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Daniel Ruiz-Serna 707 Greene Avenue. Montreal (Qc) H4C 2J8 514-903-5400 Education 2013-present 2011-13 2007-08 1998-2002 PhD. Anthropology. McGill University Thesis: Landscapes of fear. Cosmologies, places, and political violence in Colombia Supervisor: Eduardo Kohn M.A. Anthropology. McGill University Thesis: Enchanted forests, entangled lives. Spirits, peasant economies, and violence in Northwest Amazonia Supervisor: Eduardo Kohn M.A. Développement, Environnment et Société. Université Catholique de Louvain Thesis: L’Ethnodéveloppement: un projet politique et économique lié à l’identité Supervisor: J.E. Charlier Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology with First Class Honours. Universidad Nacional de Colombia Honours and Awards 2013 The Allan A. Hodgson Arts Internship Award. McGill University 2012 Arts Graduate Student Travel Award. McGIll University. 2012 Bourse de maîtrise en recherche. Fonds de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture. Québec. 2012 Arts Graduate Research Travel Award. McGill University 2011 2007 Graduate Excellence Fellowship. McGill University. Bourse d’études de la Commission Universitaire pour le Développement et du Conseil interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique. Research and Teaching Interests Peasant economies, animism and ontology, protected areas, rural development, education, Latin American history, Amazonia RESEARCH AND TEACHING EXPERIENCE Winter 2014 Teaching Assistant Course Title: Anthropology and the Animal (ANTH 343) Prof. Eduardo Kohn Fall 2013 Teaching Assistant Course Title: Environment and Culture (ANTH 206) Prof. Alberto Sanchez Fall 2013 Teaching Assistant Course Title: The History of Latin America to 1825 (HIST 309) Prof. Daviken Studnicki-Gizbert Winter 2013 Fall 2012 Fall 2011 2003- 2006 2002 Research Assistant. Prof Kristin Norget. Department of Anthropology. McGill University Teaching Assistant Course Title: Sociocultural Anthropology (ANTH 202) Prof. Eduardo Kohn Teaching Assistant Course Title: Anthropology of Latin America (ANTH 326) Prof. Alberto Sanchez Researcher Centre de Recherche et d’Éducation Populaire CINEP Project: Initiatives de développement dans le Pacifique colombien. Researcher Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit -GTZ- and CINEP Project: La justice communautaire en Colombie. International Internships Summer 2013 Team Leader Québec sans Frontières international co-operation program. Oxfam, Peru Fall 2010 Team Leader Québec sans Frontières international co-operation program. Plan Nagua, Nicaragua Summer 2010 Team Leader Québec sans Frontières international co-operation program. L’Amie, Bolivie Volunteer Experience 2009 - Present 2009 Agape for Colombia Foundation Program assistant Centre des jeunes St-Sulpice Homework tutor Publications Peer-reviewed publications 2011 AGAPE: a reconciliation intiative by members of civil society and former child-soldiers. Intervention 9 (1), 35-43. 2008 Water people : Afro-Colombian communities in the lower Atrato River. Maguaré 22, 339-359. 2003 Campesinos entre la selva, invasores de reservas. Tabula Rasa 1, 183-210. 2001 Caminando el Despeje. Análisis Político 44 (sept-dec), 91-103. Chapters in books 2011 “Etnicidad, estado y organizaciones de comunidades negras en el bajo Atrato” in La Multiculturalidad estatalizada. Indígenas, afrodescendientes y configuraciones de estado. Edited by Chaves M, 169-177. Bogotá : Insituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia. 2010 “Las premisas de la selva. Representaciones de la naturaleza en una zona de colonizacion campesina” in Perspectivas antropologicas sobre la Amazonia Contemporánea. Edited by Chaves M. and Del Cairo C, 335-361. Bogotá: Insituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia. 2010 “Etnia, raza y cultura en la accion politica : nuevos retos para la gobernanza en Colombia” in Gobernanza y conflicto en Colombia. Edited by Launay, C. and Gonzalez F, 168-177. Bogotá: Pontifica Universidad Javeriana. 2006 “Nuevas formas de ser negro. Consideraciones sobre las identidades entre la gente chilapa y negra del Bajo Atrato chocoano” in Identidades Culturales y Formacion del Estado en Colombia. Edited by Bolivar I, 209-248. Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes. 2002 “Percpeciones sobre la justicia alternativa” in Justicia Alternativa. Edited by Borreo C, 163-248. Bogotá: Cinep. Conferences 2013 McGill Anthropology Graduate Student Conference. Montreal, Qc. 2012 14th Anthropology Conference in Colombia. Medellin. 2006 Latin American Conference on Political Ecology. Leticia, Colombia 2005 11th Anthropology Conference in Colombia. Santa Fe de Antioquia 2005 2nd International Conference on Oral History. Bogota, Colombia 2003 4th International Conference on Civil Resistance. Bogota Colombia. 2003 10th Anthropology Conference in Colombia. Manizales Languages Fluent in English, French, and Spanish References References available upon request