EVA® as an Economic Indicator 2008, August Speaker INTENSIVE COURSE ON AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS Israel Kirzner’s ‘Competition & Entrepreneurship’ BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA 2007, December Speaker ESEADE, GRADUATION CEREMONY Farewell speech in representation of graduates. BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA 2006, November Fellow MONT PELERIN SOCIETY (GENERAL MEETING 2006) 2005, December Speaker BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA REUTERS LTD. Argentine debt and the “Argentine Sovereign Debt Analysis” financial tool. 2005, September Speaker REUTERS LTD. Argentine Debt Reestructuration ND PHILADELPHIA, UNITED STATES ST ROSARIO, ARGENTINA ROSARIO, ARGENTINA GUATEMALA, GUATEMALA MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2004 REUTERS LTD. Marketing & Content: Trainee 2004-2007 ARGENTINA REUTERS LTD. Customer Development Group: Customer Development Executive Senior (Arg. & Uruguay) Reuters Academy Instructor Account training: Lehman Brothers, Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, Cargill, others. Financial Calculator Developments: Lebac’s Calculator, Nobac’s Calculator, Regional Bonds Calculator, ARS FRA Calculator Development and publication of the ARS + CER Zero Coupon Curve calculation methodology with Marketing & Content Department and IAMC (Argentine Institute of Capital Markets) e-mail: Last update: 14-Mar-14 ARGENTINA Page 6 of 8 Nicolas Cachanosky Development, maintenance and training of “Argentine Sovereign Debt Analysis”. Built on Excel and VBA. National users: JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, ABN Amro, Standard Bank, Citibank, HSBC Bank, BBVA Banco Francés, Banco Santander Río, Argentine Central Bank. International Users: UBS (Stamford), ABN Amro (New York), BNP Paribas (London), Bank Boston (Montevideo) 2007 - 2008 2004 Customer Satisfaction Award 2006 Living Fast Award, In recognition of the development of the “Argentine Sovereign Debt Analyis” and the contribution to the ARS + CER Zero Coupon Curve project. ARGENTINA CORPORATE TRAINING Research & Development Development of a “Business Simulator” based on EVA® financial methodology. Built on Excel with VBA. CONSULTANCY 2008 2008 COLEGIO DE MARTILLEROS DE SAN ISIDRO ARGENTINA Realstate Index Development [Director: Dr. Martín Krause] Development of an index on real state market for north regions of Gran Buenos Aires. Co-developer: Adrián Ravier PANAMÁ GOETHALS CONSULTING GROUP Tax Reform in Panamá’s Federal Government Study the viability of a “flat-tax” reform for Panamá proposed by a Presidential Candidate. EDITORIAL, REFEREE AND OTHER ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES Editorial Board Unión Editorial Argentina Referee [Journals] Journal of Institutional Economics, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, The Independent Review, The Review of Austrian Economics, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Journal of Business Ethics, The Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, RIIM (ex-Libertas) Referee [Books] Columbia University Press Academic Committee st The Austrian School in the 21 Century 2012 Conference (Rosario, Argentina) AFFILIATIONS Southern Economic Association (SEA) The Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE) Society for the Development of Austrian Economics (SDAE) e-mail: Last update: 14-Mar-14 Page 7 of 8 Nicolas Cachanosky REFERENCES ACADEMIC Dr. Benjamin Powell Texas Tech University, Free Market Institute Director Dr. Alexandre Padilla Metropolitan State University of Denver Associate Professor Dr. Steven G. Horwitz St. Lawrence University, Department of Economics Department Chair and Charles A. Dana Professor Dr. Gabriel Zanotti Universidad Austral, Instituto de Filosofía Professor PRIVATE SECTOR María de la Paz Adrogué Thomson-Reuters Product Specialist Virginia Jaeschke Thomson-Reuters Customer Development Group Team Leader e-mail: Last update: 14-Mar-14 Page 8 of 8