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Snapshot Retail Madrid & Barcelona 1T / Q1 2016 SNAPSHOT - RETAIL 1T 2016 1 ECONOMÍA E INDICADORES RETAIL Se prevé que la economía española siga con crecimientos sólidos durante 2016 superiores al 2% FUNDAMENTALES ECONÓMICOS SÓLIDOS INDICADORES 2015 2016 (F) PIB, var. Anual (%) 3,2 2,7 Consumo privado, var. Anual (%) 3,1 2,9 Tasa de desempleo (%) 20,9 20,2 IPC, var. Anual (%) -0,5 0,0 Renta disponible, var. Anual (%) 2,4 3,5 Ventas minoristas, var. Anual (%) 3,6 2,9 Crecimiento de Afluencia, var. Anual (%) 1,5 1,9* * variación Interanual correspondiente al mes de Marzo. Fuente: Oxford Economics y Experian Footfall Abril 2016 SNAPSHOT - RETAIL 1T 2016 RENTAS PRIME Locales en calle Centros comerciales Parques de medianas 255 88 16 2 €/m2/mes €/m2/mes €/m2/mes Crecimiento Renta 4T 2015 - 4T 2016 Escenario de subida de rentas gracias a la recuperación de la economía +2% Fuente: JLL febrero 2016. Nota: Las rentas Prime analizadas se basan en locales comerciales de 100 m2. VOLUMEN DE INVERSIÓN RETAIL 4.500 4.000 Millones de € 3.500 3.000 Continúa el apetito inversor durante 1T 2016 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 500 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1T 2T 3T Fuente: JLL abril 2016 2016 4T En 1T de 2016 se han alcanzado los 809 M€ en 13 transacciones, un 30% más en número que en el mismo periodo del año anterior. PRINCIPALES OPERACIONES 1T 2016 Activo Precio* (M€) Vendedor Comprador SBA (m2) 358 Eroski Invesco (HVB) 136.000 Luz del Tajo 92 Sonae Sierra CBRE Global Investor Partners 40.346 ABC Serrano Conf. IBA Capital Partners CBRE Global Investor Partners 19.643 C / Preciados 9 Conf. IBA Capital Partners CBRE Global Investor Partners 2.432 45 Adolfo Dominguez BMO Real Estate Partners 1.136 Eroski Portfolio Adolfo Dominguez Paseo de Gracia, 32 *Precio estimado Nota: Este análisis considera todas las inversiones en Centros y Parques Comerciales, Medianas Comerciales, Factory Outlets, Supermercados y Locales en Calle en España. Se excluye cualquier inversión < 5 M€. SNAPSHOT - RETAIL 1T 2016 RENTABILIDADES PRIME LOCALES EN CALLE 8 Rentabilidad Prime (%) Previsiones 6 4,75 303 bps 4 3,75 203 bps 2 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2014 1T 2016 2013 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 0 Sigue la compresión de yields en T1 2016 debido a la fuerte demanda inversora Fuente: JLL abril 2016 Centros Comerciales Locales en calle Bono a 10 años A pesar de la compresión de yields, estas son superiores a las ofrecidas en otros mercados maduros como Londres o París, y además el spread respecto al bono es saludable. PRIME CAPITAL VALUES Capital Growth - Locales en calle Crecimiento medio anual (2016-2018) +0,9% Capital Growth - Centros Comerciales Crecimiento medio anual (2016-2018) +5,9% Fuente: JLL abril 2016 Buenas perspectivas de crecimiento de capital values impulsado por el crecimiento de las rentas 3 SNAPSHOT - RETAIL 1T 2016 SNAPSHOT - RETAIL 1T 2016 PRINCIPALES APERTURAS PREVISTAS 2016 6 4 +305.000 3 m2 de SBA nueva 4 1 2 6 5 Inauguraciones por debajo de niveles históricos 7 1. Sambil Outlet Madrid SBA 42.830 m2 Promotor Grupo Sambil Inauguración T4 2016 2. IKEA Ciudad Del Bricolaje Alcorcón SBA Promotor Inauguración Promotor 85.000 m2 Gral. Galerías Comerciales Inauguración Fuente: JLL abril 2016 T4 2016 InterIkea T2 2016 SBA SBA Promotor Inauguración 66.000 m2 Carrefour Property T2 2016 10.000 m2 Promotor Inauguración 6. FAN Mallorca Shopping 5. Parque Nevada SBA 62.000 m2 3. PC Sant Feliu De Llobregat Caboel T2 2016 7. Galeón Outlet SBA Promotor Inauguración 10.900 m2 Grupo Numero 1 T2 2016 4. Viladecans The Style Outlets SBA 26.500 m2 (1ª Fase) Promotor Neinver Inauguración T4 2016 SNAPSHOT - RETAIL Q1 2016 SNAPSHOT RETAIL SNAPSHOT - RETAIL Q1 2016 6 THE ECONOMIC AND RETAIL INDICATORS The Spanish economy is expected to continue registering solid growth of over 2% in 2016 SOLID ECONOMIC FUNDAMENTALS INDICATORS 2015 2016 (FY) GDP, YoY change (%) 3.2 2.7 Consumer spending, YoY change (%) 3.1 2.9 Unemployment rate (%) 20.9 20.2 CPI, YoY change (%) -0.5 0 Disposable income, YoY change (%) 2.4 3.5 Retail sales, YoY change (%) 3.6 2.9 Footfall growth, YoY change (%) 1.5 1.9* * YoY change for the month of March. Source: Oxford Economics and Experian Footfall April 2016 SNAPSHOT - RETAIL Q1 2016 PRIME RENTAL LEVELS High-Street Retail Units Shopping Centres Retail Warehouses 255 88 16 7 €/sqm/month €/sqm/month €/sqm/month Rental Growth Q4 2015 - Q4 2016 Scenario of rising rental levels thanks to the economic recovery +2% Source: JLL February 2016. Note: Analysis of prime rental levels based on retail units of 100 sqm. RETAIL INVESTMENT VOLUME 4,500 4,000 Millons of € 3,500 3,000 Investor appetite held firm in Q1 2016 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: JLL, April 2016 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2015 Q3 2016 Q4 €809 million were invested in Q1 2016 in 13 transactions, an increase of 30% versus the number of deals in Q1 2015. MAIN TRANSACTIONS Q1 2016 Price* (Millions €) Seller Buyer GLA (sqm) 358 Eroski Invesco (HVB) 136.000 Luz del Tajo 92 Sonae Sierra CBRE Global Investor Partners 40.346 ABC Serrano Confidential IBA Capital Partners CBRE Global Investor Partners 19.643 C / Preciados 9 Confidential IBA Capital Partners CBRE Global Investor Partners 2.432 45 Adolfo Dominguez BMO Real Estate Partners 1.136 Property Eroski Portfolio Adolfo Dominguez Paseo de Gracia, 32 *Estimated price Note: This analysis encompasses all investments in Shopping Centres, Retail Parks, Big Box Retail, Factory Outlets, Supermarkets and High Street Retail Units in Spain. It does not include investments for under €5 million. SNAPSHOT - RETAIL Q1 2016 PRIME YIELDS HIGH-STREET RETAIL UNITS 8 Outlook Prime Yields (%) 6 4.75 Yield compression continued in Q1 2016 thanks to the strong investor demand 303 b.p. 4 3.75 203 b.p. 2 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2014 Q1 2016 2013 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 0 Source: JLL April 2016 Shopping Centres High Street Retail Units 10 year bond yield Despite the yield compression, they are still higher than those offered in other mature markets, such as London and Paris, and the spread is healthy with respect to bonds. PRIME CAPITAL VALUES Capital Growth - High Street Average annual growth (2016-2018) +0.9% Capital Growth - Shopping Centres Average annual growth (2016-2018) +5.9% Source: JLL April 2016 Healthy capital value growth forecasts underpinned by rising rental levels 8 SNAPSHOT - RETAIL Q1 2016 INAUGURATIONS SCHEDULED FOR 2016 9 +305,000 3 sqm of new GLA 4 1 2 6 5 Retail openings below historic levels 7 1. Sambil Outlet Madrid GLA 42,830 sqm Developer Opening Grupo Sambil Q4 2016 2. IKEA Ciudad Del Bricolaje Alcorcón GLA 85,000 sqm Developer Opening Q2 2016 Opening 6. FAN Mallorca Shopping GLA Developer Opening Opening Source: JLL, April 2016 10,000 sqm InterIkea Developer Gral. Galerías Comerciales Q4 2016 GLA Developer 5. Parque Nevada GLA 62,000 sqm 3. PC Sant Feliu De Llobregat 66,000 sqm Carrefour Property Q2 2016 Caboel Q2 2016 7. Galeón Outlet GLA Developer Opening 10,900 sqm Grupo Numero 1 Q2 2016 4. Viladecans The Style Outlets GLA 26,500 sqm (Phase 1) Developer Neinver Opening Q4 2016 SNAPSHOT - RETAIL Q1 2016 RETAIL & CAPITAL MARKETS CONTACTS HEAD OF RETAIL BUSINESS SPAIN HEAD OF RETAIL CAPITAL MARKETS SPAIN HEAD OF SALES & INVESTMENTS CAPITAL MARKETS SPAIN SERGIO FERNANDES PEDRO DOS REIS BORJA ORTEGA DE PABLO RESEARCH CONTACTS HEAD OF RESEARCH SPAIN RESEARCH ANALYST SPAIN ELSA GALINDO OLGA HORNILLOS JLL OFFICES IN SPAIN MADRID BARCELONA SEVILLA Pº de la Castellana 79 - 4ª Pº de la Castellana 130 - 1ª 28046 T+: 91 789 11 00 F+: 91 789 12 00 Pº de Gracia 11 - 4ª esc A 08007 T+: 93 318 53 53 F+: 93 301 29 99 S. Fco. Javier 20 - 3ª. 314 41018 T+: 95 493 46 00 F+: 95 493 46 23 El Blog @JLLSpain COPYRIGHT © JONES LANG LASALLE IP INC. 2016. This publication is the sole property of Jones Lang LaSalle IP Inc. and must not be copied reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means either in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Jones Lang LaSalle IP Inc. The information contained in this publication has been obtained from sources generally regarded to be reliable. However no representation is made or warranty given in respect of the accuracy of this information. We would like to be informed of any inaccuracies so that we may correct them. Jones Lang LaSalle does not accept any liability in negligence or otherwise for any loss or damage suffered by any party resulting from reliance on this publication.