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Towards a Competitive Business Environment: a private sector perspective Julio Favre President of CONFIEP 1 Globalization • A globalized world requires competitive enterprises • To participate of the benefits of globalization it is necessary to improve the productivity level and competitiveness of enterprises • Economies which are not capable to propitiate the adjustment of enterprises will be more vulnerable to the process. Governments Macro Factors “To identify and eliminate barriers that don’t let the development of competitive capabilities” Enterprises “To improve the productivity” Together effort to ameliorate competitivity Micro Factors Where are we in terms of competitiveness? !" # $ % % % &' &' ()* +, (* % % % Obstacles for enterprise competitiveness &RXQWU\ !"" # %"&# () 5DQNLQJ $ ' Access to internet &RXQWU\ %"&# # !"" 3HUë 3HUë 5DQNLQJ Obstacles for the enterprises competitiveness Quality of public schools Country Costa Rica Chile Argentina México Colombia Brasil Perú El Salvador Venezuela Bolivia Ecuador Ranking 37 43 49 50 51 53 55 56 57 58 59 Cooperation University - Enterprise Country Brasil Costa Rica México Colombia Argentina Bolivia Venezuela Chile Perú Ecuador El Salvador Ranking 25 36 37 40 44 46 48 51 53 57 58 Obstacles for the enterprises competitiveness &RXQWU\ !"" 3HUë 3HUë # %"&# 5DQNLQJ ' &RXQWU\ 3HUë 3HUë !"" # %"&# 5DQNLQJ ' $ ' Costs of making business Cost for capital goods and not produced issues Tariffs for capital goods and not produced issues (%) 14,0 12,0 12,0 10,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 5,0 5,0 Mercosur Andean Comunity 4,0 2,0 0,0 Perú Chile Fuente: Comex In Perú, the total average expenses for a container of 20’ is in between 30% and 70% over the average expense in the world Portuary Costs (US$ by container of 20 feet) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Buenos Aires Saint John Hamburgo Valparaiso Melbourne Montreal Japón Perú Fuente: Enapu, Agentes de Aduana, Drewry Shipping Consultants. At the Callao Port, the time of delay in the wharf (time of rotation) is about 29 hours, when the international average is about 20 hours. The occupability rate is below optimum (60%) INDICATORS OF EFFICIENCY OF PORTS (Average January-June 2000) Port Paita Callao Ilo Matarani 3/ Salaverry San Martín Chimbote Time of rotation 1/ (hours) Measure of occupability 2/ (%) 28,5 28,9 30,8 33,3 42,1 49,6 138,3 31,0 38,2 20,1 36,9 17,3 24,9 44,0 1/ Tiempo total de amarradero / número de naves 2/ Tiempo total de amarradero / tiempo disponible * 100 3/ Promedio Agosto-Diciembre 1999. Fuente: ENAPU High taxes: higher rates, reduced tributary basis and collection concentrated in few contributors ADDED TAX VALUE (%) 25,0 21,0 20,0 16,0 15,0 18,0 18,0 Chile Perú 16,5 12,0 10,0 5,0 0,0 Ecuador Colombia Venezuela Argentina Fuente: Banco Mundial High costs of financement: scarce banking financement, expensive Majority of short term GROSS INVESTMENTS (% PBI) 70 66 60 50 39 40 29 30 20 21 18 19 Perú México Colombia 10 0 Chile Brasil Argentina Fuente: SBS, LatinFinance Higher labor costs which encourages informal contracting workers LABORAL COSTS FOR THE EMPLOYER IN LATIN AMERICA (Remuneración bruta = 100) 60 58 58 56 56 54 52 49 50 49 48 46 45 44 42 40 Brasil Perú México Argentina Chile Fuente: OIT Few investments in human capital which generates less prepared and less productive labour force PUBLIC EXPENDITTURE IN EDUCATION (% del PBI) 6 5,2 5 4,1 4 3,6 3,5 3,5 2,9 3 2 1 0 Venezuela Colombia Chile Argentina Ecuador Perú Fuente: Banco Mundial Scarce Basic Infrastructure Paved roads Telephone communications (% del total de vías) (Por cada 100 habitantes) 40 35 30 33,6 25 29,5 20,1 20 25 20 15 18,6 16,0 15 16,8 13,8 12,9 12,0 10,9 10 9,1 6,7 10 5 5 0 VenezuelaArgentinaEcuador Chile 0 Perú Colombia Fuente: Banco Mundial, última data disponible Argentina Chile Colombia VenezuelaEcuador Perú Fuente: UIT Essential components for a National Competitivity Politic Essential components for a National Competitiveness Policy •Sense of urgence shared by all sectors •Common understanding of the problem •Redifined roles for both public and private sector •New approach on public and private relations •Three main specific objectives: • • • •Strategy based on competitive advantages over comparative advantages •Clusters oriented Strategic networks for competitivity “The strategic approach require the participation of all society but with strong government and private sector leadership. Nevertheless there are subjects which have to be taken care by the enterprises, it is also true that there are other problems that need direct government action as the educational reform, judicial stability, market regulations, among others. This strategic association for competitiveness will streghten the dialog not only between themselves but with the rest of society”. Sistema de Seguimiento de la Economía • Genera el diagnóstico de la situación ac tual de la econo mía • Identifica las actividades económicas de mayor impacto en la economía Sistema de Inteligencia de para el Desarrollo de la Competitividad Sistema de Inteligencia de Mercados • Proporciona información estratégica productomercado • Identifica bases de competencia de productos con mayores posibilidades de competir en los mercados estratégicos • Proporciona información para la evaluación del impacto de las estratégias para la competitividad Sistema de Inteligencia Comepetitiva • Prioriza los productos en los mercados estratégicos • Identifica los productos a c lusterizar • Define estratégias para la competitividad • E valua el impacto de las es trategias en la economía • Proporcion la información req uerida para la comercialización de dichos produc tos co n clientes particulares Ing. Leonel Guerra Casanova Centro de Estudios Estratégicos Sistema ITESM A final reminder “What less developed nations need is access and equal opportunities to compete in global market, specially developed nations markets. As our leaders in Shanghai stated, we must work together for a prosperous region, where benefits from globalization and New Economy are shared among all nations.” Towards a Competitive Business Environment: a private sector perspective Julio Favre President of CONFIEP 22