Download 4th Sunday of Easter April 17, 2016 This Week`s Schedule

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4th Sunday of Easter
April 17, 2016
This Week’s Schedule:
Liturgy: The Work of the Church
On Sunday April 24 , we will use the 4 week schedule:
Current Weekend, April 16 and 17
4:00 pm Mass, Hammond – Ginger Steve (Ed Steve)
6:00 pm – Ministry Thank You Mass
8:30 am Mass – Joyce Tarabochia (Joe Tarabochia)
10:30 am Mass – Anthony and Kiley Prom (Prom Family)
1:00 pm Spanish Mass – Our Parish Family
Monday, April 18
11:00 am – Funeral Mass for Walter O. Fransen
Tuesday, April 19
8:00 am Mass – Knights of Columbus (Prom Family)
Wednesday, April 20
8:00 am Mass – Phillip Ferry
After Mass ~ 6:00 pm – Adoration
5:00 pm - Reconciliation
Thursday, April 21
2:45 pm Mass – Chris & Thelma Rose (Helen Dessen)
Friday, April 22
8:00 am Mass – Souls in Purgatory (Prom Family)
Saturday, April 23
4:00 pm Mass, Hammond – Gordon & Darlene Story
(Marilyn Erven)
Sunday, April 24 – 5th Sunday of Easter
8:30 am Mass – Joyce Tarabochia (Joe Tarabochia)
10:30 am Mass – Mathias Prom (Prom Family)
1:00 pm Spanish Mass – Our Parish Family
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
8:30 am – Judy Dugan, Teela Evans, Ed Johnson, Bob &
Rosann Karby
10:30 am – Barbara Donlon, Toni Mitchum, Ray Prom, Greg
& Christine Riehl
4:00 pm, Hammond – Anne Brunswick
8:30 am – Ed Johnson
10:30 am – Steve Berk
Daily Masses (April 19~22) – Kathleen Mansfield
8:30 am – Mike Wallis and Joel Guzman
10:30 am – Peter Alcobendas and Gale Scobie
8:30 am – Steven Davis, Len & Jerri Blodgett
10:30 am – Rivena Emonds and Barbara Donlon
Altar Servers:
8:30 am – Maria and Annie Heyen, Open
10:30 am – Jose Romero, Thayne Covert, and Owen
Spanish Lector: Ramon Alcantar
Spanish Translator: Jose Goicochea
Church Cleaning: Sunday, April 24– Group 4 and Sunday,
May 1 – Group 5
 Parish Offertory 
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Online Giving:
5th Sunday of Easter
April 24, 2016
1st Reading: Acts of the Apostles 14:21-27
2nd Reading: Revelation 21:1-5a
Gospel: John 13:31-33a, 34-35
Bulletin announcements should be submitted by 12 noon on Wednesday
to the Parish Office or Amy’s e-mail for the following Sunday.
Mass announcements should be submitted in writing by Friday noon to
the Parish Office or Fr. Ben’s e-mail. Also, speakers need to be arranged
in advance and must speak at all the weekend Masses.
PLAY, have FUN & maybe take home some CASH!
TONIGHT at 6:00 pm in the Auditorium
FREE Popcorn, Bottled Water & Coffee
Hosted by William J. Leahy Council 1307
Knights of Columbus
 In Remembrance 
Patrick Doyle
Mary Lewis
Walter O. Fransen
~ May they rest in peace ~
4th Sunday of Easter
April 17, 2016
Fr. Ben’s Message:
Earth Day is this Friday, April 22 .
Many places celebrated it this weekend. My
first celebration was as a junior in High School
and the focus was on the doomsday predictions
for the planet and the call to arms to do
something to prevent our eventual destruction.
In my travels and various assignments, I have
attended many Earth Day events in the western
United States and even started one in Southern
California, Pepper Tree Day, honoring the
oldest Pepper Tree in California at Old Mission
San Luis Rey.
Spiritual Ecology was new and
revolutionary for some but for others they could
trace it back over 800 years to their founder
who referred to the elements of the earth as
brother and sister. St. Francis of Assisi became
the patron saint of the ecological community.
The earth is still under attack by
humanity, healing is a slow process. Living a
life in balance and in harmony with God and
nature is still our goal. Take time on Friday to
appreciate this great gift that God had given us.
Identify an ecological issue that bothers you and
in this next year do something about it.
Peace and all good,
Fr. Ben, ofm
Looking ahead
Fr. Ben was informed this week that the
new clergy assignments will be released to
the public on May 11th. The personnel
board met, made recommendations to
Archbishop Sample, now the details need
to be worked out and in some situations
approval of the Provincial of the Religious
community obtained.
Our 5 and 6th grade religious education
children won the 3rd annual Heritage Bowl~
430 to 310! This is a competition between our
parish and Our Lady of the Mountain in
Ashland. The kids compete on their knowledge
of the Catholic faith.
Thank you to Rosy Doyle and the following
volunteers: Victor Rodriguez, Dick Elder, Ellen
Kachel-Bewley, Bev Crosby, Brandon Olson,
Kitchell Cox, Liz Brouse, Emily Borup, and
Michelle Rub.
Catholic Home Missions ~ 2nd Collection
The Catholic Home Missions Appeal will take
place next week. One way that this appeal
works to support home mission dioceses in
the United States is by funding essential
ministries, including seminary education and
lay ministry training. Please strengthen the
Church at home by making a generous gift to
next week’s appeal.
St. Vincent de Paul
Pantry needs - Top Ramen, Pancake Mix, Jelly/Jam
Food for Kids needs - Hot Cocoa packets, Individual
Oatmeal packets
Today, we celebrate “Good Shepherd Sunday” where
we reflect on Jesus’ care and love of us.
Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will
show that you are indeed the disciple of Jesus , the
Good Shepherd, as it will bring your love to those
who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread.
Hours: Tuesdays 1 - 3 pm, Fridays & Saturdays 10 am - 12 Noon
SVDP is an equal opportunity provider
4th Sunday of Easter
April 17, 2016
Good News
Good News
Good News
Good News
Good News
We were approved to receive $4,513.70 in
Safety grant awards from the Archdiocese.
The grant money is for 3 projects:
1. New sidewalk on 15th street from the
driveway up the hill.
2. Additional security camera that
covers the sacristy and sacristy entry.
3. A landing with handrails as you exit
the sacristy to enter the Church.
At this writing, we did not hear about St.
Francis de Sales safety proposals.
Our Father Help
Pentecost is May 15th
Fr. Ben would like to have the Our
Father prayed in as many languages as
possible at the various Masses on
Pentecost weekend. If you are willing
to pray, please email Fr. Ben so he can
plan the various languages. Thank you!
Please patronize the following business for their
continued support of our parish bulletins:
The Ship Inn
Congratulations to our
First Communicants!
Felicitaciones a nuestra Primera Comunión!
Please keep our parish children in your prayers;
they are receiving the Sacrament of First
Communion today. Por favor, mantener a nuestros
niños de la parroquia en sus oraciones; ellos están
recibiendo hoy el Sacramento de primera comunión.
Paloma Ayala
Tyler ‘Jacob’ Cox
Talan Dugan
Víctor Diego
Randy Galván
Rigoberto González Sebastián
Jacquelyn Guadalupe Hernández
Mallory Helvey
Diego Hernández
Kasey Hernández Rojas
Hailey Jones
Andy Link
Maysn McCulloch
Nathan Morris
Arely Sanchez Dominguez
Valerie Salvador
José Talancon-Botello
Miriam Wilson
Thank you to Kathy Arndt and Paul Lyon for
teaching and guiding our parish children for this
Sacrament. Gracias a Kathy Arndt y Paul Lyon por
enseñar y guiar a nuestros niños de la parroquia
para este Sacramento.
8 am Daily Mass is canceled:
Tuesday, April 26th, Thursday, April 28th
and Friday, April 29th
Fr. David will celebrate on April 27th
(K-6 Religious Ed is still scheduled for April 28th)
th Sunday
de Abril
del 2016
17, 2016
 Liturgia: El trabajo de la iglesia 
El 24 de Abril vamos a utilizar
el programa de la semana 4:
Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión:
Nombre: ________________
Nombre: ________________
Nombre: Ramón Alcantar
Nombre: José Goicochea
Recolectores de ofrendas:
Nombre: Rodrigo Palacios and Fidel Palacios
Nombre: Sagrario Diego, Verónica Valdez & Selin Palacios
Si usted está interesado póngase en contacto con
José Goicochea al tel: 503-325-3671.
Notas del Padre Ben:
Día de la tierra es este viernes, 22 de Abril.
Muchos lugares lo celebran este fin de semana. Mi
primera celebración fue como junior en la escuela
secundaria y el enfoque estaba en las predicciones del
fin del mundo para el planeta y la llamada a los
brazos de hacer algo para evitar la eventual
destrucción. En mis viajes y varios trabajos, he
asistido a muchos eventos del día de la tierra en el
oeste de los Estados Unidos e incuso empecé uno en
el sur de California, día del árbol de pimienta,
honrando al árbol de pimienta más viejo en
California, en la antigua misión de San Luis Rey.
Ecología espiritual era nuevo y revolucionario
para algunos pero para otros podrían rastrearlo más
de 800 años de su fundador quien se refirió a los
elementos de la tierra como hermano y hermana. St.
Francisco de Assis se convirtió en el patrón de la
comunidad ecológica.
La tierra está siendo atacada por la
humanidad, la curación es un proceso lento. Una vida
en equilibrio y en armonía con Dios y la naturaleza
sigue siendo nuestro objetivo. Tómese tiempo el
viernes para apreciar este gran regalo que Dios nos ha
dado. Identificar un problema ecológico que te
molesta y en este año que viene haz algo al respecto.
Paz y todo bien,
Padre Ben, ofm
Segunda colecta el llamado para las
misiones católicas fortaleciendo la
iglesia en casa
La misio de la Campaña Católica para las misiones
en casa tendrá lugar la próxima semana. Una de las
formas en la que trabaja esta Campaña es apoyando
la misión de las diócesis en los estados unidos está
financiando ministerios esenciales, incluyendo
educación en el seminario y la formación de laicos.
Por favor de fortalecer la iglesia en casa haciendo una
generosa donación a la segunda colecta de la próxima
Nuestros niños de educación religiosa de grados
5 y 6 ganaron la taza del patrimonio anual 3 ~
430 a 310! Esta es una competencia entre
nuestra parroquia y nuestra Señora de la
montaña en Ashland. Los niños compiten en su
conocimiento de la fe católica.
Gracias a Rosy Doyle y los siguientes voluntarios:
Victor Rodriguez, Dick Elder, Ellen KachelBewley, Bev Crosby, Brandon Olson, Kitchell Cox,
Liz Brouse, Emily Borup, y Michelle Rub
Viendo asía el 11 de Mayo
Le informaron al Padre Ben esta semana que
las nuevas asignaciones del clero serán
lanzadas al público el 11 de mayo. La Junta del
consejo personal se reunió, e hizo
recomendaciones al Arzobispo Sample, ahora
necesitan trabajar en los detalles y en ciertas
situaciones aprobación del Provincial de la
comunidad religiosa.
Tenemos buenas noticias!
Fuimos aprobados para recibir $4,513.70 en premios de
subvención de seguridad de la Arquidiócesis. El dinero de
la beca es para 3 proyectos:
1. Nueva acera en la calle 15 desde la entrada hasta la colina.
2. Una cámara de seguridad adicional que cubrirá la sacristía
y la entrada de la sacristía.
3. Una plataforma con pasamanos para salir de la sacristía y
para entrar a la iglesia.
En esta carta, no escuchamos propuestas de seguridad de San
Francis de Sales.