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Sesión III. Moderador : D. Jose Alberto San Román Gestión de la investigación en un centro de Investigación Mixto D. José Carlos Pastor – Instituto Universitario de Oftalmología Aplicada Instituto Universitario de Oftalmobiología Aplicada (IOBA) [Eye Institute] University of Valladolid Valladolid Spain Historia resumida del IOBA y Propuesto a la Junta de Gobierno de la Uva en 1989 y Instituto de la Universidad en Noviembre de 1989 y Dos divisiones: Oftalmología 17 investigadores clínicos y Farmacología 7 investigadores clínicos y 2 técnicos de laboratorio, 2 PAS y Presupuesto 12.000 € y y Instituto LRU en Diciembre de 1994 y 1ª Evaluación de la Junta de Castilla y León 1999 y 2 Evaluación de la Junta 2005 y Traslado edificio Campus Miguel Delibes 2007 y 20008 IOBA 2009 y Approved by the Spanish Government in December 1994 y Located at our own building since 2007 (FEDER funded: 4,5 M€): 4.000 m2 y Move ended November 2008 y Self-financed y Budget 2009: 4 M € (2,6 M€ clinical activities, 1,4 M€ research) y Around 100 members (60 contracts): three areas: clinical, research and teaching activities IOBA 2009 y Clinical area: y 14 ophthalmologists (comprehensive and sub- specialized Ophthalmology) y 18.000 out-patients clinic attendances in 2008 y 4,000 new patients y y y 41% private 24% insurance companies 35% National Health Service y 1,400 day surgeries y Quality certified since 2006 (ISO 9000) Research structure y 4 major research groups y y y y y 5 major horizontal programs y y y y y y Ocular Surface Refractive Surgery and Quality of Vision Retina Glaucoma Dry Eye Disease Program (sponsored by Allergan) Cell Therapy ( Advanced Therapies) in Ophthalmology Applied Genetics in Ophthalmology Low Vision and Rehabilitation Telemedicine Common labs and units y y y y y Cell Culture lab Immunology lab Ocular Pathology lab Biostatistics Unit Clinical Trial Unit 9 basic senior investigators 12 clinical investigators 10 basic predoctoral investigators 10 students PhD program 7 technicians Ocular Pathology lab y Clinical diagnosis and research support y Prof. Forteza, MD, PhD academic director y Prof. Cuevas, MD, PhD coordinator of teaching activities y Denise Hileeto, MD (Residency in Pathology at Yale University) y Two technicians y More than 7,000 ocular samples (2009) Ocular Pathology lab: projects in 2010 Adquisition of a digital microscope ASIC III Integration in a Telepathology Network Proposed as part of an Ophthalmic BIOBANK Clinical Trials Unit y Created in 2001: 12 clinical trials since then y Member of EVI.CT.SE since 2006 y Fully certified in 2008 coordination of “independent” clinical trials supported by Carlos III Institute y Triamcinolone acetonide for DME (already finished 2009) y Avastin for Myopic choroidal neovascularization (recruitment period closed 2009) y Avastin for macular edema after reinal vein occlusion (EVOBER) (starting in 2009) Teaching activities (post-graduate) y Masterships recognized by EU: y Interuniversity Vision Research Mastership (already verified by ANECA: U Complutense Madrid, Santiago, Murcia, Coimbra, CSIC) y Retina y Ocular Surface and Immunology y Oculoplastic surgery y ANECA verified in 2009 y Masterships of the University: y Glaucoma y Clinical Optometry y Visual Rehabilitation (proposed as an official Master in 2009) y Ophthalmic Nursing y Continous Education Program in Ophthalmology Angola´s project Since 1995 y Over 1,6 M€ y 44 people travelling y Biopsies processed and informed at Valladolid y Residency in Ophthalmology y Mastership in Ophthalmic Nursing y 2009-2011 y State Grant to Angola’s Government y Prophylaxis of neonatal conjunctivitis IOBA is a member of the most outstanding biomedical research structures created by Spanish Government: Associated Unit CSIC, CIBER-BBN, Thematic Network 0062, TerCel Network, Network Center for Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy of Castilla and Leon International cooperations (official agreements) y McGill University (Montreal, Canada), Baylor College (Houston, USA), Texas University at Dallas (USA) UCL (London, UK), Roma Campus Biomédico (Italia), University of Hälle (Germany), IBILI (Coimbra, Portugal), Moorfields Eye Hospital (London, UK), University of Porto (Portugal), Rotterdam Eye Hospital (Netherlands), Vienna Eye Hospital (Austria), University of Lisbon (Portugal), Instituto Gama Pinto (Lisbon, Portugal) International cooperations (in discussion) y Heilderbeg (Germany) y Liverpool and Bristol (UK) y Institute de la Vision (Paris, France) y Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (Brasil) y Beijing Eye Institute (China) Coordination of clinical networks y Risk factors for PVR development (Retina 1) y Efficacy and safety of intravitreal TA for DME y y y y y (Retina 3) Genetic approach to PVR (Retina 4) Avastin ® for CNV in pathologic myopia (Macula 2) Autologous limbal transplantation vs conjunctival rotation for pterygium Autologous expanded limbal stem cells transplantation Graft vs host disease (ocular manifestations) RETINA 1: multicentric study •Instituto Oftalmológico de Alicante. Alicante •Clínica Barraquer. Barcelona •Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebró. Barcelona •Hospital Reina Sofía. Córdoba •Hospital San Millán. Logroño •Hospital Ramón y Cajal. Madrid •Hospital Donostia. San Sebastián •Grupo de Retina IOBA, Valladolid •Hospital Pío del Río Hortega, Valladolid •Hospital Universitario de Valladolid Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa Sanitaria 03/13 •Hospital General Universitario de Valencia •Hospital Universitario de Canarias •Fundación Oftalmológica del Mediterraneo •Hospital Universitario de Salamanca •Hospital General Yagüe de Burgos •Hospital Universitario de Coimbra. Coimbra. PORTUGAL •Hospital de San Joao. Oporto. PORTUGAL 2 papers already in BJO Data: February-2005 March 2008: 1,339published RD RETINA 4 (Red Temática 03/13) 450 blood samples: Multicentric study 312 Primary RD without PVR 3 months follow up 138 PVR after primary RD Centro Total/centro DR VRP Hospital Clínico Universitario 60 28 32 Hospital del Río Hortega 17 10 7 Hospital Universitario de Donostia 42 35 7 Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía 14 9 5 Hospital Vall d'Hebrón 95 75 20 Instituto Barraquer 43 35 8 129 98 31 IOBA 50 22 28 Total 450 312 138 Instituto Oftalmológico Vissum Retina 4 y y y y TNF α TNFR-2 SMAD7 PIK·CG y y Patent pending 200702532 Procedure for dtecting high risk of developing PVR based on SNPs Retina 4 y Duplication and validation 800 samples y Retina 1 project centers y Moorfields Eye Hospital y Rotterdam Eye Hospital y Vienna Eye Hospital y October 2009 460 samples Preliminary data published in IOVS IOBA’s applied research achievements y Spin-off: Vision I+D y Controlled enviromental chamber y Patents y Registries y Transference of technologies y Contracts with industries C. E. Chamber y Temperature, humidity and pressure controlled y Possibilities: clinical studies in normal volunteers and patients with ocular inflammatory processes y Specific diagnostic test under controlled conditions y Should be operative by November 2009 Pressure 400 mbar Temperature 15 to 30 ºC Humidity 5%-80% 17.000 kg of steel Patents 10 in 12 years (3 in process) 2 registries 1 transference of technology IOBA - Ciber BBN Ciber BBN prototype. Rigid gas permeable contact lens Pub. No.: P200801822 Pub Date. Jun. 6, 2008 PATENT Material: Biocompatible polymer Next year’s tasks: Soft contact lens of material HEMA or HSi Sensor could be polimerized with the contact lens material Patent pending 2008 Contracts with industries: Allergan (2004-2011) $1, 8 M Ocular inflammation y Alcon (2006-2009) polymers as drug release systems y Thea- Transphyto y AJL-Ophtalmics Chairs funded by enterprises: y Alcon y Esteve y Novartis y Topcon Agreements with: y Lilly, Essilor, Zeiss, Bioftalmik, Cellerix y Ceguera de origen corneal: Reconstrucción de la superficie ocular mediante terapia celular e ingeniería de tejidos Ensayo clínico en pacientes con Síndrome de Insuficiencia límbica Ceguera de origen corneal: Reconstrucción de la superficie ocular mediante terapia celular e ingeniería de tejidos Ensayo clínico en pacientes con Síndrome de Insuficiencia límbica UPC IBGM, UVa New project, starting 2009 y Development of customized intraocular lenses for pets y Leon Veterinarian School y AJL-Ophthalmics (Vitoria, Spain) Future y Foundation y BioBank ocular diseases oriented y Expand European relations y Creation of 2 new spin-off E-Diagnostics y Critical Health y Eye care products market $ 14,5 bn y Ophthalmic Pharmaceuticals market y $ 10 bn in 2007 y 2009-2023 will grow steadily driven by increasing prevalence of ophthalmic disorders amongst an expanding population of older people y Contact Lens market y 1,2 bn € in 2008 Proposal: creation of a biomedical translational research structure based on eye and vision: consortium? y Universities Valladolid y Salamanca y Leon y Carlos III y CSIC (Optics and Polymers Institutes) Technological centers: y INASMET y CIDETEC y Companies: •AJL Ophthalmics •Progenika •Bioftalmik •Vision I+D Pipe-line y Ocular surface research y Dry eye , allergy and inflammation y Diagnostic tests y Therapeutical targets y Cell therapy y Protocols y Patents y Technological development Filters and aids for low vision y Ocular lens for estimating intraocular pressure y Automatic image analysis y y Retina y Advanced therapies