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Mailing Address
P.O. Box 832
Commerce, TX 75429
Parish Hall
2211 Monroe Street
Commerce, TX 75428
Parish Office 903-886-7135
Fax 903-886-8034
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Serving Commerce Since 1895
2207 Monroe Street, Commerce, Texas 75428
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
Office Hours
By Appointment
Call Rev. Marcus Chidozie (ext. 4)
Parish Staff/Ministry
Pastoral Administrator
Rev. Marcus Chidozie, Ph.D.
Campus Ministry
Deacon Joe Webber, Ed.D.
Acting Administrative Assistant
Cary Roberts
Safe Environment Coordinator
Joan Lawrence
Acting Music Ministry Director
Natalie Salisbury
CCD Director (K-7th)
Natalie Salisbury
Confirmation Director (8th)
Tom Selvaggi
High School Youth Ministry &
Weekly Sunday Bulletin
(Submissions due by Thursday)
Dale & Jennifer Boyle
Marriage & Family Ministry
Dick & Mary Flesher
Grief Ministry
Barbara Stevko
Telephone Prayer Chain
Sue Mitchell (903)456-3661
Barb Stevko (903) 217-7809
Altar Society
Ruth Gorman
Women’s Guild
Joyce Vargas
Hispanic Community Rep.
Sandra Medrano
March 29, 2015
News, Reminders, and Events______________
Holy Week & Easter Schedule
Holy Thursday 7 p.m.
Good Friday Live Stations of the Cross 6:30 p.m.
Good Friday Passion of the Lord 7 p.m.
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil in the Holy Night 8 p.m.
Easter Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Semana Santa y horario para Pascua
Jueves Santo 7 p.m.
Viernes Santo Emisoras en vivo de la Cruz 8:30 p.m.
Viernes Santo Pasión del Señor 7 p.m.
Sábado Santo Vigilia de Pascua en la Noche Santa 8 p.m.
Domingo Pascua 9:30 a.m.
Remember, the Light is on for You Reconciliation Opportunity is Wednesday, April 1
at 7 p.m.
Recuerde, la Luz está encendida para ti Reconciliación de Oportunidades es el miércoles
1 de abril a las 7 p.m.
The Church Office will be closed from Wednesday, April 1 until Monday, April 6 and will
reopen Tuesday, April 7.
La oficina parroquial estará cerrada desde el Miércoles, 01 de abril hasta el lunes, 6 de
abril y se reabrirá Martes, 07 de abril.
The second collection on Good Friday, April 3, is for The Holy Land.
La segunda colecta del Viernes Santo 3 de abril es para la Tierra Santa.
Come join the fun! The Knights of Columbus in Greenville would like to invite everybody out
for their annual Easter Egg Hunt on next Saturday, April 4 starting at 10:30 a.m. For further
information or questions please contact Bill Mulcahy.
Ven y únete a la diversión! Los Caballeros de Colón en Greenville gustaría invitar a todo el
mundo por su caza anual de huevos de Pascua en el próximo Sábado, 04 de abril a partir de las
10:30 a.m. Para más información o preguntas por favor póngase en contacto con
Bill Mulcahy.
St. Joseph Parish has started a rosary
group each Thursday before 8 a.m. Mass.
Continued on back..................................
Opening: #143 All Glory, Laud and Honor
Preparation: #321 Lord, By Your Cross...
Communion: #504 O Lord, I am Not Worthy
Closing: #157 Were You There
Continued from Page One.............................
Alexander Anthraper
by Kurian & Sheena Anthraper
Thankamma Anthraper
by Kurian & Sheena Anthraper
Joseph Anthraper
by Kurian & Sheena Anthraper
William & Teresa Bolin
by the Bolin Family
Suzanne Coen
by the McDaniel Family
Mr. & Mrs. K. Collins
by Lyndon & Libby Stromberg
Kyle Cooper
by Sue Mitchell
Pat & Mary Ann Davis
by Ted & Angie Davis
Virginia Davis
by Carol Davis
Jerome Dosch
by Anne Marie Ward
Elizabeth Anne Driskell
by John & Jenelle O'Brien
Jesus Escalante
by Noemi Escalente
Joseph Fedorko
by Flesher
Maurice Goudeau
by Howard & Karol Fitzgerald
Shirley Greene
by Sue Mitchell
Tricia Hansen
by Jim & Chip Phelps
Alice Helmberger
by Randy Helmberger, Elaina, Rylea & Kase
Alice Helmberger
by Evea Helmberger, Elaina, Rylea & Kase
Fred & Marie Isenbart
by Natalie & Kent Salisbury
Sidney Jeter
by Becky Zihlman
Sydney Lisa Jeter
by Cheri Zihlman Broussard
Parents of Janet John
by Janet John
Leslie Lewis
by Felix & Linda Lewis
Hugh Robert Lundquist
by C.C. Parker/Adams
Frank & Marie Manna
by Maureen & Eric Preston
Gregory McCormick
by Carrol & Glenn McCormick
Jimmy Mitchell
by Sue Mitchell
John & Lilly Pena
by the Selter Family
Lloyd & Clara Phelps
by Jim & Chip Phelps
Dick Phelps
by Jim & Chip Phelps
E. L. Preston
by Maureen & Eric Preston
On March 7, our Parish Youth Group enjoyed a night out at Rockwall’s Urban Air
Trampoline Park
Tyson Roberts
by Boyd & Cary Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. S. J. Speyrer
by Lyndon & Libby Stromberg
Susan Strahorn
by Jean Stackowiak
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Stromberg
by Lyndon & Libby Stromberg
Teens of
the Parish are
to stop
by one
mass to see what we are all about!
Mary Jo Summerville
by Flesher
Shannon Trad
by Gay & Bert Poole
Peter Verchinski
by Brenda Verchinski
Willis & Alice Ward
by Sharon Ward-Hart
Esther Powers Wilde
by Bobbi McCrummen
Jeff, Helen, Sim Williams
by Tom & Maureen Williams
Thomas & Helen Williams
by Tom & Maureen Williams
Joe Zihlman
by Becky Zihlman
Joe Zihlman
by Kay Zihlman
Please join us. If you have questions regarding
this event contact Lynn Bowman at
Parroquia de San José ha iniciado un grupo
de rosario todos los jueves antes de las 8 am
Misa . Por favor, únase a nosotros. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este evento contacto Lynn
Bowman al 903-455-4423.
The next Women’s Guild meeting will be
April 8 at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
Reunión Gremio Los próximos de la Mujer
será el 8 de abril a las 7 pm en el
Salón Parroquial.
A mandatory Confirmation Parent’s Meeting has been scheduled for April 12 after mass.
Reunión Una confirmación de los padres
obligatoria ha sido programada para el 12
de abril después de la misa.
March 21
March 22
March 23
March 24
5:30 p.m. Mass
9:30 a.m. Mass
No Mass
No Mass
Francis E.
Brancheau II
by Bernice
For the People
March 25
March 26
March 27
March 28
6:30 p.m. Mass
7 p.m. Mass of
the Last Supper
Live Stations
of the Cross
at 6:30 p.m.
8 p.m. Easter Vigil
Well Being of All
by Carmen &
Manuel Osuna
Gary J. Brancheau
by Bernice
CSO meets
after Mass
James Vodicka
by Mary & Bill
Passion of
Our Lord
7 p.m.
The usual stipend for a Mass is $5.00.
Pastor’s Corner by Fr. Marcus Chidozie
As we enter the most holy week of the Church’s liturgical calendar,
the Holy Mother Church encourages us to remain close to Our
Lord Jesus Christ as we journey with Him to Mt. Calvary. This fateful journey, which ends with the newness of life, begins with today’s
Passion reading. It's where we see the drama of human lives played
out. On one hand, we see the warmth and enthusiasm with which
the crowds welcomed Jesus as our Kingly Messiah. In a few days’
time, these same crowds would ironically chant “Crucify Him, Crucify Him!” This plays out in our own lives when we sometimes accept or reject Him.
During these final days of our preparation, I challenge everyone to
take an active part in this week’s liturgical services; doing so will enable us to relive more deeply the mysteries of Christ’ suffering,
death and resurrection. This will unite our trials, temptations and
sufferings with that of Christ. We too, can rise again with Him on
Easter Day.
Dr. Richard Flesher
Coaching Group
Management Coaching & Business Consulting
Our Parish Weekly Need: 2,771.60*
Las necesidades semanales de nuestra
parroquia: $2,771.60*
Last Sunday, March 22, 2015: $1,954.44
Recaudado el domingo pasado: $1,954.44
Monthly Mortgage Payment: $3,402.50
Pago mensual de ipoteca: $3,402.50
Last Sunday’s Building Fund: $54
Fondos recaudados el domingo pasado: $54
Building Fund March Total: $2,832
Total de fondos en marcha: $2,832
Mass Attendance: 255
Cantidad de asistentes: 255
*What it takes to function not including the Mortgage Payment.
*Lo que se requiere para el funcionamiento de la parroquia, sin el pago mensual de la ipoteca.