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Spanish Language Arts 1st grade - 3rd quarter Unit: 3.5, 3.6, 4.1 Time Frame: (3 weeks) Jan 7-11, Jan 14-18, Jan 21-25 Big Ideas/Guiding Questions: Creativity / Creatividad – Team work / Trabajo en equipo TEKS / Student Expectations Vocabulary / Word Study SLA.PK.3B Identify high-frequency words of interest. Print Awareness / Word Study SLA.1.1F Identify the information that different parts of a book provide (e.g., title, author, illustrator, table of contents). Phonological Awareness / Word Study SLA.1.2C Blend spoken phonemes to form syllables and words (e.g., sol, pato). Phonics: Decoding; Spelling; High Frequency Words / Word Study SLA.1.21A Form upper- and lower-case letters legibly in text, using the basic conventions of print (left-to-right and top-to-bottom progression), including spacing between words and sentences. SLA.1.3C Use phonological knowledge to match sounds to individual letters and syllables including hard and soft consonants such as "r," "c," and "g". Fluency / Reading SLA.1.5A Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency(rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension. Comprehension: Realistic Fiction / Informational Nonfiction SLA.1.7AConnect the meaning of a well-known story, fable (or other genre) to personal experiences. SLA.1.14ARestate the main idea of what is heard or read. SLA.1.14B Identify important facts or details in text, heard or read (as opposed to opinions). SLA.1.RC.D Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. SLA.3.13B Draw conclusions from the facts presented in text and support those assertions with textual evidence SLA.1.10D Use titles and illustrations to make predictions about text. Writing / Language Arts SLA.1.19BWrite short letters that put ideas in a chronological or logical sequence and use appropriate conventions (e.g., date, salutation, body, closing, signature). Oral and Written Conventions / Language Arts SLA.1.20A.i Understand and use verbs in the past, present, and future in the indicative mode (canto, canté in the context of reading, writing, and speaking). SLA.2.22B.ii Use capitalization for the salutation and closing of a letter. Examples / Specifications WEEK 1 Comprehension Strategy: Reread / volver a leer Skill: Draw Conclusions / Sacar conclusiones Review: Make predictions / Hacer predicciones Fonética Sílabas abiertas con: za, ze, zi, zo, zu / ce, ci Palabras de uso frecuente/Vocabulario traje, ruido, fiesta, bailar, preguntó Grammar: Concordancia entre sustantivo y verbo Spelling: Palabras con z y ce, ci Mechanics & Usage: Acentuación de verbos en pasado y futuro WEEK 2 REVIEW – Poetry/Poesia WEEK 3 Comprehension Strategy: Make questions / Hacer preguntas Skill: Make predictions / Hacer predicciones Review: Draw Conclusions / Sacar conclusiones Fonética Sílabas inversas con: an, en, in, on, un, ar, er, ir, or, ur Palabras de uso frecuente/Vocabulario padre, vivía, siete / siempre, mismo Grammar: Los verbos ser y estar Spelling: Palabras con an, en, in, on, un/ar, er, ir, or, ur 1 Spanish Language Arts 1st grade - 3rd quarter SLA.4.21B.ii Use capitalization for titles of books, stories. SLA.1.21A Form upper- and lower-case letters legibly in text, using the basic conventions of print (left-to-right and top-to-bottom progression), including spacing between words and sentences. Research / Language Arts SLA.1.23A Generate a list of topics of class-wide interest and formulate open-ended questions about one or two of the topics (with adult assistance). SLA.1.23B Decide what sources of information might be relevant to answer these questions (about the topic). Mechanics & Usage: Conjugar correctamente los verbos ser y estar Response to Intervention Tier 1- Core Class Curriculum Second language acquisition strategies used in regular classroom Tier 2 Small Group Intervention Second language acquisition strategies Small group instruction in L2 (1:3) Individualized instruction in L2 Tier 3- Intensive Intervention Second language acquisition strategies Small group instruction in L2 (1:3) Individualized instruction in L2 Individualized instruction in L1 Ongoing (Spiraled) TEKS: Listening and Speaking / Oral Language SLA.1.20A.i Understand and use verbs in the past, present, and future in the indicative mode (canto, canté,) in the context of reading, writing, and speaking. ELPS: SE Instructional Strategies Vocabulary Preview-View-Review WEEK 1 Assessment Items CA #3 1/22-1/25 traje, ruido, fiesta, bailar, preguntó 1.2.A Resources MMH Unidad 3 Semana 5 Cuaderno de practica fonética pg. 163 WEEK 2 Review WEEK 3 padre, vivía, siete / siempre, mismo 1.2.B Word wall activities Preview-view-review WEEK1 Ortografía: Palabras con z y ce, MMH Unidad 3 Semana 5 Cuaderno de practica de ortografía pg. 164, 167, 168 ci WEEK 2 Review WEEK 3 Ortografía: Palabras con an, en, 2 Spanish Language Arts 1st grade - 3rd quarter in, on, un/ar, er, ir, or, ur Student Performance Standard (Quality Criteria of Student Products): SLL (Spanish Language Learners) Will produce 1/2 page of writing in their L2 Technology Integration: StoryKit app – writing poetry Critical Writing Component: WEEK 1 Escritura descriptiva: Escribe sobre diversión en la escuela WEEK 2 Poetry/Poesía Week 3 Narrativa personal Escribe sobre estar en un equipo 3 Spanish Language Arts 2nd grade - 3rd quarter Unit: 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 Time Frame: (3 weeks) Jan 28-Feb 1, Feb 4-8, Feb 11-15 Big Ideas/Guiding Questions: Team work – Trabajo en equipo TEKS / Student Expectations Vocabulary / Word Study SLA.1.22A Use phonological knowledge to match sounds to letters and syllables to construct words. SLA.K.5B Become familiar with grade appropriate vocabulary including content and function words. SLA.1.2C Blend spoken phonemes to form syllables and words (e.g., sol, pato). Print Awareness / Word Study SLA.1.21A Form upper- and lower-case letters legibly in text, using the basic conventions of print (left-to-right and top-to-bottom progression), including spacing between words and sentences. Phonological Awareness / Word Study SLA.1.3E.i Decode words in context and in isolation by applying the knowledge of lettersound relationships in different syllabic structures including open syllable (e.g., CV, la; VCV, ala; CVCV, toma). Phonics: Decoding; Spelling; High Frequency Words / Word Study SLA.1.3C Use phonological knowledge to match sounds to individual letters and syllables including hard and soft consonants such as "r," "c," and "g". Fluency / Reading SLA.1.12A Read independently for a sustained period of time. Comprehension: Nonfiction / Informational Fiction SLA.1.9B Describe characters in a story and the reasons for their actions and feelings. SLA.1.4B Ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and other texts. SLA.1.9B Describe characters in a story and the reasons for their actions and feelings. SLA.1.7B Explain the function of recurring phrases (e.g., "Había una vez" or "Colorín Colorado, este cuento se ha acabado") in traditional folk- and fairy tales. Writing / Language Arts SLA.1.18B Write short poems that convey sensory details. SLA.3.23D Use correct mechanics including paragraph indentations. SLA.1.17A Plan a first draft by generating ideas for writing (e.g., drawing, sharing ideas, listing key ideas). SLA.1.20A.i Understand and use verbs in the past, present, and future in the indicative mode (canto, canté) in the context of reading, Examples / Specifications WEEK 4 Comprehension Strategy: Make questions / Hacer preguntas Skill: Character and Setting / Personaje y ambiente Review: Retell / Volver a contar Fonética Sílabas abiertas con: bla, ble, bli, blo, blu, bra, bre, bri, bro, bru Palabras de uso frecuente/Vocabulario volar, vuela, madre, fuerte, siente / tremendo, veloz Grammar: el verbo ir Spelling: Palabras con bl y br Mechanics & Usage: Conjugar correctamente el verbo ir WEEK 5 Comprehension Strategy: Summarize / Resumir Skill: Problem and Solution / Problema y solución Review: Theme / Tema Fonética Sílabas abiertas con: cla, cle, cli, clo, clu, cra, cre, cri, cro, cru Palabras de uso frecuente/Vocabulario Cambiar, mejor, moverse/mudarse, comprar / maduro, difícil Grammar: el verbo hacer Spelling: Palabras con cl, cl y cr Mechanics & Usage: Conjugar correctamente el verbo hacer WEEK 6 4 Spanish Language Arts 2nd grade - 3rd quarter writing, and speaking. Comprehension SLA.5.16B.ii Write poems using figurative language (e.g., similes). Strategy: Visualize / Visualizar SLA.5.16B.iii Write poems using graphic elements (e.g., capital Skill: Problem and Solution / Problema y solución letters, line length). Review: Make Predictions Oral and Written Conventions / Language Arts SLA.1.22H Become familiar with the appropriate use of accents on Fonética words commonly used in questions and exclamation (e.g., cuál, dónde, cómo). Sílabas abiertas con: fla, fle, fli, flo, flu, fra, fre, fri, fro, fru SLA.1.20A.i Understand and use verbs in the past, present, and future in the indicative mode (canto, canté in the context of reading, Palabras de uso frecuente/Vocabulario writing, and speaking). Nieve, ríen, frío / montaña, arriba SLA.1.20A.v Understand and use prepositions and prepositional phrases ("por la mañana" in the context of reading, writing, and Grammar: el adverbio speaking). SLA.1.20C Identify and read abbreviations (e.g., Sr., Sra.). Spelling: Palabras con fl y fr Research / Language Arts Mechanics & Usage: Usar un adverbio luego del verbo SLA.1.23A Generate a list of topics of class-wide interest and formulate open-ended questions about one or two of the topics (with adult assistance). Ongoing (Spiraled) TEKS: Listening and Speaking / Oral Language SLA.1.28A Share information and ideas about the topic under discussion by speaking clearly at and appropriate pace and using the conventions of language. ELPS: 5 Spanish Language Arts 2nd grade - 3rd quarter SE 1.2.A Instructional Strategies Vocabulary Assessment Items Resources Preview-View-Review Bilingual pairs WEEK 4 WEEK 4 MMH Unidad 4 Semana 1 • Cuaderno de practica fonética pg. 174 volar, vuela, madre, fuerte, siente / tremendo, veloz WEEK 5 WEEK 5 Cambiar, mejor, moverse/mudarse, comprar / maduro, difícil WEEK 6 WEEK 6 1.2.B Word wall activities Bilingual pairs Preview-view-review inspección, admiración, inclinación, espolvorear, atisbar, ufanarse, engullir WEEK 4 Ortografía: Palabras con bl y br WEEK 5 Ortografía: Palabras con cl, cl y cr WEEK 6 Ortografía: Palabras con fl y fr Student Performance Standard (Quality Criteria of Student Products): SLL (Spanish Language Learners) Will produce 1/2 page of writing in their L2 Technology Integration: StoryKit app – writing poetry Critical Writing Component: WEEK 4 Narrativa personal: Escribe sobre equipos de familias WEEK 5 Informe: Escribe sobre alguien que admiras Week 6 Cuento: Escribe un cuento 6 MMH Unidad 4 Semana 1 • Cuaderno de practica de ortografía pg. 175, 180, 181 Spanish Language Arts 2nd grade - 3rd quarter Unit: 4.5, 4.6, 5.1 Time Frame: (3 weeks) Feb 18-22, Feb 25-Mar1, Mar 4-7 Big Ideas/Guiding Questions: Team work – Trabajo en equipo – Ciencias – Crecimiento y cambio TEKS / Student Expectations Vocabulary / Word Study • SLA.1.6A Determine what words mean from how they are used in a sentence either heard or read. Print Awareness / Word Study • SLA.1.6D Identify and sort words into conceptual categories (e.g., opposites, living things). Phonological Awareness / Word Study • SLA.1.3C Use phonological knowledge to match sounds to individual letters and syllables including hard and soft consonants such as "l’ “s” • SLA.1.2C Blend spoken phonemes to form syllables and words (e.g., sol, pato). Phonics: Decoding; Spelling; High Frequency Words / Word Study • SLA.1.3E.i Decode words in context and in isolation by applying the knowledge of letter-sound relationships in different syllabic structures including open syllable (e.g., CV, la; VCV, ala; CVCV, toma). Fluency / Reading • SLA.1.5A Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension. Comprehension: Folktale • SLA.1.14C Retell the order of events in a text by referring to the words and/or illustrations. • SLA.K.6A Identify elements of a story including setting, character, and key events. • SLA.1.14A Restate the main idea of what is heard or read. • SLA.1.9B Describe characters in a story and the reasons for their actions and feelings. • SLA.1.9A Describe the plot (problem and solution) and retell a story’s beginning, middle, and end with attention to the sequence of events. • SLA.1.10A Determine whether a story is true or a fantasy (fiction or nonfiction, realistic or fantasy) and explain why. • SLA.1.RC.A Establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon desired outcome to enhance comprehension. • SLA.1.RC.B Ask literal questions of text. • SLA.1.4A Confirm predictions about what will happen next in text by "reading the part that tells". Writing / Language Arts • SLA.1.17A Plan a first draft by generating ideas for writing (e.g., drawing, sharing ideas, listing key ideas). Examples / Specifications WEEK 7 Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Story Structure / Estructura del cuento Skill: Retell / Volver a contar Review: Problem and solution / Problema y solución Fonética Sílabas inversas con: al, el, il, ol, ul, as, es, is, os, us Palabras de uso frecuente/Vocabulario contestó, vio, cielo, comerse / erase, gran Grammar: Preposiciones y conjunciones Spelling: Palabras con al, el, il, ol, ul/as, es, is, os, us Mechanics & Usage: el uso correcto preposiciones y conjunciones WEEK 8 Review WEEK 9 Comprehension Strategy: Make questions / Hacer preguntas Skill: Cause and effect / Causa y efecto Review: Retell / Volver a contar Fonética Vocales Fuertes: a, e, o; Vocales débiles i, u; Diptongos ia, io, ua Skill: Diccionario/ Homógrafos Palabras de uso frecuente/Vocabulario pueda, puede, Tierra, limpio / reciclar, papel Grammar: el adjetivo 7 Spanish Language Arts 2nd grade - 3rd quarter SLA.1.17D Edit drafts for grammar, punctuation, and spelling using a Spelling: Palabras con diptongo teacher-developed rubric. Mechanics & Usage: Usar una palabra que describe una cosa o persona Oral and Written Conventions / Language Arts • SLA.1.20A.v Understand and use prepositions and prepositional phrases ("por la mañana" in the context of reading, writing, and speaking). • SLA.3.22B Use the complete subject and the complete predicate in a sentence. • SLA.1.3D Decode the written "y" when used as a conjunction (e.g., "mamá y papá"). Research / Language Arts • SLA.1.24B Use text features (e.g., table of contents, alphabetized index) in ageappropriate reference works (e.g., picture dictionaries) to locate information with adult assistance. • SLA.1.24C Record basic information in simple visual formats (e.g., notes, charts, picture graphs, diagrams) with adult assistance. Ongoing (Spiraled) TEKS: Listening and Speaking / Oral Language • SLA.1.28A Share information and ideas about the topic under discussion by speaking clearly at and appropriate pace and using the conventions of language. ELPS: • 8 Spanish Language Arts 2nd grade - 3rd quarter SE 1.2.A Instructional Strategies Vocabulary Preview-View-Review Bilingual pairs WEEK 7 Assessment Items Resources MMH Unidad 5 Semana 1 • Cuaderno de práctica fonética pg. 234 contestó, vio, cielo, comerse / erase, gran WEEK 8 Review WEEK 9 pueda, puede, Tierra, limpio / reciclar, papel 1.2.B Word wall activities Bilingual pairs Preview-view-review WEEK 7 Ortografía: Preposiciones y conjunciones WEEK 8 Review WEEK 9 Ortografía: el adjetivo Student Performance Standard (Quality Criteria of Student Products): SLL (Spanish Language Learners) Will produce 1/2 page of writing in their L2 MMH Unidad 5 Semana 1 • Cuaderno de práctica de ortografía pg. 235, 241 Technology Integration: StoryKit app – writing poetry Critical Writing Component: WEEK 7 Informe: Escribe sobre equipos de animales WEEK 8 Review Week 9 Escritura persuasiva: Escribe un aviso publicitario 9