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Thursday, August 8 – Sunday, August 11 • Uptown Theater • 120 E. Main St.
For tickets, visit or call 972-237-8786 • Use code word: PIPELINE
City of Grand Prairie Monthly Citizen Newsletter
Mandatory Water Restrictions
Due to drought conditions, mandatory water
restrictions are now in effect for the city of
Grand Prairie.
• No watering on Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday
• No watering between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
• Even numbered addresses may water on Mondays and Thursdays
• Odd numbered addresses may water on Tuesday and Fridays
• Handheld and soaker hoses are allowed to be used any time.
For more information, visit or call 972-237-8401.
Hatch Chile Festival Aug. 24
Saturday, Aug. 24, 8 a.m.- 2 p.m.
Market Square, 120 W. Main St.
The 3rd Annual Hatch Chile Festival will
heat up the Farmers Market with world famous Hatch chiles from New Mexico. Hatch
chiles will be for sale and visitors will have
two options: they will be able to buy roasted
chiles—fire roasted right on the spot—or
raw chiles to take home and prepare. In addition, the event will feature cooking
demonstrations, art, music, kids activities and the usual produce and goods of
the Farmers Market.
For more information, call 972-237-8100 or visit
New Electronics Recycling for Residents
July 2013 Vol. 14 No. 7
Prairie Paws Half
Price Adoptions
Prairie Paws Animal Adoption
Center is celebrating the Dog Days
of Summer in August. Half price
adoptions are available every day it
is 100 degrees or higher, Thursday,
Aug. 1-Saturday, Aug. 31. The Prairie
Paws Adoption Center is located at
2222 W. Warrior Tr. Call 972-2378575 for more information or visit
Farmers Market
Saturdays 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
Market Square, 120 W. Main St.
Get a fresh start every Saturday
morning at the Farmers Market and
enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables,
baked goods, tamales, jellies, relishes,
candles and more.
Grand Prairie residents can now recycle electronics such as computers,
printers, televisions, telephones, batteries, microwave ovens and more in one of
Upcoming specials include:
two ways:
August 3 Petting Zoo
1. Call Grand Prairie Disposal at 817-261-8812 for bulky item pickup.
August 10 Rock and Roll at Market
2. Bring your electronics to the Grand Prairie Landfill, 1102 MacArthur, August 17 Bee Keeping
Monday-Saturday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. For info. call 972-237-4550.
g p t x . o r g | Yo u T u b e . c o m / c i t y o f g p t x
| Tw i t t e r ( @ g p _ t x )
Summer Sizzles at the Uptown
Enjoy fabulous live entertainment at Grand Prairie's
Uptown Theater, 120 E. Main St. For tickets, visit www. or call 972-237-8786.
The Night the Music Died
Presented by Texas Family Musicals
August 8-11
Kraig Parker
August 16
The Marvelous Wonderettes
Presented by Texas Family Musicals
August 24-25
Tribute to Dolly Parton
September 7
Yappy Hour Benefits Animal Shelter
Join your friends for Yappy Hour, a wine tasting and pawsitively awesome
silent auction, 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 29, at the Ruthe Jackson Center, 3113 S.
Carrier Parkway. The event will raise money for the shelter’s Animal Welfare
Fund, which helps cover major veterinarian costs for sick and injured shelter
animals. Sponsorships and $25 tickets are available by calling Nadia at 972237-8576 or at the Animal Shelter, 2222 W. Warrior Tr.
For more information call 972-237-8575 or visit
Tourist Center Offers Six Flags Tickets
Discount tickets and season passes to Six
Flags Over Texas, Hurricane Harbor and the
Fort Worth Zoo are available at the Teri Jackson
Tourist Information Center, 2170 N. Belt Line
Road. The center is open Monday-Saturday,
9 a.m.- 5 p.m. For more information, call 972595-5400 or email
Free Tickets to Aug. 16 AirHogs Game
As the summer comes to a close, the Grand
Prairie AirHogs have designated Friday, Aug.
16 as a Parks and Recreation End of Summer
night at the game. You can pick-up a free ticket
voucher at any of the Grand Prairie Parks, Arts
and Recreation facilities from July 29-August
16. Redeem your voucher for tickets prior to
game night to be guaranteed a good seat.
Triathlon at The Summit Sept. 14
This triathlon for those 50 or older, starts Saturday, Sept. 14, at 6:30 a.m.
and includes a 300-yard swim, 3-mile bike, and 1-mile walk/run. Registration
is $25 for Summit members and $30 for non-members. For more information,
contact Amber Martin, 972-237-4146 or
Haz Waste
Collection Day
The next Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event will be
Saturday, Sept. 14, from 9 a.m. until
11 a.m. at the Development Center,
206 W. Church (next to City Hall).
Registration is required. To register or
get more information please visit our
website at
or call 972-237-8055. No commercial
waste will be accepted.
Chamber Reaches
Out to Community
The Grand Prairie Chamber
of Commerce is launching a new
community-building service called
Chamber for Good which allows local
charities to raise their visibility within
the community and also provides
philanthropic individuals an easy way
to become aware of local charitable
needs, causes and events. For more
information, visit the Grand Prairie
Chamber of Commerce’s Chamber for
Good page at www.chamberforgood.
After School
The Bowles Life Center will offer
an After School Program for youth
ages 6-12. Bowles picks up daily from
Travis Elementary, Garcia Elementary and Harmony Science Academy.
Youth will receive a daily snack, help
with homework, and take part in organized activities in the gym, aerobics
room, computer lab, game room, and
Bowles Branch Library. After School
pick up will begin Tuesday, Aug. 27.
Fee: Travis and Harmony Science
Academy $30.00/week/child with $7
center membership. Garcia: $20/week/
child with center membership. For
more info. on After School programs,
Produced by city of Grand Prairie Communications Department, Contact: Cami McKillop 972-237-8108 or e-mail
Defend Yourself:
In the battle against blood-thirsty mosquitoes and
West Nile Virus, Grand Prairie will ground spray every
Thursday and Friday night, weather permitting, from
May-October in neighborhoods testing positive for
To know if your area is in the spray zone, residents will
need to do one or more of these:
• Subscribe to the city’s Reverse 911 call out system
by going to or calling
972-237-7595. Subscribers in affected areas will
receive a phone call.
• Follow us on Twitter@gp_tx. Alerts will be sent
out as spraying occurs.
• Like the city’s Facebook page, Facebook/
grandprairie. Posts will identify affected areas.
• Subscribe for email alerts on the city’s website,
• Check the city’s website,
FightTheBite daily.
And arm yourself with the 4-D’s:
• DEET—Use insect repellents that contain DEET
or EPA approved insect repellent.
• Dress—Wear long sleeves/pants, loose and light
colored clothing when outdoors.
• Drain—Remove all areas of standing water.
Change water in pet dishes and birdbaths several
times a week.
• Dusk/Dawn—Protect yourself during dusk and
What is West Nile Virus?
West Nile Virus (WNV) is a serious illness that is spread
to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito. The
virus can be fatal.
What about swimming pools?
Stagnant pools can be the worst breeding ground for
mosquitoes. To learn how to report a stagnant pool or
for tips on maintaining your own pool, visit
FightTheBite or call 972-237-8055.
What does the City do?
The city sets traps throughout the city to test
mosquitoes. When mosquitoes test positive for
WNV, the city ground sprays the surrounding area on
Thursday and Friday nights, weather permitting. The
city also surveys low lying areas for standing water and
applies larvicide to mosquito habitats.
What Can I Do?
Residents are advised to take the following precautions
when in the spray zone:
• Minimize exposure. Avoid being outside during
spraying, close windows.
• Cover beehives.
• Because the chemical breaks down quickly in
sunlight and water, no special precautions are
suggested for outdoor swimming areas.
The pesticide used by the city, a synthetic pyrethroid,
is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency
and breaks down quickly in sunlight and water, so
returning your yard and animals to their normal state
the next day is fine.
On a regular basis, residents are urged to reduce
outdoor activity during evening and nighttime hours.
When outside, cover arms and legs and use a mosquito
repellent. Standing water should be eliminated promptly, as
mosquitoes can grow from egg to adult in as little as
seven days. Breeding places for mosquitoes include
swimming pools that are not kept clean, stagnant
ponds, pet watering dishes, birdbaths, potted plants, old
tires, empty containers, toys and clogged rain gutters
and French drains. Swimming pool owners also have
an important responsibility since unmaintained pools
create a health hazard for the community by breeding
En la batalla contra los mosquitos hambrientos de
sangre y el Virus del Nilo Occidental, Grand Prairie
aplicará pesticidas por vía terrestre cada Jueves
y Viernes por la noche, si el clima lo permite, en
vecindarios con mosquitos positivos para el virus.
Para saber si su área esta en la zona de aplicación, los
residentes necesitan uno de los siguientes:
• Subscribirse al sistema de aviso 911 Reverso en ó llamando al 972-2377595. Los subscriptores en áreas afectadas
recibirán una llamada telefónica.
• Siganos en Twitter@gp_tx. Alertas serán
enviadas cuando se aplique pesticida.
• Si le gusta, la página de Facebook de la ciudad,
Facebook/grandprairie. Aqui se identificará las
áreas afectadas.
• Subscribase para alertas por e-mail en el sitio
web de la ciudad,
• Chequee el sitio web de la ciudad, a diario.
Y armese con las 4 D’s:
• DEET – Use repelente de insectos que contengan
DEET ó un repelente aprobado por la EPA.
• Dress—La ropa debe ser de mangas largas, floja
y de colores claros cuando este afuera.
• Drain—Drene todas las areas que tengan agua
acumulada. Cambie el agua de las mascotas y aves
varias veces por semana.
• Dusk/Dawn: Protejase durante el atardecer y en
el amanecer.
Que es el Virus del Nilo?
El Virus del Nilo Occidental es una seria enfermedad
que se propaga a los humanos a travéz del piquete
de un mosquito infectado. El virus puede ser fatal.
Y las Piscinas?
Agua estancada es la peor área para crear mosquitos.
Para saber como reportar una piscina con agua
estancada ó consejos de como mantener su piscina,
visite ó llame al 972-237-8055.
Que Hace la Alcaldía?
La alcaldía coloca trampas por toda la ciudad para
examinar los mosquitos. Cuando un mosquito resulta
positivo para el WNV, la alcaldía aplica pesticidas en
las áreas aledañas los Jueves y Viernes por la noche,
si el clima lo permite. La alcaldía tambien chequea
áreas bajas con agua y se tratan con larvicidas donde
hay mosquitos.
Que Puedo Hacer?
Los residentes deben tomar las siguientes
precauciones en la zona de aplicación de pesticidas:
• Minimize exponerse. Evite estar afuera durante
la aplicación y cierre ventanas.
• Cubra los panales de abejas.
• Debido a que el químico se descompone ante la
luz solar y el agua, no hay precauciones especiales
para áreas fuera de casa ó piscinas.
El pesticida usado por la alcaldía, es un piretroide
sintético aprobado por la Agencia de Protección del
Ambiente (EPA) que se descompone rapidamente
ante la presencia de luz solar y agua; por lo que
usted, su jardin, y sus mascotas puede retornar a la
normalidad al día siguiente.
Regularmente los residentes deben reducir sus
actividades afuera de casa durante el crepúsculo y
la noche. Si debe salir, cubra sus brazos y piernas y
use repelente de insectos.
El agua estancada debe eliminarse de inmediato
ya que los mosquitos pueden crecer de huevos a
adultos en tan solo siete dias. Los lugares que crian
mosquitos incluyen las piscinas sucias, estanques,
recipientes con agua de mascotas y aves, masetas,
llantas, recipientes vacios, juguetes, canales de lluvia
tapados y drenajes franceses. Los dueños de piscinas
también tienen una gran responsabilidad ya que las
piscinas mal mantenidas crean un peligro de salud
en la comunidad cuando crian mosquitos.