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OctOber 4, 2015 twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary time Parish Office: 773.486.4300 Parish Fax: 773.252.5346 School Office: 773.486.1334 School Fax: 773.486.1782 2517 Logan Boulevard Chicago, IL 60647 n ga Or an Pi O Du O- re ci ta l~ 3Pm tOD ay ! Masses: Monday-Thursday: 7:00 a.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m. (Spanish), & 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: by Appointment Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 4, 2015 ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO ARCHBISHOP QUIGLEY CENTER 835 NORTH RUSH STREET * CHICAGO, IL 60611-2030 * PHONE: 312-534-8230 * FAX: 312-534-6379 * ARCHBISHOP@ARCHCHICAGO.ORG OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, These are exciting days for the Church in America with Pope Francis inspiring Catholics and non-Catholics alike during his visit to the United States. From the very beginning of his pontificate, Pope Francis has continually called us to missionary discipleship. In his homily in Philadelphia, he challenged all of us to explore new ways so that our Church can be more equipped to carry on the mission of Christ: “One of the great challenges facing the Church in this generation is to foster in all the faithful a sense of personal responsibility for the Church’s mission, and to enable them to fulfill that responsibility as missionary disciples, as a leaven of the Gospel in our world.This will require creativity in adapting to changed situations, carrying forward the legacy of the past not primarily by maintaining our structures and institutions, which have served us well, but above all by being open to the possibilities which the Spirit opens up to us and communicating the joy of the Gospel, daily and in every season of our life.” In my year in Chicago, I have been inspired by many of you and have great hope for our future. The joy of the Gospel is alive in Chicago. I have also been learning of many realities that challenge us to evaluate how we work as parishes to share the joy of the Gospel into the future. The Holy Father is right, we should be attentive to the reality before us. We know that the landscape of the Church in Chicago has changed since many of our parishes were founded, with demographics shifting greatly over time. Some of our parishes have aging facilities that cost more to repair than we have. We also have fewer priests available to pastor our parishes. We are sometimes challenged to fully live out the mission because we are spreading resources too thin. Pope Francis reminds us that we have the creativity to take on these challenges with joy if we are open to the possibilities the Spirit opens up to us. Earlier this week I met with all priests in the Archdiocese to begin the discussion of how to address these challenges in the coming years.This is just the beginning of a long process to determine how to serve the pastoral needs of the Archdiocese and strengthen parish vitality for the long-term future. As the process moves forward, I am committed to a process that involves discipline, wide consultation and community involvement. We want to ensure that our plans for the future best meet the needs of the people of God, respond to the Church’s call to mission, and offer long-term sustainability. From time to time you will be hearing more about this effort, but I wanted to let you know of this development, because I need and want your prayers for its success.You are in mine. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich Archbishop of Chicago Our Mission: Rooted in Christ, touched by His love and mercy, the Saint John Berchmans community finds unity in its diversity, proclaims by Word, Sacrament, and service, that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and declares that all are welcome in this place. 2 October 4, 2015 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time “Be doers of the Word, not hearers only...” James 1:22 Parish Announcements FATHER PAUL HEALTH - UPDATE Father Paul continues his rehab at Rush Oak Park, and requests our continued prayers. His schedule remains day-to-day, but he is responding to emails as he is able.We will continue to keep you updated as we await his - hopefully - swift return to Saint John Berchmans. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, is a life changing journey of faith for adults who would like to be baptized, those who have already been baptized Catholic and would like to complete the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation, and those baptized in other Christian faiths who seek full communion with the Catholic Church. The RCIA program at St. John Berchmans will begin in mid October and meet into April. The sacraments are received at the Easter Vigil on March 26, 2016. OCTOBER IS RESPECT LIFE MONTH Imagine yourself pausing in front of a design of great beauty.Your soul quiets and is filled with wonder and awe. If art, created by man, can evoke such a response within us, how much more is the same wonder, reverence and respect due to each person we encounter, who was handcrafted by the very God who spoke the world into being? Now think of an artist stepping back from a great work of art and admiring his or her creation.When God created each of us, He did so with precision and purpose, and He looks on each of us with love that cannot be outdone in intensity or tenderness. Moreover, the Lord invites each of us to behold ourselves and each other with the same wonder and awe. No matter how the world might view us or others, let us treat each person as the masterpiece that he or she is. RCIA provides a blessed space and time during which you are invited to explore the Catholic Faith. Meet new friends and learn through prayer and scripture, ask questions, tell stories and grow with a new faith community, led by the Holy Spirit. If you are interested in finding out more, if you know of anyone who might be a candidate for RCIA, or if you are willing to help as a RCIA team member or sponsor, please contact Shelagh Donoghue in the rectory office or at “Even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.” Pope Francis’ Day for Life Greeting “Remembering We Are Beloved Women of God” SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI (FEAST DAY OCTOBER 4TH) PATRON OF THE ANIMALS A Day of Reflection for Women Survivors The Archdiocesan Committee for Domestic Violence Outreach is offering a day of reflection for women who have lived in diminishing, harmful relationships and often believe they are unworthy, “not good enough” or even damaged goods. This day is for women who have broken free of abuse and are seeking greater strength and peace. Together, we will piece our lives together in safety, prayer and community. St. Francis so loved the animals we remember him as a friend and protector to them. Please join us on the church steps Sunday, October 4th at 12:45pm for our annual pet blessing. All pets are welcome! ORGAN AND PIANO DUO-RECITAL: TODAY! Saint John Berchmans will present an organ and piano recital on Sunday October 4, 2015 at 3:00 PM, featuring organists/pianists Michael Surratt and Yollanda Bornhoff in a recital of music for organ and piano, including music by Cliffard Demarest, Luigi Cherubini, J. S. Bach,Giovanni Bernardo Lucchinetti and Antonio Soler. Admission is free. A freewill offering with be gratefully accepted. All proceeds will benefit the organ restoration fund. Saturday, October 24, 2015, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm McDonough Hall St. Giles Parish 1025 Columbian Ave, Oak Park, Ill. 60302 The day is free and lunch will be provided. Registration is required by October 19th. Contact: Barb Szulc, Psy.D or 708-2563329. THE BOOK OF THE DEAD Help us end violence in our homes as a first step to ending violence in our city. The Book of the Dead will be located in the church during the month of October. All are invited to inscribe the names of your departed loved ones in the book. We will remember all of our faithful departed during our All Souls Day liturgies, with a special candle lighting service to be held at 7:00pm. If you are in need of help, please call the Catholic Charities Parish Line at 312-655-7106 or the Domestic Violence Help Line at 1-877-TO END DV (1-877-863-6338). 3 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 4, 2015 ARQUIDIÓCESIS DE CHICAGO ARCHBISHOP QUIGLEY CENTER 835 NORTH RUSH STREET * CHICAGO, IL 60611-2030 * PHONE: 312-534-8230 * FAX: 312-534-6379 * ARCHBISHOP@ARCHCHICAGO.ORG OFICINA DEL ARZOBISPO Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: Estos son días llenos de emoción para la Iglesia en América, con el Papa Francisco inspirando a católicos y no católicos durante su visita a los Estados Unidos. Desde el inicio de su pontificado, el Papa Francisco nos ha llamado de manera continua al discipulado misionero. En su homilía en Filadelfia, nos desafió a todos a explorar nuevas formas para que nuestra Iglesia pueda estar más equipada para llevar a cabo la misión de Cristo: “Uno de los grandes desafíos de la Iglesia en este momento es fomentar en todos los fieles el sentido de la responsabilidad personal en la misión de la Iglesia, y capacitarlos para que puedan cumplir con tal responsabilidad como discípulos misioneros, como fermento del Evangelio en nuestro mundo. Esto requiere creatividad para adaptarse a los cambios de las situaciones, transmitiendo el legado del pasado, no solo a través del mantenimiento de estructuras e instituciones, que son útiles, sino sobre todo abriéndose a las posibilidades que el Espíritu nos descubre y mediante la comunicación de la alegría del Evangelio, todos los días y en todas las etapas de nuestra vida”. En el año que he pasado en Chicago, me he inspirado en muchos de ustedes y tengo una gran esperanza en nuestro futuro. La alegría del Evangelio está viva en Chicago. También me he estado informando de muchas realidades que nos desafían a evaluar la forma en que estamos trabajando en las parroquias para compartir la alegría del Evangelio en el futuro. El Santo Padre tiene razón, debemos estar atentos a la realidad que tenemos ante nosotros. Sabemos que el panorama de la Iglesia en Chicago ha cambiado de cuando fueron fundadas muchas de nuestras parroquias a la fecha, y que han ocurrido grandes cambios demográficos a través del tiempo. Algunas de nuestras parroquias tienen instalaciones que han envejecido y que tienen un costo de reparación mayor a nuestros recursos. También contamos con un número menor de sacerdotes disponibles para pastorear nuestras parroquias. En ocasiones vivir plenamente nuestra misión se traduce en un desafío, debido a que estamos utilizando pocos recursos para demasiadas necesidades. Francisco nos recuerda que tenemos la creatividad para asumir estos retos con alegría si estamos abiertos a las posibilidades que el Espíritu descubre para nosotros. A principios de esta semana me reuní con todos los sacerdotes de la Arquidiócesis para comenzar la discusión de cómo hacer frente a estos desafíos en los próximos años. Este es sólo el comienzo de un largo proceso para determinar cómo servir las necesidades pastorales de la Arquidiócesis y fortalecer la vitalidad de la parroquia en un futuro a largo plazo. Ahora que el proceso ha iniciado su marcha, quiero decirles que estoy comprometido a un proceso que involucre disciplina, una amplia consulta y la participación de la comunidad. Queremos asegurarnos de que nuestros planes para el futuro satisfacen de la mejor manera las necesidades del pueblo de Dios, que responden al llamado que hace la Iglesia a la misión, y que ofrecen una sostenibilidad a largo plazo. Es seguro que de vez en cuando ustedes escucharán más sobre este esfuerzo, pero quería contarles acerca del mismo porque necesito y quiero que dediquen sus oraciones por su éxito. Recuerden que ustedes están en las mías. Sinceramente suyo en Cristo: Reverendísimo Blase J. Cupich Arzobispo de Chicago Nuestra Misión: “Arraigada en Cristo y tocada por Su amor y misericordia, la comunidad de San Juan Berchmans encuentra unidad en su diversidad, proclama por medio de la palabra, Sacramento y servicio, que el Reino de Dios esta cerca y declara que todos son bienvenidos en este lugar.” 4 October 4, 2015 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time “Pongan en práctica esa palabra y no se limiten a escucharla...” Santiago 1:22 Anuncios Parroquiales ACTUALIZACIÓN DE LA SALUD DEL PADRE PAUL Padre Paul continúa su rehabilitación en Rush Oak Park, y pide nuestras continuas oraciones. Su horario se mantiene día a día, pero él está respondiendo a los correos electrónicos cuando le es posible. Continuaremos informándole mientras esperamos su rápido retorno a San Juan Berchmans. Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) RICA, el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos, es una jornada de fe que cambia la vida de los adultos que desean ser bautizados, los que ya han sido bautizados católicos y les gustaría completar los sacramentos de la Eucaristía y la Confirmación, y aquellos que han sido bautizados en otras denominaciones cristianas que buscan la plena comunión con la Iglesia católica. El programa de RICA en San Juan Berchmans comenzará a mediados de octubre y se reunirá hasta abril. Los sacramentos se reciben en la Vigilia de Pascua en 26 de marzo 2016. OCTUBRE ES EL MES DE RESPETO A LA VIDA Imagínate deteniéndote ante un diseño de gran belleza. Tu alma se aquieta, se maravilla y asombra. Si el arte, creado por el ser humano, puede evocar tal respuesta en nuestro interior, ¿cuánto más debemos maravillarnos, llenarnos de reverencia y respeto ante cada persona que encontramos, hecha por el mismo Dios que dio existencia al mundo? Ahora piensa en un artista que se aleja de una gran obra de arte y admira su creación. Cuando Dios creó a cada uno de nosotros, lo hizo con precisión y con un propósito, y mira a cada uno de nosotros con un amor que no se puede superar en intensidad ni ternura. Además, el Señor nos invita a contemplarnos a nosotros mismos y a contemplarnos mutuamente con la misma maravilla y asombro. No importa cómo el mundo nos considere o considere a los demás, tratemos a cada persona como la obra maestra que es. RICA proporciona el espacio y tiempo sagrado en el cual se le invita a explorar la fe católica. A conocer nuevos amigos y aprender a través de la oración y la escritura, a hacer preguntas, contar historias y crecer con una nueva comunidad de fe, guiados por el Espíritu Santo. Si usted está interesado en saber más, si conoce a alguien que podría ser un candidato para RICA, o si está dispuesto a ayudar como miembro del equipo de RICA o patrocinador, por favor póngase en contacto con Shelagh Donoghue en la oficina parroquial o en “Incluso los más débiles y vulnerables, los enfermos, los ancianos, los no nacidos y los pobres, son obras maestras de la creación de Dios, hechos a su imagen, destinados a vivir para siempre, y merecedores de la máxima reverencia y respeto”. Mensaje del Papa Francisco en ocasión de La Jornada por laVida “Recordando Que Somos Mujeres Amadas de Dios” SAN FRANCISCO DE ASIS (4 DE OCTUBRE) PATRÓN DE LOS ANIMALES Un Día de Reflexión para Mujeres Sobrevivientes San Francisco amó tanto a los animales que lo recordamos como un amigo y protector de ellos. Por favor, únase a nosotros en las escaleras de la Iglesia el domingo, 4 de octubre a las 12:45pm para nuestra bendición anual a las mascotas. ¡Todas las mascotas son bienvenidas! El Comité Arquidiocesano de auxilio a la Violencia Doméstica está ofreciendo un día de reflexión para las mujeres que han vivido en relaciones dañinas y, a menudo creen que no son dignas, “o lo suficientemente buenas”, o incluso se consideran dañadas. Este día es para las mujeres que han escapado del abuso y están en busca de una mayor fortaleza y paz. Juntos, unámonos en la seguridad, en la oración y con la comunidad. CONCIERTO DÚO DE ÓRGANO Y PIANO: ¡HOY! El domingo 4 de octubre 2015 a las 3:00 PM, San Juan Berchmans, 2517 W. Logan Blvd. Chicago, IL 60647, presentará al dúo organistas/ pianistas Michael Surratt y Yollanda Bornhoff en un concierto musical de órgano y piano, incluyendo música de Cliffoard Demarest, Luigi Cherubini, JS Bach, Giovanni Bernardo Lucchinetti y Antonio Soler. La entrada es gratuita, pero una ofrenda voluntaria seria apreciada. Todos los ingresos beneficiarán al fondo de restauración del órgano. Sábado, 24 de octubre 2015, de 9:00 am a 3:30 pm En el Salón McDonough Parroquia St. Giles 1025 Columbian Ave, Oak Park, Illinois. 60302 El día es gratuito y se proporcionará el almuerzo. Se requiere registrarse antes del 19 de octubre. Contacto: Barb Szulc, Psy.D o 708-256-3329. EL LIBRO DE LOS MUERTOS Ayúdenos a poner fin a la violencia en nuestros hogares como un primer paso para acabar con la violencia en nuestra ciudad. El Libro de los Difuntos se encuentra en la iglesia durante el mes de octubre. Todos están invitados a escribir los nombres de sus seres queridos fallecidos en el libro. Recordaremos a todos nuestros fieles difuntos durante las liturgias del Día de los Muertos, con un servicio especial encendiendo las velas, que se celebrará a las 7pm. Si usted necesita ayuda, por favor llame a Caridades Católicas a la línea Parroquial al 312-655-7106 o a la Línea de Ayuda de Violencia Doméstica al 1-877-to-end DV (1-877-863-6338). 5 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 4, 2015 School News Thank you to Rochelle Brophy, Gretchen Kren and the entire Fall Fest committee for organizing such an amazing event. We are blessed to have you as part of our community. (And thanks to Paul Callan for the photos!) Saint John Berchmans Playgroup It’s back a better than ever! The Saint John Berchmans playgroup meets in the parish hall playroom each Thursday from 9:30am-11am. We have many great things planned for this year, including music, storytime and visits from local businesses, sharing their special talents with your little ones - along with plenty of time to play. Come join other parishioners, parents and neighbors to meet new friends, enjoy a cup of coffee and learn about our amazing school. If you have any questions regarding the playgroup, please contact Amanda Sullivan in the school office. 6 October 4, 2015 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Stewardship Report 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal Debt Reduction Program “Your Gift Gives Twice September 27, 2015 Over the course of the next few weeks, you are going to hear a lot about stewardship.You will hear about the many ways that you can share your time, your talents and your treasure.You will be encouraged to get involved, to join a ministry to share your blessings. When you participate in the all that this parish has to offer, it will become more than just a building or just a church. It will become your spiritual home; for it is when you give that you will receive. By sharing your treasure, you will help us to leave a legacy for the future generations of parishioners. The funds that we have already collected have been put to good use. We have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go. Help us make Saint John Berchmans more than just a church building, help us make it a Church community. Mass Collection Online giving at 3,085.00 2,764.48 Total Sunday Collection 5,849.48 Our weekly goal Surplus/(Shortfall) from weekly goal 7,947.00 (2,097.52) 2015-16 Fiscal Year to Date (From 7/1/15) Our goal to date Collected year to date Surplus/(Shortfall) year to date 98,750.00 88,583.30 (10,166.70) 13.00 Children’s Envelopes Thank you ~ Gracias En el transcurso de las próximas semanas, se escuchará mucho sobre la administración. Usted escuchará acerca de las muchas maneras que usted puede compartir su tiempo, talento y tesoro. Se le anima a participar, a unirse a un ministerio para compartir sus bendiciones. Cuando usted participa en todo lo que esta parroquia tiene para ofrecer, los resultados son algo más que un edificio o una iglesia. Se convertirá en su hogar espiritual; así pues, es cuando usted da, que usted recibe. Volunteer Opportunity Al compartir su tesoro, usted nos ayudará a dejar un legado para las futuras generaciones de feligreses. Los fondos que ya hemos recaudado se han utilizado grandemente. Hemos recorrido un largo camino, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer.Ayúdenos a hacer de San Juan Berchmans algo más que un edificio de la iglesia, ayúdenos a hacer una comunidad parroquial. Are you looking for an opportunity to volunteer? Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago is looking for helpful, friendly volunteers to serve as greeters at the hospitality table at 721 N. LaSalle St. in Chicago. The volunteers will welcome guests and help with the intake of clothing donations. The volunteer would serve a 2 or 3 hour shift on a Monday, Thursday, or Friday of their choice between 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. For more information email or call the Volunteer Relations department at 312-655-7322. La Campaña Católica Anual para 2015 Programa de Reducción de Deuda “Su Regalo Da Dos Veces” ONLINE GIVING TO SJB Music Notes Save the hassle of envelopes, checks, and Sunday memory lapses by giving to Saint John Berchmans online! Log on to GiveCentral to set up an account, and your weekly offering will be deducted directly from your checking or savings account. We are blessed here at St. John Berchmans to have so many people who are willing to share their time and talents in all areas of parish life. We are especially blessed when the youth of our parish are willing to help. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank high school junior and SJB graduate Jake Swinford for acting as cantor and SJB 5th grader Olivia Harrison, who played violin at the Family Mass on September 20. Their efforts helped us to pray in song. I extend an invitation to any singers or instrumentalists who are willing to help with our music ministry to contact me, Jean Tuohy, at jtuohy@, or call 773-486-4300. DONACIONES EN EL INTERNET A SJB Ahorre la molestia de los sobres, cheques y lapsos de memoria haciendo su donación semanal a San Juan Berchmans por medio del internet. Inicie sesión en GiveCentral para crear su cuenta y ofrenda semanal. Se deducirá directamente de su cuenta corriente o cuenta de ahorros. 7 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 4, 2015 Please Pray FOR THE SICK AND INFIRM OF OUR COMMUNITY For the health of Teresa Angulo, Mark Baker, Ivan Bermudez, Katarzyna Bielarz, Jim Browne, Florence Brzezinski, Frank Buttitta, Antonia Calderon, Gary Calmes, Mike Cokins, Adriana Collado, Nan Condit, Jean Condon, Brian DeLeon, Danny Doyle, Anna Duski, Edwin Duvall, Catherine Claire Flaherty, Evan Flores, Margaret Gielnewski, Ruth E. Gomez, Maureen Gramling, Dennis Hanson, Colin Hayes, Lois Hinkens, Jane Jones, Michael D. Jones, Helen Kadar, Mary Ann Kosiba, Hector Lorenzo, Alice Maestrazi, Ewing Metoyer, Kay Meyer, Humberto Moya, Katie O’Connor, Sr. Margaret Ormond, Norine Ortega, Debra Parsons, Genevieve Podraza, Rita Rattin, Fr. Paul Reicher, Jorge Rojas, Maria E. Rosario, Anastacio Salgado, Margarita Sanchez, Glydden Santiago, Rev. John Schlegel, Celeste Schwilck, Gwen Skeoch, Joseph Slocki, Aurora Tapia, Jorge Tapia, Marina Tinajero, Gladys Torres, Maria Torres, Sylvia Torres and Lucille Wozny SJB STAFF CONTACTS PASTOR: Fr. Wayne F. Watts, RESIDENT: Fr. Paul Reicher, PASTOR EMERITUS: Fr. William Gubbins DEACONS: Jorge Cabrera (773) 625.2581, Guillermo (Willie) Mendizabal, (773) 276.5502, Welcome to Our Family of Faith! DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS: Joseph P. D’Arco, DIRECTOR OF STEWARDSHIP AND LITURGY: Jennifer Cortez, DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION AND EDUCATION: Shelagh Donoghue, During the month of September, Saint John Berchmans welcomed six new members to our ever-growing family of faith through the Sacrament of Baptism. DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Jean Tuohy, SPANISH CHOIR DIRECTOR: Carlos Ortiz, Thomas William, son of Bill and Nell O’Connor PARISH SECRETARY: Guille McMahon, Jack Murphy and Claire Catherine, twin son and daughter of Matt and Katie O’Connor PRINCIPAL: Peggy Roketenetz, Sochi Angelique, daughter of Jose Cantero and Sarah Guzman ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL: Patricia Danielak, Brandon Ulises, son of Steven and Marissa Garzon DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS: Amanda Sullivan, Claire Kathleen, daughter of Kevin and Megan Marx DIRECTOR OF EVENTS: Rochelle Brophy, Congratulations! SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Judy Ciukowski, 8 October 4, 2015 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME [World Communion Sunday; Respect Life Sunday] SATURDAY, October 3 5:00pm THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr. Fernando Zuleta Commentator: Art DeLeon Lector: Ed Pennington EMHC: Gary Aistrup, Martha DeLeon Servers: A. Bagazinski, M. Bagazinski, E. Ham THURSDAY, October 8 – Weekday 7:00am ALL SOULS REMEMBRANCE Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts FRIDAY, October 9 – Weekday 8:30am THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME [Vocation Awareness Sunday] SATURDAY, October 10 5:00pm +ALAN “SKIP” BREZINSKI +YVONNE LUGO Presider: Fr. Augustin Vondou Commentator: Jennifer Cortez Lector: Art DeLeon EMHC: Martha DeLeon, Cathy Whinna Servers: C. Cardona, C. Cardona, A. Rios SUNDAY, October 4 8:15am +WILLIAM STANLEY Presider: Fr. Kevin Birmingham Commentator: Anna Wozny-Ramirez Lector: Olga Perez EMHC: Fabiola Guerrero, Pedro Guerrero, Kevin VanRenterghem Altar Servers: A. Bui, J. Bui 9:45am +HANNAH CAHILL ROSAURA DIAZ (BIRTHDAY) Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts Commentator: Joseph Harrison Lector: Kathleen Dillon Narko, Luis Cuevas EMHC: Lucie Cleary, Noreen Russo, Rocio Valdivia Altar Servers: A. Moulton, R. Rojas, R. Rojas SUNDAY, October 11 8:15am +NANCY J., NANCY M., AND MARY A. BRAVATA Presider: Fr. Kevin Birmingham Commentator: Kathleen Burnett Lector: Anna Wozny-Ramirez EMHC: Jeff Bowen, Nancy Krause, Peggy Roketenetz Altar Servers: L. Santiago, N. Swinford 11:30am +ALBERTO ZUÑIGA +MIGUEL C. RIVERA Oficiante: Pd.Wayne F.Watts Diácono/Homilista: Jorge Cabrera Comentarista/Peticiones: Maria Gudino Lectores: Esther Castro, Ivette Gudino MESC: Rosa Rodriguez, Rosaura Diaz, Estela Izaguirre,Wanda Reyes Monaguillos: M. Cerrillo, D. Uruchima, J. Uruchima 9:45am +WINIFRED DUFFY +ELI ROSE Presider: Fr. Kevin Birmingham Commentator: Jeff McClusky Lector: Jill McClusky, Ed Pennington EMHC: Mark Dombrowski, Joyana Dvorak, Joe Glunz Altar Servers: B. Amil, E. Glunz, J.Valentin 6:30pm THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts Commentator: Kitty Tunca Lector: Joseph Barletta EMHC: Carlos Fernandez, Mary Jane Fernandez, Orlando Guerra Altar Servers: J. Guerra, R. Guerra, N. Reginiewicz 11:30am +CARMELO ZUÑIGA +MICHAEL WILSON LORENZO Oficiante: Pd.Wayne F.Watts Diácono: Guillermo Mendizabal Comentarista/Peticiones: Maria Mendizabal Lectores: Manuel Cerrillo, Esther Uruchima MESC: Maria y Mario Gudino, Gabby Uruchima, Ivette Gudino Monaguillos: I. Ibarra, D. Rodriguez, D. Uruchima MONDAY, October 5 – Weekday 7:00am CESARIA ZUÑIGA Presider: Fr. Kevin Birmingham 6:30pm THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts Commentator: Kathleen Kania Lector: Kitty Tunca EMHC: Ken Krizanic, Kate McCormick, Phillip Ramirez Altar Servers: J. Badillo, R. Kania, S. Reyes TUESDAY, October 6 – Weekday [Saint Bruno, Priest; Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher,Virgin] 7:00am JOEL ZUÑIGA Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts All are Welcome at St. John Berchmans! WEDNESDAY, September 30 – Our Lady of the Rosary 7:00am +FRANK MURPHY Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts If you are new to our church or just visiting, please stop and introduce yourself. We are happy to have you share in today’s celebration of the Eucharist. If you do not have a church home, we invite you to become a part of our parish family. 9 1354 West Wabansia Chicago, Illinois USA BOULEVARD BIKES JANE KAMINSKI SIMERS CASEY LASKOWSKI & SONS Expert Sales & Service Wills, Trusts, and Decedents’ Estates Pre-Arrangements Available 2535 N. Kedzie 773-235-9109 ATTORNEY AT LAW 2729 N. Francisco Tel: 773-342-4020 Parishioner of St. John Berchmans Classic Hand Car Wash 4540-50 W. Diversey (773) 777-6300 Serving the Neighborhood Since 1979 EARLE JOHNSON-Proprietor 2933 N. 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Milwaukee Ave. 773-252-2900 FOREMOST LIQUORS “Wines & Liquors Of The World” 2300 N. Milwaukee (At California) 278-9420 (Free Parking Available) A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Owned and operated by the Bob Smith Family Since 1912 • Complete funeral arrangements • Cremation services • Funeral preplanning • Out-of-town arrangements • Monuments 000599 St John Berchmans Church Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 773-471-1444 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170