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CURRICULUM VITAE Carlos de la Torre Current Position Professor of Sociology and Director of International Studies, University of Kentucky, Lexington e-mail Education January 1993 Ph.D., Sociology, New School for Social Research Dissertation title: "Velasquista Seduction: Ecuadorian Politics in the 1940s." Dissertation committee: William Roseberry (chair), Andrew Arato, José Casanova, Charles Tilly. May 1987 M.A., Sociology, New School for Social Research June 1983 B.A. (Honors), Sociology, University of Florida, Gainesville Certificate in Latin American Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville Fellowships January 2011-December 2011 Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation September 2008-May 2009 Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars September 2008-May 2009 Fellow National Endowment for Democracy (Declined) March 2007-April 208 New Century Fulbright Scholar Honors August-December 2010 John Heath Visiting Professor of Social Studies, Grinnell College February 2010 Visiting Resource Professor, Teresa Long Institute for Latin American Studies, University of Texas at Austin March 2006 LASA Lecturing Fellow. May 1993 Dissertation awarded the Alfred Schutz Memorial Award by the New School for Social Research. Publications: Books Populism of the Twenty First Century. Co-edited with Cynthia Arnson. Baltimore and Washington: the Johns Hopkins University Press and the Woodrow Wilson Center Press (2013). Populist Seduction in Latin America. Athens: Ohio University Press, second edition 2010. The Ecuador Reader: History, Culture, Politics, co-edited with Steve Striffler, Duke University Press, 2008. El Retorno del Pueblo, co-edited with Enrique Peruzzotti, Quito: FLACSO, 2008. Galo Plaza y su Época, co-edited with Mireya Salgado, Quito: FLACSO and Fundación Galo Plaza Lasso, 2008. Afroquiteños: Ciudadanía y Racismo. Quito: CAAP, 2002. ¡Un Solo Toque! Populismo y Cultura Política en Ecuador. Quito: CAAP, 1996. El Racismo en Ecuador: Experiencias de los Indios de Clase Media. Quito: CAAP, 1996. (Second edition Quito: Abya-Yala 2002). La Seducción Velasquista. Quito: FLACSO and Libri Mundi, 1993 (Second Edition 1997). El Populismo en el Ecuador: Antología de Textos. Co-edited with Felipe Burbano. Quito: ILDIS, 1989. Publications: Refereed Articles “El Tecnopopulismo de Rafael Correa. ¿Es compatible el carisma con la tecnocracia?” Latin American Research Review 48 (1) Spring 2013, pp. 24-43 “Las tensiones no resueltas entre el populismo y la democracia procedimental” RECSO Revista de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Católica del Uruguay. Nº2 2011, pp 63-81. Carmen Martínez and Carlos de la Torre, “Racial Discrimination and Citizenship in Ecuador´s Educational System”. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies Vol. 5: 1, 2010, pp. 1-26. Carlos de la Torre and Catherine Conaghan, “The Hybrid Campaign: Tradition and Modernity in Ecuador’s 2006 Presidential Election”. International Journal of Press and Politics, Vol. 14 (3) 2009, pp. 335-352. “¿Por qué los populismos latinoamericanos se niegan a desaparecer?” Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe Vol 19 No 2 Tel Aviv, 2008 pp. 7-29. Catherine Conaghan and Carlos de la Torre, “The permanent campaign of Rafael Correa Making Ecuador’s Plebiscitary Presidency.” International Journal of Press and Politics Vol. 13 N3, 2008, pp 267-284. “The Resurgence of Radical Populism in Latin America.” Constellations 14 N 3, 2007. “Os missionários Combonianos e a Criação de Identidades Negras no Ecuador .” Afro-Asia 34, 2006. “Redentores Populistas en el Neoliberalismo: Nuevos y Viejos Populismos Latinoamericanos,” Revista Española de Ciencias Políticas, N 4, April 2001, pp.171-196. “Racism in Education and the Construction of Citizenship in Ecuador,” Race and Class, Vol 42, N 2, October -December, 2000, pp. 33-45. “Neopopulism in Contemporary Ecuador: The Case of Bucaram’s Use of the Mass Media.”International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Vol 12, N 4, 1999, pp. 555571. “Everyday Forms of Racism in Contemporary Ecuador: The Experiences of Middle-Class Indians.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol 22, N 1, January 1999, pp. 92-112. "Populist Redemption and the Unfinished Democratization of Latin America." Constellations Vol 5, N 1, March 1998, pp. 85-95. "Populism and Democracy: Political Discourses and Cultures in Contemporary Ecuador." Latin American Perspectives, Issue 94, Vol 24, N 3, May 1997, pp. 12-24. "Velasco Ibarra and La Revolución Gloriosa. The Social Production of a Populist Leader in Ecuador in the 1940s." Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol 26, part III, 1994, pp. 683711. "The Ambiguous Meanings of Latin American Populisms." Social Research Vol. 59, N 2, Summer 1992, pp. 385-414. Publications: Invited Journal Articles “Technocratic Populism in Ecuador”. Journal of Democracy Vol. 24 (3), 2013: 33-47. “Populismo radical y democracia en los Andes”. Journal of Democracy en Español, Vol. 1, Nº1, 2009. pp., 24-37. Publications: Non-Refereed Articles “Corporatism, Charisma, and Chaos: Ecuador’s Police Rebellion in Context”. NACLA Report on the Americas Vol. 44, Nº1 (January-February) 2011: 25-33. “Populismo y Democracia. Entrevista”. Cuadernos del CENDES vol. 27 N 73, 2010, pp. 171-184. “El gobierno de Rafael Correa: posneoliberalismo, confrontación con los movimientos sociales y democracia plebiscitaria”, Temas y Debates 14, 20, October 2010, pp. 157-172. “¿Más Allá de la Democracia Representativa Procedimental? Ecuador Debate 80, August 2010, Pp. 45-62. “Médios, representación y calidad de La democracia en America Latina”. Debates en Sociología N 33, 2008, PP.31-51. “Eleiçŏes e perspectivas pós-eleitorais no Equador.” Cuadernos Adenauer VII, 4, 2006, pp. 67-85. “Escenificaciones, redes y discursos en la segunda vuelta electoral.” Ecuador Debate 69, 2006, pp. 37-50. “Populismo, democracia, protestas y crisis políticas recurrentes en Ecuador”. Europa América Latina N 21. Río de Janeiro: Fundación Konrad Adenauer, 2006. (Also Published in German and Portuguese). “Polarización Populista y Democracia en Ecuador” Diálogo Político (Buenos Aires) XXI (2), March 2004, pp. 89-115. “Movimientos étnicos, democracia y ciudadanía en el Ecuador.” Política (Santiago de Chile) 42, Fall 2004, pp. 319-325. “Masas, pueblo y democracia: un Balance crítico de los debates sobre el nuevo populismo" Revista de Ciencia Política (Santiago de Chile) XXIII (1) 2003.: 55-66. “Movimientos Étnicos y Cultura Política en Ecuador.” Íconos 15, January 2003, pp. 62-75. “Política y Economía en los Nuevos y Viejos Populismos.” Ecuador Debate 53, August 2001, pp. 73-86. “Medios masivos de comunicación social, el populismo y la crisis de la democracia.” Ecuador Debate 49, April 2000, pp. 117-138. “Veinte años de populismo y democracia.” Íconos. Revista de FLACSO-Ecuador, N 9, April 2000, pp. 80-88. "La Letra con Sangre Entra." Íconos. Revista de FLACSO-Ecuador, N 3, August/October 1997, pp.114-131. "Los Usos Políticos de las Categorías Pueblo y Democracia," Ecuador Debate, 41, 1997, pp. 62-77. "Racismo y vida cotidiana." Ecuador Debate, 38, 1996, pp. 72-87. "Las Imágenes Contradictorias de Abdalá: Discursos y Culturas Políticas en las Elecciones de 1992," Ecuador Debate, 32, 1994, pp. 54-64. "La Crisis del Marxismo: ¿Atrapados sin Salida?" Ecuador Debate, 21, 1990, pp. 64-74. "Populismo, Democratización y Cultura Política en el Ecuador de los Años Ochenta." Ecuador Debate, 17, 1989, pp. 129-142. Publications: Book Chapters Carlos de la Torre, “El liderazgo populista de Rafael Correa y la desinstitucionalización de la política” in Rut Damiant and Laura Tedesco eds., Democratizar a los Políticos. Un estudio sobre Líderes Latinoamericanos, Madrid: Catarata, 2013, pp. 174-204. Carlos de la Torre, “Between Authoritarianism and Democracy in Latin America’s ReFounding Revolutions’’ in Enrique Peruzotti and Martin Plot eds., Critical Theory and Democracy, Civil Society, Dictatorship, and Constitutionalism in Andrew Aratos’s Democratic Theory, Routledge, 2012, pp 125-170. Carlos de la Torre, “Rafael Correa’s Government, Social Movements, and Civil Society in Ecuador” in Barry Cannon and Peadar Kirby, eds., Civil Society and the State in Left-Led Latin America: Challenges and Limitations to Democratization, Zed Books, London, 2012, pp 63-78. Carlos de la Torre and Jhon Antón “The Afro-Ecuadorian Social Movement: Between Empowerment and Co-optation” in Jean Rahier ed., Black Social Movements in Latin America: From Monocultural Mestizaje to Multiculturalism, Palgrave, 2012, pp 179-195. Carlos de la Torre, “Rafael Correa, un populista del Siglo XXI” in Isidoro Cheresky ed., ¿Qué Democracia en América Latina? CLACSO Prometeo Libros, Buenos Aires, 2012, pp 251-281. “Movimientos Sociales y Porcesos Constituyentes en Ecuador”. In Martín Tanaka and Francine Jácome eds., Desafíos de la Gobernabilidad Democrática. Reformas PolíticoInstitucionales y Movimientos Sociales en la Región Andina. Lima: IEP 2010, 245-277. “Democracia, participación y representación populista en Ecuador”. En La Nueva Coyuntura Crítica en los páises Andinos”, editado por Martín Tanaka. Lima: IEP 2009, pp. 187-211. “Rafael Correa entre el populismo y la revolución ciudadana”. En Los Desafíos de la Democracia y Elecciones en América Latina, editado por Carlos Santander. Lima: ARA editores, 2009, pp. 86-105. “Protesta y democracia en Ecuador. La caída de Lucio Gutiérrez.” En Margarita López Maya, Nicolás Iñigo Carrera y Pilar Calveiro, eds. Luchas contrahegemónicas y cambios políticos recientes de América Latina. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2008 pp. 197-231. “Populismo, Ciudadanía y Estado de Derecho.” In Carlos de la Torre and Enrique Peruzzotti, eds., El Retorno del Pueblo. Populismo y Nuevas Democracias en América Latina. Quito: FLACSO, 2008 pp. 23-55. “Populismo y liberalismo: dos formas de entender y vivir la democracia”. In Carlos de la Torre and Mireya Salgado, eds., Galo Plaza y su Época. Quito: FLACSO y Fundación Galo Plaza Lasso, 2008, pp.29-61. “¿Es el populismo la forma constitutiva de la democracia Latinoamericana?”. In Julio Aibar, ed., Vox Populi. Populismo y Democracia en Latinoamérica. México: FLACSO, 2007 pp. 55-83. “ Populismo: ¿esencia o negación de la democracia?” En Observatorio CELAM, eds., Neopopulismo y Democracia. Experiencias en América Latina y El Caribe. Bogotá: Observatorio CELAM, 2007 pp. 57-81. “Entre el corporativismo y las ciudadanías débiles.” En Víctor Bretón, Francisco García, Antoni Jové y María José Villalta, eds., Ciudadanía y Exclusión: Ecuador y España Frente al Espejo. Madrid: Catarata, 2007, pp. 151-182. “¿Es el populismo la forma constitutiva de la democracia en América Latina?” En José María Cadenas, ed., Debates sobre la Democracia en América pp. 141-154. Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela and Centro de Estudios de América, 2006. “Von Velasco Ibarra zu Abdalá Bucaram: eine krtische Bilanz der Populismus-Diskussion.” In Rafael Sevilla y Alberto Acosta, eds., Ecuador Welt Vielfalt. Horlemann, 2005 pp. 43-57. “Afro-Ecuadorian Responses to Racism: Between Corporatism and Citizenship.” In Anani Dzidzienyo and Suzanne Oboler, eds., Neither Enemies nor Friends. Blacks, Latinos, AfroLatinos, pp. 61-75. New York: Palgrave Press, 2005. “Estudio Introductorio.” In Robert Norris, El Gran Ausente, Quito: Libri-Mundi, 2004. “Un balance crítico a los debates sobre el nuevo populismo.” In Centro Andino de Acción Popular, ed., Releer los Populismos, pp. 51-79. Quito: CAAP, 2004. “Abdalá es el repugnante otro.” In Felipe Burbano,.ed., Democracia, gobernabilidad y cultura política, pp.327-341. Quito: FLACSO, 2003. (Reprint of sections of chapter 1 of Un Sólo Toque. Populismo y Cultura Política en Ecuador. Quito: CAAP 1996). "Los Usos Políticos de las Categorías Pueblo y Democracia." In Simón Pachano, ed., Ciudadanía e Identidad, pp. 231-249. Quito: FLACSO, 2003. (Reprint of the article with the same title published in Ecuador Debate, 41, 1997, pp. 62-77.) “Populismo, cultura política y vida cotidiana en Ecuador.” In Felipe Burbano de Lara, ed., El Fantasma del Populismo. Aproximación a un Tema (Siempre) Actual, pp.131-149. Caracas: Editorial Nueva Sociedad, 1998. “Velasco Ibarra y la Revolución Gloriosa: La Producción Social de un Líder populista en Ecuador en los años cuarenta.” In María Moira Mackinnon and Mario Alberto Petrone, ed., Populismo y Neopopulismo en América Latina. El Problema de la Cenicienta, pp 301-329. Buenos Aires: Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires, 1998. "Populismo, Cultura Política y Vida Cotidiana en Ecuador: El Caso de Abdalá Bucaram." In Sergio Villena, ed., Neopopulismo y Democracia. Estudios Andinos, Cuadernos de Ciencias Sociales 96 (San José: FLACSO, 1997), pp. 25-47. "Los significados ambiguos de los populismos latinoamericanos." In José Álvarez Junco and Ricardo González Leandri, eds., El Populismo en España y América, pp. 39-61. Madrid: Editorial Catriel, 1994. "El velasquismo: democracia y política de masas en el Ecuador de los años 40." In José Álvarez Junco and Ricardo González Leandri, eds., El Populismo en España y América, pp. 215-233. Madrid: Editorial Catriel, 1994. "Populismo." In ILDIS (ed.), Léxico Político Ecuatoriano, pp. 331-340. Quito: ILDIS, 1994. "Comentario." In Rafael Guerrero, Regionalismo y democracia social en los orígenes del "CFP", pp. 63-69. Quito: CAAP, 1994. "Demagogia, Irracionalidad, Utilitarismo o Protesta: ¿Cuál es la seducción de los líderes populistas?" In Juan Paz y Miño (ed.), Populismo, pp. 41-72. Quito: ILDIS, 1992. "El Populismo y los Partidos Políticos en el Ecuador." In Elecciones y Democracia en el Ecuador, Vol. IV: Análisis de los Procesos Electorales, pp. 161-166. Quito: Tribunal Supremo Electoral and Corporación Editora Nacional, 1990. "Sección I: Reflexiones sobre el estudio del populismo en el Ecuador." (co-authored with Felipe Burbano). In Burbano and de la Torre (eds.), El Populismo en el Ecuador, pp. 13-65, 1989. Book Review Essays “Ethnic Movements and Citizenship in Ecuador.” Latin American Research Review Vol. 41, N 2, June 2006, pp 247-259. "Región, Clase y Discurso: Análisis Crítico de Varias Obras Recientes sobre el Proceso Social y Político Ecuatoriano entre 1930 y 1950." Procesos 4 (1993), pp. 103-115. Publications: Working Papers Carlos de la Torre, El populismo latinoamericano entre la democratización y el autoritarismo. Buenos Aires: Nueva Sociedad, June 2013. Carlos de la Torre, Populismus in Lateinnamerika. Zwischen Demokratisierung und Autoritarismus. Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2013. Carlos de la Torre and Patric Hollenstein, Los Medios de Comunicación y la Población Afroecuatoriana. Panama: UNDP, 2010 Forthcoming Publications “In the Name of the People: Democratization, Popular Organizations, and Populism in Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador” European Review of Latin America and Caribbean Studies/Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (forthcoming N 95, October 2013. “The People, Democracy, and Authoritarianism in Rafael Correa’s Ecuador” Forthcoming in Constellations, 2014 Carlos de la Torre, ed., Power to the People? Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, forthcoming 2014. Teaching Experience Fall 2011 Professor of Sociology, University of Kentucky Lexington Fall 2003- June 2008 Professor at FLACSO-Ecuador Fall 2001-June Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology Department, -2004 Fall 1999 -Spring 2001 Fall 1994 -Spring 1999 Northeastern University Associate Professor, Sociology Department, Drew University Assistant Professor, Sociology Department, Drew University Courses Taught Graduate Seminars: The Media and Politics in Latin America MA and Ph.D. Research Seminar in Political Studies Populism and Neopopulism in Latin America Citizenship and Racism in the Americas Political Sociology Undergraduate Courses: Introduction to Sociology Latin America: Politics and Society. Political Sociology of Latin America Race and Ethnicity in the Americas Societies and Cultures of Latin America Sociological Theory Administrative Experience August 2011 Director of International Studies, University of Kentucky, Lexington June 2003-June 2008 Director Political Studies and Ph.D. Program, FLACSO-Ecuador Fall 2002-June 2004 Director Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies, Northeastern University Fall 1995Director, Latin American Studies, Drew Spring 2001 University Spring 1993 Director, Semester Abroad Program in Chile, Drew University International Conference Participation “Capitalism and Democracy” delivered in the Conference Democracy Promotion, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Berlin: September 4, 2013. “The Roundabouts of Charisma in Latin American Populism Studies” paper delivered in the “International Conference Max Weber en Iberoamérica” Centre for Teaching and Research in Economics CIDE, Mexico City February 28-March 2, 2013. “El liderazgo populista de Rafael Correa y la desinstitucionalización de la política” paper delivered at the International Colloquium Alternativas para la Democracia en América Latina” Centro de Estudios Sociológicos, Colegio de México, November 6, 2012. “El liderazgo populista de Rafael Correa” paper presented in the 6th National Congress of ALACIP (the Latin American Political Science Association), Quito June 12, 2012. “The Contested Meanings of Insurrections, the Sovereign People, and Democracy in Ecuador, Venezuela, and Bolivia” paper presented at the Conference Desencuentros: Sovereignty, Revolution and Neo-anarchism in Latin America April 20 & 21, 2012, University of Indiana, Bloomington. Organizer of the International Conference “Power to the People?”, University of Kentucky, Lexington March 30, 2012. Commentator to “Theorizing the relationship between populism and democracy” by Cas Mudde and Cristóbal Rovira. Populism in Europe and the Americas: Threat or Corrective for Democracy? Social Science Research Center Berlin, WZB, August 5, 2010. “Visiones y modelos de democracia en los países andinos. El resurgimiento de la izquierda y el significado de la democracia” Paper delivered at the Conference Ciudadanía, Organizaciones Populares y Representación Política, El Colegio de México, México June 1, 2010. “Rafael Correa: entre el populismo y la revolución ciudadana”. Paper delivered at the Conference Participación y Respeustas de los Movimientos y Organizaciones Sociales en los Cambios Políticos en Bolivia, Ecuador y Venezuela: ¿Profundización o Debilitamiento de la Democracia?, Plataforma democrática, ILDIS, SINERGIA, INVESP, Caracas February 11, 2010. “Radical Populism in Latin America” Paper delivered at the Conference Contesting Liberal Citizenship, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Institute for Advance Studies, July 6-9, 2009. “Latin American Populism: The foe or the Essence of Democracy?” Keynote speech at the University of Maryland Graduate Student Conference on Latin America and the Caribbean, October 31, 2008. “Latin American Populism: The foe or the essence of democracy”. Paper delivered at the conference The State of Democracy, Grinnell College, October 29, 2008. “Racial Discrimination and Citizenship in Ecuador’s Educational System.” Paper delivered at the 52nd Annual Conference Comparative and Educational Society. March 19, 2008. Teachers College. Columbia University, NY, NY. “The Media and Politics in Ecuador’s 2006 Presidential Election”. Paper delivered at the Conference Media and Democracy in Latin America at Tulane University, November 2, 2007. “The resurgence of Radical Populism in Latin America.” Keynote Address at the Conference “Repositioning el pueblo: Critical approaches to the popular in Latin American history, culture, art and society”. The Johns Hopkins University, 22 de abril, 2007. “Democracia y representación populista.” Paper delivered at the Congress “Más allá de la democracia electoral y del consenso de Washington”, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima August 15, 2006. “The transformation of populist representation or is populism the constitutive form of democracy in Latin America?” Paper delivered at LASA’s XXVI International Congress, March 15-18, 2006. “Entre el corporativismo y las ciudadanías débiles.” Paper delivered in the Congress “Ciudadanía y Exclusión, Ecuador y España” 29 al 31 de marzo de 2006, University of Lleida, Spain. “¿Es el populismo la forma constitutiva de la democracia en América Latina?” Paper delivered at the Seminar “Debate Sobre la Democracia en América” Centro de Estudios de América de la Universidad Central de Venezuela en Caracas el 20 de mayo del 2005. “Antecedentes y síntomas del populismo moderno: el caso de Ecuador” Paper delivered at the III post-diplomado ODCA-KAS, Río de Janeiro 9 de junio del 2005. “Populism and Neopopulism: Old Answers to New Problems?” Paper presented in the Latin American Studies Association XXIV International Congress, Dallas, Texas, March 27-29, 2003 “Masas, Pueblo y Democracia: Un Balance Crítico de los Debates sobre el Nuevo Populismo.” Paper presented in the Primer Seminario Interdisciplinario: El populismo y las democracies: estudios de casos y estado del debate. Santiago de Chile: Chile April 15-16, 2003. “Movimientos Étnicos y Sociedad Civil en el Ecuador: Entre la Continuidad y la Ruptura.” Paper presented in the Latin American Studies Association XXIII International Congress, Washington, DC, September 6-8, 2001. Discussant for the LASA Ecuadorian Section Invited Panel on TheEcuadorian Crisis: fostering realms of inclusion and exclusion? Latin American Studies Association XXIII International Congress, Washington, DC, September 6-8, 2001. “Everyday forms of racism and the difficult construction of citizenship in Ecuador.” Paper presented in the Latin American Studies Association XXI International Congress, Chicago, September 24, 1999. “Redentores Populistas y Democracias Inconclusas.” Paper presented in the Conference “Mestizaje, Ciudadanía y Populismo en Ecuador” sponsored by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid June 2, 1998. "Leader of the Poor or Repugnant Other: The Mass Media and Bucaram's Populism in Contemporary Ecuador." Paper presented in the panel Political Personality and Construction of Charisma in the Media in the conference "Media and the Politics of Democracy" sponsored by the Sawyer Seminar on Mass Media and the Public Sphere and the Janey Program on Latin American Studies, at the New School for Social Research, March 6, 1998. "La letra con sangre entra: Racism, School, and Everyday Life in Ecuador." Paper presented in the Latin American Studies Association Conference, Guadalajara Mexico, April 19, 1997. “Cultura Política y Vida Cotidiana en el Ecuador" paper presented in the conference "El Populismo en el Poder: La Experiencia Latinoamericana" sponsored by the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales FLACSOEcuador, November 6-8, 1996. "Rituales del Racismo en el Ecuador: La Experiencia de los Indios de Clase Media" paper presented in the conference "Raza y Sociedad en el Ecuador Contemporáneo" sponsored by the Facultad de Ciencias Humanas of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, January 11, 1996. Discussant for the panel on "Constructing Citizenship in the Modern Latin American Nation-State" in the conference "Citizenship and Exclusion in Latin America" sponsored by the Janey Program on Latin America, at the New School for Social Research, April 20-21, 1995. Discussant for the panel on "Liberalization and Opposition" in the conference "Liberalization and its Critics" sponsored by the Janey Program on Latin America, at the New School for Social Research, May 6-7, 1993. Invited Lectures “El populismo latinoamericano entre la democratización y el autoritarismo”. Invited lecture at FLACSO-Ecuador, Quito July 18, 2013. “El populismo latinoamericano entre la democratización y el autoritarismo”. Invited lecture at the Centro de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid 11 June 2013. “Rafael’s Correa Technopopulism: are charisma and technocracy compatible?” Invited lecture at the Ohio University, sponsored by the Masters Program in Latin American Studies and the Center for International Studies, Athens OH, November 2, 2012. Presentation of the book ¿Qué Democracia en América Latina?, edited by Isidoro Cheresky, at the Conferencia Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, CLACSO, Mexico November 9, 2012. “The Transformation of Racism in Ecuador”, lecture delivered at the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies New York University, October 31, 2011. “Contested Meanings of Democracy, Revolutions, and Populism in the Andes” invited lecture at the Teresa Lozano Long Institute for Latin American Studies University of Texas Austin, February 22, 2010. “Radical Populism: the foe or the essence of democracy?” invited lecture at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, April 15, 2009. “Radical Populism: the Foe or the Essence of Democracy?” invited lecture at the Latin American Studies Program Seminar Series, Cornell University, March 11, 2009. “Is there a resurgence of radical populism in Latin America?” invited lecture at Drew University, Madison, NJ, April 10, 2007. “Ethnic Movements and Citizenship in Ecuador” invited lecture at the Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville March 23, 2006. ¿Es el populismo la forma Constitutiva de La Democracia en América Latina? Seminario Tiempos de Democracia, Cátedra Distribuendum, FLACSO-Mexico, January 25, 2006. “Populist Temptations in Latin America’s Age of Neoliberalism.” McKayCosta Latin American invited Lecture at Ohio University, October 9, 2000. "Populist Redemption and the Unfinished Democratization of Latin America." Invited lecture at Ohio University, April 6, 1998. "Racismo y vida cotidiana: experiencias de los indígenas de clase media" invited lecture given in the Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, October 17, 1996. "¡Un solo toque!: populismo y cultura política en Ecuador" invited lecture given in the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales FLACSOEcuador, September 30, 1996. "Velasco Ibarra y La Revolución Gloriosa: Populismo y Democracia en el Ecuador de los Años Cuarenta." Invited lecture given in the Instituto de Historia, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 24 November, 1993. "Populist Leadership and Democratic Politics." Invited lecture given in the Sociology Department, University of Florida at Gainesville, 15 January, 1993. References Cynthia Arnson, Director Latin American Program, Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars Phone 202-6914072 E-mail Catherine Conaghan Professor Political Studies, Queen’s University Phone 613-5336248 E-mail Kenneth Roberts Professor Department of Government, Cornell University Phone 607-2556764 E-mail Kurt Weyland Lozano Long Professor of Latin American Politics Department of Government, University of Texas Austin Phone 512-232-7253 E-mail: