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Student’s Guide 2015-16 Labour markets and the Eurozone crisis Department of Applied Economics II – Economic Structure STUDENT’S GUIDE OF LABOUR MARKETS AND THE EUROZONE CRISIS Academic year 2015-16 Prof. Manuel Sanchis i Marco Tenured of Applied Economics LABOUR MARKETS AND THE EUROZONE CRISIS PROFESSOR MANUEL SANCHIS I MARCO 1 Student’s Guide 2015-16 Labour markets and the Eurozone crisis TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. DETAILS FOR IDENTIFICATION ............................................................................................... 3 2. AIM OF THE COURSE.............................................................................................................. 3 3. LEARNING OBJETIVES ............................................................................................................ 3 4. PREREQUISITES AND/OR ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 4 5. TEACHING METHODS ............................................................................................................. 4 6. COURSE CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... 4 SESSION 1: A long way to the political union of Europe? (1½ hours) ................................................ 4 SESSION 2: The institutional framework (1½ hours) ........................................................................ 4 SESSION 3: The EU labour markets in perspective (1½ hours) ......................................................... 4 SESSION 4: Asymmetric shocks and flexicurity (1½ hours) ............................................................... 4 SESSION 5: Proposals for a European Banking Union (1½ hours) ..................................................... 5 SESSION 6: Presentations on EU labour market flexicurity (1½ hours) .............................................. 5 SESSION 7: Presentations on the EU Banking Union (1½ hours) ....................................................... 5 SESSION 8: Exam of the previous sessions (1½ hours) .................................................................... 5 7. PRESENTATIONS.................................................................................................................... 5 PRESENTATION 6.1: Institutions, wage formation, and labour market reforms ................................... 5 PRESENTATION 6.2: Employment Protection Legislation (EPL) and adaptability .................................. 5 PRESENTATION 6.3: Flexicurity and active labour market policies (ALMP) .......................................... 6 PRESENTATION 7.1: Financial market integration and financial crisis in Spain .................................... 6 PRESENTATION 7.2: European Banking Union (I) ............................................................................ 7 PRESENTATION 7.3: The European Banking Union (II) .................................................................... 7 8. ASSESSMENT OF THE LEARNING PROCESS .............................................................................. 8 9. COURSE REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 8 9.1. Basic references .................................................................................................................... 8 9.2. Complementary references ...................................................................................................... 8 9.3. Articles .................................................................................................................... 8 LABOUR MARKETS AND THE EUROZONE CRISIS PROFESSOR MANUEL SANCHIS I MARCO 2 Student’s Guide 2015-16 Labour markets and the Eurozone crisis 1. DETAILS FOR IDENTIFICATION Name of the subject Degree Department Professor in charge EU labour markets in the context of the Eurozone crisis PostGraduate Applied Economics II – Economic Structure Manuel Sanchis i Marco Office: Faculty of Economics, 3rd floor, office 3F1 Phone nº:+(34) 96 382 85 70 Fax nº: +(34) 96 382 83 54 E-mail: Web: Language of instruction English Course level Postgraduate course: 12 hours 2. AIM OF THE COURSE The course relates to the institutional and analytical framework to understand the EU labour markets within the context of the current Eurozone political crisis. It aims at providing a thorough analysis of the difficulties faced by EU Member states to achieve enhanced political union. Further, it deals with the institutional rules set up by the Treaties, which concern employment and labour market reforms. The course also discusses the economic rationale for a successful EMU. The Euro calls for further structural reforms both in markets of goods and services, and factors of production. A common currency area such as the Eurozone still requires greater labour market flexibility. The course will recall the notion of flexible labour market as a smooth shock absorber to face asymmetric shocks. In the context of the current Eurozone crisis, the course analyses the consequences that the clumsy design of the Eurozone project had on EU economies such as the Spanish. Moreover, the course discusses alternative scenarios to save the Euro, and provides long-lasting solutions. Among them, the course analysis in-depth the current projects for an EU Banking Union. 3. LEARNING OBJETIVES Students should acquire the ability to properly argue and discuss, in economic terms, about the previous contents of the course. This implies that he/she should become capable to explain in full –by using the several economic theories and concepts, and by following the several labour market approaches– the need for enhanced institutional governance, increased employment and labour market flexicurity, and fostered financial integration through the Banking Union. The provision of an analytical framework, and the discussion on the institutional features and recent developments in the Eurozone crisis, will help students read articles and books concerning this issue. The aim being to elaborate their own thinking in order to build up a personal opinion on one of the topics discussed in class, and put all this in writing. This is the very purpose of attending university courses: to learn how to read and write. In our case, if refers to how to do it about the EU labour markets in the context of the Eurozone crisis. LABOUR MARKETS AND THE EUROZONE CRISIS PROFESSOR MANUEL SANCHIS I MARCO 3 Student’s Guide 2015-16 Labour markets and the Eurozone crisis 4. PREREQUISITES AND/OR ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Good knowledge in macroeconomics at intermediate level. 5. TEACHING METHODS The first six topics are presented by the teacher, followed by a short exam (1½ hours). Students should prepare a presentation on a topic chosen followed by discussion in class. 6. COURSE CONTENTS 17 February, Wednesday, 16:00-19:00 SESSION 1: A long way to the political union of Europe? (1½ hours) 1.1 About the idea of Europe 1.2 A clumsy European construction 1.3 Towards a new balance of power? 1.4 A constitution for Europe References: 1. *Sanchis, M. (2014a): El fracaso de las élites. Escarmientos y lecciones de la Gran Crisis. Pasado & Presente, Barcelona, chapter X, pp. 245-265. SESSION 2: The institutional framework (1½ hours) 2.1 Free movement of persons and workers 2.2 The right of establishment, free provision of services 2.3 Labour mobility 2.4 The European social and employment policies References: 1. Ramos, R.; Sanchis, M. (20137): “Política social y mercados de trabajo en la UE”, chapter 10 of Jordán, J.M.; Tamarit, C. (eds.)(20137): La Economía de la Unión Europea. Aranzadi, Pamplona, pp. 347-372. 24 February, Wednesday, 16:00-19:00 SESSION 3: The EU labour markets in perspective (1½ hours) 3.1 A two-speed labour Market 3.2 Causes of unemployment in the EU 3.3 The need to reform EU labour markets 3.4 Concept and approaches to job quality References: 1. Ramos, R.; Sanchis, M. (20086): “Política social y estrategia europea para el empleo”, chapter 8 of Jordán, J.M. (ed.) (20086): La Economía de la Unión Europea. Aranzadi, Pamplona, pp. 295-321. SESSION 4: Asymmetric shocks and flexicurity (1½ hours) 4.1 Conditions for success in a currency area: coping with asymmetric shocks 4.2 Price setting and wage bargaining behaviour 4.3 Concepts of labour market flexibility and adaptability 4.4 Wilthagen’s and Madsen’s definitions of flexicurity 4.5 A tentative proposal for the concept of flexicurity References: 1. *Sanchis, M. (2014a): El fracaso de las élites. Escarmientos y lecciones de la Gran Crisis. Pasado & Presente, Barcelona, chapters II and III, pp. 43-64 and pp. 65-86. 2. *Sanchis, M. (2013a): The Economics of the Monetary Union and the Eurozone Crisis. Springer, Springer Brief in Economics, Cham-Heidelberg, chapters 3 and 4, pp. 29-40 and pp. 41-54. LABOUR MARKETS AND THE EUROZONE CRISIS PROFESSOR MANUEL SANCHIS I MARCO 4 Student’s Guide 2015-16 Labour markets and the Eurozone crisis 2 March, Wednesday, 16:00-19:00 SESSION 5: Proposals for a European Banking Union (1½ hours) 5.1 Proposals for a Banking Union 5.2 The Single Supervision Mechanism (SSM) 5.3 The Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) 5.4 The European Deposits Guarantee Fund (EDGF) References: 1. *Sanchis, M. (2014a): El fracaso de las élites. Escarmientos y lecciones de la Gran Crisis. Pasado & Presente, Barcelona, chapters VIII and IX, pp. 195-218 and pp. 221-243. 2. *Sanchis, M. (2013a): The Economics of the Monetary Union and the Eurozone Crisis. Springer, Springer Brief in Economics, Cham-Heidelberg, chapter 6, pp. 75-103. SESSION 6: Presentations on EU labour market flexicurity (1½ hours) 6.1 Institutions, wage formation, and labour market reforms 6.2 Employment Protection Legislation (EPL), flexibility, and adaptability 6.3 Flexicurity and active labour market policies (ALMP) (VID. INFRA PRESENTATIONS) 9 March, Wednesday, 16:00-19:00 SESSION 7: Presentations on the EU Banking Union (1½ hours) 7.1 Financial market integration and financial crisis in Spain 7.2 The European Banking Union (I) 7.3 The European Banking Union (II) (VID INFRA PRESENTATIONS) SESSION 8: Exam of the previous sessions (1½ hours) One hour and a half exam 7. PRESENTATIONS PRESENTATION 6.1: Institutions, wage formation, and labour market reforms (2 March, Wednesday, 16:00-19:00) 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fagan, G.; Mongelli, F.; Morgan, J. (2003): Institutions and Wage Formation in the New Europe. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham-Northampton, 256 pp. Ministry of Finance (1998): “Availability criteria in selected OECD-countries”. Working Paper, nº. 6, Copenhagen, 49 pp. Ministry of Labour (1999): The Labour Market Reforms. A Status. Ministry of Labour, Copenhagen, 88 pp. OCDE (2001): Des politiques du marché du travail novatrices. La méthode australienne. OCDE, Paris, 394 pp. Palme, J. (1999): The Nordic model and modernisation of social protection in Europe. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, 105 pp. PRESENTATION 6.2: Employment Protection Legislation (EPL) and adaptability (2 March, Wednesday, 16:00-19:00) 4. 5. 6. LABOUR MARKETS AND THE EUROZONE CRISIS PROFESSOR MANUEL SANCHIS I MARCO 5 Student’s Guide 2015-16 Labour markets and the Eurozone crisis 1. Bassanini, A.; Nunziata, L.; Venn, D. (2009), “Job protection legislation and productivity growth in OECD countries”, Economic Policy, 349-402. 2. Bednarzik, R.W. (2000): “The Importance of ‘Flexible’ Markets in Explaining U.S. and European Job Growth and Unemployment Differentials”, Labour Market Flexibility. Proceedings of a Joint United States and European Union Seminar. US Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Washington, September, pp. 6-27. 3. Bertola, G. (2004), “A Pure Theory of Job Security and Labor Income Risk”, Review of Economic Studies, 71:43-61. 4. Bertola, G.; Boeri, T.; Cazes, S. (2000): “La protection de l’emploi dans le pays industrialisés: repenser les indicateurs“, Revue Internationale du Travail, vol. 139, nº 1, Bureau International du Travail, Genève, pp. 61-78. 5. Fischer, G.; Sanchis, M. (2000): “Employment promotion and transfer payments”, in Policies Towards Full Employment. OECD, Paris, 2000, pp. 119-132. 6. Sanchis, M. (2000): “Perturbaciones macroeconómicas, políticas de ajuste y adaptabilidad del mercado de trabajo”. Información Comercial Española, Madrid, 784: 123-134. 7. Sanchis, M. (2001): “Employment Performance, Economic Growth and Labour Market Adaptability”. Labour Market Flexibility. Proceedings of a Joint United States and European Union Seminar. US Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Washington, September, pp. 28-68. 8. Young, D. (2003), “Employment Protection Legislation: its economic impact and the case for reform”, Economic Paper, nr. 186, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission. PRESENTATION 6.3: Flexicurity and active labour market policies (ALMP) (2 March, Wednesday, 16:00-19:00) 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Auer, P.; Efendioğlu, Ű.; Lesche, J. (2005): Active labour market policies around the world. Coping with the consequences of globalization. International Labour Office. Geneva, 87 pp. Madsen. P.K. (2004): “The Danish model of ‘flexicurity’: experiences and lessons”. Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research, vol. 10 (2), pp. 187-207. Royuela, V.; Sanchis, M. (2010): “La flexiguridad como atributo clave de un mercado de trabajo adaptable”. Papeles de Economía Española, Madrid, 124:109-127. *Sanchis, M. (2013a): The Economics of the Monetary Union and the Eurozone Crisis. Springer, Springer Brief in Economics, Cham-Heidelberg, chapter 4, pp. 41-54. Sanchis, M. (2013b): “Flexicurity”, in A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research. Heidelberg, Springer. Wilthagen, T.; Rogowski, R. (2002): "Legal Regulation and Transitional Labour Markets", in G. Schmid and B. Gazier (eds.): The Dynamics of Full Employment Social Integration throughout Transitional Labour Markets. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 233-273. Wilthagen, T.; Tros, F. (2004): “The concept of ‘flexicurity: A new approach to regulating employment labour markets”. Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research, vol. 10 (2), pp. 166-186; PRESENTATION 7.1: Financial market integration and financial crisis in Spain (9 March, Wednesday, 16:00-19:00) 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. Fondo de Reestructuración Ordenada Bancaria (2012): “Sociedad de gestión de activos procedentes de la reestructuración bancaria”, mimeo, 12 pp. International Monetary Fund (2013): “Financial Sector Reform: Fourth Progress Report”. IMF Country Report, nº 13/331, November 2013, 36 pp. Jappelli, Tullio; Pagano, Marco (2008): “Financial market integration under EMU“. Economic Papers, nº. 312, March, 43. LABOUR MARKETS AND THE EUROZONE CRISIS PROFESSOR MANUEL SANCHIS I MARCO 6 Student’s Guide 2015-16 4. 5. 6. 7. Labour markets and the Eurozone crisis “Memorandum of Understanding”, mimeo, 18 pp. *Sanchis, M. (2014a): El fracaso de las élites. Escarmientos y lecciones de la Gran Crisis. Pasado & Presente, Barcelona, chapters VIII and IX, pp. 195-218 and pp. 221243. *Sanchis, M. (2013a): The Economics of the Monetary Union and the Eurozone Crisis. Springer, Springer Brief in Economics, Cham-Heidelberg, chapters 5 and 6, pp. 55-74 and pp. 75-103. Sanchis, M. (2011): Falacias, Dilemas y Paradojas. La Economía de España: 19802010. Publicacions de la Universitat de València, Valencia, chapter 4, pp. 113-133. PRESENTATION 7.2: European Banking Union (I) (9 March, Wednesday, 16:0019:00) 13. 14. 15. 1. BIS (2013): “Basilea III: Coeficiente de cobertura de liquidez y herramientas de seguimiento del riesgo de liquidez”, Comité de Supervisión Bancaria de Basilea, enero 2013, 74 págs. 2. BIS (2010): “The Basel’s Committee’s response to the financial crisis: report to the G20”. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, BIS, Basel, 15 pp. 3. *Sanchis, M. (2014a): El fracaso de las élites. Escarmientos y lecciones de la Gran Crisis. Pasado & Presente, Barcelona, chapters VIII and IX, pp. 195-218 and pp. 221243. 4. *Sanchis, M. (2013a): The Economics of the Monetary Union and the Eurozone Crisis. Springer, Springer Brief in Economics, Cham-Heidelberg, chapters 5 and 6, pp. 55-74 and pp. 75-103. 5. Vetter, S. (2013): “Do all roads lead to fiscal union? Options for deeper fiscal integration in the Eurozone”. EU Monitor European Integration, Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt am Main, 15 pp. PRESENTATION 7.3: The European Banking Union (II) (9 March, Wednesday, 16:00-19:00) 16. 17. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. European Commission (2013): “The future of EMU”. ECFIN Economic Brief, nº 22, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, April, 9 pp. European Commission (2012): “A Road map Towards a Banking Union”. COM(2012) 510 final, Brussels, 12 September 2012, 10 pp. European Parliament (2013): “Banking Union: The Single Resolution Mechanism. Monetary Dialogue, February 2013”, Directorate-General for Internal Policies, European Parliament, Policy Department A, Economic and Scientific Policy, Compilation of Notes, 2013, 58 pp. Paris, P.; Wyplosz Ch. (2014): “PADRE. Politically Acceptable Debt Reestructuring in the Eurozone“. Geneva Reports on the World Economy Special Report 3, ICMB and CEPR, January, 39 pp. *Sanchis, M. (2014a): El fracaso de las élites. Escarmientos y lecciones de la Gran Crisis. Pasado & Presente, Barcelona, chapters VIII and IX, pp. 195-218 and pp. 221243. Sanchis, M. (2014b): “Propuestas de Unión Bancaria en la Eurozona. Perfeccionar el gobierno del euro, mejorar el gobierno global”, capítulo 10 de Beneyto, J.M. (ed.) El modelo Europeo. Contribuciones de la Integración Europea a la gobernanza global. Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos, CEU-San Pablo, Madrid. *Sanchis, M. (2013a): The Economics of the Monetary Union and the Eurozone Crisis. Springer, Springer Brief in Economics, Cham-Heidelberg, chapters 5 and 6, pp. 55-74 and pp. 75-103. Sicilia, J.; et al. (2013): “Unión Bancaria: elementos integrantes y medidas complementarias”. BBVA Documentos de Trabajo, nº 13/26, Agosto, Madrid, 25 pp. LABOUR MARKETS AND THE EUROZONE CRISIS PROFESSOR MANUEL SANCHIS I MARCO 7 Student’s Guide 2015-16 Labour markets and the Eurozone crisis 8. ASSESSMENT OF THE LEARNING PROCESS The final evaluation relies on the PowerPoint presentation (20%), the short exam (70%), and attendance and active participation in classroom debates (10%). 9. COURSE REFERENCES When preparing their topics, it is advised that students should focus on the so-called basic references. Those with an asterisk constitute the basic support for the classes as well as for the short exam. Those labelled complementary references and articles are most appropriate for the practical presentations. 9.1. Basic references 1. 2. *Sanchis, M. (2014a): El fracaso de las élites. Cómo reparar los daños de Gran Recesión. Pasado & Presente, Barcelona, 252 pp. *Sanchis, M. (2013a): The Economics of the Monetary Union and the Eurozone Crisis. Springer Brief in Economics, Springer, Heidelberg, 109 pp. 9.2. Complementary references 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Artis, M.; Nikxon, F. (2007): The Economics of the European Union. Policy and Analysis. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 436 pp., (Cf. Chapter 8, pp. 200-223). Barr, N. (19983): The Economics of the Welfare State. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 4714 pp. Blanchard, O.; Romer, D.; Spence, M.; Stiglitz, J. (2012): In the Wake of the Crisis. Leading Economists Reassess Economic Policy. The MIT Press, Cambridge-London, 239 pp. Fagan, G.; Mongelli, F.; Morgan, J. (2003): Institutions and Wage Formation in the New Europe. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham-Northampton, 256 pp. Hall, P.; Soskice, D. (2001), Varieties of Capitalism, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Heise, M. (2013): Emerging from the Euro Debt Crisis. Making the Single Currency Work. Springer, Heidelberg, 308 pp. Jordan, J.M.; Tamarit. C. (eds.) (20137): La Economía de la Unión Europea. Thomson-Civitas, Madrid, 536 pp. Kruppe, T.; Rogowski, R.; Schömann, K. (1998): Labour Market Efficiency in the European Union. Employment protection and fixed-term contracts. Routledge Studies in the European Economy, Routledge, 215 pp. Maltritz, D.; Berlemann, M. (2013): Financial Crises, Sovereign Risk and the Role of Institutions. Springer, Heidelberg, 195 pp. Nowotny, E.; Mooslechner, P.; Ritzberger-Grünwald, D. (2009): The Integration of European Labour Markets. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham-Northampton, 301 pp. Petrakis, P.E.; Kostis, P.C.; Valsamis, D.G. (2013): European Economics and Politics in the midst of the Crisis. From the Outbreak of the Crisis to the Fragmented European Federation. Springer, Heidelberg, 260 pp. Rajan, R.G. (2010): Fault lines. How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy. Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 206 pp. Sanchis, M. (2011): Falacias, Dilemas y Paradojas. La Economía de España: 1980-2010. Publicacions de la Universitat de València, Colección Educació. Materials, Valencia, 291 pp. Snower, D.J.; De la Dehesa, G. (1997): Unemployment Policy. Government options for the labour market. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge-New York-Melbourne, 591 pp. 9.3. Articles 1. Algoé, Alphametrics (2001), "Construction of an index of labour market adaptability for EU Member States, the US and Japan by a common methodology and with a network of experts". Report to the European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, European Commission, October. LABOUR MARKETS AND THE EUROZONE CRISIS PROFESSOR MANUEL SANCHIS I MARCO 8 Student’s Guide 2015-16 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Labour markets and the Eurozone crisis Arellano, F.A. (2005), “Evaluating the effects of labour market reforms ‘at the margin’ on unemployment and employment stability: the Spanish case”, Economics Series Working Paper, 5, 1-12, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Arellano, F. A. (2009), “Do training programmes get the unemployed back to work? A look at the Spanish experience”, Revista de Economía Aplicada. Arocena, P.; Núñez, I.; Villanueva, M. (2007), “The effect of enhancing workers' employability on small and medium enterprises: Evidence from Spain”, Small Business Economics, 29:191201. Barbieri, P. (2009), “Flexible Employment and Inequality in Europe”, European Sociological Review, 25(6), 621-628. Bassanini, A.; L. Nunziata; D. Venn (2009), “Job protection legislation and productivity growth in OECD countries”, Economic Policy, 349-402. Bertola, G. (2004), “A Pure Theory of Job Security and Labor Income Risk”, Review of Economic Studies, 71:43-61. Boeri, T.; J. Jimeno (2005), “The effects of employment protection: learning from variable enforcement”, European Economic Review, 49:2057-77. Boeri, T.; Garibaldi, P.; Macis, M. y Maggioni, M. (2002), "Adaptability of labour markets: a tentative definition and a synthetic indicator". Report to the European Commission, European Commission, June. Clark, A.; Postel-Vinay, F. (2009), “Job security and job protection”, Oxford Economic Papers, 61(2):207-239. European Commission (2007), Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity: More and better jobs through flexibility and security, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, European Commission, Luxembourg, 38 pp. European Commission (2010), New Skills for New Jobs: Action Now. A report by the Expert Group on New Skills for New Jobs prepared for the European Union, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, European Commission, Luxembourg, 33 pp. Fischer, G.; Sanchis, M. (2000), “Employment promotion and Transfer Payments", Policies Towards Full Employment, OECD, Paris, 2000, pp. 119-132. Jordán, J. M.; Sanchis, M. (20055): “Política social y estrategia europea para el empleo”, chapter 8 of Jordán, J. M. (ed.): La Economía de la Unión Europea. Aranzadi, Pamplona, pp. 279-301. Kok, W. (2004), “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Creating more employment in Europe”. Report of the Employment Taskforce chaired by Wim Kok, November 2003, European Commission, 93 pp. Muffels, R.; Luijkx, R. (2008), “Labour market mobility and employment security of male employees in Europe: 'Trade-off' or 'flexicurity'?”, Work, Employment and Society, 22:221-242. Mundell, R.A. (1957), “International Trade and Factor Mobility”, American Economic Review, vol. 47, pp. 321-335. Nickell, S.; Nunziata. L.; Ochel, W. (2005): “Unemployment in the OECD since the 1960s: What do we know?” The Economic Journal, 115:1-27. OECD (2004), Employment Outlook, OCDE, Paris. Origo, F.; Pagani, L. (2009), “Flexicurity and job satisfaction in Europe: The importance of perceived and actual job stability for well-being at work”, Labour Economics, 16:547-555. Pierre, G.; Scarpetta, S. (2006), “Employment protection: do firms’ perceptions match with legislation?” Economics Letters, 90:328-34. Pissarides, c. (2001), “Employment protection”, Labour Economics, 8:131-59. Ramos, R.; Sanchis, M. (20137): “Política social y mercados de trabajo en la Unión Europea”. Chapter 10 of Jordán, J. M. (ed.): La Economía de la Unión Europea. Aranzadi, Pamplona, forthcoming. Ramos, R.; Sanchis, M. (20024): “Unión monetaria y ajustes en el mercado de trabajo”, capítulo 16 de Jordán, J. M. (ed.) La Economía de la Unión Europea. Civitas, Madrid, pp. 561588. Regnér, H. (2002), “A nonexperimental evaluation of training programs for the unemployed in Sweden”, Labour Economics, 9:187-206. Royuela, V.; Sanchis, M. (2010): “La flexiguridad como atributo clave de un mercado de trabajo adaptable”. Papeles de Economía Española, Madrid, 124:109-127. Royuela, V.; Sanchis, M. (2010): “La reforma de la contratación en el mercado de trabajo: entre la flexibilidad y la seguridad”. Document de Treball 2010/06, Institut de Recerca en Economia Aplicada Regional i Publica, AQR-IREA Universitat de Barcelona, 46 pp. Sanchis, M. (2014b): “Propuestas de Unión Bancaria en la Eurozona. Perfeccionar el gobierno del euro, mejorar el gobierno global”. Capítulo 10 de Beneyto, J.M. (ed.) El modelo Europeo. LABOUR MARKETS AND THE EUROZONE CRISIS PROFESSOR MANUEL SANCHIS I MARCO 9 Student’s Guide 2015-16 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Labour markets and the Eurozone crisis Contribuciones de la Integración Europea a la gobernanza global. Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos, CEU-San Pablo, Madrid. Sanchis, M. (2013b): “De la ‘idea europea’ a la Constitución de Europa”. La Torre del Virrey. Revista de Libros 2013/1, Ajuntament de L’Eliana, L’Eliana, pp. 1-21. Sanchis, M. (2013c): “Flexicurity”, en A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research. Heidelberg, Springer. Sanchis, M. (2012): “¿Qué futuro para el euro?” Revista Galega de Economía, n° 21, número extraordinario, Santiago de Compostela, pp. 67-90. Sanchis, M. (2011b): “Anatomy of the Great Recession: 2007-2010. From the ideology of the invisible hand to market failures”. Graspe - Groupe de Réflexion sur l’Avenir du Service Publique Européen, Bruxelles, Cahier nº 17, pp. 21-40. Sanchis, M. (2006): “De las monedas nacionales al sistema monetario europeo: la aportación de los servicios de la Comisión”. Información Comercial Española, nº 831, Madrid, pp. 251267. Sanchis, M. (2003), “El marco macroeconómico y microeconómico de la conducta vocacional”. Chapter 2 of Rivas, F. (ed.) Asesoramiento Vocacional. Teoría, práctica e instrumentación. Ariel, Barcelona, pp. 53-72. Sanchis, M. (2001): “Employment Performance, Economic Growth and Labour Market Adaptability”. Labour Market Flexibility. Proceedings of a Joint United States and European Union Seminar. US Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Washington, September, pp. 28-68. Sanchis, M. (2000): “Taxes, benefits and employment”. Capítulo 5 de Employment in Europe 2000, DG de Empleo y Asuntos Sociales, Comisión Europea, Bruselas, pp. 75-84. Sanchis, M. (2000): “Perturbaciones macroeconómicas, políticas de ajuste y adaptabilidad del mercado de trabajo”. Información Comercial Española, Madrid, 784: 123-134. Theodore, N. (2007), “New Labour at work: long-term unemployment and the geography of opportunity”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 31:927-939. Thomsen, S. L. (2009), “Explaining the employability gap of short-term and long-term unemployed persons”, Kyklos, 62(3):448-478. Young, D. (2003), “Employment Protection Legislation: its economic impact and the case for reform”, Economic Paper, nr. 186, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission. LABOUR MARKETS AND THE EUROZONE CRISIS PROFESSOR MANUEL SANCHIS I MARCO 10