Download Artur Colom-Jaén Short CV November 2015
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Artur Colom-Jaén Short CV November 2015 Contact Departament d’Economia Aplicada Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Email:; Formation 1999 Post-Graduate Studies in Development and Cooperation (UB) 2004 M. Sc. in Economics (UB) 2009 Ph. D. in Economics (UB) Current Positions Full-time Post-Doc Researcher (Departament d’Economia Aplicada, UAB) Research Associate (Department of Development Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London) Selected Teaching Experience and Academic Positions Undergraduate Courses Departament d’Economia Aplicada, UAB: Post-Doc Researcher, Full-time, 2010-2016: Political Economy, Introduction to Economics, East Asian Economies. In-Training Research Faculty (PIF), Full-time, 2008-2010: Political Economy, Economic Policy, Introduction to Economics, Development Economics. Adjunct Lecturer, Full-time, 2004-2008: Economic Policy, Political Economy, Development Economics. Associate, 2000-2004: International Economy, Instruments of Applied Economics, Introduction to Economics, Economic Policy, Political Economy, International Trade, Economy of Spain and Catalonia. Departament de Política Econòmica i Estructura Econòmica Mundial, UB: Associate, 2002-2003: World Economy. Post-Graduate Courses 2008-…, UAM, Master in International Relations and African Studies (official and with Quality Mention): Globalization, Regional Integration and Cooperation in Africa. 2010-…, URV, Master in Social Sciences of Development (official): Models of Development and Cooperation. 2010-…, UPF, Postgraduate in African Societies and Development. 2010-12, UFR de Sciences Économiques et de Gestion, Université Gaston Berger (Senegal), Master II Développement Rural et Coopération : Le Système de Coopération Internationale au Développement ; L’intégration régionale en Afrique. 2008-2009, CIDOB-IBEI, International Studies: Africa in the World Economy. 2008-2010, Institut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus, UAB, Master in International Development Cooperation European Policies: African Integration and The Political Economy of the External Debt. 2007-2010, CSIC-Institució Milà i Fontanals, Post-Graduate in African Studies: International African Political Economy. Other services to the university 2015-...Member of the Commission for the adaptation of the Degree of Eastern Asian Studies. 2014-...Member of the Consulting Council on Cooperation and Education for Development, UAB. 2013-14 co-ordinator EDIE seminars (“Economic Development & Impact Evaluation”), Dpt of Applied Economics, UAB. charge of the Basic Subjects (Matèries de Formació Bàsica) of the Follow-up Commission of the Eastern Asian Studies Degree (UAB). 2012, PhD tribunal, “Aid Valuenomics: towards the Institutionalization of the Linkages among Culture, Entrepreneurship and Endogenous Development into the Need for a New Governance of an Innovative International Aid System. Lessons from the European Commission and Tanzania”. Candidate: Josep Maria Coll Morell. Supervisor: Jordi Bacaria Colom, at the European Studies University Institute. Other PhD Tribunal members: Josep Maria Jordán Gandulf (UV), and Lourdes Casanova (INSEAD, Paris) (march). Selected Conferences and Congresses 2015, “New Approaches to Development in Africa. Is there a role for China?” Peking University (July). 2014, “Development Co-operation Policies in Africa for the 21st Century, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá (December). 2014, “Is development possible from natural resources exploitation?” Opening keynote speech in the seminar “Mining and Regulation in Latin America and Africa”, UAM (June). 2013, Chair and discussant “Bricolatge social o marginació mistificada: la mobilitat social en les economies populars africanes”. CUIMP Barcelona. 2013, "The Resource-curse Debate after Mozambique’s Emergence as an Energy Exporter", communication to the AEGIS 2013 Conference, Lisbon. 2013, “Prospects for Africa in the globalisation era”, UNESCO Center, Manresa (January). 2012, “Africa in the World Economy”, University Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona (December). 2012, “Cooperation in Africa: evolving old models and the new Chinese model”, conference at the Congress “Health rights in Africa”, Barcelona (December). 2012, “The Indian rise in Africa: the case of Senegal”, communication to the VIII Iberian Congress of African Studies, Madrid (June). Joint with Gemma Cairó (UB). 2012, “China in Africa: an evolving partnership”, doctorate seminar in the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation, UAB (March). 2011, “Oil in Chad and Equatorial Guinea: The Resource Curse Revisited”, presented jointly with Alicia Campos (UAM), in the conference “Questions around the extraction of natural resources in Africa”, organised by AEGIS. Previously presented in Lisbon in 2010, VII Iberian Congress of African Studies. 2010, Convenor of a panel (#32, “Explotación de recursos naturales y desarrollo en África: ¿un nuevo reparto o maldición de los recursos?”) in the VII Iberian Congress of African Studies, Lisbon. Joint with Alicia Campos. 2010, “Recursos naturales y desarrollo en el Chad: ¿maldición de los recursos o inserción periférica?”, World Economy Meeting, Santiago de Compostela. 2009, “Resource curse: the case of Chad”, in the international seminar “Resource curse in Africa: governance and development in Africa”. Together with Richard Auty and Jonathan di John. Real Instituto Elcano, Madrid. 2009, Discussant in the panel “The regional integration process in Africa and its contribution to economic growth and human development”, in the seminar “Regional Integration in Africa: Achievements and Prospects”, organised by CIDOB, Casa Africa and UN. 2008, "From NEPAD to the MDG: on the African ownership in the international cooperation system”, in the Summer Course “African voices in the developing world”, CUIMPB, Barcelona. 2007, “Oil and poverty reduction policies: the case of Chad”, in the seminar “Africa and mineral resources: impacts of extractive activities”, organised by CEA in UPF. 2005, “Les revenues pétroliers et la mise en œuvre de la SNRP”, CEFOD, Ndjaména (Chad). 2004, “Globalization vs. Regionalization, and the Roads to Development in Africa in the Post-Lomé Era, IV Iberian Congress of African Studies, Barcelona. Selected publications (see to download them) In peer-reviewed journals: 2015 “Las industrias extractivas en Mozambique: ¿amenaza u oportunidad para el desarrollo?” Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals, 110 (189-211) 2014 “A political economy approach of India in Africa. A ‘win-win’ partnership in Senegal?”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d’études de développement, 35(3), pp 376-395. Joint with Gemma Cairó (UB). Journal indexed in JCR. 2014, “Are EU´s Economic Partnership Agreements Developmental? An Assessment of the Southern African region”, Revista de Economía Mundial, 38, pp. 273-298. Joint with Eduardo Bidaurratzaga (EHU/HEGOA) and Elena Martínez (EHU). Journal indexed in JCR. 2013, “Oil in Chad and Equatorial Guinea: Widening the Focus of the Resource curse”, European Journal of Development Research, Vol. 25, Issue 4, pp. 584-599. Joint with Alicia Campos-Serrano. Journal indexed in JCR. 2012, “HIV/AIDS Policies in Mozambique and the New Aid Architecture: Successes, Shortcomings and the Way Forward”, Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 50, No. 2. Joint with Eduardo Bidaurratzaga (EHU). Journal indexed in JCR. 2012, “Natural Resources and Development in Chad: Resource Curse or Peripherical Insertion?”, Revista de Economía Mundial, No 31. Journal indexed in JCR. 2008, “La nueva agenda del sistema de cooperación: ¿el fin del Consenso de Washington?”, Revista de Economía Mundial, Vol. 18. Journal indexed in JCR. 2005, “Regionalismo y estrategias de desarrollo en África: implicaciones y retos del Acuerdo de Cotonú y del NEPAD”, Revista de Economía Mundial, Vol. 12. Joint with Eduardo Bidaurratzaga (EHU). Journal indexed in JCR. 2003, “El alivio de la deuda en África: ¿Hacia la reduccion de la pobreza?”, Revista de Economía-Información Comercial Española, Vol. 804. Joint with Gemma Cairó (UB). Revista de Economía-Información Comercial Española appears in CARHUS plus 2010 (category C), Latindex, Econlit, ISOC (category A), and InRecs 2003 (2nd quartile). 2003, “¿El retorno de los elefantes blancos? África, deuda y pobreza” Revista de Economía Crítica, Vol. 1. Revista de Economía Crítica appears in CARHUS plus 2014, in Latindex and ISOC (category C). Chapters in books: 2015, "Mozambique's Emergence as an Exporter of Natural Resources: A Window to Resource Curse?". Joint with Eduardo Bidaurratzaga (EHU). Chapter for Scholvin, S. (ed.) A New Scramble for Africa? The Rush for Energy Resources Southwards of the Sahara. Commissioned by Timothy Shaw (University of Massachussets) editor for Ashgate of The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series. Forthcoming in 2014. 2013, “La coopération Sud-Sud au Sénégal: de réelles opportunités de développement?”, in Diop, Momar-Coumba (ed.) Le Sénégal sous Abdoulaye Wade. Le Sopi à l'épreuve du pouvoir, pp. 765-792. Paris: Karthala. 2013, "New roads to development: China in Africa". Forthcoming as an output of the project SJ2007-67525/SOCI. 2011, "La Iniciativa ITIE y sus limitaciones en África: el caso del Chad", en Claves de la Economía Mundial 2011, ICEX-ICEI. 2011, “La industria extractiva. A romper con la maldición de los recursos”, in García, J. M. et al. (Eds.) La Economía Mundial en Transformación, Ed. Paraninfo, Madrid. 2009, “Key concepts in the debate about the Economic Partnership Agreements between the EU and the ACP countries”, author of three articles, HEGOA, Bilbao. 2009, “La cooperación al desarrollo en África ¿compasión o derechos de ciudadanía?”, in Aixelà Y. et al. (Eds.), Introducción a los estudios africanos, Ed. Ceiba, Vic. 2007, “África en la economía mundial: del imperialismo al ajuste estructural y más allá”, in Martínez, J. et al. (Eds.), El futuro imposible del capitalismo. Ensayos en memoria de José María Vidal Villa, Ed. Icaria, Barcelona. 2006, “Alcance y limitaciones de las iniciativas de reducción de la deuda externa en el África Subsahariana”, in Claves de la Economía Mundial 2006, ICEX-ICEI. 2005, “¿Un nuevo rumbo para las políticas del Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional en África?”, in Campos, A. (Ed.) Ayuda, mercado y buen gobierno. Ed. Icaria, Barcelona. Output of the project BSO2002-01237 Other publications: 2015, “China in Africa: New Perspectives on Development”, Opinión CIDOB, nº 294 / E-ISSN 2014-0843, Barcelona. 2010, “China in Africa and the Agenda of Development”, Boletín de Recursos de Información nº 22. Centro de Documentación HEGOA. 2010, “La UNCTAD y la integración regional en África”, Nova Africa, Vol. 26. 2010, “Lessons from the Failure of Chad’s Oil Revenue Management Model, Documentos de Análisis del Real Instituto Elcano, ARI Nº 12/2010. 2009, “Del NEPAD a la Agenda de París: el policy-space africano en el contexto del sistema internacional de cooperación”, Studia Africana, Vol. 20. Studia Africana appears in CARHUS plus 2010 (category C), and ISOC (category C). 2008, “Les cabòries del Banc Mundial a l’Àfrica”, DCIDOB, Vol. 105. 2004, “La economía mundial en los albores del siglo XXI: globalización y desigualdad”, Dinámica Económica, Vol. 13. 2004, “La dimensión exterior de la Unión Europea”, Dinámica Económica, Vol. 13. Work in Progress “Non-pessimistic Approaches to Natural Resources Exploitation in Developing Countries”. To be submitted to World Economic Review. “Is China a suitable partner for African development prospects?” contribution to a book edited by Young-Chan Kim (University of Greenwich, UK), and provisionally named “China and Chinese development model in Africa” Participation in Research Projects 2014/.., member of “Centre of Studies and Research on Eastern Asia”, recognised research group at UAB. Specifically working in the team ‘Politics and Economy of Contemporary China’. 2014/2016, “Group of Studies of the African Societies”, Consolidated Group, code 2014SGR1425, Government of Catalonia. Associate. 2009/2014, “Group of Studies of the African Societies”, Consolidated Group, code 2009SGR1042, Government of Catalonia. Associate. 2009/2011 “Coherencia de políticas españolas hacia África, code 09-CAP2-1484, Government of Spain, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Associate. 2008/2011, “Movimientos transfronterizos y nuevas practicas ciudadanas en África y Europa”, code SJ2007-67525/SOCI, Government of Spain, National Plan of R+D+I. Associate. 2005/2008 “Group of Studies of the African Societies”, Consolidated Group, code 2005SGR00761, Government of Catalonia. Associate. 2002/2005, “Procesos democratizadores en África. Modelos institucionales, practicas politicas e idearios contemporáneos. La incidencia europea”, code BSO200201237, Government of Spain, National Plan of R+D+I. Associate. Visitings 04-2015/07-2015, Institute of International Studies, Peking University. 12-2014, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá. 02-2013/07-2013, Development Studies Department, School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London). 09-2009/12-2009, Centro de Estudos Africanos, Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa, Lisboa (Portugal). 06-2004, Institut Fondamentale d’Afrique Noire, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar (Senegal). Field Work Mauritania (1997-1998), Senegal (2004, 2012 and 2016), Chad (2004 and 2005) Accreditations and Formation Oriented to Teaching AQU: Professor Lector (07-2012) ANECA: Profesor Ayudante Doctor and Profesor Contratado Doctor (10-2011). UAB: Teaching Formation in Higher Education (FDES) (2007-2010). Participation in Projects of Innovative Teaching and Academic Exchange UAB, 2011-2012 “Introduction to Economics from Transversality and Specificity: Elaboration and Coordination of Teaching Material in the UAB (code 2010MQD00013, Government of Catalonia. UB, 2002-2003: “Consolidation and unification of multimedia resources in the World Economy area”. UAB, 2002-2003: “REDEC. Red temática de docencia sobre cambio estructural y relaciones Europa-América Latina”. Within this project, participation in an international seminar: “Economic Integration and Development in the XXI Century” in UMSA, La Paz, Bolivia. Other Relevant Work Experience 1997-1998, Mon-3, field work as cooperant in Mauritania. 2004-2005, Intermon-Oxfam, consultant in Chad. 1999-2000, Casal dels Infants del Raval, accountant. Languages Catalan: Mother tongue Spanish: Native English, French and Portuguese: Fluent