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074/190/15 29.09.15 CONFERENCIA FIEC “CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO: SOLUCIONES DESDE LA INDUSTRIA DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN” PARÍS, 4 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2015 La Federación de la Industria Europea de la Construcción (FIEC) va a celebrar una conferencia bajo el título “Cambio climático: soluciones desde la industria de la construcción” en París el 4 de diciembre de 2015, en el ámbito de la vigésimo primera Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático que se desarrollará en dicha ciudad del 30 de noviembre al 11 de diciembre. La conferencia de FIEC tendrá lugar en la Maison des Travaux Publics, 3 Rue Berri, de 8:30 h. a 18:00 h. Los idiomas de la conferencia serán el inglés/francés. Adjunto se remite el programa previsto. Se estructura en dos partes: la primera, bajo el lema una sociedad baja en carbono, dedicada fundamentalmente a la presentación de ejemplos de actuaciones de empresas del sector para responder a situaciones a consecuencia del cambio climático; la segunda, centrada en las nuevas tecnologías en edificación e infraestructuras para afrontar retos que se presentan derivados del cambio climático. Los interesados en asistir deben inscribirse a través de la web:‐2015/fiec‐marks‐cop21‐with‐climate‐change‐ conference.aspx Madrid, 29 de septiembre de 2015 Fdo.: Pedro C. Fernández Alén Secretario General The European Construction Industry Federation is organising the Conference Climate change : « Solutions from the construction industry » _______ Changement climatique : « Les solutions de l’industrie de la construction » In Paris, December 4th 2015 Maison des Travaux Publics - 3, rue de Berri, 75008 Paris Programme The European construction industry is a key sector in terms of what can be done to address climate change, with regard to both mitigation and adaptation. Hence, FIEC has been supporting its members on the path towards low carbon markets for more than 20 years. In parallel to the forthcoming 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Paris, our members and partners will present their contributions. During a conference « Climate change: The construction industry solutions », on 4th December, in Paris, on the Champs Elysées, in parallel to COP21, FIEC intends to propose specific action for the next decade and demonstrate examples of European best practice. This conference is of interest to public and private stakeholders, and to investors in the sector. MORNING PROGRAMME AFTERNOON PROGRAMME Europe : building a low carbon society Buildings and infrastructure : technologies for resilience 09 : 00 Introduction European vision of a low carbon society 09 : 20 Witness Climate change main issues Dominique RISTORI* / Director General for Energy / European Commission Hervé LE TREUT IPCC 14 : 00 Sustainable cities tackling climate change challenges and perspectives towards Habitat III Gérard PAYEN ONU 10 : 10 Speech Presentations and round table 11 : 50 12 : 15 12 : 30 Water, transportation, energy : policies in transition Beatriz Yordi AGUIRRE* DG CLIMAT, European Commission Protecting the coastline Case study in Katwijk Bart DIJK / OKRA - Design office for landscape architecture and urbanism Floods and bridges scour case study in Spain Representative of the STRRES (Repair and Carbon capture Claude LOREA CEMBUREAU 14 : 45 Presentations reinforcement of structure works syndicate) Smart Grids : Case study in Germany Representative of SPIE Energy efficiency (building application) Case study in Denmark Niels HEIDTMANN Komproment 10 proposals to tackle climate change 16 : 00 Building Information Modelling Richard KELLY Building SMART International Soils reinforcement BioCalcis Project Annette ESNAULT FILET Soletanche Bachy The Role of Construction in Combating Drought inTurkey Dr. Doğan ALTINBİLEK Middle East Technical University Resilient roads Jean-François CORTE World Road Association Energy efficiency Régis ORTMANS Groupe Horizon Round Table : Financing the shift Alain GRANDJEAN* Carbone 4, carbon consultancy company Representative of World Bank 17 : 15 Lunch Break * subject to confirmation * subject to confirmation Kadir TOPBAS* Istanbul Mayor Benoît LEGUET CDC climat Synthesis Johan WILLEMEN FIEC President Member of the European Parliament Workshop: Technologies to change the game Workshop : European excellence in climate change solutions 09 : 50 Claude TURMES* Closing Speech : Towards COP 22 Hakima El HAITE* Environment Minister of Morocco