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Curriculum Vitae
Contact Information
Queens College/CUNY
Department of Anthropology
Flushing, NY 11367-1597
The Graduate Center/CUNY
Department of Anthropology
365 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016-4309
Phone: 718-997-2896
Fax Number: 718-997-2885
Ph.D., Anthropology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, May 2001
M.A., Anthropology, University of Memphis, 1991
B.S., Sociology and Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, 1988
Architecture, Ritual, and Social Identity at Late Postclassic Zacpetén, Petén Guatemala:
Identification of the Kowoj. 2001. Pass with Distinction, Winner of University-Wide
Outstanding Dissertation Award. Committee Chair: Dr. Don S. Rice.
2013-2015 National Science Foundation (NSF Grant # BCS 1219646). Factionalism,
Trade Goods, and the Colonial Process in Petén, Guatemala ($239,801).
2015 National Science Foundation (NSF Grant # BCS-1531113) REU Supplement:
Factionalism, Trade Goods, and the Colonial Process in Petén, Guatemala
2015 PSC-CUNY Research Award. Archaeological Investigation of an Orthogonal
Grid at Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Petén, Guatemala ($5,800).
2015 Research Enhancement Grant (Queens College). Proyecto Itza, Petén,
Guatemala ($3000).
2014 National Science Foundation (NSF Grant # BCS-1439932) REU Supplement:
Factionalism, Trade Goods, and the Colonial Process in Petén, Guatemala
2013 PSC-CUNY Research Award. Spanish Trade Goods at San Bernabé, Petén,
Guatemala ($3,500).
2013 Research Enhancement Grant (Queens College). Reorganization of the
Proyecto Arqueológico Itza Research Station, Petén, Guatemala ($3975).
2013 National Science Foundation (NSF Grant # BCS 1339273) REU Supplement:
Pathways of Power and the Colonial Process in Petén, Guatemala ($6000).
2010-2012 National Science Foundation (NSF Grant # BCS 0917918). Pathways of
Power and the Colonial Process in Petén, Guatemala ($184,003).
2012 PSC-CUNY Research Award. The Analysis of Artifacts Recovered at San
Bernabé, Petén, Guatemala ($5,045).
2012 Research Enhancement Grant (Queens College). Analysis of Artifacts
Recovered at San Bernabé, Petén, Guatemala ($5,600).
2011 National Science Foundation (NSF Grant # BCS 1111880) REU Supplement:
Pathways of Power and the Colonial Process in Petén, Guatemala ($5220).
2011 National Science Foundation (NSF Grant # BCS 1111058) REU Supplement:
Pathways of Power and the Colonial Process in Petén, Guatemala ($5220).
2010 Wenner-Gren Foundation Grant to aid research (Grant# 8152) on "The Colonial
Process at Tayasal, Petén, Guatemala" ($17,187).
2010 National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant (NSF Grant #
BCS 1037927) Supervising Yuko Shiratori. Maya Luxury Goods at Contact:
Transformation of Value in a Hybrid Economy ($12,625).
2009 PSC-CUNY Research Award. European Goods at Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Petén,
Guatemala ($3,100).
PSC-CUNY Research Award. Laboratory Analysis of Colonial Artifacts
Recovered from Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Petén, Guatemala ($2,000).
Research Enhancement Grant (Queens College). Pathways of Power in the
Colonial Process in Petén, Guatemala ($13,000).
PSC-CUNY Research Award. Salvage Archaeology of Ch’ich’, Petén,
Guatemala ($3,990).
Research Enhancement Grant (Queens College). Cultural Chronology of
Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Petén, Guatemala ($13,000).
PSC-CUNY Research Award. Ritual Performance at Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Petén,
Guatemala ($4,000).
PSC-CUNY Research Award. Community Organization in the Itza Core
Region: Tayasal, Guatemala ($2,773).
PSC-CUNY Research Award. Itzaj Maya Spatial Knowledge ($4,000).
Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies Inc., Project #95080,
Mayapán-Style Ceremonial Groups in the Central Petén ($9,800).
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (Simons-Monroe Fund) ($500).
Julius Augustus Davies Fellowship, University of Memphis ($500).
Certificate of Recognition. CUNY Salute to Scholars.
Presidential Recognition for Grantsmanship. Queens College.
Certificate of Recognition. CUNY Salute to Scholars.
Certificate of Recognition. CUNY Salute to Scholars.
Outstanding Dissertation Award, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Research Residence, Dumbarton Oaks Pre-Columbian Library, Washington D.C.
Dissertation Research Award, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Sigma Xi Padgett Scholarship Award, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Department of Anthropology Queens College of the City University of New York,
Flushing, New York, Professor, 2013-present; Associate Professor, 2007–2013; Assistant
Professor, 2001–2007.
Department of Anthropology, Graduate Center of the City University of New York,
Professor, 2013–present; Associate Professor, 2007–2013; Assistant Professor, 2001–
Itza Archaeological Project, Director, 2009-present.
2009 Maya Worldviews at Conquest, ed. Leslie G. Cecil and TWP. University Press of Colorado,
in press TWP, Katherine Miller, Carolyn Freiwald, and Prudence Rice. Technologies of Domination at
Mission San Bernabé, Petén, Guatemala. Ancient Mesoamerica.
TWP, Prudence Rice, Evelyn Chan Nieto, and Don Rice. A Chak'an Itza Center at NixtunCh'ich', Petén, Guatemala. Journal of Field Archaeology.
2012 TWP, José Rómulo Sánchez, and Yuko Shiratori. Contact and Missionization at Tayasal, Petén,
Guatemala. Journal of Field Archaeology 37(1): 3–19.
TWP and Leslie G. Cecil. The Contact Period of Central Petén, Guatemala in Color. RES 61/62:
Contagion and Alterity: Kowoj Maya Appropriations of European Objects. American
Anthropologist 111(3): 373–386.
Activity Areas, Form, and Social Inequality in Late Postclassic Domestic Groups at Zacpetén,
Petén, Guatemala. Journal of Field Archaeology 29(3–4): 351–367.
The Exemplary Center of the Late Postclassic Kowoj Maya. Latin American Antiquity 14(4):
A Cluster and Spatial Analysis of Ceremonial Architecture at Late Postclassic Mayapán. Journal
of Archaeological Science 30(8): 941–953.
Flood Reptiles, Serpent Temples, and the Quadripartite Universe: The Imago Mundi of Late
Postclassic Mayapán. Ancient Mesoamerica 12(2): 247–258.
TWP and Charles H. McNutt. Julius Augustus Davies, M.D., an Early Contributor to Mississippi
Archaeology. Mississippi Archaeology 26(2): 1–6.
2009 Maya Sacred Landscapes at Conquest. In Maya Worldviews at Conquest, ed. Leslie Cecil and
TWP, pp. 317–334. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
2009 Preface. In Maya Worldviews at Conquest, ed. Leslie Cecil and TWP, pp. xvii–xviii. University
Press of Colorado, Boulder.
2009 Residential and Domestic Contexts at Zacpetén. In The Kowoj: Identity, Migration, and Politics
in Late Postclassic Petén, Guatemala, ed. Prudence M. Rice and Don S. Rice, pp. 173–191.
University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
2009 The Kowoj and the Lacandon: Migrations and Identities. In The Kowoj: Identity, Migration, and
Politics in Late Postclassic Petén, Guatemala, ed. Prudence M. Rice and Don S. Rice, pp. 368–
384. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
2009 TWP and Prudence M. Rice. Zacpetén and the Kowoj: Field Methods and Chronologies. In The
Kowoj: Identity, Migration, and Politics in Late Postclassic Petén, Guatemala, ed. Prudence M.
Rice and Don S. Rice, pp. 85–122. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
2009 TWP and Prudence M. Rice. Kowoj Ritual Performance, and Societal Representation at
Zacpetén. In The Kowoj: Identity, Migration, and Politics in Late Postclassic Petén, Guatemala,
ed. Prudence M. Rice and Don S. Rice, pp. 141–172. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
2009 TWP, Prudence M. Rice, and Leslie G. Cecil. Zacpetén Structure 719: the Last Noble Residence.
In The Kowoj: Identity, Migration, and Politics in Late Postclassic Petén, Guatemala, ed.
Prudence M. Rice and Don S. Rice, pp. 192–216. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
2009 Rice, Prudence M., Don S. Rice, TWP, and Rómulo Sánchez Polo. Defensive Architecture and
the Context of Warfare at Zacpetén. In The Kowoj: Identity, Migration, and Politics in Late
Postclassic Petén, Guatemala, ed. Prudence M. Rice and Don S. Rice, pp. 123–140. University
Press of Colorado, Boulder.
2006 Cacao, Gender, and the Northern Lacandon God House. In The Origins of Chocolate in
Mesoamerica: a Cultural History of Cacao, ed. Cameron L. McNeil, pp. 367–383. University
Press of Florida, Gainesville.
2005 Caves and Artificial Caves in Late Postclassic Maya Ceremonial Groups. In Stone Houses and
Earth Lords: Maya Religion in the Cave Context, ed. Keith M. Prufer and James E. Brady, pp.
47–69. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
2002 Remembering Mayapán: Petén Kowoj Architecture as Social Metaphor and Power. In The
Dynamics of Power, ed. Maria O'Donovan, pp. 301–323. Center for Archaeological
Investigations, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
1998 Rice, Don S., Prudence M. Rice, and TWP. Settlement Continuity and Change in the Central
Peten Lakes Region: The Case for Zacpetén. In Anatomía de una Civilización: Aproximaciones
Interdisciplinarias a la Cultura Maya, ed. A. Ciudad Riuz, Y. Fernández Marquínez, J. García
Campillo, J. Ponce de León, A. García-Gallo, and L. Sanz Castro, pp. 207–252. Sociedad
Española de Estudios Mayas, Madrid.
Comments and Book Reviews
2009 Review of Sanctuaries of Earth, Stone, and Light: The Churches of Northern New Spain, 1530–
1821. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 14(1): 253–254.
2007 Review of The Postclassic to Spanish-Era Transition in Mesoamerica. American Anthropologist
109(2): 392–393
2004 Review of The Postclassic Mesoamerican World. Latin American Antiquity 15(2): 244–246.
2003 Comments on Lisa Lucero’s “The Politics of Ritual: The Emergence of Classic Maya Rulers.”
Current Anthropology 44(4): 548–549.
2016 TWP and Evelyn Manuela Chan Nieto. El desarrollo urbanístico de la ciudad Preclásica de
Nixtun Ch'ich'. Revista Peten Itza 80(57):7-13.
2015 TWP. Nixtun-Ch’ich’. In Encyclopedia of the Ancient Maya, ed. Walter R. T. Witschey. Rowman
& Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, MD.
2013 TWP, Carlos Humberto Sánchez Góngora, and Evelyn Manuela Chan Nieto. Reconstruyendo el
pasado de Tayasal. Revista Petén Itzá 76(54): 77–79.
2012 TWP and José Rómulo Sánchez. Arqueologia historica en la zona de los lagos del Petén. In XXV
Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueologías en Guatemala, 2011, ed. Bárbara Arroyo, Lorena Paiz,
and Héctor Mejía. Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, and
Asociación Tikal, Guatemala City.
2012 Chan Nieto, Evelyn, Erdozain A. López, Sulma Cortez Avila, TWP, and José Rómulo Sánchez.
El Preclásico Tardío en la zona de los lagos Petén, Guatemala. In XXV Simposio de
Investigaciones Arqueologías en Guatemala, 2011, ed. Bárbara Arroyo, Lorena Paiz, and Héctor
Mejía. Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, and Asociación
Tikal, Guatemala City.
1998 TWP, Rómulo Sánchez Polo, Leslie G. Cecil, Don S. Rice, and Prudence M. Rice.
Investigaciones Postclásicas e Históricas en Peten, Guatemala: las excavaciones del Proyecto
Maya-Colonial en Zacpetén. In XI Simposio de Arqueología Guatemalteca, ed. Juan Pedro
Laporte and Hector Escobedo, pp. 779–789. Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Ministerio de
Cultura y Deportes, and Asociación Tikal, Guatemala City.
1997 McNair, Anna, Don S. Rice, Hugh Drake, TWP, Rómulo Sánchez Polo, and Prudence M. Rice.
Investigaciones del Proyecto Maya-Colonial en el Sitio Arqueológico Nixtun-Ch'ich', Petén,
Guatemala. In IX Simposio de Arqueología Guatemalteca, ed. Juan Pedro Laporte and Hector
Escobedo, pp. 513–519. Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes,
and Asociación Tikal, Guatemala City.
1997 TWP and Prudence M. Rice. Arquitectura estilo Mayapán y evidencias de organización dual en el
sitio postclásico de Zacpetén, Petén, Guatemala. In X Simposio de Arqueología Guatemalteca, ed.
Juan Pedro Laporte and Hector Escobedo, pp. 521–528. Instituto de Antropología e Historia,
Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, and Asociación Tikal, Guatemala City.
1997 Rice, Don S., Prudence M. Rice, Grant D. Jones, Rómulo Sánchez Polo, TWP, Anna McNair,
Leslie Cecil, and Hugh Drake. La segunda temporada del campo del Proyecto Maya-Colonial:
nuevas evidencias. In X Simposio de Arqueología Guatemalteca, ed. Juan Pedro Laporte and
Hector Escobedo, pp. 499–511. Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Ministerio de Cultura y
Deportes, and Asociación Tikal, Guatemala City.
1994 Sánchez Polo, Rómulo, Don S. Rice, Prudence M. Rice, Anna McNair, TWP, and Grant Jones.
La investigación de la geografía política del siglo XVII en el Petén central: la primera temporada.
In VIII Simposio de Arqueología Guatemalteca, vol. 2, ed. Juan Pedro Laporte and Hector
Escobedo, pp. 707–720. Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes,
and Asociación Tikal, Guatemala City.
2016 Power and Planning in the Ancient Maya City. The Pre-Columbian Society of New York, The
Institute of Fine Arts, New York.
2009 Spanish Things in Maya Worlds: the Archaeology of First Contact. University of Pennsylvania
Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
2007 Historical Archaeology in Petén, Guatemala. Department of Anthropology, University at
Albany, SUNY.
Session Organizer
2014 TWP and Prudence M. Rice. Recent Work at Nixtun-Ch’ich’ and Tayasal, Petén, Guatemala.
79th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin.
2008 TWP and Cameron L. McNeil. Discourses of Distance among the Maya. 107th annual meeting of
the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco.
2004 TWP and Leslie G. Cecil. Maya Worldview at Conquest. 69th annual meeting of the Society for
American Archaeology, Montreal.
2007 Mesoamerican Relationships with Nature. 106th annual meeting of the American
Anthropological Association, Washington D.C.
2005 The Late Postclassic-Colonial Maya Transition: Current Research and New Perspectives and
Subsistence. 70th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City.
2005 Political Economies in the Petén Lakes Region: New Insights from Motul de San José,
Guatemala. 70th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City.
Professional Meetings
2015 TWP, Prudence M. Rice and Evelyn Chan. An Orthogonal Grid at Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Petén,
Guatemala. 80th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco.
2014 TWP and Prudence M. Rice. Maya-Spanish Entanglement in Petén, Guatemala. 47th annual
meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology, Quebec City.
2014 TWP, Carlos Sánchez, Evelyn Chan, Justin Bracken, and Miguel Cano. The 2013 Season at
Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Petén, Guatemala. 79th annual meeting of the Society for American
Archaeology, Austin.
2014 Bracken, Justin, and TWP. Delimiting the San Bernabé Mission and Determining its Broader
Context within the Site of Tayasal. 79th annual meeting of the Society for American
Archaeology, Austin.
2014 Lamela Lopez, Raquel, TWP, and Katherine Miller. Catholic Mortuary Practices of the Fifteenth
to Eighteenth Century: A Comparison Between Tayasal, Peten, Guatemala and the Iberian
Peninsula. 79th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin.
2014 Marshall, Charla, Cris Hughes, TWP, and Ripan S. Malhi. Mitochondrial Genetic Variation
among Burials from the San Bernabé Mission, Tayasal: Preliminary Results from an Ancient
DNA Feasibility Study. 79th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin.
2014 Shiratori, Yuko, Carolyn Freiwald, and TWP. Postclassic and Contact Era Animal Use in Itza
Maya Households at Tayasal. 79th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology,
2013 TWP, Carlos Sánchez, Evelyn Chan, Miriam Salas, and Pablo Lizano. The Late Preclassic
Occupation at Tayasal, Petén, Guatemala. 78th annual meeting of the Society for American
Archaeology, Honolulu.
Meissner, Nathan J., Prudence M. Rice, and TWP. Itza, Kowoj, and Chak'an Itza Obsidian
Procurement Strategies: A pXRF Analysis of Small Projectile Weaponry from Peten, Guatemala.
Midwest Mesoamericanist Meetings, Loyola University, Chicago.
TWP and Rómulo Sánchez Polo. The San Bernabé Mission at Tayasal, Petén, Guatemala. 77th
annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Memphis.
TWP, Rómulo Sánchez Polo, Miriam Salas, Francisco Enríquez, Evelyn Chan, and Pablo Lizano.
San Bernabé, una misión colonial en Petén, Guatemala. XXVI Simposio de Investigaciones
Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala.
Shiratori, Yuko, TWP, and Christina Halperin.Exploring Postclassic Community and
Architecture in the Peten Lakes Region, Guatemala. 77th annual meeting of the Society for
American Archaeology, Memphis.
TWP and Rómulo Sánchez Polo. La segunda temporada del Proyecto Arqueológico Tayasal. XX
Encuentro Arqueológico del Área Maya, Ciudad Flores, Petén, Guatemala.
TWP, Rómulo Sánchez Polo, Yuko Shiratori, Prudence Rice, and Miriam Salas. Arqueología
histórica en de la región de los lagos de Petén. XXV Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas
en Guatemala, Guatemala.
Chan Nieto, Evelyn, Erdozain A. López, Sulma Cortez Avila, TWP, and José Rómulo Sánchez.
El Preclásico Tardío en la zona de los lagos, Petén, Guatemala. XXV Simposio de
Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala.
TWP and Rómulo Sánchez Polo. La primera temporada del Proyecto Arqueológico Tayasal. XIX
Encuentro Arqueológico del Área Maya, Ciudad Flores, Petén, Guatemala.
TWP, Rómulo Sánchez, Bryan Carlo, Miriam Salas, and Yuko Shiratori.Las primeras temporadas
del campo del Proyecto Arqueológico Tayasal. XXIV Simposio de Investigaciones
Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala.
TWP, Yuko Shiratori, and Prudence M. Rice. Dual Organization among the Contact Period Maya
of Petén, Guatemala. 15th European Maya Conference. Madrid, Spain.
TWP, José Rómulo Sánchez, y Prudence M. Rice. Cosas Europeas en el mundo Maya del período
de contacto. XXIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Guatemala.
Maya Colors at Contact. 108th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association.
Yacubik, Matthew and TWP. Obsidian Tool Production and Distribution in a Postclassic
Lowland Maya Community. 74th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology,
Shiratori, Yuko, Prudence M. Rice, TWP, and Cameron L. McNeil. Resultados preliminares del
análisis de la cerámica del periodo Postclásico/Colonial en la Estructura ZZ1/1 en Nixtun Ch'ich',
Petén, Guatemala. VIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueologías en Guatemala, Guatemala.
Spanish Things in Maya Worlds. 107th annual meeting of the American Anthropological
Association, San Francisco.
Elite Uses of Spanish Material Culture in Contact Period Petén, Guatemala. 73rd annual meeting
of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver.
TWP, Prudence M. Rice, and Don S. Rice. Petén Identities at Conquest. 106th annual meeting of
the American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C.
TWP, Prudence M. Rice, and Don S. Rice. Early Globalization in Petén, Guatemala: Spanish
Material Culture and the Kowoj Maya. 72nd annual meeting of the Society for American
Archaeology, Austin.
TWP, Prudence M. Rice, and Don S. Rice. Urban Planning in Middle Postclassic to Contact
period Petén, Guatemala. 71st annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San
Juan, Puerto Rico.
The Concept of “Ritual” and Late Postclassic Ritual in Practice. 70th annual meeting of the
Society for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City.
Censored Censers: Effigy Censer Deposition at Zacpetén, Petén, Guatemala. 68th annual
meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Milwaukee.
Cracks in the Carapace: Underworld Metaphors in Late Postclassic Ceremonial Groups. 67th
annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Denver.
Itza Ritual Practice at Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Petén, Guatemala. 66th annual meeting of the Society for
American Archaeology, New Orleans.
Ritual Practices of the Contact Period Petén Kowoj and the Modern Lacandon Maya: Evidence of
Continuity. 99th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco.
Elite Domestic Architecture as Power Objects at Zacpetén, Petén, Guatemala. 17th annual
Visiting Scholar’s Conference, The Dynamics of Power. Center for Archaeological
Investigations, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Architecture and Political Ritual at the Site of Zacpetén, Petén, Guatemala: Identification of the
Kowoj. 64th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Chicago.
TWP, Bayron Castellenos, Francisco Enriquez, José María Penados, Ramón Puga, and Don S.
Rice. Ritual in Late Postclassic/Early Historic Households at Zacpetén. 63rd annual meeting of
the Society for American Archaeology, Seattle.
TWP, Don S. Rice, and Prudence M. Rice. Proyecto Maya-Colonial: Postclassic- and HistoricPeriod Research in Petén, Guatemala. 62nd annual meeting of the Society for American
Archaeology, Nashville.
Forms and Spatial Distributions of Ceremonial Structures at Mayapán. 61st annual meeting of the
Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans.
Las estructuras defensivas y la distribución del patrón de asentamiento del sitio Zacpetén. IX
Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueologías en Guatemala, Guatemala.
Sánchez Polo, Rómulo, Don Rice, Prudence Rice, Hugh Drake, Anna McNair, TWP, and Grant
Jones. Comentarios sobre las investigaciones de campo, Proyecto Maya-Colonial, temporada
1995. IX Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueologías en Guatemala, Guatemala.
Sánchez Polo, Rómulo, Don Rice, Prudence Rice, Anna McNair, TWP, and Grant Jones. La
investigación de la geografía política del siglo XVII en el Petén central: la primera temporada.
VIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueologías en Guatemala , Guatemala.
Unpublished Technical Reports
in progress Proyecto Arqueológico Itza: Informe Preliminar Presentado al Instituto de Antropología e
Historia de Guatemala de las Temporadas de Investigaciones 2015. TWP and Evelyn Chan. City
University of New York.
2015 Proyecto Arqueológico Tayasal: Informe Preliminar Presentado al Instituto de Antropología e
Historia de Guatemala de las Temporadas de Investigaciones 2014. TWP and Evelyn Chan. City
University of New York.
2014 Proyecto Arqueológico Tayasal: Informe Preliminar Presentado al Instituto de Antropología e
Historia de Guatemala de las Temporadas de Investigaciones 2013. TWP and Carlos Sánchez.
City University of New York.
2013 Proyecto Arqueológico Tayasal: Informe Preliminar Presentado al Instituto de Antropología e
Historia de Guatemala de las Temporadas de Investigaciones 2012. TWP and Carlos Sánchez.
City University of New York.
2012 Proyecto Arqueológico Tayasal: Informe Preliminar Presentado al Instituto de Antropología e
Historia de Guatemala de las Temporadas de Investigaciones 2010-2011. TWP and Rómulo
Sánchez Polo. City University of New York.
2011 Proyecto Arqueológico Tayasal: Informe Preliminar Presentado al Instituto de Antropología e
Historia de Guatemala de la Segunda Temporada de Investigaciones. TWP and Rómulo Sánchez
Polo. City University of New York.
Proyecto Arqueológico Tayasal: Informe Preliminar Presentado al Instituto de Antropología e
Historia de Guatemala de la Primera Temporada de Investigaciones. TWP and Rómulo Sánchez
Polo. City University of New York.
Mound ZZ1, Candelaria Peninsula. In Proyecto Arqueológico Itza del Petén: the Site of NixtunCh’ich’. Prudence M. Rice, Bryan Carlo, Nathan Meissner, Cameron McNeil, TWP, Rony
Toraya, and Katherine South. Preliminary Report to the Instituto de Antropología e Historia de
Guatemala on the 2006 and 2007 Field Seasons.
The First Season of PAIP, 2006. In Proyecto Arqueológico Itza del Petén: the Site of NixtunCh’ich’. Prudence M. Rice, Nathan Meissner, TWP, and Katherine South. Preliminary Report to
the Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala on the 2006 and 2007 Field Seasons.
Proyecto Maya-Colonial: Geografía Política del Siglo XVII en el Centro del Petén, Guatemala.
Prudence M. Rice, Don S. Rice, Rómulo Sánchez Polo, TWP, and Leslie G. Cecil. Informe al
Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala sobre Investigaciones del Campo (1996-1998)
y Análisis de Artefactos.
Archaeological Survey for the Cache River Scenic Natural Area Visitor Center, Johnson County,
Illinois. Brian M. Butler and TWP. Report Submitted to the Illinois Department of Natural
Resources. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
An Investigation of Mayapán-Style Ceremonial Groups in the Central Petén. Final report to the
Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc., Project #95080.
Proyecto Maya-Colonial. Geografía Política del Siglo XVII en el Centro del Petén, Guatemala.
Excavaciones en Zacpetén. Don S. Rice, Prudence M. Rice, Romulo Sánchez Polo, and TWP.
Report to the Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala on field investigations in 1997.
Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Mollie Baker (11-J-964): A Woodland Period Site in the Kinkaid Creek Drainage, Jackson
County, Illinois. Michael L. Hargrave, Brian M. Butler, Neal H. Lopinot, and Timothy W. Pugh
Technical Report 1992-03. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University,
Teaching Experience and Interests
Cultural Contact
● Complex Societies
● the Maya
● Urbanism
Anthropology of Religion
Architectural Anthropology
Queens College of the City University of New York, Flushing, New York
Professor, 2013-present
Associate Professor, 2007-2013
Assistant Professor, 2002-2007
Substitute Assistant Professor, 2001-2002
The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, Manhattan, New York
Professor, 2013-present
Associate Professor, 2007-2013
Assistant Professor, 2005-2007
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
Lecturer, 2000
Instructor/Teaching Assistant, 1993-1996
University of Memphis
Instructor, 1990-1991.
Courses Taught as Instructor of Record
Archaeology of Cultural Contact, Anth. 350, Queens College
2007, 2010
Archaeology of Cultural Contact, Anth. 85400/Art History 87000, The Graduate Center
Archaeology of Religion and Ritual. Anth. 85100,The Graduate Center
The Ancient Maya, Anth. 84700/Art Hist. 87000, The Graduate Center
Archaeology of Religion and Ritual, Anth. 350, Queens College
Archaeology of Symbols, Anth. 350, Queens College
Ancient Cities, Anth. 83800, The Graduate Center.
Material Culture, Anth. 83500, The Graduate Center
Ancient Cities, Anth. 342, Queens College.
Archaeological Method and Theory, Anth. 340, Queens College
Archaeology of Mesoamerica, Anth. 241, Queens College
Essentials of Archaeology, Anth. 240, Queens College
Religion: Belief and Ritual, Anth. 224, Queens College
Research Design and Methods, Anth. 238, Queens College
Origins of Complex Society, Anth. 342, Queens College
Introduction to Archaeology, Anth. 103, Queens College
Archaeology of Mesoamerica, Anth. 430B, Southern Illinois University
Anthrology: The Human Experience, Anth. 104, Southern Illinois University,
Archaeological Field Methods, Anth. 4990, University of Memphis
Archaeological Laboratory Methods, Anth. 4992, University of Memphis
Graduate Student Committee Work
PhD Advisor
Yuko Shiratori, Anthropology, Postclassic Maya Trade, Expected Graduation: May 2016
Justin Bracken, Anthropology, Maya Settlements Patterns, Expected Graduation: May 2017
Dissertation Reader and Committee Member
Allison Manfra McGovern. Anthropology, Disrupting the Narrative: Labor and Survivance for the
Montauketts of Eastern Long Island, Graduated September 2015.
Elena Fitzpatrick Sifford, Art History, Disseminating Devotion: The Image and Cult of the Black Christ
in Colonial Mexico and Central America, Graduated: May 2014.
Elise Marie Maragliano, Anthropology, Households, Landscapes, and Post-Collapse Continuity in
Postclassic Jalieza, Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, Graduated: May 2014.
Jeremy George, Art History, Four Parts Together, or Shaping Shapelessness: The Cultural Poetics of Inka
Spatial Practice, Graduated: May 2012
Cosimo Sgarlata, Anthropology, Archaic Period Lithics at West Rock Ridge, Connecticut. Graduated:
May 2009
Keith Jordan, Stone Trees Transplanted? Central Mexican Stelae of the Epiclassic and the Early
Postclassic and the Question of Maya Influence. Graduated Fall 2008
Elizabeth Morán, Art History, The Sacred as Everyday: Food and Ritual in Aztec Art. Graduated Spring
Cameron McNeil, Anthropology, Environmental Exploitation and Ritual Plant Use during the Early
Classic at Copan, Honduras. Graduated Fall 2006
Mark Howell, Ethnomusicology, An Ethnoarchaeomusicological Investigation of Highland Guatemalan
Maya Dance-Plays. Graduated Fall 2004.
Candidacy Exam Committee Member
2015 Justin Bracken, Anthropology 2015
2013 Meg Gorsline, Anthropology; Jenna Coplin, Anthropology
2012 Elise Alexander Maragliano, Anthropology; Kimberly Consroe, Anthropology
2011 Allison Manfra McGovern, Anthropology; Mary Brown, Art History; Elena FitzPatrick, Art
Yuko Shiratori, Anthropology; Ananda Cohen, Art History; Jeremy George, Art History;
Penelope Ojeda de Huala, Art History; Renee McGarry, Art History
Lawrence Waldron, Art History
Field Research Projects
Nixtun-Ch’ich’ (June–October 2015; June–December 2014; June –October 2013).
Project director; survey and excavation of a Middle Preclassic to Colonial period site in
Petén, Guatemala.
Proyecto Arqueológico Tayasal (June–August 2009, January–August 2010, January–
August 2011, June–August 2012). Project director; survey and testing of Tayasal, a
Middle Preclassic to Colonial period site in Petén, Guatemala.
Nixtun-Ch’ich’(July–August 2006, January and May–July 2007; January and June–
August 2008). Field director; survey and excavation of a Middle Preclassic to Colonial
period site in Petén, Guatemala. Principal Investigator: Prudence Rice.
Survey of the North Shore of Lake Petén Itzá (June–July 2004; July 2005).
Cache River (Illinois) Phase I Survey (October). Field director and report co-author.
Principal Investigator: Brian Butler.
Piney Creek, Illinois. Field technician. Principal Investigator: Mark Wagner.
Dixon Springs, Illinois. Excavator. Principal Investigators: Brian Butler and Mark
Rose Hotel, Illinois. Field technician. Principal Investigators: Brian Butler and Mark
Ritual Construction of Social Identity at Late Postclassic to Colonial Period Zacpetén,
Guatemala (Dissertation Research) (January –August 1997 and January 1998–March
2000). Field and laboratory director.
Zacpetén, Guatemala (July–August). Field director. Principal Investigators: Don Rice,
Prudence Rice, and Grant Jones.
Tayasal, Guatemala (May–July). Field director. Principal Investigators: Don Rice,
Prudence Rice, and Grant Jones.
Zacpetén, Guatemala (July–August). Field director. Principal Investigators: Don Rice,
Prudence Rice, and Grant Jones.
Nixtun-Ch’ich’ and Colonia Itzá, Guatemala (March–July). Field director. Principal
Investigators: Don Rice, Prudence Rice, and Grant Jones.
Zacpetén and Ixlú, Guatemala (February–August). Field director. Principal
Investigators: Don Rice, Prudence Rice, and Grant Jones.
Chau Hiix, Belize (June–July). Field technician. Principal Investigator: K. Ann Pyburn.
Calabazas, Honduras (May–July). Field technician. Principal Investigator: John
Miyama Project, Guam (December–January). Field technician. Principal Investigator:
Rosalind Hunter-Anderson.
Field and laboratory work on various prehistoric and historic sites in Arkansas,
Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee.
College Service
Personnel and Budget Committee, Department of Anthropology, Queens College.
Evening Advisor, Department of Anthropology, Queens College.
Chair, Departmental Curriculum Committee, Department of Anthropology,
Queens College.
Member, Search Committee for Archaeologist Position, Department of Anthropology,
2007, 2011
Queens College
Secretary, Executive Committee, Academic Senate, Queens College.
Member, Departmental Curriculum Committee, Department of Anthropology,
Queens College.
Alternate Representative, Social Sciences Division, Academic Senate, Queens College.
Representative, Social Sciences Division, Academic Senate, Queens College.
Department Representative, Social Science Computer Committee.
Chair, Search Committee for Archaeologist Position, Department of Anthropology,
Queens College.
Evening Advisor, Department of Anthropology, Queens College.
Member, Anthropology Review Panel of the PSC-CUNY Grant Program.
Executive Committee, Academic Senate, Queens College.
Member, Moving Committee, Department of Anthropology, Queens College.
Chair, Departmental Curriculum Committee, Department of Anthropology, Queens
Evening Advisor, Department of Anthropology, Queens College.
Member, Departmental Curriculum Committee, Department of Anthropology,
Queens College.
Member, Search Committee for Cultural Anthropologist Position, Department of
Anthropology, Queens College.
Professional Service
Member, Annual Meeting 2012 Program Committee, Society for American
Dr. Don S. Rice
Department of Anthropology
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Carbondale, IL 62901
Dr. Prudence M. Rice
Department of Anthropology
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Carbondale, IL 62901
Dr. Grant D. Jones
Department of Anthropology
Davidson College
Davidson, NC 28036-1719
Dr. C. Andrew Hofling
Department of Anthropology
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Carbondale, IL 62901
Dr. Elizabeth Graham
University College London
Institute for the Study of the Americas, University
of London
31-34 Gordon Square
United Kingdom