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RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” I. DATOS GENERALES PAÍS/PAÍSES: Brasil TïTULO PROYECTO: Climate risk management in the water resources and agricultural sectors of Brazilian Nordeste ÁMBITO DE APLICACIÓN : Subnacional Área geográfica: Nordeste de Brasil. Estado de Ceara SECTORES RECURSOS HÍDRICOS. SECTOR AGRÍCOLA. SALUD. ZONAS COSTERAS. FINANZAS. SUELOS. BOSQUES. PESCA Y ECOSIST. MARINOS ENERGÍA. ZONAS DE MONTAÑA. BIODIVERSIDAD. TRANSPORTE. TURISMO. URBANISMO Y CONSTRUCCIÓN. OTROS SECTORES. Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Descripción: Subsectores: . ESTRUCTURA DE COORDINACIÓN Institución Responsable principal: Instituciones y Agentes participantes: 1. Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia e Recursos Hídricos, Ceará, Brazil (FUNCEME) 2. National Water Agency of Brazil (ANA) 3. Secretariat for water resources, Ceará, Brazil (SRH) 4. Companhia de Gestao dos Recursos Hídricos, Ceará, Brazil (COGERH) 5. Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) 6. University of Miami 7. Earth and Environmental Engineering (Columbia University) 8. IRI RESUMEN DEL PROYECTO: The state of Ceará has well established forecasting and management institutions but needs and wants to further integrate them, to provide drought relief to more people. Many of the inhabitants of its vast semi-arid region live off of low-scale, rain-fed agriculture and ranching. They face hunger, unemployment and dislocation during recurrent water shortages in the region. Two million rural people were affected by the last severe drought in 1998, and required US $360 million in aid. The activities of this project are oriented to improve water management in the semiarid region of Northeast Brazil, where socioeconomic development is directly linked to the rational distribution of water in competing activities: agriculture, human/livestock consumption, energy generation and industry. II. DATOS DEL PROYECTO FECHA DE INICIO (dd/mm/aaaa): DURACIÓN: FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 1 RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” PRESUPUESTO: FUENTES DE FINANCIACIÓN: OBJETIVO GENERAL: The objective of this project is to provide decision support to policy makers for reducing vulnerability to drought. The project seeks to help the Governments of states in the Nordeste to more effectively anticipate rainfall and water supply at different spatial and temporal scales and then take related actions that improve outcomes for multiple groups. OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS Objetivo nº 1: 1. Climate Predictability research METODOLOGÍA: 1- Improving Downscalling methods: The NCAR CCM3 and the CSU Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) will be added to the downscaling forecast system for northeast Brazil, and multimodel ensembling methods will be implemented to consolidate the downscaling forecasts (In collaboration with FUNCEME). MOS technique will be applied to the RSM outputs to try to improve the downscaling forecast skill. 2- Sub-seasonal predictability: Evaluate sub-seasonal regional predictability using RSM & HMM (RSM skill may just be sampling). RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 2: 2. Research on decision-making in water allocation METODOLOGÍA: 1- Produce final version of survey: Quantify the impacts of change in water availability on irrigated farm households in the Jaguaribe River basin. Quantify the impacts of heterogeneity in water variability across the basin on investments in fruit crops and irrigation. Study the use of climate-based information by irrigators. 2- Assess the impacts of providing climate information to the participatory Water Allocation Seminar (WAS): Use video recording of meetings, focus groups, experiments in field labs and a survey to: • Examine how providing information to the WAS affects the perceptions of individuals, the group process, and decisions (influence of socioeconomic impact information on voting and influence of climate-based forecast information on voting). • Study the effects of providing these types of information on upcoming decisions about ruralurban bulk water transfers (influence of socioeconomic impact information on decisions, and influence of climate-based forecast information on decisions). 3- Water market instruments Assess the potential impact of introducing financial instruments in the water resource management. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 3: 3. Improving steam flow forecasts METODOLOGÍA: Improve stream flow forecasts technologies at DNOCS. • Train one or two DNOCS technicians at Lamont, introducing and piloting the use of stream flow forecast • Expand the use of such technology to other dams RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 2 RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” Objetivo nº 4: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 5: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 6: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 7: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 8: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 9: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: ART.6 CONVENCIÓN: EDUCACIÓN, FORMACIÓN Y SENSIBILIZACIÓN DEL PÚBLICO. METODOLOGÍA: A specific set of activities are oriented to define a 'Communication Strategy' for communicating climate information to key stakeholders of the Nordeste (government, media, water managers, agriculturalists, etc.) RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: VALORACIÓN DE LAS MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN PROPUESTAS III. OTROS DATOS REFERENCIAS: e=2&userID=2 CONTACTO: At International Research Institute for Climate and SOciety: Walter COMENTARIOS ADICIONALES: FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 3