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Books, Monographs, and Edited Volumes:
1971 (co-editor, with Lyle W. Shannon) Mexican and Mexican-American Migrants. A special volume of
International Migration Review 5(3):277-338.
1974 (co-editor, with George M. Foster) Anthropologists in Cities. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. vii
+ 261 pp.
1976 Campesinos en la ciudad: gente de Tzintzuntzan. México, D.F., Secretaría de Educación Pública,
Ediciones SepSetentas No. 270. 157 pp.
1977a Migration and Adaptation: Tzintzuntzan Peasants in Mexico City. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage
Publications, Inc. 223 pp.
1977b (and John F. S. Phinney) The History of Anthropology: A Research Bibliography. New York:
Garland Publishing. xvi + 212 pp.
1978 (co-editor, with Wayne A. Cornelius) Metropolitan Latin America: the Challenge and the Response.
(Latin American Urban Research Vol. 6). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. 346 pp.
1979a (co-editor, with George M. Foster, Thayer Scudder, and Elizabeth Colson) Long-Term Field
Research in Social Anthropology. New York: Academic Press, Inc. xvi + 358 pp.
1979b (co-editor, with Fernando Cámara) Migration Across Frontiers: Mexico and the United States. (Latin
American Anthropology Group Contributions No. 3). Albany, NY: Institute for Mesoamerican Studies,
SUNY Albany. vi +167 pp.
1979c (co-editor, with Margaret Clark and Cynthia Nelson) From Tzintzuntzan to the “Image of Limited
Good”: Essays in honor of George M. Foster. (Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers No. 55-56).
Berkeley, CA: x + 181 pp.
1987 (with Ahsan, Rosie M. and Shahnaz Huq Hussain) Inter-village migration and problems of
absentee landlords in selected areas of Bangladesh. Dacca: Bangladesh Agricultural Research
1989a (co-editor, with Lawrence Breitborde) Teaching Anthropology: From the Curricular System to the
World System. A special volume of Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World
Economic Development 18(1):1-151.
1989b (co-editor, with Ben J. Wallace) Anthropological Research in Bangladesh: Studies of Households,
Land, and Subsistence in the Countryside and City. A special volume of Urban Anthropology and Studies
of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 18(3/4):241-392.
1991a (editor) Directory of Urban Anthropologists. A special volume of Urban Anthropology and Studies
of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 20(3):211-360.
1991b (editor) Index of Urban Anthropology, Volumes 1-20, 1972-1991. A special volume of Urban
Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 20(4):361-553.
1993a (with Ralph L. Beals) Dos lecturas de la antropología mexicana. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México:
Universidad de Guadalajara.
1993b (editor) Urban Anthropology: A Guide to U. S. and Canadian Dissertations. A special volume of
Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 22(1/2):9-229.
1995 (associate editor, with James Dow) Encyclopedia of World Cultures, vol. 8 Middle America and the
Caribbean. Boston, MA: G. K. Hall & Co. xxxiv + 330 pp.
1996 (co-editor, and A. Lynn Bolles) Circum-Caribbean Tourism. A special volume of Urban
Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 25(3):221-310.
2002 (co-editor, and Anya Peterson Royce) Chronicling Cultures: Long-Term Field Research in
Anthropology. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. xxxviii +353 pp.
2005 (editor) Communities Old and New in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area. A special volume of
Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 34(2-3)
2006 (co-editor, and Julie Adkins) Faith-Based Organizations. A special volume of Urban Anthropology
and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 35(2-3) [Summer-Fall]:141-339.
2010a (co-editor, with George Gmelch and Walter P: Zenner) Urban Life: Readings in the Anthropology of
the City, Fifth edition. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. [published October 2009]. xii + 427 pp.
2010b Tzuntzuntzan, Michoacán: Cuatro décadas de investigaciones antropológicas. Zamora: El Colegio
de Michoacán, México. 317 pp.
n.d (co-editor, and Anya Peterson Royce) Crónicas Culturales. México, D.F.: Universidad
Iberoamericana. [translation of Chronicling Cultures, 2002]. [in press]
n.d (co-editor, with Andrew Roth-Seneff) Sovereign Community: The Tarascan and Caxcan
Territories in Transition. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. [under review].
Articles, Chapters, Reports, Reviews, etc.:
1969a Reseña de: Lisa Redfield Peattie, The View from the Barrio (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan
Press, 1968), Boletín Bibliográfico de Antropología Americana 32:186-188.
1969b Reseña de: Jorge E. Hardoy y Richard P. Schaedel (editors), El proceso de urbanización en América
desde sus orígenes hasta nuestros días (Buenos Aires: Editorial del Instituto Torcuato Di Tella, 1969),
Boletín Bibliográfico de Antropología Americana 32:184-186.
1969c Reseña de: Elizabeth M. Eddy (editor), Urban Anthropology: Research Perspectives and Strategies
(Athens, Ga.: Southern Anthropological Society, Proceedings No. 2, 1968), Boletín Bibliográfico de
Antropología Americana 32: 182-184.
1969d Review of: Hector Martínez, Las migraciones altiplánicas y la colonización del Tambopata (Lima:
Centro de Estudios de Población y Desarrollo, 1969), Boletín Bibliográfico de Antropología Americana
1969e Review of: Hector Martínez, Miguel Cameo C., y Jesús Ramírez S., Bibliografía indígena andina
peruana, 1900-1968 (Lima: Centro de Estudios de Población y Desarrollo, 1969), Boletín Bibliográfico de
Antropología Americana 32:179.
1970a “El estudio antropológico de la migración a las ciudades en América Latina,” América Indígena 30
(3): 609-633; 1970. [translation of 1970b].
1970b “The anthropological study of migration to Latin American cities,” Kroeber Anthropological
Society Papers 42:1-25.
1970c “Index to the Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers: 1950-1969, Nos. 1-40,” Kroeber
Anthropological Society Papers 43:61-100.
1970d “Bibliografía comentada sobre la antropología urbana en América Latina,” Boletín Bibliográfico de
Antropología Americana 33-34:85-140.
1970e Review of: Manuel Gamio, El inmigrante mexicano, la historia de su vida (México, D.F.: UNAM,
1969), International Migration Review 4(2):127-128.
1970f Review of: ISAL (Iglesia y Sociedad en América Latina), A Summary of Research on International
Migration in Latin America with Special Emphasis on Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru (Geneva: Secretariat for
Migration, World Council of Churches, 1969), International Migration Review 4(2):120-122.
1970g Review of: Mario Margulis, Migración y marginalidad en la sociedad argentina (Buenos Aires:
Paidos, 1968), International Migration Review 4(3):112-114.
1971a “Rural-urban migration in Latin America: A framework for the comparative analysis of geographical
and temporal patterns,” International Migration Review 5(1):36-47.
1971b “Introduction,” pp. 277-281 in Lyle W. Shannon and Robert V. Kemper (editors), Mexican and
Mexican-American Migrants, a special volume of International Migration Review 5(3).
1972a “Anthropologists and the study of urbanization: An example from Mexico,” Kroeber
Anthropological Society Papers 45-46:1-17.
1972b “Bibliografía comentada sobre la antropología urbana en América Latina,” Center for Latin
American Studies, Institute of International Studies, University of California at Berkeley. Reprint No. 393,
Latin American Series. [reprint of 1970d].
1972c Review of: Irving Louis Horowitz (editor), Masses in Latin America (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1970), Inter-American Review of Bibliography 22(1):64-66.
1972d Review of: CEED (Centro de Estudios Económicos y Demográficos), Dinámica de la población de
México (México, D.F.: El Colegio de México, 1970), International Migration Review 6(1):108-109.
1972e Review of: Robert F. Heizer and John A. Graham (editors), Observations on the Emergence of
Civilization in Mesoamerica (Berkeley: Dept. of Anthropology, University of California, Contributions of
the Archaeological Research Facility, No. 11, 1971), Urban Anthropology Newsletter 1(1):15-16.
1972f Review of: Clifford J. Jansen (editor), Readings in the Sociology of Migration (Oxford: Pergamon
Press, 1970), Urban Anthropology Newsletter 1(1):19.
1972g Review of: Arthur J. Field (editor), City and Country in the Third World: Issues in the
Modernization of Latin America (Cambridge, MA: Schenkman), Urban Anthropology Newsletter 1(1):2223.
1972h Review of: William Mangin (editor), Peasants in Cities: Readings in the Anthropology of
Urbanization (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1970), Urban Anthropology Newsletter 1(1):20-21.
1972i Review of: William A. Hance, Population, Migration, and Urbanization in Africa (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1970), Urban Anthropology Newsletter 1(1):21.
1972j Review of: Richard F. Wertheimer, The Monetary Rewards of Migration within the U.S.
(Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute, 1971), Urban Anthropology Newsletter 1(1):20.
1972k Review of: Eleanore B. Leacock (editor), The Culture of Poverty: A Critique (New York: Simon
and Schuster, 1971), Urban Anthropology Newsletter 1(1):21-22.
1972l Review of: Martin V. Jones and Michael J. Flax, The Quality of Life in Metropolitan Washington,
D.C.: Some Statistical Benchmarks (Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute, 1970), Urban Anthropology
Newsletter 1(2):49.
1972m Review of: Walter D. Harris, Jr. (in collaboration with Humberto L. Rodríguez-Camiloni), The
Growth of Latin American Cities (Athens: Ohio University Press, 1971), and Richard M. Morse (editor,
with Michael L. Coniff and John Wibel), The Urban Development of Latin America 1750-1920 (Stanford,
CA: Center for Latin American Studies, Stanford University, 1971), Urban Anthropology Newsletter
1972n Review of: Kenneth J. Arrow, James G. March, James S. Coleman, and Anthony Downs, Urban
Processes as Viewed by the Social Sciences (Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute, 1970), Urban
Anthropology Newsletter 1(2):48.
1973a “Factores sociales en la migración: el caso de los Tzintzuntzeños en la Ciudad de México,” América
Indígena 33 (4):1095-1118. [translation of 1975a].
1973b Review of: Ed Ludwig and James Santibaenz, The Chicano: Mexican-American Voices. (Baltimore,
MD: Penguin Books, 1971), International Migration Review 7(2):202-203.
1973c Review of: Juan Elizaga, Migraciones a las áreas metropolitanas de América Latina (Santiago de
Chile: Centro Latinoamericana de Demografía, 1970), International Migration Review 7(2):215-216.
1973d Review of: Francine F. Rabinovitz and Felicity M. Trueblood, eds., Latin American Urban
Research, Vol. 1 (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 1971), American Anthropologist 75(2):462463.
1974a (with George M. Foster) “A perspective on anthropological fieldwork in cities,” pp. 1-17 in George
M. Foster and Robert V. Kemper (editors), Anthropologists in Cities. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.
1974b “Tzintzuntzeños in Mexico City: The anthropologist among peasant migrants,” pp. 63-91 in George
M. Foster and Robert V. Kemper (editors), Anthropologists in Cities. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.
1974c “Family and household among Tzintzuntzan migrants in Mexico City,” pp. 23-45 in Wayne A.
Cornelius and Felicity M. Trueblood (editors), Anthropological Perspectives on Latin American
Urbanization. (Latin American Urban Research Vol. 4). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
1974d (with Ben J. Wallace) “Dallas,” The Americana Annual 1974. New York: Grolier, Inc., p. 195.
1974e (with John Stovall) “Papers on urban studies at the New Orleans A.A.A. meetings,” Urban
Anthropology Newsletter 3(2): 77-107.
1975a “Social factors in migration: The case of Tzintzuntzeños in Mexico City,” pp. 225-244 in Brian M.
DuToit and Helen I. Safa (editors), Migration and Urbanization: Models and Adaptive Strategies. The
Hague: Mouton, World Anthropology Series.
1975b “Directory of Urban Anthropologists,” Urban Anthropology 4(1):73-106
1975c “Contemporary Mexican urbanization: A view from Tzintzuntzan, Michoacán,” pp. 53-65 in
Proceeding of Association XL Congresso Internazionale degli Americanisti, Vol. 4. Genova: Casa Editrice
Tilgher- Genova, s.a.s.
1975d (and George M. Foster) “Urbanization in Mexico: The view from Tzintzuntzan,” pp. 53-75 in
Wayne A. Cornelius and Felicity M. Trueblood (editors), Urbanization and Inequality: The Political
Economy of Urban and Rural Development in Latin America. (Latin American Urban Research, Vol. 5).
Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
1975e “La urbanización contemporánea en México: perspectiva desde Tzintzuntzan, Michoacán,” pp. 363394 in Jorge E. Hardoy and Richard P. Schaedel (editors), Las ciudades de América Latina y sus áreas de
influencia a través de la historia. Buenos Aires: Ediciones SIAP. [translation of 1975c].
1975f (with Ben J. Wallace) “Dallas,” The Americana Annual 1975. New York: Grolier, Inc., p. 202.
1975g “Papers on urban studies at the 1974 (Mexico City) meeting of the American Anthropological
Association,” Urban Anthropology 4(2):177-204.
1975h “Bibliographies on urban studies: Council of Planning Librarians,” Urban Anthropology 4(2):205210.
1975i “Current Research Projects,” Urban Anthropology 4(4):387-395.
1975j “Bibliographies on urban studies: Council of Planning Libraries,” Urban Anthropology 4(4):397400.
1976a (and James Moore) “Undergraduate education in anthropology: A national survey,” Anthropology
Newsletter 17(1):13-15.
1976b (and Donna Osgood and RoseMary Schouten) “Annotated exploratory bibliography on new towns,”
Council of Planning Libraries Exchange Bibliography No. 956 (January), pp. 1-57.
1976c (with Elizabeth Colson, George M. Foster, and Thayer Scudder) “Long-term field research in social
anthropology,” Current Anthropology 17(3):494-496.
1976d “Dallas,” The Americana Annual 1976. Guilford, Conn.: Sachem Publishers, p. 181.
1976e “Papers on urban studies at the 1975 (San Francisco) meeting of the American Anthropological
Association,” Urban Anthropology 5(1):69-92.
1976f Review of: R. Paul Shaw, Land Tenure and the Rural Exodus in Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, and
Peru (Gainesville: The University Presses of Florida, Latin American Monograph No. 19,. 1976),
International Migration Review 10(3):414-416
1977a “Environmental psychology in cultural perspective [a review essay],” Comparative Urban Research
1977b “Bibliographies on urban studies: Council of Planning Libraries,” Urban Anthropology 6(1):107110.
1977c “Papers on urban studies at the 1976 (Washington, D.C.) meeting of the American Anthropological
Association,” Urban Anthropology 6(2):167-186.
1977d Review of Warren Dean, Rio Claro: A Brazilian Plantation System, 1820-1920 (Stanford: Stanford
University Press, 1976), Rural Sociology 42(1):118-120.
1977e Review of: Susan Eckstein, The Poverty of Revolution: The State and the Urban Poor in Mexico
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1977), Journal of Developing Areas 12(1):99-100.
1977f Review of: The Dynamics of Migration-International Migration and Migration and Fertility; and The
Dynamics of Migration-International Migration (Washington, D.C.: Interdisciplinary Communications
Program, Smithsonian Institution, 2 vols., 1976), International Migration Review 11(4):539-540.
1977g Review of: George DeVos and Lola Romanucci-Ross (editors), Ethnic Identity: Cultural
Continuities and Change (Palo Alto, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1975), International Migration Review
1978a “Tourism and regional development in Taos, New Mexico,” Studies in Third World Societies 6:89103.
1978b “Recent anthropological dissertations on urban topics,” Urban Anthropology 7(2):217-222.
1978c “Current Research Projects,” Urban Anthropology 7(2):223-226.
1978d “Papers on urban topics at the 1978 (Los Angeles) meeting of the American Anthropological
Association,” Urban Anthropology 7(4):385-397.
1978e “Recent anthropological dissertations on urban topics,” Urban Anthropology 7(4):399-404.
1978f Review of: Wayne A. Cornelius, Politics and the Migrant Poor in Mexico City (Stanford: Stanford
University Press, 1975), International Migration Review 12(2):270-271.
1978g Note on: Theordore Brameld and Midori Matsuyama, Tourism as Cultural Learning: Two
Controversial Case Studies in Educational Anthropology (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America,
1977) American Anthropologist 80(4):1002.
1979a “Fieldwork among Tzintzuntzan migrants in Mexico City: Retrospect and Prospect,” pp. 189-207 in
George M. Foster, Thayer Scudder, Elizabeth Colson, and Robert V. Kemper (editors), Long-Term Field
Research in Social Anthropology. New York: Academic Press, Inc.
1979b (with George M. Foster, Thayer Scudder, and Elizabeth Colson) “The long term study in
perspective,” pp. 323-348 in George M. Foster, Thayer Scudder, Elizabeth Colson, and Robert V. Kemper
(editors), Long-Term Field Research in Social Anthropology. New York: Academic Press, Inc.
1979c “Frontiers in migration: From culturalism to historical structuralism in the study of Mexico-U.S.
migration,” pp. 9-21 in Fernando Cámara and Robert V. Kemper (editors), Migration Across Frontiers:
Mexico and the United States. (Latin American Anthropology Group Contributions No. 3). Albany, NY:
Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, SUNY Albany.
1979d “Tourism in Taos and Pátzcuaro: A comparison of two approaches to regional development,”
Annals of Tourism Research 6(1):91-110.
1979e “Compadrazgo in city and countryside: A comparison of Tzintzuntzan migrants and villagers,” pp.
25-44 in Margaret Clark, Cynthia Nelson, and Robert V. Kemper (editors), From Tzintzuntzan to the
“Image of Limited Good”: Essays in honor of George M. Foster. (Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers
No. 55-56). Berkeley, CA.
1979f “Tourism and the small community: Dependence or development,” pp. 175-178 in Mary Lou Wood
(editor), A Decade of Achievement: The Tenth Annual Conference Proceedings. Salt Lake City: The
Travel Research Association
1979g (and Anya P. Royce) “Mexican urbanization since 1821: A macro-historical approach,” Urban
Anthropology 8(3-4):267-289. (issued 1981).
1980a (with George M. Foster) “Anthropological fieldwork in cities,” pp. 81-96 in Irwin Press and M.
Estellie Smith (editors), Urban Place and Process: Readings in the Anthropology of Cities. New York:
Macmillan Publishing Co., 1980. [reprint of 1974a].
1980b (with George M. Foster) “Anthropological fieldwork in cities,” pp. 315-327 in George Gmelch and
Walter P. Zenner (editors), Urban Life: Readings in Urban Anthropology. New York: St. Martin‟s Press
[reprint of 1974a].
1980c “Migration and adaptation: Tzintzuntzeños in Mexico City,” pp. 90-98 in George Gmelch and
Walter P. Zenner (editors), Urban Life: Readings in Urban Anthropology. New York: St. Martin‟s Press.
1980d “El turismo en Taos y en Pátzcuaro: Una comparación de dos intentos de desarrollo regional,” pp.
41-54 in Antonio Benavides G. (editor), “Turismo y Desarrollo.” Cuadernos de los Centros Regionales,
Sureste, I.N.A.H., México, D.F. [translation of 1979d].
1980e “Author replies to Maloney‟s review of Migration and Adaptation,” American Ethnologist 7(2):375376.
1980f Review of: Gregory Reck, In the Shadow of Tlaloc: Life in a Mexican Village (Baltimore: Penguin
Books, 1978), Hispanic American Historical Review 60(1):155-156.
1980-81 “Turismo en Pátzcuaro y Taos. Comparación entre dos aproximaciónes al desarrollo regional,”
Servicio (Revista Técnica Turística) 81:10-11; 82:9-10; 83:6-7; 84:10-11; and 85:5-7. México, D.F.
[translation of 1979d].
1981a “Urbanization and development in the Tarascan region since 1940,” Urban Anthropology 10(1):89110.
1981b “Obstacles and opportunities: Household economics of Tzintzuntzan migrants in Mexico City,”
Urban Anthropology 10(3):211-230.
1981c “Comments on „Teaching Urban Anthropology,‟” Urban Anthropology 10(4): 363-368.
1981d (and Anya P. Royce) “La urbanización mexicana desde 1821. Un enfoque macro-histórico,”
Relaciones 2(7):5-39; 1981. Zamora, México: El Colegio de Michoacán. [translation of 1979g].
1981e “Comment” on Dennison Nash, “Tourism as an anthropological subject,” Current Anthropology
1981f Review of: Emanuel de Kadt (editor), Tourism: Passport to Development? (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1979), Annals of Tourism Research 8(2):289-292.
1982a “The compadrazgo in urban Mexico,” Anthropological Quarterly 55 (1):17-30.
1982b “First Report of the 1983 LASA Program Committee,” LASA Newsletter 12(4):9.
1982c “Second Report of the 1983 LASA Program Committee,” LASA Newsletter 13(1):7-10.
1982d “Third Report of the 1983 LASA Program Committee,” LASA Newsletter 13(2):4-8.
1982e “Fourth Report of the 1983 LASA Program Committee,” LASA Newsletter 13(3):1-8.
1982f Review of: James B. Greenberg, Santiago‟s Sword: Chatino Peasant Religion and Economics
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981), Man 17(4):790-791.
1983a (and Anya P. Royce) “Urbanization in Mexico: Beyond the Heritage of Conquest,” pp. 93-128 in
Carl Kendall, John Hawkins, and Laurel Bossen (editors), Heritage of Conquest: Thirty Years Later.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
1983b “From squatters to skyscrapers: Reflections on new directions in Latin American urbanization
research,” pp. 203-217 in John Hunter, Robert Thomas, and Scott Whiteford (editors), Population Growth
and Urbanization in Latin America: The Rural-Urban Interface. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman.
1983c (and John M. Roberts and R. Dwaine Goodwin) “Tourism as a cultural domain: The case of Taos,
New Mexico,” Annals of Tourism Research 10(1):149-171.
1983d “Fifth Report of the 1983 LASA Program Committee,” LASA Newsletter 13(4):9-22.
1983e “Sixth Report of the 1983 LASA Program Committee,” LASA Newsletter 14(1):4-9.
1983f “Seventh Report of the 1983 LASA Program Committee,” LASA Forum 14(2):11-28.
1983g “Program Changes Eighth Report of the 1983 LASA Program Committee,” LASA Forum 14(3):614.
1984a (with Gabriel W. Lasker, Ronald K. Wetherington, and Bernice A. Kaplan) “Isonomy between two
towns in Michoacán, Mexico,” pp. 159-163 in Rafael Ramos Galván and Rosa María Ramos Rodríguez
(editors), Estudios de Antropología Biológica (Segundo Coloquio de Antropología Física „Juan Comas‟,
1982), México, D.F.: UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciónes Antropológicas, Serie Antropológica 75.
1984b “El compadrazgo en las ciudades mexicanas,” América Indígena 44(2):327-351. [translation of
1984c “Final Report of the 1983 LASA Program Committee,” LASA Forum 14(4):4-5.
1984d Review of: Carlos G. Vélez-Ibañez, Bonds of Mutual Trust: The Cultural Systems of Rotating
Credit Associations among Urban Mexicans and Chicanos (Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press,
1983), Man 19(2):350.
1985a “From nationalism to internationalism: The development of Mexican anthropology, 1934-1946,” pp.
139-156 in June Helm (ed.), Social Contexts of American Ethnology, 1940-1984 (1984 Proceedings of the
American Ethnological Society.) Washington, DC: American Ethnological Society.
1985b Review of: Calvin Goldscheider (ed.), Urban Migrants in Developing Nations: Patterns and
Problems of Adjustment (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1983), Journal of Developing Areas 19(3):431432.
1986 (and Anya P. Royce) “La urbanización en México: más allá de la herencia de la conquista,” pp. 107141 in C. Kendall et al. (editors), La herencia de la Conquista. México, D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
[translation of 1983a].
1987a “Desarrollo de los estudios antropológicos sobre la migración mexicana,” pp. 477-499 in Susana
Glantz (compiladora), La Heterodoxia Recuperada, en torno a Angel Palerm. México, D.F.: Fondo de
Cultura Económica.
1987b “Urbanization in Latin American Development,” pp. 229-242 in Jack W. Hopkins (ed.), Latin
America: Perspectives on a Region. New York: Holmes & Meier.
1987c “Urbanización y desarrollo en la región tarasca a partir de 1940,” pp. 67-96 in Guillermo de la Peña
(editor), Antropología social de la región purépecha. Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán. [translation of
1988a (with Ben J. Wallace and Margot Wilson-Moore) “Land Acquisition and Inheritance in Rural
Bangladesh,” South Asian Anthropologist 9(2):111-118.
1988b “Migration and adaptation: Tzintzuntzeños in Mexico City,” pp. 180-188 in George Gmelch and
Walter P. Zenner (editors), Urban Life: Readings in Urban Anthropology, Second Edition, Prospect
Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1988. [reprint of 1980c].
1988c (with George M. Foster) “Anthropological fieldwork in cities,” pp. 89-101 in George Gmelch and
Walter P. Zenner (editors), Urban Life: Readings in Urban Anthropology, Second Edition, Prospect
Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1988. [reprint of 1974a].
1989a “Introduction,” pp. 1-3 in Lawrence Breitborde and Robert V. Kemper (editors), Teaching
Anthropology: From the Curricular System to the World System, a special volume of Urban Anthropology
1989b “Anthropology and the Common Educational Experience: Disciplinary and interdisciplinary
teaching at Southern Methodist University,” pp. 17-32 in Lawrence Breitborde and Robert V.
Kemper (editors), Teaching Anthropology: From the Curricular System to the World System, a
special volume of Urban Anthropology 18(1).
1989c (and John Marcucci) “The Isabel T. Kelly Ethnographic Archive: A descriptive guide,” pp. 59-70 in
Yolotl González (coordinadora), Homenaje a Isabel Kelly. México, D.F.: INAH, Colección Científica 179.
1989d (with Ekramul Ahsan, Rosie M. Ahsan, Shahnaz H. Hussain, and Ben J. Wallace) “Ownership and
Control: Land Acquisition, Fragmentation, and Consolidation in Rural Bangladesh,” pp. 299-327 in Ben J.
Wallace and Robert V. Kemper (editors), Anthropological Research in Bangladesh: Studies of
Households, Land, and Subsistence in the Countryside and City, a special volume of Urban Anthropology
1989e (and Ben J. Wallace and Margot Wilson-Moore) “The Extended Community in Rural Bangladesh:
Household Formation and Migration in Kalampur and Jalsha,” pp. 347-363 in Ben J. Wallace and Robert
V. Kemper (editors), Anthropological Research in Bangladesh: Studies of Households, Land, and
Subsistence in the Countryside and City, a special volume of Urban Anthropology 18(3/4).
1989f “Urbanization and Underdevelopment in Bangladesh: Historical Development and Contemporary
Crisis,” pp. 365-392 in Ben J. Wallace and Robert V. Kemper (editors), Anthropological Research in
Bangladesh: Studies of Households, Land, and Subsistence in the Countryside and City, a special volume
of Urban Anthropology 18(3/4).
1989g (with Fred Wendorf) “Pilot Study to Investigate the Feasibility of CD-ROM Technology for
Archaeological Reports,” (Final Report, Contract THC-008-62, 27 September 1989). 48 pp.
1989h Review of: Michael Agar, Speaking of Ethnography (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1986)
and Philip Bock, The Formal Content of Ethnography (Dallas: The International Museum of Cultures,
1986), Man 24(3):531.
1990a (with Fred Wendorf and David Crass) “CD ROM for Archaeology,” SAA Bulletin 8(5):12.
1990b “Desarrollo de los estudios antropológicos sobre la migración mexicana,” pp. 9-32 en Modesto
Suárez (compilador), Historia, Antropología y Política, vol. II, México, D.F.: Alianza Editorial Mexicana.
[reprint of 1987a].
1990c (with Ben J. Wallace and Margo Wilson-Moore) “Land Acquisition and Inheritance in Rural
Bangladesh,” South Asian Anthropologist 9:111-118.
1990d Review of: Valene Smith (editor), Hosts and Guests: The Anthropology of Tourism (Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989), American Anthropologist 92(3):816-817.
1991a “The Coast Miwok and the Isabel T. Kelly Ethnographic Archives,” pp. xxiv-xxvii in Mary E. T.
Collier and Sylvia Barker Thalman (editors), Interviews with Tom Smith and Maria Copa: Isabel Kelly‟s
Ethnographic Notes on the Coast Miwok Indians of Marin and Southern Sonoma Counties, California. San
Rafael, CA: Miwok Archeological Preserve of Marin, MAPOM Occasional Papers, Number 6.
1991b “Foster, George McClelland,” pp. 212-213 in Christopher Winters (editor), International Dictionary
of Anthropologists. New York: Garland Publishing (Library-Anthropology Resources Group).
1991c “Urban Anthropology in the 1990s: The State of its Practice,” pp. 211-223 in Robert V. Kemper
(editor), Directory of Urban Anthropologists. A special volume of Urban Anthropology 20(3).
1991d (and Benjamin Kracht) “Directory of Urban Anthropologists,” pp. 225-360 in Robert V. Kemper
(editor), Directory of Urban Anthropologists. A special volume of Urban Anthropology 20(3).
1991e “Trends in Urban Anthropological Research: An Analysis of the Journal Urban Anthropology,
1972-1991,” pp. 373-384 in Robert V. Kemper (editor), Index of Urban Anthropology. A special volume
of Urban Anthropology 20(4).
1991f (and Benjamin Kracht and Stuart Campos) “The Journal Urban Anthropology: An Index of its First
Twenty Years, 1972-1991,” pp. 385-553 in Robert V. Kemper (editor), Index of Urban Anthropology. A
special volume of Urban Anthropology 20(4).
1992a “The Potentials and Problems of Computers,” pp. 105-117 in Sydel Silverman and Nancy J. Parezo
(editors), Preserving the Anthropological Record. New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation for
Anthropological Research, Inc.
1992b “The Anthropology of Tourism,” pp. 591-612 in Mahmood A. Khan, Michael D. Olsen, and Turgut
Var (editors), Encyclopedia of Hospitality and Tourism. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
1993a “Urban Anthropology: An Analysis of Trends in U. S. and Canadian Dissertations,” pp. 1-8 in
Robert V. Kemper, Urban Anthropology: A Guide to U. S. and Canadian Dissertations. A special volume
of Urban Anthropology 22(1/2).
1993b (and Ronald Wetherington and Michael Adler) “From Mainframes to Micros: Computer
Applications for Anthropologists,” Social Science Computer Review 10(4):18-30.
1993c (with Luis A. Vargas and Leticia E. Casillas) “Réseaux migratoires et santé: le cas du Mexique,”
pp. 62-71 in Vers un ailleurs prometteur... l‟émigration, une réponse universelle à une situation de crise?
Paris and Geneva: Presses Universitaires de France and Cahiers de L‟I.U.E.D.
1993d “Del nacionalismo al internacionalismo: el desarrollo de la antropología mexicana, 1934-1946” en
Ralph L. Beals y Robert V. Kemper, Dos lecturas de la antropología mexicana. Guadalajara: Universidad
de Guadalajara, Laboratorio de Antropología (Cuadernos de Antropología, D). [translation of 1985a].
1993e Review of: Lynn Stephen, Zapotec Women (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1991), Revista
Interamericana de Bibliografía 43(4):662.
1994a “Migración sin fronteras: el caso del pueblo de Tzintzuntzan, Michoacán, 1945-1990,” pp. 67-82 in
XXII Mesa de Antropología de la Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas:
Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas.
1994b “Extendiendo las fronteras de la comunidad en teoria y practica: Tzintzuntzan, México, 19701990,” pp. 119-129 in Victor Gabriel Muro (editor), Estudios Michoacanos vol V. Zamora: El Colegio de
Michoacán y Gobierno del Estado de Michoacán.
1995a “Desde Colón hasta el colonialismo: Reflexiones acerca de los cambios en las instituciones sociales
en América” pp. 23-38 in Lorenzo Ochoa (editor), Conquista, Transculturación y Mestizaje. Raíz y Origen
de México. México, D.F.: Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
1995b “The Potentials and Problems of Computers,” pp. 205-217 in Sydel Silverman and Nancy J. Parezo
(eds.), Preserving the Anthropological Record. New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological
Research, Inc. [revised version of Kemper 1992a].
1995c “Migración y transformación de la cultura mexicana: 1519-1992,” pp. 533-547 in Agustín Jacinto
Zavala y Alvaro Ochoa Serrano (editors), Tradición e Identidad en la Cultura Mexicana. Zamora: El
Colegio de Michoacán y Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología.
1995d “Comunidad y migración: el caso del pueblo de Tzintzuntzan, Michoacan, 1988-1994.” Relaciones
1995e (with Andrew Roth-Seneff) “Tarascans.” pp. 243-247 in James W. Dow and Robert V. Kemper
(editors), Encyclopedia of World Cultures, vol. 8, Middle America and the Caribbean. Boston, MA: G. K.
Hall & Co.
1995e (with Mary Ellin D'Agostino) “Cumulative Index.” Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, no.
1995f “Report from H.O. Editor,” SfAA Newsletter 6(2):7-8.
1995g “Report from H.O. Editor,” SfAA Newsletter 6(3):8-9.
1995h “Report from H.O. Editor,” SfAA Newsletter 6(4):3-5.
1995i Review of: Pierre van den Berghe, The Quest for the Other: Ethnic Tourism in San Cristobal,
Mexico; (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1994), American Anthropologist 97(3):615-616.
1995j Review of: Gerald Michael Greenfield (ed.), Latin American Urbanization: Historical Profiles of
Major Cities, (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994), Journal of Developing Areas 29(3):420-422.
1996a “Migration and adaptation: Tzintzuntzeños in Mexico City and beyond,” pp. 196-209 in George
Gmelch and Walter P. Zenner (editors), Urban Life: Readings in Urban Anthropology. Third Edition,
Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. [expanded and updated version of Kemper 1980c].
1996b (with George M. Foster) “Anthropological fieldwork in cities,” pp. 135-150 in George Gmelch and
Walter P. Zenner, eds., Urban Life: Readings in Urban Anthropology. Third Edition, Prospect Heights, IL:
Waveland Press, 1996 [reprint of 1974a].
1996c (and Jack Rollwagen) “Urban Anthropology.” pp. 1337-1344 in David Levinson and Melvin Ember
(editors), Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology, vol. 4 (S-Z). New York: Henry Holt and Company.
1996d “La comida en Tzintzuntzan, Michoacán: tradiciones y transformaciones” pp. 365-395 en Janet
Long (editor), Conquista y Comida: Consecuencias del Encuentro de dos Mundos. México, D.F.: UNAM.
1996e “The Isabel T. Kelly Ethnographic Archive: The Coast Miwok,” pp. xxvi-xxix in Mary E. T. Collier
and Sylvia B. Thalman (editors.), Interviews with Tom Smith and Maria Copa: Isabel Kelly‟s Ethnographic
Notes on the Coast Miwok Indians of Marin and Southern Sonoma Counties, California. San Rafael, CA:
Miwok Archeological Preserve of Marin, MAPOM Occasional Papers, Number 6. (revised version of
1996f “Introduction,” pp. 221-223 in Robert V. Kemper and A. Lynn Bolles (editors), Circum-Caribbean
Tourism. A special volume of Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic
Development 25(3).
1996g “Report from H.O. Editor,” SfAA Newsletter 7(1):4.
1996h “Report from H.O. Editor,” SfAA Newsletter 7(2):x.
1996i “Report from H.O. Editor,” SfAA Newsletter 7(3):10-11.
1996j “Report from H.O. Editor,” SfAA Newsletter 7(4):6-7.
1997a (and Anya P. Royce) “Ethical Issues for Social Anthropologists: A North American Perspective on
Long-Term Research in Mexico,” Human Organization 56(4):479-483.
1997b “Theological Education for Urban Ministry: A Survey of U.S. Seminaries,” Theological Education
1997c “Report from H.O. Editor,” SfAA Newsletter 8(2):13.
1997d “Report from H.O. Editor,” SfAA Newsletter 8(3):5.
1997e “Report from H.O. Editor,” SfAA Newsletter 8(4):7-8.
1998a (with Anya P. Royce) “Finding a Footing on the Moral High Ground: Connections, Interventions,
and Ethical Implications,” Human Organization 57(3):328-330.
1998b “Urbanization in Latin America,” pp. 251-263 in Jack W. Hopkins (editor), Latin America:
Perspectives on a Region. Second Edition. New York: Holmes & Meier. [revised version of 1987b].
1998c “Comunidad y migración: el caso del pueblo de Tzintzuntzan, Michoacan, 1988-1994.” in Leticia
Casillas y Luis Vargas (editors), Género y Migración. México, DF: UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones
Antropologicas [reprint of 1995d].
1998d “Tarascan speakers in Tzintzuntzan, 1945-1990,” pp. 38-42 in Robert Rubenstein and Paul L.
Doughty (editors), Symbols, Social Action and Human Peace: Papers in Honor of Mary LeCron Foster. A
special volume of Human Peace 11(4). [Gainesville, FL: IUAES Commission on the Study of Peace.]
1998e “Report from H.O. Editor,” SfAA Newsletter 9(2):10.
1998f “Report from H.O. Editor,” SfAA Newsletter 9(3):5.
1998g “Report from H.O. Editor,” SfAA Newsletter 9(4):8.
1998h “Comentario” sobre Ella F. Quintal A., “Turismo y cambio sociocultural: Valladolid y su región,”
pp. 417-419 en Victor Gabriel Muro (coordinador), Ciudades Provincianas de México: Historia,
Modernización y Cambio Social. Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán.
1999a “Children of God,” [a poem] Embrace, A Journal of Theological Reflections on Everyday Themes,
p. 6. Dallas: SMU, Perkins School of Theology, Student Association.
1999b “Lost in Your Eyes,” [a poem] Embrace, A Journal of Theological Reflections on Everyday
Themes, p. 7. Dallas: SMU, Perkins School of Theology, Student Association.
2000 (with Maureen Courtney) “A Think Tank,” pp. 82-104 in Mary Lou Bond, Mary Elaine Jones, and
Jean Ashwill (editors), Crossing Borders in International Health Care: Implementing and Evaluating
Cultural Competence in the Health Workforce. Arlington, TX: School of Nursing, University of Texas at
2001a “Aguirre Beltrán, Gonzalo.” pp. 8-9 in Davíd Carrasco (editor), The Oxford Encyclopedia of
Mesoamerican Cultures, volume 1. New York: Oxford University Press.
2001b “Tourism.” pp. 250-252 in Davíd Carrasco (editor), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican
Cultures, volume 3. New York: Oxford University Press.
2001c (with Anya Peterson Royce) “El proyecto etnográfico y la teoría antropológica,” pp. 139-148 en
Beatriz Barba de Piña Chan, Catalina Rodríguez Lazcana, Luis Berruecos Villalobos, y Luis Barjau
Martínez (compiladores), Antropología e historia mexicanas: Homenaje al maestro Fernando Cámara
Barbachano. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (Colección Científica No. 408).
2001d (and Anya Peterson Royce) “Cuestiones éticas para los antropólogos sociales en México: una
perspectiva norteamericana a largo plazo,” Boletín del Colegio de Etnólogos y Antropólogos Sociales 4:211. México, D.F.: Colegio de Etnólogos y Antropólogos Sociales, A.C.
2002a (with Anya Peterson Royce) “Long-term field research: Metaphors, paradigms, and themes,” pp.
xiii-xxxviii in Robert V. Kemper and Anya Peterson Royce (editors), Chronicling Cultures: Long-Term
Field Research in Anthropology. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
2002b “From student to steward: Tzintzuntzan as extended community,” pp. 284-312 in Robert V. Kemper
and Anya Peterson Royce (editors), Chronicling Cultures: Long-Term Field Research in Anthropology.
Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
2002c (with George M. Foster) “Anthropological fieldwork in cities,” pp. 131-145 in George Gmelch and
Walter P. Zenner (editors), Urban Life: Readings in Urban Anthropology. Fourth Edition, Prospect
Heights, IL: Waveland Press. [reprint of 1974a].
2002d “Migration and adaptation: Tzintzuntzeños in Mexico City and beyond,” pp. 193-204 in George
Gmelch and Walter P. Zenner (editors), Urban Life: Readings in Urban Anthropology. Fourth Edition,
Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. [reprint of 1996a].
2002e (with Caroline Brettell) “Migration and Cities,” pp.30-38 in Melvin Ember and Carol R. Ember
(editors), Encyclopedia of Urban Cultures, Volume 1. Danbury, CT: Grolier Publishing Co.
2002f “Cities and Religious Institutions,” pp. 44-55 in Melvin Ember and Carol R. Ember (editors),
Encyclopedia of Urban Cultures, Volume 1. Danbury, CT: Grolier Publishing Co.
2002g “Urbanization in Latin America,” pp. 88-100 in Melvin Ember and Carol R. Ember (editors),
Encyclopedia of Urban Cultures, Volume 1. Danbury, CT: Grolier Publishing Co.
2002h “Dallas-Fort Worth;” pp. 94-107 in Melvin Ember and Carol R. Ember (editors), Encyclopedia of
Urban Cultures, Volume 2. Danbury, CT: Grolier Publishing Co.
2002i “Mexico City;” pp. 184-197 in Melvin Ember and Carol R. Ember (editors), Encyclopedia of Urban
Cultures, Volume 3. Danbury, CT: Grolier Publishing Co.
2003 (with George M. Foster) “Anthropological fieldwork in cities,” in Moshe Shokeid (editor), A Reader
in Cultural Anthropology. Jerusalem: Shocken Books. [translated into Hebrew; reprint of 1974a].
2004a Review of Choong Soon Kim, One Anthropologist, two worlds: three decades of reflexive
fieldwork in North America and Asia (Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 2002), Man 10(1).
2004b (and Julie Adkins) “De la „moderna área tarasca‟ a la „tierra natal p‟urhépecha‟: Cambiantes
conceptos de identidad étnica y regional.” Relaciones: Estudios de Historia y Sociedad 100:227-278.
2005a “Mexicans in the United States,” pp. 1027-1037 in Melvin Ember, Carol R. Ember, and Ian
Skoggard (editors), Encyclopedia of Diasporas: Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World,
Volume 2 – Communities. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
2005b Review of Peter S. Cahn, All Religions Are Good in Tzintzuntzan: Evangelicals in Catholic Mexico
(Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003), American Anthropologist 107(1):143-144.
2005c (and Julie Adkins) “The World As It Should Be: Faith-Based Community Development in
America,” pp. 71-100 in Stanley E. Hyland (editor), Community Building in the Twenty-First Century.
(School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series). Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research
2005d “Dallas-Fort Worth: Toward New Models of Urbanization, Community Transformation, and
Immigration,” Urban Anthropology 34(2-3):125-149.
2005e (with Marsha Prior) “From Freedman‟s Town to Uptown: Community Transformation and
Gentrification in Dallas, Texas,” Urban Anthropology 34(2-3):177-216.
2005f “Park, Robert Ezra,” pp. in James Birx (editor), Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
2005g (and Steve J. Langdon) “The Shelf Life of Ethnographic Materials,” Anthropology Newsletter 46(6)
2005h “Veritas Liberabit Vos: The Central Role of Books,” Annotations [Central University Libraries,
SMU] 7(2):1.
2005i Review of Valentina Napolitana, Migration, Mujercitas, and Medicine Men: Living in Urban Mexico
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002). European Review of Latin American and Caribbean
Studies/Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe 79 (October):147-148.
2006a “Anthropological Perspectives on Faith-Based Organizations,” Urban Anthropology 35(2-3):141153.
2006b (with Julie Adkins) “Oasis Housing Corporation: From Solutions to Dissolution in a Faith-Based
Organization,” Urban Anthropology 35(2-3):237-264
2006c (and Julie Adkins) “Who Are My Neighbors? Congregation and Community in North Texas,”
Urban Anthropology 35(2-3):295-339.
2006d (and M. Ryan Fisher) “Comings and Goings: The Multiple Faces of Diaspora in Latin America,”
European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies/Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del
Caribe 80 [abril]:51-57.
2006e “Congregations and Communities: The Comfort of Homogeneity, the Challenges of Heterogeneity,”
Apuntes 26(2):44-54.
2006f “George McClelland Foster, Jr. (1913-2006),” SfAA Newsletter 17(4) [November]:3-15.
2007a “Middletown,” pp. in David R. Goldfield (editor), Encyclopedia of American Urban History.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
2007b “Retirement Communities,” pp. in David R. Goldfield (editor), Encyclopedia of American Urban
History. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
2007c “Ethnic Neighborhoods,” pp. in David R. Goldfield (editor), Encyclopedia of American Urban
History. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
2007d “Families in Cities and Suburbs,” pp. in David R. Goldfield (editor), Encyclopedia of American
Urban History. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
2007e “Park, Robert Ezra,” pp. in David R. Goldfield (editor), Encyclopedia of American Urban History.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
2007f (and Stanley Brandes) “George McClelland Foster, Jr. (1913-2006),” American Anthropologist
2007g “George McClelland Foster, Jr.,” Biographical Memoirs, National Academy of Sciences vol [89],
pp [1-41]. (available on-line:
2007h “From Undocumented Camionetas (Mini-Vans) to Federally Regulated Motor Carriers: Hispanic
Transportation in Dallas, Texas, and Beyond,” Urban Anthropology 36(4):381-423.
2008a “From Bulletin Boards to AnthroSource,” Anthropology News 49(3) [March], pp. 8-9.
2008b (with Catherine S. Fowler) “Isabel T. Kelly: A Life in the Field,” pp. 137-180 in Shirley A. Leckie
and Nancy J. Parezo (editors), Their Own Frontier: Women Intellectuals Re-Visioning the American West.
Omaha: University of Nebraska Press.
2008c (with Catherine S. Fowler) “”Una vida en el campo: Isabel T. Kelly, 1906-1982,” pp. ix-xliiii Isabel
T. Kelly, Excavaciones en Chametla, Sinaloa. México, D.F.: Siglo XXI. (translation and revised version of
2008d (with Scott Anderson) “Barbara Gallatin Anderson (1921-2007),” Anthropology News 49(6)
[September]: 51.
2008e “Searching for Work, Striving for Justice: New Perspectives on Latin American Migration to the
United States,” European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies/Revista Europea de Estudios
Latinoamericanos y del Caribe 85 (October): 121-132.
2009 “Whatever Happened to . . .? An Analysis of the 1971-1972 Generation,” History of
Anthropology Newsletter 36 (1):3-9.
2010a (with George M. Foster) “Anthropological fieldwork in cities,” pp. 5-19 in George Gmelch, Robert
V. Kemper, and Walter P. Zenner (editors), Urban Life: Readings in the Anthropology of the City. Fifth
Edition, Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. [adaptation of 1974a; published in October 2009].
2010b “The Extended Community: Migration and Transformation in Tzintzuntzan, Mexico,” pp. 285-299
in George Gmelch, Robert V. Kemper, and Walter P. Zenner (editors), Urban Life: Readings in Urban
Anthropology. Fifth Edition, Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. [published in October 2009].
2010c (with Caroline Brettell) “Cityward Migration in Comparative Perspective,” pp. 347-358 in George
Gmelch, Robert V. Kemper, and Walter P. Zenner (editors), Urban Life: Readings in Urban Anthropology.
Fifth Edition, Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. [published in October 2009].
2010d “Dallas” pp. 200-203 in Wanda Rushing (editor), Urbanization, volume 15 of The New
Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Caroline Press.
2010e Review of Kathleen S. Fine-Dare and Steven L. Rubenstein (editors), Border Crossings:
Transnational Americanist Anthropology (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2009), Journal of
Anthropological Research 66(3):433-435.
2010f “Urbanización en México y la urbanización vista desde Tzintzuntzan”, pp. 29-67 en Robert V.
Kemper, Tzuntzuntzan, Michoacán: Cuatro décadas de investigaciones antropológicas. Zamora: El
Colegio de Michoacán, México. [translation and adaptation of 1975c and 1975d].
2010g “Organización familiar entre los emigrantes de Tzintzuntzan en la ciudad de México”, pp. 69-103
en Robert V. Kemper, Tzuntzuntzan, Michoacán: Cuatro décadas de investigaciones antropológicas.
Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán, México. [translation and adaptation of 1974c].
2010h “Factores sociales en la migración: el caso de los tzintzuntzeños en la ciudad de México”, pp. 105130 en Robert V. Kemper, Tzuntzuntzan, Michoacán: Cuatro décadas de investigaciones antropológicas.
Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán, México. [translation and adaptation of 1975a].
2010i “Compadrazgo en la ciudad y en el campo: una comparación de los emigrantes de Tzintzuntzan y
los pueblerinos”, pp. 131-160 en Robert V. Kemper, Tzuntzuntzan, Michoacán: Cuatro décadas de
investigaciones antropológicas. Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán, México. [translation and adaptation of
2010j “Obstáculos y oportunidades: economía doméstica de los emigrantes de Tzintzuntzan en la ciudad de
México”, pp. 161-184 en Robert V. Kemper, Tzuntzuntzan, Michoacán: Cuatro décadas de investigaciones
antropológicas. Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán, México. [translation and adaptation of 1981b].
2010k “La comida en Tzintzuntzan, Michoacán: tradiciones y transformaciones”, pp. 185-220 en Robert V.
Kemper, Tzuntzuntzan, Michoacán: Cuatro décadas de investigaciones antropológicas. Zamora: El Colegio
de Michoacán, México. [adaptation of 1996d].
2010l “Identidad étnica y comunidad indígena: el caso de Tzintzuntzan, Michoacán”, pp. 221-250 en
Robert V. Kemper, Tzuntzuntzan, Michoacán: Cuatro décadas de investigaciones antropológicas. Zamora:
El Colegio de Michoacán, México.
2010m “Del estudio principiante al custodio permanente: Tzintzuntzan como comunidad extendida”, pp.
251-289 en Robert V. Kemper, Tzuntzuntzan, Michoacán: Cuatro décadas de investigaciones
antropológicas. Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán, México. [translation and adaptation of 2002b].
n.d “Vida y ocaso del indigenismo oficial: el caso de Tzintzuntzan, Michoacán,” in Andrew RothSeneff (editor), Vida y ocaso del indigenismo oficial. Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán. [in press]
n.d “Ralph L. Beals: Investigaciones antropológicas en México,” in Ralph L. Beals: Obras
escogidas. México, D.F.: Siglo XXI/Colegio de Sinaloa. [in press]
n.d “El estado y la Antropología: en México y Estados Unidos: reflexiones sobre los proyectos
tarascos,” Relaciones: Estudios de Historia y Sociedad 115 [in press].
n.d (with Anya Peterson Royce) “La investigación de campo a largo plazo: Metáforas, paradigmas y
temas”, en Robert V. Kemper and Anya Peterson Royce, Contando Culturas: La investigación a largo
plazo en la antropología. México, D.F.: Universidad Iberoamericana. [translation of 2002a]. [in press]
n.d “De estudiante a custodio: Tzintzuntzan como una comunidad extendida”, en Robert V. Kemper and
Anya Peterson Royce (editors), Contando Culturas: La investigación a largo plazo en la antropología.
México, D.F.: Universidad Iberoamericana. [translation of 2002b]. [in press]
n.d (with Andrew Roth-Seneff) “Ethnic Landscapes: Territoriality, Time Immemorial and the 21st
Century”, in Andrew Roth-Seneff and Robert V. Kemper (editors) Sovereign Community. The Tarascan
and Caxcan Territories in Transition. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. [under review].