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La Pradera E7-174 y Av. Diego de Almagro
PBX: (593-2) 323 8888 ext: 2807
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Sede Ecuador (since October 2013)
Profesora Asociada, Departamento de Estudios Políticos
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Sede Ecuador (May 2011 – October 2013)
Investigadora Asociada y Profesora Invitada, Departamento de Estudios Políticos
Ph.D., Department of Politics, New York University (2010)
Tesis doctoral: “Does Political Participation Affect Political Stability? A Study of Latin America
during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.” Committee: Adam Przeworski (chair),
Russell Hardin, Leonard Wantchekon, Youssef Cohen, and Shanker Satyanath.
Master of Arts, Department of Politics, New York University (2002)
Licentiate in Political Science, Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina (1999)
Peer Reviewed
Carolina Curvale. 2013. “Citizen Participation, Social Trust, and Ethnic Groups in Ecuador,”
Asian Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 26. Nro. 1.
Chapters in Books
Carolina Curvale (coauthored with Adam Przeworski). 2008. “Does Politics Explain the
Economic Gap Between the United States and Latin America?” In Francis Fukuyama (ed.),
Falling Behind: Explaining the Development Gap Between Latin America and the United
States, New York: Oxford University Press. Spanish version: “¿Explica la política la brecha
económica entre Estados Unidos y América Latina?,” en Francis Fukuyama (ed.), La brecha
entre América Latina y Estados Unidos. Determinantes políticos e institucionales del
desarrollo económico, Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2006. Portuguese version:
Ficando para Tras, Ed. Rocco, 2010.
Carolina Curvale (coauthored with Adam Przeworski). 2007. “Instituciones políticas y
desarrollo económico en las Américas: el largo plazo.” En Visiones sobre el Desarrollo en
América Latina, CIDOB/CEPAL.
Carolina Curvale - Page 1
The Role of the Opposition and Political Participation: A Theoretical Investigation
Does Political Participation Affect Political Stability? A Study of Latin America Since
Institutional Stability and Economic Development in Latin America: The Case of The Judiciary
Types of Institutions and Economic Growth
Is there such thing as Latin America?
State Institutions in Early Twentieth Century Latin America
Research Assistant, Department of Politics, New York University
Professor Adam Przeworski (Summer 2003 – Spring 2007)
Professor Bruce Bueno de Mesquita (Summer 2005)
Professor Leonard Wantchekon (May 2003)
Professor Martin Schain (Fall 2002)
Editorial Assistant, Journal of African Finance and Economic Development, edited by
Professor Leonard Wantchekon, New York University (May 2002 – May 2004)
Research Assistant to Prof. Maria Victoria Murillo - SIPA/Columbia University (Aug. 1997 –
Dec. 1998)
Editorial staff, Report on the Argentine Budget, Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo
Institucional, Argentina (1996, 1997, 1999)
Instructor, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) Ecuador
PhD level course: Comparative Politics of the Andean Countries (Oct. – Dec. 2011)
Master level course: Research Design and Methodology (March 2008 – Dec. 2010)
Political Institutions (Oct.-Dec 2013)
Teaching Assistant, Department of Politics, New York University
Graduate Courses: Politics of Economic Growth (Fall 2005), Statistical Methods for
Cross-National Research (Spring 2005), and Democracy in a Historical Perspective
(Fall 2004)
Undergraduate Courses: International Relations (Fall 2003 and Spring 2004), Public
Policy (Fall 2001 and Spring 2002), and American Public Opinion (Spring 2002)
Paper presentation, “Participation And Political Stability in Latin America,” Universidad de
San Andres, Bs. As., Argentina, September 6, 2012.
Carolina Curvale - Page 2
Paper presentation, “Political Participation And Political Stability A Study of Latin America
Since Independence,” Stonehill College, Easton, MA, November 28, 2011.
Paper presentation, “The Role of the Opposition and Political Participation: A Theoretical
Investigation”, FLACSO Ecuador, Quito, November 14, 2011.
Panelist, Conference: “The Impact of Colonial and Post-Independence Institutions on
Economic Development in Latin America,” Columbia University, New York, March 3-4, 2011.
Panelist, Forum on Democracy and Political Culture in Latin America, Universidad San
Francisco de Quito, Quito, February 9-10, 2011.
Panelist, roundtable discussion: “The Elusive Ballot Box: Democratic Filters, 1776-2004,” 64
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 20-23, 2006.
Paper presentation, “Violence in Northern Ireland: IRA/Sinn Fein’s Shortcut to Power?” 19th
International Political Science Association World Conference, South Africa, June 29-July 4,
Tenure track assistant professor position at CIDE, Mexico (2009) - declined
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, New York University (2000 – 2005)
The Henry M. MacCracken Fellowship
NYU Center for Conflict Resolution and Multilateral Cooperation (2003)
Research Grant
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, New York University (2003)
Travel Grant
Politics Department, New York University (2003)
Travel Grant
Social Science Research Council (Summer 2002)
Scholarship to participate in the Summer Workshop in Applied Economics
Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina (1999)
Humanities Department Award
Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina (1998)
Academic Merit Scholarship
Fundación Bunge y Born, Argentina (1995 – 1998)
Open Contest Scholarship
Member, American Political Science Association
Carolina Curvale - Page 3
Member, Ecuadorian Political Science Association
Member, Latin American Studies Association
Committee member for the following student theses at FLACSO Ecuador:
Carlos Rojas, Political Science (2012)
Carlos Uribe, Economics (2011)
Statistical Software: STATA, LIMDEP, Microsoft Office
Languages: Spanish (native), English (proficient), Italian (reading), French (reading),
Portuguese (reading)
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