Download • Climate Change Issues • Some Freshwater Effects • Examples of
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Perspectives on Climate Change, Freshwater Ecosystems, Adaptation/Mitigation (mostly examples from US) Perspectivas sobre el Cambio Climático, ecosistemas de agua dulce, adaptación / mitigación (en su mayoría ejemplos de Estados Unidos) • Climate Change Issues • Some Freshwater Effects • Examples of research and strategies for mitigation/adaptation Cuestiones relativas al cambio climático Algunos efectos de agua dulce Ejemplos de la investigación y las estrategias para la mitigación / adaptación Freshwater and Climate Change Agua y Cambio Climático “Water is the most significant resource that is currently threatened by climate change. Water not only sustains our environment, but it also impacts the lives of individuals and the economic security of nations.” IPCC Según el panel intergubernamental sobre el cambio climático, el agua es el recurso más importante que se está amenazada por el cambio climático. El agua no sólo sustenta nuestro medio ambiente, sino que también impacta en la vida de las personas y la seguridad económica de las naciones. PROJECTED CLIMATE CHANGES Cambios climáticos proyectados • Increases in air temp , thus warmer waters • Rainfall amounts: decline in some areas and increase in others – snow prop. decreases • Rainfall and storms are expected to be more intense • Rising sea level = inundation of water infrastructure – water treatment facilities, and degrade coastal groundwater resources • El aumento de la temperatura del aire, las aguas más cálidas de este modo • Las cantidades de lluvia: disminución en algunas zonas y el aumento de otros • Se espera que las lluvias y las tormentas a ser más intensa • El aumento del nivel del mar = inundación de la infraestructura de agua Observed Air Temperature Change (1991-2012 vs 1901-1960) COOLER ENFRIADOR HOTTER Observado Cambio De Temperature de Aire (1991-2012 vs 1901-1960) Increases in Air Temp Cause Increases in Water Temp In Streams, Rivers, and Lakes El aumento de la temperatura del aire I will arise and go now, for Aumenta Causa en la temperatura always del night and day agua I hear water ríos lapping with En lake los arroyos, y lagos low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray, I hear it in the deep heart’s core William Butler Yeats from The Lake Isle of Innisfree Ernest Litichius “Falls of the Kaaterskill” 1857 Many temperate lakes display temperature stratification during summer Muchos templado lagos estratificación de la temperatura pantalla durante el verano Warm más cálido Cooler Enfriador Length of season in which differences in lake temperatures with depth cause stratification (separate density layers) is increasing in many lakes. La longitud de la temporada en la que las diferencias en las temperaturas del lago con causa profunda estratificación (capas de densidad separadas) está aumentando en muchos lagos. Biology is affected: Cyanobacterial blooms Biología se ve afectada: de cianobacterias Gloeotrichia blooms in Lake Sunapee, NH Photos by Midge Eliassen las floraciones Observed Precipitation change: US MÁS MORE LESS MENOS Cambio observado en las precipitaciones Observed Change in VERY HEAVY Precipitation: US Cambio observado en la precipitación muy intensa US Trends in Flood Magnitude 1920s-2008 Estados Unidos Tendencias en magnitud de las inundaciones MORE INTENSE STORMS GREATER SEDIMENT and NUTRIENT LOADS, DECREASE WATER QUALITY Tormentas más intensas MAYOR sedimentos y nutrientes CARGAS, CALIDAD DEL AGUA PARA DISMINUCIÓN Adaptation? Adaptación? US Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force • • • • • • • Mejorar recursos de agua & información sobre cambio climático Improve water resources & climate change information for para la toma de decisiones decision making • Fortalecer evaluación de la Strengthen assessment of vulnerabilidad de recursos de agua al vulnerability of water cambio climático resources to CC • Establecer procesos de planificación Establish planning process to para adaptar el manejo de recursos adapt water resource de agua en el contexto del cambio management to changing climate climático Expand water use efficiency • Mejorar eficiencia en el uso de agua • Apoyar el manejo integrado de los Support integrated water resource management recursos de agua Support training and outreach • Apoyar la capacitación y to build response capacity sensibilización para fortalezer la capacidad de respuestas al cambio climático Data collection, assessment, monitoring, and modeling for adaptive management La recolección de datos, la evaluación, monitoreo, y modelando para manejo adaptativo US FEDERAL and STATE Biologists survey aquatic resources to document effects of changing TEMPERATURES and WATER QUALITY on BIOLOGY FEDERAL y biólogos ESTATALES estudio de los recursos acuáticos para documentar los efectos de los cambios de temperatura y calidad del agua en la biología Determining effects of Climate Change on Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout La determinación de los efectos del cambio climático en Río Grande trucha de asesinoL Urban Water Supply (New York City) Abastecimiento Urbano (ejemplo) 150km north NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK CITY WATER SUPPLY (~19 reservoirs) Supplies 9M People NUEVA YORK EL ABASTECIMIENTO DE AGUA DE LA CIUDAD (~ 19 embalses) Suministros 9M todos, agua Ashokan Reservoir Crédito de la foto: Perri Paul y Tom Mills, NYC DEP NEW YORK CITY WATER SUPPLY (~19 reservoirs) Supplies 9M People NUEVA YORK EL ABASTECIMIENTO DE AGUA DE LA CIUDAD (~ 19 embalses) Suministros 9M todos, agua Ashokan Reservoir before Hurricane Irene Embalse de Ashoka antes del huracán Irene Ashokan Reservoir: After Hurricane Irene Turbidity remained high for months. Used high frequency sensor data and models to predict impacts and provide water to NYC residents. Después del huracán Irene turbidez mantenido alta durante meses. Datos de los sensores de alta frecuencia usados y modelos para predecir los impactos y proporcionar agua a los residentes de Nueva York. Research networks (example) Las redes de investigación (ejemplo) GLEON Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network Networked lake science (est. 2004) Ciencia lago en red Argentina Australia Austria Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Denmark Estonia Finland Germany Hungary India Ireland Israel Italy Kenya Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Pakistan Poland Puerto Rico Russia South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Turkey United Kingdom GLEON Networked lake science Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network Mission: GLEON conducts innovative science by sharing and interpreting highresolution sensor data to understand, predict and communicate the role and response of lakes in a changing global environment Argentina Australia Austria Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Denmark Estonia Finland Germany Hungary India Ireland Israel Italy Kenya Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Pakistan Poland Puerto Rico Russia South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Turkey United Kingdom GLEON Networked lake science Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network Misión: gleon lleva a cabo ciencia innovadora mediante el intercambio y la interpretación de los datos del sensor de alta resolución de entender, predecir y comunicar el papel y la respuesta de los lagos en un entorno global cambiante Argentina Australia Austria Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Denmark Estonia Finland Germany Hungary India Ireland Israel Italy Kenya Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Pakistan Poland Puerto Rico Russia South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Turkey United Kingdom … a network of lake observatories … Una red de observatorios lago… More than 80 lakes across 6 continents and 34 countries Lake Sunapee, USA Ormajärven, Finland Torrens Lake, Australia Yuan Yang Lake, Taiwan Lake Mangueira, Brazil Crystal Bog, USA Lake Plomo, Chile Lake Annie, USA Lake Rotorua, NZ Lake Erken, Sweden … a network of data …Una red de datos Y lo más importante de una red de base de la gente ... Membership And most importantly a grassroots network of people… 450 members 49 countries Antarctica Example of Buoy Data Use to Predict Cyanobacterial Blooms: CHINA Credit: Gwangwei Zhu Ejemplo de uso de boyas de datos PARA PREDECIR FLORACIONES cianobacterias: CHINA Development of algal bloom in Taihu Desarrollo de la floración de algas en Taihu en el tiempo 1950’s 1980 1970’s 1994 2000 1987 2006 Early-warning: harmful algal bloom Alerta temprana: la floración de algas nocivas EMB01 EMB02 EMB03 EMB08 EMB10 EMB11 EMB12 EMB13 EMB14 13 High frequency monitoring systems were built for basic data of the model 13 sistemas de monitoreo de alta frecuencia se construyeron para los datos básicos del modelo The 3-days forecasting and early-warning report of harmful algal to public El informe de 3 días de previsión y alerta temprana de algas nocivas al público Adaptation and Mitigation? Adaptación y Mitigación? • We are in new territory: high uncertainty • Reduce risk – e.g., Infrastructure, redesign stormwater systems, climate forecasting • Integrated approach – Socio-environmental, low impact development • Science-based adaptive management – Alter way systems are designed, operated, and maintained, (New York City) • Feedbacks! • Estamos en un nuevo territorio: una alta uncertidumbre • Reducir el riesgo – por ejemplo, infraestructura, sistemas de aguas pluviales de rediseño, el pronóstico del clima • enfoque integrado – Socio-ambiental, developmenf bajo impacto • Gestión adaptativa basada en la ciencia – Alteraciones en el sistema vías están diseñados, operados y mantenidos, (Nueva York) • evaluaciones PROJECTED CHANGES in WATER WITHDRAWALS ESPANOL—Again, not sure I will use and will also hide the figure legend, eventually TOXIC ALGAE BLOOMS ARE INCREASING ESPANOL Drinking waterborne disease outbreaks and 90 percentile precipitation events ESPANOL (Curriero et al. 2001) We distinguish between the enabling environment for adaptation and specific implementing measures to manage flood risk. Enabling includes routine monitoring, flood forecasting, data exchange, institutional reform, bridging organizations, contingency planning for disasters, insurance and legal incentives to reduce vulnerability. All such activities are ‘low regret’ in that they yield benefits regardless of the climate scenario but are not cost-free. Adapting to flood risk under climate change Robert L. Wilby Loughborough University, UK Rod Keenan University of Melbourne, Australia Adaptation and Institutional Responses (NCA) • In most U.S. regions, water resources managers and planners will encounter new risks, vulnerabilities, and opportunities that may not be properly managed within existing practices. • Increasing resilience and enhancing adaptive capacity provide opportunities to strengthen water resources management and plan for climate change impacts. Many institutional, scientific, economic, and political barriers present challenges to implementing adaptive strategies. Power plant cooling is a critical national water use, because nearly 90% of the U.S. electrical energy is produced by thermoelectric power plants Interagency 2011 report Ten Indicators of a Warming World ESPANOL NYCDEP has a very complex modeling environment. It currently does analysis using the Variable Source Loading Function (VSLF) or the SWAT watershed models. These can in turn provide inputs t one of two reservoir models: a one-dimensional reservoir eutrophication model; or a twodimensional reservoir turbidity transport model (CEQual W2). The OASIS reservoir system operatio model requires measured or simulated water inputs to the reservoirs and simulates the storage an transfer of water between the 19 reservoirs comprising the NYC water supply system. The watersh models, take daily temperature and precipitation data to generate streamflow and evapotranspiration, as well as a number of water quality parameters. Outputs of the watershed models can be used to drive both the OASIS system model and reservoir water quality models. A knowledge of reservoir operations is an important determinate of reservoir water quality, and a needed input to the reservoir models. For future climate simulations, where historical operations a not known, OASIS simulation are needed to specify reservoir operation scenarios associated with a given climate scenario. All of the above models were in use at NYCDEP to evaluate the impacts of changes in watershed management, land-use, and reservoir operation policies. This integrated modeling system was easily adapted for evaluation of the effects of climate change, once credible future scenarios of the meteorological variables needed to drive the models were available. Water Temperature Also Changing: Affects Timing and Length of Lake Stratification La temperatura del agua también cambiante: Afecta momento y la duración de Estratificación Near Surface Cerca de la superficie Near Bottom Cerca de la parte inferior LAKE SUNAPEE, New Hampshire, USA Lake Stratification Begins Comienza Estratificación