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Supporting the development of the EU strategy for CCA - Views and Challenges in Southern Europe - (29.5.2012) SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO oecc Oficina Española de Cambio Climático The Spanish National Adaptation Strategy Plan Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático PNACC Alfonso Gutierrez Teira Adaptation Strategies Unit – Spanish Climate Change Office email: Tel. 91 4361497 Supporting the development of the EU strategy for CCA - Views and Challenges in Southern Europe - (29.5.2012) SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO oecc Oficina Española de Cambio Climático SPANISH NATIONAL ADAPTATION STRATEGY PRELIMINARY PROJECT: ECCE (2003-2005) Aim: Review & compile the state of the art on CC impacts Provide the basis for CC adaptation initiatives in Spain An OECC initiative More than 400 experts participated Final report published 2005 Available version) in paper, CD, Internet (English Approach : • Sectoral Evaluation: comprehends key sectors an systems for Spanish social, economic and environmental system Structure : • Sensibility to current climate • Foreseeable impacts of CC • Identification of Vulnerable Areas • Interactions among sectors considered • Knowledge gaps, Research needs • Initial identification of Adaptation options Supporting the development of the EU strategy for CCA - Views and Challenges in Southern Europe - (29.5.2012) SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO oecc Oficina Española de Cambio Climático SPANISH NATIONAL ADAPTATION STRATEGY THE PNACC (2006 - ) CONDITIONING FACTORS: Spain is a very decentralised country Central Government, little management capacity OBJECTIVES Mainstreaming Adaptation into the planning and management of Socioeconomic sectors and ecological Systems Generating knowledge and building capacity by establishing a cumulative and continous process Assisting all the relevant actors – public administrations and other stakeholders – public or private- to help them evaluate the impacts/vulnerabilities to CC in their particular sector of interest, providing tools, methods , data and knowledge Promoting participatory processes to help define the best likely options for adaptation to CC Spanish response to international commitments Supporting the development of the EU strategy for CCA - Views and Challenges in Southern Europe - (29.5.2012) SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO oecc Oficina Española de Cambio Climático SPANISH NATIONAL ADAPTATION STRATEGY THE PNACC (2006 - ) REFERENCE FRAMEWORK FOR THE COORDINATION OF ADMINISTRATIONS’ ACTIONS IN THE EVALUATION OF IMPACTS, VULNERABILITY AND ADAPTACTION TO CC Coordination and participation bodies - Administrations (regions, municipalities) - Civil Society (syndicates, firms, stakeholders) - NGOs Coordination: OECC Coordination and coherence of work Same models and scenarios for Spain Coherence among sectos Coherence among regions Supporting the development of the EU strategy for CCA - Views and Challenges in Southern Europe - (29.5.2012) SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO oecc Oficina Española de Cambio Climático SPANISH NATIONAL ADAPTATION STRATEGY THE PNACC (2006 - ) Sectors and systems considered The ones considered at ECCE, + some addition minus some fusion Biodiversity Water Resources Forestry Agriculture Coastal Zones Hunting and Fishing (freshwater) Mountain Areas Soils Fishing and marine ecosystems Transport Human Health Industry and Energy Tourism Business and Insurance Urban Planning Infrastructure Sectors and systems are interlinked Different time scales Supporting the development of the EU strategy for CCA - Views and Challenges in Southern Europe - (29.5.2012) SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO oecc Oficina Española de Cambio Climático SPANISH NATIONAL ADAPTATION STRATEGY PNACC - 1ST WORK PROGRAMME Focused on: - Impacts & vulnerarability assessments - Priority sectors for Spain Transversal areas (to feed the Impacts & vulnerability assessments of other sectors - - Generation of regional climate scenarios Water Resources Biodiversity Coastal areas Work in coordination with sectoral managers/authorities Meteo Agency DG Coast DG Water DG Biodiversity & National Parks BUT… Supporting the development of the EU strategy for CCA - Views and Challenges in Southern Europe - (29.5.2012) PNACC: Second Work Programme (2009-2013) SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO oecc Oficina Española de Cambio Climático FOUR AXES Axis I – Sectoral Impact, Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment Axis II Integration of adaptation into sectoral regulation REGIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE SCENARIOS Axis III Mobilising key stakeholders + WATER, COASTAL AREAS, BIODIVERSITY + HEALTH, TOURISM, AGRICULTURE, FOREST, SOILS AND DESERTIFICATION, OTHERS (Energy, Infrastructure…) Axis IV – Indicators System of impacts and adaptation in Spain TWO PILLARS Coordinating national and regional climate change adaptation strategies Fostering R&D&i related with I+V+A Supporting the development of the EU strategy for CCA - Views and Challenges in Southern Europe - (29.5.2012) PNACC: Second Work Programme (2009-2012) SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO oecc Oficina Española de Cambio Climático Supporting the development of the EU strategy for CCA - Views and Challenges in Southern Europe - (29.5.2012) PNACC SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO oecc Oficina Española de Cambio Climático Actions • • • • Reference collection of Regionalised climate scenarios Sectoral IVA evaluations Mainstreaming in certain sectors (biodiversity, forestry, water management, marine environments, flooding…) Networks of actors/stakeholders (coordination committees, sectoral meetings…) Ongoing… • • • Spanish Clearing House Indicators system Promoting new set of scenarios (more friendly) Challenges • • • • • Keeping adaptation in the agenda (political changes, crisis affecting all levels of administration…) -> effects on mainstreaming Find resources to continue Improve coordination with administrations, nationally and internationally Create critical mass: Involve all actors, incl. the locals, public and private Improving knowledge on economic issues (cost-benefit, etc.) Supporting the development of the EU strategy for CCA - Views and Challenges in Southern Europe - (29.5.2012) SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO oecc Oficina Española de Cambio Climático The Spanish National Framework for Adaptation Plan Nacional de Adaptación al CC (PNACC) s_tematicas/impactos_cc/index.htm Alfonso Gutierrez Teira email: Tel. 91 4361497