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RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” I. DATOS GENERALES PAÍS/PAÍSES: Panama TïTULO PROYECTO: Integration of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in the Management of Natural Resources in Four Priority Watersheds of Panama ÁMBITO DE APLICACIÓN : Subnacional Área geográfica: The focus will be on four critical watersheds: Tuira and Chucunaque in Darién, Tabasara in the Ngobe Buglé Territory and La Villa in Arco Seco. These watersheds are situated in three geographical areas: Arco Seco (part of the provinces of Coclé, Veraguas, Herrera and Los Santos), the Ngobe Buglé Territory and Darién province SECTORES RECURSOS HÍDRICOS. SECTOR AGRÍCOLA. SALUD. ZONAS COSTERAS. FINANZAS. SUELOS. BOSQUES. PESCA Y ECOSIST. MARINOS ENERGÍA. ZONAS DE MONTAÑA. BIODIVERSIDAD. TRANSPORTE. TURISMO. URBANISMO Y CONSTRUCCIÓN. OTROS SECTORES. Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Soil degradation Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Descripción: . Subsectores: ESTRUCTURA DE COORDINACIÓN Institución Responsable principal: UNDP Instituciones y Agentes participantes: The programme will be implemented by means of a joint programme between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Organisation for Food and Agriculture (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF)-Small Grants Programme (SGP); coordinated and agreed upon with their national counterparts, the respective local authorities, traditional indigenous authorities, civil society and other relevant stakeholders RESUMEN DEL PROYECTO: The poor populations of rural areas in Panama are highly dependent on land and water resources and are extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as drought and flooding. The evidence (vulnerability studies) demonstrates that it is vital for Panama to implement measures to adapt to, and mitigate climate change in order to reduce the vulnerability of its inhabitants, particularly the poorest. The programme will work on developing an Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy for the four priority watersheds and will focus on the agriculture and forestry sectors since it is felt that that the implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures could have a major impact on these sectors. The adaptation and mitigation measures to be implemented will include reducing land degradation and promoting the optimal use of water resources. Soil degradation is reaching critical levels with up to 27% of land classified as degraded, as a result of poor land management practices and land use that is inconsistent with its biophysical characteristics. In addition, water resources are threatened by the insufficient and inadequate treatment of solid and liquid waste, and by the rural FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 1 RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” population’s inadequate access to water. Unsustainable land and water management practices endanger the food security, health, and living conditions of rural populations. The programme will benefit the country’s most vulnerable population groups, who lack the strategies and resources to undertake concrete sustainable land and water management measures. The focus will be on four critical watersheds: Tuira and Chucunaque in Darién, Tabasara in the Ngobe Buglé Territory and La Villa in Arco Seco. These have been chosen because of their high levels of degradation and pressure on natural resources, as well as their extreme poverty. The beneficiary population is estimated at 400,364 inhabitants, comprising 206,707 men and 193,657 women, according to the 2000 census. The programme will incorporate a gender perspective, since women play an important role within the community as well as in water supply, hygiene and food security within the home, and are therefore highly vulnerable to many of the effects of climate change. The programme is aligned with national environmental policies and programmes, including the National Policy on Climate Change, the Panama National Action Plan on Combating Drought and Desertification, the Policy on Integrated Water Resource Management, the Law on Watershed Management, the National Environmental Strategy for 2008-2012 and the Strategic Vision for Economic Development and Employment to the year 2009. In addition, the programme also adopts the principles of the National Programme on Strengthening Local Government and Supporting Decentralisation (2005-2009). Moreover, it complements the outcomes of ongoing projects on adaptation and mitigation of climate change, sustainable land use and integrated water resource management. The programme includes many innovative elements with great potential for replication throughout the region. Although efforts have been made to define some of the parameters through the regional project, “Building Capacities for Stage II Adaptation to Climate Change in Central America, Mexico and Cuba”, the design and implementation of a Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy in Panama would be an unprecedented achievement in Central America. The financial sustainability of these efforts will be achieved by introducing payment for environmental services projects. Moreover, the development of a methodology for forestry projects to apply to the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) offers an important opportunity for this sector, as Panama does not have any reforestation projects registered as a CDM. The Programme promotes coordinated actions and synergies among the Conventions on Climate Change, Desertification and Drought and Biological Diversity, with the aim of maximising national efforts, as well as joint inter-agency work. The lessons learnt from the Programme will be disseminated through publications and other media so that the actions can be replicated in other watersheds of the country and in other countries. The Programme will make a significant contribution to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, principally Goal # 7 – Guaranteeing Environmental Sustainability – and Goal # 1 – Reducing Extreme Poverty and Hunger. Finally, the Programme’s activities are compatible with the goals of the ‘Red Iberoamericana de Cambio Climático´ [Latin American Climate Change Network] (RIOCC) and the ´Programa Iberoamericano de Cambio Climático’ [Latin American Climate Change Programme] (PIACC), to which Panama belongs. Lastly, the Programme will contribute to the UNDAF Expected Outcome, “Environmental Sustainability (water resources, biodiversity, forestry development, the stabilisation of climate change and disaster prevention) strengthened with the support of regulatory frameworks, national strategies and local action”, in the area of cooperation: “Social guarantees for the exercise of human rights”. II. DATOS DEL PROYECTO FECHA DE INICIO (dd/mm/aaaa): DURACIÓN: 3 years. Not started (as of 17th-june-2008) PRESUPUESTO: $12,000,000 FUENTES DE FINANCIACIÓN: Fondo Español PNUD-ODM FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 2 RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” OBJETIVO GENERAL: This UNDP, FAO, UNEP, PAHO/WHO and GEF-SGP joint programme will promote the implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in vulnerable populations through sustainable land management and optimal water use, particularly in the agricultural and forestry sectors. The programme will focus on areas with high levels of land degradation, pressure on land and water resources, vulnerability to climate change and poverty. The overall aim of the programme is to build the capacity to adapt to, and mitigate climate change in order to contribute to environmental sustainability and poverty reduction in four priority watersheds in Panama. This will be achieved through the development of an Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy and a Pilot Climate Monitoring System, improvement of local management of land and water resources, and increased access to sources of funding, thus contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation and to the achievement of MDGs 1 and 7. OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS Objetivo nº 1: Improving the Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change METODOLOGÍA: Outcome 1: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy and Pilot Climate Monitoring System developed in order to integrate the issues of adaptation and mitigation into development decisions at the national level. The Programme will increase knowledge levels and improve the handling of the subjects of climate risk, adaptation and mitigation and will ensure their integration into national development decisions through the design of an Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy for the selected area, whose implementation will commence with the Programme. This Strategy will be formulated on the basis of the body of information available regarding climate vulnerability and recommended adaptation and mitigation measures, and will apply the precautionary principle. The Strategy will represent the result of a participative process involving key players. As part of the Strategy’s implementation, Panama needs a methodology and a reliable system for monitoring climatic variables and the effectiveness of the measures taken to reduce short, medium and long-term climate risks. This will be achieved by establishing a Pilot Climate Monitoring System in the four priority watersheds. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Output 1.1: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy formulated for four priority watersheds. Output 1.2: Pilot Climate Monitoring System for reducing risks related to climate change established in four priority watersheds Objetivo nº 2: Improving the local management of environmental resources and the provision of related services METODOLOGÍA: Outcome 2: Improved local management of land and water resources in order to enhance capacity for climate change adaptation and mitigation. The sustainable management of land and water in order to enhance climate change adaptation and mitigation capacities will be reinforced by land use planning and the strengthening of local management in the four watersheds. The programme will involve substantial capacity building with local authorities, traditional indigenous authorities, grass-roots community organisations and inhabitants (with special emphasis on the role of women) to increase the level of adoption of adaptation and mitigation measures, such as, soil conservation techniques, sowing of droughtresistant crops, reforestation, agroforestry and protection of water sources. Pilot adaptation and mitigation projects will be implemented in the programme’s four watersheds, in line with the Strategy designed in Outcome 1. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Output 2.1 Land-use planning agreed and carried out in the four priority watersheds with local authorities and traditional indigenous authorities. Output 2.2 Strengthened capacity of local authorities, traditional indigenous authorities and Regional Units of the National Environment Authority (ANAM) to manage land sustainably in order to adapt to, and mitigate climate change in the four priority watersheds. FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 3 RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” Output 2.3: Increased capacity of inhabitants to foresee and implement adaptation and mitigation measures, particularly in the agricultural and forestry sectors, in the four priority watersheds. Output 2.4: Increased capacity of inhabitants to design and implement climate change adaptation and mitigation measures related to water management, sanitation and food security in the four priority watersheds Objetivo nº 3: Expansion of access to environmental funding. METODOLOGÍA: Outcome 3: Increased access to funding to support measures for the sustainable management of soil and water resources which are conducive to climate change adaptation and mitigation. Improving capacity for adapting to and mitigating climate change through sustainable land and water management will depend to a great extent on developing means of sustainable funding. The programme looks to develop and implement payment for environmental services projects in three of the priority watersheds, in addition to developing a methodology to encourage the participation of the forestry sector in the Clean Development Mechanism. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Output 3.1: Payment for Environmental Services projects established in at least three of the Programme's priority watersheds. Output 3.2: Methodology for the application of the Clean Development Mechanism in forestry projects. Building capacities. Objetivo nº 4: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 5: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 6: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 7: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 8: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 9: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: ART.6 CONVENCIÓN: EDUCACIÓN, FORMACIÓN Y SENSIBILIZACIÓN DEL PÚBLICO. METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: VALORACIÓN DE LAS MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN PROPUESTAS This programme will make a substantial contribution to building capacities at both the national and local level. FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 4 RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” Institutional capacity at the national level will be strengthened to guide adaptation and mitigation measures, through the development of an Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy and the establishment of a Pilot Climate Monitoring System for reducing vulnerability and preventing risks. At the local level, institutional capacity to manage productive activities so as to improve adaptation and mitigation capacity will be increased. A culture of climate risk prevention will be promoted in rural organizations working in the agricultural and forestry sectors, increasing their capacity to apply climate change adaptation and mitigation measures through the integrated management of water and soil resources at the watershed level, using sustainable funding mechanisms. III. OTROS DATOS REFERENCIAS: F:\Fondo España PNUD ODM ventanilla MA CC\Proyectos Finales Seleccionados CONTACTO: Resident Coordinator: Name:Jose Eguren ( UNCT Contact Person for Application: Name:Merilio Morell (Agency:FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. COMENTARIOS ADICIONALES: FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 5