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Alex Betancourt Serrano Department of Political Science University of Puerto Rico PO Box 23345 San Juan, PR 00931 (787) 525-3842 (787) 764-0000 x-87474 Education University of Massachusetts, Amherst Ph.D. in Political Science, 2006 M.A. in Political Science, 2004 New School for Social Research M.A. in Political Science, 1999 Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras B.A. in Political Science, 1997 (Magna Cum Laude) Academic Appointments University of Puerto Rico Department Chair, 2015-present Associate Professor of Political Science, 2010-present Assistant Professor of Political Science, 2006-2010 Journal of Social Sciences/Revista de Ciencias Sociales Director, 2010-2012 Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá Colombia Visiting Professor, summer 2009 Visiting Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Anthropology, Fall 2008 University of Massachusetts, Amherst Instructor in the Social Thought and Political Economy Program, 2001-2004 Teaching Assistant in the Department of Political Science, 2001 Teaching Assistant in the Department of French and Italian Studies, 2000 Books El Poder en Plural: diálogos de teoría política y antropología (co-edited book, University of Los Andes Press, 2014) 1 Walter Benjamin and Sigmund Freud: Between Theory and Politics (VDM Verlag, 2008, 2nd edition 2012) Articles and Chapters “La cultura de la violencia o la violencia de la cultura: en torno a Sigmund Freud” en María de los Ángeles Gómez, ed. El psicoanálisis: una experiencia por venir (Madrid: Fundamentos, 2015) “Pensando el presente y sonando el pasado: La política y la historia en El proyecto de los pasajes de Walter Benjamin,” Tabula Rasa: Revista de Humanidades, 8:1 (2008) “Dreams, Collections and History: From Freud to Benjamin,” Filos Num. 3 (Spring 2007) “Let’s bury a few liberals!” (A Lacanian Gesture),” The Symptom, Num 5, Winter 2004 “J,accuse? A Critical Approach to Derrida’s Speculation on Freud,” The Symptom, Num 4, Spring 2003 Essays and Reviews “La dialéctica de la Familia” 80grados:Revista Digital (September 11, 2015) “Cristo, Shakespeare y la Banca” 80grados:Revista Digital (July 31, 2015) “Nietzsche y la crítica a la religión” 80grados:Revista Digital (January 23, 2015) “Violence Then and Now” Ámbito de Encuentros Vol. 7, No.2, 2014 “Reflexiones en torno a Quién mató a Walter Benjamin…” 80grados (October 4, 2013) “Our Angel in the City: A Remembrance of Marshall Berman” Critical Legal Thinking (October 2013) 2 “¿Por qué ofende la crítica?” Diálogo Digital (February 2011) “La UPR y los fondos ARRA” El nuevo día (April 30, 2010) “Bourdieu’s Sociology of Defense,” Film and History Review Num. 37 (1) Fall 2007 “¿Quién le teme al psicoanálisis? Elizabeth Roudinesco en la UPR,” Diálogo (april 2007) “Postcolonial naiveté?,” Disonante, Num. 1, Spring 2005 “From Politics to Visual Culture and Beyond,” Bordes, Num 8, 2001 Manuscripts in Progress Violence in Contemporary Political Theory (Book project) “The Dialectics of Violence,” in preparation for journal submission Invited Lectures “ ¡Ciudadano! Un llamado político” Constitución de EEUU, Ciudadanía y Casos Insulares, Departamento de Ciencia Política, FCS, UPR, 17 September, 2015 “¿Hay derecho a la violencia?” Brown Bag Lunch Series, Escuela de Derecho, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 27 January, 2015. “La modernidad de El Príncipe” Los Quinientos años de El Príncipe de Maquiavelo, University of Puerto Rico, March 20, 2014 “Justicia y violencia en la filosofía política contemporánea” Seminario de Filosofía Ludwig Schajowicz, Departamento de Filosofía, Recinto de Río Piedras, UPR, November 13, 2013 “Una reinterpretación de Para una crítica de la violencia” Serie de Charlas: Cultura, Política y Memoria, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, April 26, 2012 3 “The Favelas of Río de Janeiro: Western Democracies, Disempowered Populations” Faculty Colloquium Series, Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies, Rutgers University, 12 October 2011. “Los profesores y la democracia” Invited lecture, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Facultad de Estudios Generales, April 2011 “Walter Benjamin y la violencia,” Departamento de Antropología, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, April 16, 2010 “El lugar de la violencia en la democracia,” IX Fulbright Lecture Series, Universidad del Norte, Colombia, August 27, 2008 “Prácticas democráticas para el postconflicto,” IX Fulbright Lecture Series, Universidad del Norte, Colombia, August 28, 2008 “Representations of Violence,” 2007 Social Research Center Symposium, University of Puerto Rico, October 2, 2007 “Gramsci y el post-marxismo,” Perspectivas sobre Gramsci, University of Puerto Rico, May 7, 2007 “Post-marxismo: giros y tendencias,” Coloquio: ¿Hacia dónde va el marxismo?, University of Puerto Rico, April 13, 2007 “Adios a la democracia? Debates en la teoría política contemporánea” The Seminar Symposium, University of Puerto Rico, March 28, 2007 “Violencia y cultura”, Simposio: El malestar en la cultura, Facultad de Estudios Generales, Universidad de Puerto Rico, October 18, 2006 “Violence and Democracy” Invited lecture, Department of Social Sciences, University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo, 26 March, 2006 “The End of History, Again?: A Critique of Postcolonialism” Invited lecture, Department of Political Science, Ithaca College, NY, 12 April, 2004 “The Politics of Lacan’s Television” Invited lecture, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, September, 2001 Conferences 4 “Violencia y justicia: una mirada dialéctica” Simposio Violencia, Memoria y Justicia, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 17 April 2015 “Violence between Justice and Equality” LASA 2013, Washington, DC, May 31, 2013 “Reflexiones puntuales sobre la producción de conocimiento y las revistas científicas” Conferencia Asociación de Psicología de Puerto Rico, 17 November, 2012. “La violencia como concepto” Simposio Comunidad Intelectual de Violencia, Recinto de Río Piedras, Universidad de Puerto Rico, March 20, 2012 “Violencia y modernidad” Simposio Comunidad Intelectual de Violencia, Recinto de Río Piedras, Universidad de Puerto Rico, March 20, 2012 “Sobre Quién mató a Walter Benjamin…de David Mauas,” Department of Anthropology, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, April 15, 2010 “The Dialectics of Violence” 13th International Congress of Anthropology in Colombia, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá September 30 – October 3, 2009 “Sueños de Favela,” Rutas de poder: lugares de la cultura, construcciones del espacio y visiones de lo político en América Latina y el Caribe, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, November 13-14, 2008 Discussant, “De Puerto Rico a Guantánamo: excepciones constitucionales,” Department of Political Science Lecture, University of Puerto Rico, March 11, 2008 “Violence and Democracy in the Favelas,” Second International Conference Analysis of Genocidal Social Practices, Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires: Argentina, November 20, 2007 “Political Ideas, Democracy and Violence,” New England Council on Latin American Studies, Mount Holyoke College, November 10, 2007 “Entre utopía y teoría: apuntes políticos,” Panorama de las Ciencias Sociales en Puerto Rico: historia, investigación y política, Univesidad de Puerto Rico, Centro de Investigaciones Sociales, November 7, 2007 “Violencia ayer y siempre: Freud y Benjamin,” Simposio: El psicoanálisis: una experiencia por venir, University of Puerto Rico, December 3, 2006 “Mourning Democracy? The Malaise of Contemporary Political Theory,” Rethinking Marxism 2006, University of Massachussets, October 26-28, 2006 5 “Dreaming a New History While Thinking a Different Politics: Appropriating Walter Benjamin,” Latin American Studies association 2006 International Congress Hotel Caribe Hilton, San Juan, March 17, 2006 “Dreams as Historical Symptoms: Reading Benjamin Psychoanalytically” Cultural Studies Association, Northeastern University, Boston, May 5-9, 2004 “Dreaming Historically, Living Politically” Marxism and the World Stage, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 6-9 November 2003 Chair, “Theodor W. Adorno at 100: Critique and Critical Theory in the 21st Century” Marxism and the World Stage, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 6-9 November 2003 “Between Freud and Benjamin: The Dream of History”, Subjects of Economy: A Rethinking Marxism Conference, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, November 2002 Chair, “Interdisciplinary Work Series” Department of Political Science, University of Masachussetts, Amherst, Fall 2001-Spring 2002 “The Dialectics of the Self in Jean Jacques Rousseau”, Thirty First Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1999. “State and Postmodernism”,5th Ronald E. McNair Annual Conference, Delevan, Wisconsin, 1996. Talks and Interviews “Ciudadanía” Hilando Fino desde las Ciencias Sociales, Radio Universidad, September 22, 2015 “Consecuencias políticas del pliego acusatorio,” Programa Radial Mundo Obrero: WIAC Radio, April 1, 2008 “Relevancia del marxismo” Hilando Fino desde las Ciencias Sociales, Radio Universidad, May 21, 2007 “Aspectos políticos del cine documental,” El Sur También Existe, Radio Once (1120 AM), September 8, 2006 “Disturbios Políticos en Francia,” Hilando Fino desde las Ciencias Sociales, Radio Universidad, April 3, 2006 “Inmigración, Violencia y Democracia,” El Sur También Existe, Radio Once (1120 AM) March 24, 2006 6 “La Responsabilidad en el Pensamiento de Hannah Arendt,” El Sur También Existe Radio Once (1120 AM) March 10, 2006 Interview, “Generational changes in the university”, The Collegian, May 2004 Interview, “Zizek: The Movie”, Documentary Film by HBO producers, November 2003. Interview, “War on Iraq”, Radio University of Massachusetts, October 2002. Research Interests Violence and Political Theory Contemporary Political Thought Psychoanalysis and Political Theory Democratic Theory The Frankfurt School (Benjamin and Adorno) Madness and Political Theory Teaching Department of Political Science, University of Puerto Rico CIPO 4605 Literature and Political Theory CIPO 4306 Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School CIPO 4275 Theories of the State CIPO 4635 Theories of Justice CIPO 4605 Walter Benjamin: ethics and politics of violence CIPO 5025 Political Theories of Violence CIPO 3156 Ancient and Medieval Political Thought CIPO 3165 Modern Political theory CIPO 4185 Contemporary Political Theory CIPO 3011 Principles and Problems of Political Science Department of Anthropology, Universidad de Los Andes ANTR 4105 Anthropology of Violence ANTR 4065 Theories of the State and Violence Social Thought and Political economy Program, UMASS Junior Seminar I: Modern Social Thought Junior Seminar II: Contemporary Social Thought 7 Post-doctoral Faculty Fellow, Conditions for Democracy: From Mesopotamia to Iraq Faculty Resource Network, New York University Summer, 2006 Other Academic Experience Founding Member, Red Antropolítica (2008-present) Editorial Assistant, Polity: The Journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2000- 2004) Research Assistant, Department of Political Science, New School for Social Research, The Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, New York (1998) Research Assistant, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1997) Academic Service Member, Editorial Board, Revista de Ciencias Sociales (2010-present) Member, Editorial Board, Ámbito de encuentros (2013-present) President, Dean of Social Sciences Search Committee, University of Puerto Rico (2014) President, Personnel Committee, Department of Political Science, University of Puerto Rico (20112015) Member, Faculty Personnel Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Puerto Rico (2011-2015) Member, University Reform Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Puerto Rico (2013) Fellowship Evaluator, Fulbright Commission, 2008-present Member, Curricular Development Committee, Department of Political Science, University of Puerto Rico (2006-2015) Member, Sesquicentenario Natalicio de Sigmund Freud Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras (2006) Member, Senior Honors Thesis Committee, Social Thought and Political Economy Program, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2002-2004) 8 Graduate Student Representative, Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Political Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2000-02) Member, Ombusperson Search Committee, New School for Social Research, New York (1998) Vice-President, Social Sciences Student Government, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P.R. (1996-97) Student Representative to the Department of Political Science, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P.R. (1996-97) Member, Committee for the Reconceptualization of the Bachelors Degree, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P.R. (1995) Honors and Fellowships iINAS Title V Summer Grant, Project: Rutas de Poder: diálogos entre antropología y teoría política (july-august 2012) Fulbright Scholar, The J. William Fulbright Program, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Fall 2008 Social Research Center Grant, University of Puerto Rico, 2007-2008 Opportunity Fellowship, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1999-2000) University Fellowship, New School for Social Research, The Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, New York (1997-99) Fellowship with the Ronald E. McNair Research Program, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P.R. (1996-97) Dean’s List, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P.R. (1993-97) Presidential Academic Achievement Award (1993) References Dr. Nicholas Xenos Department of Political Science University of Massachusetts, Amherst Email: 9 Dr. Gabriel De La Luz Rodríguez Department of Social Sciences University of Puerto Rico Email: Dr. Antonio Y. Vázquez Arroyo Department of Political Science University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Email: 10